Why do people think that polygamy is inherently abusive?

Hm. I see.
...sure... NOT!

Hell, I admitted polygamy is not abusive, yet, you want to attack the sinful part.

are you Mormon?
Eh. I mean, I guess your take on it makes sense from a contemporary Abrahamic viewpoint. I never considered that there could be a religious element to the opposition towards that lifestyle.

Personally, from a totally SECULAR viewpoint, I have NO PROBLEM with it.
But, because my authority and "Lord" is God, I feel in my heart, he would prefer the "one man/one woman" marriage as was set out in the perfect life from the beginning.....

I do feel that polygamy, from the SECULAR viewpoint, should go both ways (meaning, women can have multiple husbands...)
But it was God's original "perfect" plan for marriage to be "one man married to one woman".
Nope ..... :cool:

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife [not wives], and they will become one flesh [not fleshes]” (Genesis 2:24).... consistent use of the singular should be noted. In Deuteronomy 17, God says that the kings were not supposed to multiply wives (or horses or gold).....
I do feel that polygamy, from the SECULAR viewpoint, should go both ways (meaning, women can have multiple husbands...)
In all honesty there's no reason it couldn't or shouldn't. I can admit to being hypocritical in that I wouldn't want to share with another man but I'd still support the right for any woman to do so.
every polygamy group abused children

Its evil

Do you think the polygamy "caused" the abuse?
As a Christian, I am against Polygamy, but, in and of itself, don't consider it to be abusive.
there are plenty of monogamous/male-female relationships with child abuse.
Even single parents (all the more ... but I think that is due to stress levels.. but, maybe the same with polygamy, which would induce stress).

Women view sex as love, and love as exclusive.
It's not "normal" for women to be receptive to multiple spouses.
I'd rather be single with my options open.. but since I took a marriage vow, it's one man for me until death.
Ideally everyone would view sex as a physical expression of love. Love, sex, and marriage are kind of the foundation of each other - and of a society that cares about its own survival.
In Deuteronomy 17, God says that the kings were not supposed to multiply wives (or horses or gold).....
You need to read the surrounding verses.

God says for the King not to acquire "great" numbers of horses, wives, and gold and silver.

Basically don't be greedy because all of these material possessions will turn your heart away from worshipping the Lord God. .... :cool:
In Deuteronomy 17, God says that the kings were not supposed to multiply wives (or horses or gold).....
You need to read the surrounding verses.

God says for the King not to acquire "great" numbers of horses, wives, and gold and silver.

Basically don't be greedy because all of these possessions will turn your heart away from worshipping the Lord God. .... :cool:
I'm going to have to condemn this verse just because it implies that you possess your wives then. That kind of mindset is exactly what we don't need.
In Deuteronomy 17, God says that the kings were not supposed to multiply wives (or horses or gold).....
You need to read the surrounding verses.

God says for the King not to acquire "great" numbers of horses, wives, and gold and silver.

Basically don't be greedy because all of these material possessions will turn your heart away from worshipping the Lord God. .... :cool:

If God's 'perfect' plan was for men to have multiple wives, he would have given Adam Eve, Laura and Stephanie.
when a couple is married, they are to love each other.
it's not ownership as much as it is a "merger".
they become part of one another.
ownership and control have no place in a marriage.
polygamy is evil

it gets children abused

that is what history shows
Single parents, straight monogamous parents, gay monogamous parents, polyandrous parents, and polygynist parents can all be abusers. It's not the family arrangement. It's the people involved in it. Someone prone to abusing a child will do so if the opportunity presents itself.

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