Why do progressives attempt to paint the Confederates as rightwingers?

Using your own bigotry as "proof" that others are bigoted proves only that YOU'RE a bigot.

Wallace was a real Conservative, you wouldn't know anything about that. Modern day "Conservatives" are Center Left or Centrist at best in traditional terms of left wing and right wing.
Yeah, not really, n00b who's been here just a few days and hasn't read but a tiny fraction of my posts. But thanks for playing!

I don't care about your posts really. You just don't understand the history of the terms left wing and right wing.
It frightens the bejeesus out of a modern day faux conservative that 50 years ago they would have fit right in with the Southern Democratic platform of states rights, anti-federal government, haters of welfare and Medicare, and anti-communism. The very idea that DEMOCRATS believe in these things just cannot penetrate their skulls.

This concept is so repulsive and alien to them they are forced to reject reality and invent an alternate history.

They aren't "conservatives". They merely root for the "R Team". So anything the "R Team" has done or does is "conservative"(their word for "good"), and anything the "D Team does is "progressive"(their word for "bad").
If you'd been here longer, you would find most conservatives here criticizing the GOP for being Dem Party Lite.

Perhaps you should not speak of things with which you're so obviously unfamiliar.
The Civil Rights Bill was not a Democrat v Republican issue. It was a North\South Issue. Most votes in favor of it were from the Northern states. Most votes against were from the South.

Historically the Democratic party in the 1860 was the party of white men. But then again Lincoln was also racist. Trying to compare the parties of 2013 with the parties of the 1860's is just plain dumb.
I'm not making a comparison.

I'm trying to get leftists to acknowledge reality.

It's a tough sell.

Modern day reality (after LBJ), or the reality of 1860?
Both, actually. Leftists are old hands at ignoring reality.
It's a false designation, it means nothing because it means something different to every person. It's a worthless word that is used to discredit people without providing a substantive argument.

How about we go with the traditional White supremacy!

I don't want to be supreme over any other race. I want Separation. White Separatism would be the correct phrase.
Oh. You're one of THOSE idiots.

Toodle on back to Stormfront, skinhead.
It takes a world class liar to assert this nonsense and only world class idiots believe it.

It's no shock to see PoliticalChic doing the lying and Daveman lapping it up.
...says the idiot prog who desperately wants to believe Lincoln was a Democrat. :lol:

As opposed to the right wingers who want to believe he was a "confederate". Was he?
I don't want to be supreme over any other race. I want Separation. White Separatism would be the correct phrase.
I think the word you're looking for is segregation.

No, I know the word I am looking for. Segregation implies separate but equal. That is, sharing a government and a country. Segregation obviously failed, it led to integration and non-white rule(see South Africa, Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe), the United States), just to name a few.

I am talking about a country for Whites only.
You could try Antarctica. I hear it's very white down there.

Bye now! Write if you get work!
Cheap labor is a conservative sacrement.

And there's no cheaper labor than slave labor.
Yeah. Find me a quote from a conservative calling for slavery. And no, "Everybody KNOWS that's what they want!" is not admissible.
And there ya go, ladies and gentlemen.

I give him credit for at least being honest and civil about his views, instead of trying all sorts of "clever" or ignorant and insulting ways to convey the same message like some of these phonies and clowns do.

Many of the phonies and clowns have no idea their rhetoric's wellspring is White Nationalism.
Is this some of that "dog whistle" horseshit? You know, where the progressive really means "I don't like what he said, but I can't rationally argue against it, so I'll just claim he's a racist and hope he shuts up"?
I don't want to be supreme over any other race. I want Separation. White Separatism would be the correct phrase.
I think the word you're looking for is segregation.

No, I know the word I am looking for. Segregation implies separate but equal. That is, sharing a government and a country. Segregation obviously failed, it led to integration and non-white rule(see South Africa, Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe), the United States), just to name a few.

I am talking about a country for Whites only.

Kentucky is 90% white and it's listed 9th on the list of "welfare states". 150 years of conservative policies have ruined every southern state.
No, I know the word I am looking for. Segregation implies separate but equal. That is, sharing a government and a country. Segregation obviously failed, it led to integration and non-white rule(see South Africa, Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe), the United States), just to name a few.

I am talking about a country for Whites only.
Are you going to allow Jews in your country?

I would only allow Whites into my country.

Why do you ask?
You're destined to go through life bitter and disappointed.

