Why do progressives attempt to paint the Confederates as rightwingers?

Conservatives never fail to hide behind the skirts of the Republican party to justify their Conservatism. One might think that the modern Conservative would hold Republican President Theodore Roosevelt as a hero, until Roosevelt's record of populist reform and progressive agenda are brought to light.

Confederates were, and remain Conservativ e in political ideology. Unless some Conservative wants to paint Lester Maddox, George Wallace and Strom Thurmond as patchouli smelling, Birkenstock wearing tree hugging Liberals.
Lincoln should have let the Union army continue to bitch slap you confederate bastards rather than to show compassion and let you keep you land.
To the victors go the spoils.
Damn Lincoln.

Listen up progs, when you guys wanna compensate us for our STOLEN SLAVES, we'll listen. Til then, just keep sending us our federal program money and STAY THE HELL AWAY.... unless you wanna visit a casino.
Son, we all have. You would get an F in high school freshman history class for this nonsense.

No I wouldn't. This is all historically accurate. . . . and Marx? How can you deny his socialist tendencies after this?

Regardless, he certainly isn't a conservative by any means. He was a progressive with socialist sympathies.

Your interpretation of your "historically accurate" "facts", if you insisted on appealing to the Department and Division Directors and on to the Dean of Instruction, would result in your suspension from school.

Your interp is wrong. Lincoln was a Whig, not a progressive or a socialist as we understand the terms today.

You wish to use "present-ism" in interpreting Lincoln: you can't because it gives the wrong conclusion.

Yes, he was a progressive with socialist tendencies, read the post. He was of course part of the Whig Party prior to the Republican Party, this doesn't negate his political ideology however.
But would a socialist give all that land to private railroads?..... (jeopardy song playing ......) Of couse he would! Obama gave Wall St all that money, and he's a Kenyan Muslim Socialist Bill Ayers Lover. It makes perfect sense now.
But would a socialist give all that land to private railroads?..... (jeopardy song playing ......) Of couse he would! Obama gave Wall St all that money, and he's a Kenyan Muslim Socialist Bill Ayers Lover. It makes perfect sense now.

Both are examples of Corporatism. Corporate Socialism.
No, I know the word I am looking for. Segregation implies separate but equal. That is, sharing a government and a country. Segregation obviously failed, it led to integration and non-white rule(see South Africa, Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe), the United States), just to name a few.

I am talking about a country for Whites only.

Kentucky is 90% white and it's listed 9th on the list of "welfare states". 150 years of conservative policies have ruined every southern state.
Right, how about Detroit? Is that a valid analogy for the success of liberal policy?

Detroit was the victim of the Free Trade Agreements. Both parties are to blame for the exporting of manufacturing jobs.
Lincoln should have let the Union army continue to bitch slap you confederate bastards rather than to show compassion and let you keep you land.
To the victors go the spoils.
Damn Lincoln.

Listen up progs, when you guys wanna compensate us for our STOLEN SLAVES, we'll listen. Til then, just keep sending us our federal program money and STAY THE HELL AWAY.... unless you wanna visit a casino.

But still the Yankee aggressors gave up and by 1877 all the occupation forces left and the South was free, well the white south was free anyway......
Kentucky is 90% white and it's listed 9th on the list of "welfare states". 150 years of conservative policies have ruined every southern state.
Right, how about Detroit? Is that a valid analogy for the success of liberal policy?

Detroit was the victim of the Free Trade Agreements. Both parties are to blame for the exporting of manufacturing jobs.

Oh, I don't know. Detroit predated the free trade stuff. Sure the UAW was turning out crap compared to toyota, but the entire designs of the Vega and Pinto were crap.

I had a 72 Malibu that was a nice car, but once Toyota's Camry got that big ... hasta la vista ... at least for a little while.
Right, how about Detroit? Is that a valid analogy for the success of liberal policy?

Detroit was the victim of the Free Trade Agreements. Both parties are to blame for the exporting of manufacturing jobs.

Oh, I don't know. Detroit predated the free trade stuff. Sure the UAW was turning out crap compared to toyota, but the entire designs of the Vega and Pinto were crap.

I had a 72 Malibu that was a nice car, but once Toyota's Camry got that big ... hasta la vista ... at least for a little while.

Oh there is no doubt that after the first oil crisis in 1973 Americans took a double take at their gas guzzling muscle cars and started eyeing the economical Toyota's and Datsun's. Especially after the 1979 crisis. Automation put a lot of people out of work but the factories were still here. Not so much anymore.
But would a socialist give all that land to private railroads?..... (jeopardy song playing ......) Of couse he would! Obama gave Wall St all that money, and he's a Kenyan Muslim Socialist Bill Ayers Lover. It makes perfect sense now.