Just pointing out the obvious, here.
Wallace was a real Conservative, you wouldn't know anything about that. Modern day "Conservatives" are Center Left or Centrist at best in traditional terms of left wing and right wing.
Yeah, not really, n00b who's been here just a few days and hasn't read but a tiny fraction of my posts. But thanks for playing!

I don't care about your posts really. You just don't understand the history of the terms left wing and right wing.
You're in no position to lecture anyone, dumbass.
It takes a world class liar to assert this nonsense and only world class idiots believe it.

It's no shock to see PoliticalChic doing the lying and Daveman lapping it up.
...says the idiot prog who desperately wants to believe Lincoln was a Democrat. :lol:

As opposed to the right wingers who want to believe he was a "confederate". Was he?
No. And I've never claimed he was.

Is the Fen River in Texas?
I think the word you're looking for is segregation.

No, I know the word I am looking for. Segregation implies separate but equal. That is, sharing a government and a country. Segregation obviously failed, it led to integration and non-white rule(see South Africa, Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe), the United States), just to name a few.

I am talking about a country for Whites only.

Kentucky is 90% white and it's listed 9th on the list of "welfare states". 150 years of conservative policies have ruined every southern state.

List of Governors of Kentucky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of the 38 governors who have served in the last 150 years, 31 have been Democrats.

That's 82%.

Reality once again kicks Derp's ass.
I think the word you're looking for is segregation.

No, I know the word I am looking for. Segregation implies separate but equal. That is, sharing a government and a country. Segregation obviously failed, it led to integration and non-white rule(see South Africa, Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe), the United States), just to name a few.

I am talking about a country for Whites only.

Kentucky is 90% white and it's listed 9th on the list of "welfare states". 150 years of conservative policies have ruined every southern state.

Fuck you.

I challenged you before on how States have become.

I will do you again. No I shall do you again.

Tired tonight not in my mommy's basement wrapping up my yard before minus 40 hits.

I will do you on this whether you have the balls to come at me or not You need to be taken to the wood shed.

I will take you there.
No, I know the word I am looking for. Segregation implies separate but equal. That is, sharing a government and a country. Segregation obviously failed, it led to integration and non-white rule(see South Africa, Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe), the United States), just to name a few.

I am talking about a country for Whites only.

Kentucky is 90% white and it's listed 9th on the list of "welfare states". 150 years of conservative policies have ruined every southern state.

List of Governors of Kentucky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of the 38 governors who have served in the last 150 years, 31 have been Democrats.

That's 82%.

Reality once again kicks Derp's ass.

I've had it with him. Give me a couple of days. I'm tired of assholes like him so it's worth the fight.

But watch what happens when I give it. :eusa_angel:

I'm a Boone and I do not fuck around.
No, I know the word I am looking for. Segregation implies separate but equal. That is, sharing a government and a country. Segregation obviously failed, it led to integration and non-white rule(see South Africa, Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe), the United States), just to name a few.

I am talking about a country for Whites only.

Kentucky is 90% white and it's listed 9th on the list of "welfare states". 150 years of conservative policies have ruined every southern state.

List of Governors of Kentucky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of the 38 governors who have served in the last 150 years, 31 have been Democrats.

That's 82%.

Reality once again kicks Derp's ass.
Yes, Conservative Democrats, who would now be republicans.
I think the word you're looking for is segregation.

No, I know the word I am looking for. Segregation implies separate but equal. That is, sharing a government and a country. Segregation obviously failed, it led to integration and non-white rule(see South Africa, Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe), the United States), just to name a few.

I am talking about a country for Whites only.

Kentucky is 90% white and it's listed 9th on the list of "welfare states". 150 years of conservative policies have ruined every southern state.
Kentucky, ruined? WTF, I would live there over most states degenerate third world hell holes called American states.
Cheap labor is a conservative sacrement.

And there's no cheaper labor than slave labor.
You too. Find me a quote from a conservative calling for slavery.

Good Gaea, it sure would be nice if you idiots could think for yourselves.

"If slavery be a sin, it is not yours. It does not rest on your action for its origin, on your consent for its existence. It is a common law right to property in the service of man; its origin was Divine decree."

"African slavery, as it exists in the United States, is a moral, a social, and a political blessing."

"My own convictions as to negro slavery are strong. It has its evils and abuses...We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."

That would be Jefferson Davis..

Monument Avenue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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