OMG, bendog, thank you thank you for showing me the light. Abraham Obama!
But would a socialist give all that land to private railroads?..... (jeopardy song playing ......) Of couse he would! Obama gave Wall St all that money, and he's a Kenyan Muslim Socialist Bill Ayers Lover. It makes perfect sense now.

Both are examples of Corporatism. Corporate Socialism.

An extremely primitive form of rightwing proto-fascism if you wish.
"It was one of the compromises of the Constitution that the slave property in the Southern States should be recognized as property throughout the United States."

Jefferson Davis
It's funny that you would consider an entity to bring equality to another entity being unjustly held in captivity as an aggressor, but that shows how little one thinks of humanity.
They did not give up. Research the reason a little to understand.
But the UNION army should have taken all the traitors to a prison camp and given them a taste of what they felt was their right to do to another.
The southern slave owners need to be put into hell for the rest of their lives, and their families.

Lincoln should have let the Union army continue to bitch slap you confederate bastards rather than to show compassion and let you keep you land.
To the victors go the spoils.
Damn Lincoln.

Listen up progs, when you guys wanna compensate us for our STOLEN SLAVES, we'll listen. Til then, just keep sending us our federal program money and STAY THE HELL AWAY.... unless you wanna visit a casino.

But still the Yankee aggressors gave up and by 1877 all the occupation forces left and the South was free, well the white south was free anyway......
It's funny that you would consider an entity to bring equality to another entity being unjustly held in captivity as an aggressor, but that shows how little one thinks of humanity.

The issue was how not if to abolish slavery.

Constitutionally upheld, SCOTUS affirmed rights require Constitutional amendment.

Not provocation of war.
Funny how code words can make you react. My code words were "confederate bastards". Since it was my ancestors you're talking about I thought I'd give it right back to you. However, the last 7 word should have clued you in to the irony of how I feel about slavery and the injustice the entire nation heaped upon the freed slaves for a century or so after that failed war for Southern Independence.

It's funny that you would consider an entity to bring equality to another entity being unjustly held in captivity as an aggressor, but that shows how little one thinks of humanity.
They did not give up. Research the reason a little to understand.
But the UNION army should have taken all the traitors to a prison camp and given them a taste of what they felt was their right to do to another.
The southern slave owners need to be put into hell for the rest of their lives, and their families.

Lincoln should have let the Union army continue to bitch slap you confederate bastards rather than to show compassion and let you keep you land.
To the victors go the spoils.
Damn Lincoln.

But still the Yankee aggressors gave up and by 1877 all the occupation forces left and the South was free, well the white south was free anyway......
Kentucky is 90% white and it's listed 9th on the list of "welfare states". 150 years of conservative policies have ruined every southern state.

List of Governors of Kentucky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of the 38 governors who have served in the last 150 years, 31 have been Democrats.

That's 82%.

Reality once again kicks Derp's ass.
Yes, Conservative Democrats, who would now be republicans.
You don't know they were all conservative Dems. You CAN'T know that.

So you made it up.

You too. Find me a quote from a conservative calling for slavery.

Good Gaea, it sure would be nice if you idiots could think for yourselves.

"If slavery be a sin, it is not yours. It does not rest on your action for its origin, on your consent for its existence. It is a common law right to property in the service of man; its origin was Divine decree."

"African slavery, as it exists in the United States, is a moral, a social, and a political blessing."

"My own convictions as to negro slavery are strong. It has its evils and abuses...We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."

That would be Jefferson Davis..

Monument Avenue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh? Jeff's still alive and is a TEA Party member?

Kentucky is 90% white and it's listed 9th on the list of "welfare states". 150 years of conservative policies have ruined every southern state.

List of Governors of Kentucky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of the 38 governors who have served in the last 150 years, 31 have been Democrats.

That's 82%.

Reality once again kicks Derp's ass.

Yes..and they were probably all Conservatives.
Yes, progressives can make themselves believe anything.

What's you're "sure" about is worthless. For instance, you're sure Obama is a good President.

Nope, that is historical fact in context.

You have been programmed to believe reactionary revisionism, which does not reflect the truth at all.

You are a victim of reactionary propaganda, little tool.
That's nice. Run along, now.

Hush, now, the adults are talking.

No, boy. If you can't factually refute my claims -- and you never can -- I'm under no obligation to be quiet because your panties get in a wad over disagreement.

Man up, boy.
Conservatives never fail to hide behind the skirts of the Republican party to justify their Conservatism. One might think that the modern Conservative would hold Republican President Theodore Roosevelt as a hero, until Roosevelt's record of populist reform and progressive agenda are brought to light.

Confederates were, and remain Conservativ e in political ideology. Unless some Conservative wants to paint Lester Maddox, George Wallace and Strom Thurmond as patchouli smelling, Birkenstock wearing tree hugging Liberals.
You presuppose that liberals cannot be racist.

A ridiculous notion, to be sure.

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