Why do Republicans say Democrat Party instead of Democratic Party?

The fact that R's so consistently say Democrat instead of Democratic has always fascinated me.

Is there a Republican rule book that gets handed out once you get elected? Do they get threatened with fines if they say Democratic?

When that North Carolina Democrat defected to the R's earlier this year, she immediately started saying Democrat Party instead of Democratic Party. It was kind of hilarious.

I'm guessing that only some of them realize that it's an insult. That's being charitable. They're mostly too stupid too realize that when they say it they sound like illiterate morons. But I guess some of them think they're being clever, since their only purpose in life, besides protecting the wealthy, is to annoy Democrats.

Anyway, if you need any proof that the party is a cult, you can start with this behavior.

Democrats aren't democratic.
Why do you take it as an insult?

Every democrat I know has referred to themselves as a democrat…maybe that’s why..

But I guess I get why someone today would want to distance themselves from that
My guess is that you were a poor English student.
Yeah, as I said earlier, it's the R's who are constantly telling us the U.S. is not a democracy but a republic.
You’ve been told….there is nothing democratic about the Democrat Party.
It’s just that simple…become a legitimate human being and you’ll understand.
The fact that R's so consistently say Democrat instead of Democratic has always fascinated me.

Is there a Republican rule book that gets handed out once you get elected? Do they get threatened with fines if they say Democratic?

When that North Carolina Democrat defected to the R's earlier this year, she immediately started saying Democrat Party instead of Democratic Party. It was kind of hilarious.

I'm guessing that only some of them realize that it's an insult. That's being charitable. They're mostly too stupid too realize that when they say it they sound like illiterate morons. But I guess some of them think they're being clever, since their only purpose in life, besides protecting the wealthy, is to annoy Democrats.

Anyway, if you need any proof that the party is a cult, you can start with this behavior.

LMAO, It is because there is NOTHING democratic about that party. Don't you think it a bit ironic that you used the same word twice in your post in the context that you are decrying? Cult. LMAO. I think you are a moron DEMOCRAT.

Why do Republicans say Democrat Party instead of Democratic Party?​

Because that is their name. They are the Democrats, not the Democratics; worse, there is nothing "democratic" about the fascist/Marxist lock-step policies and proclivities of the modern democrat. In that regard, the GOP is actually much more democratic in the sense of this is why they seldom march together in lock step, instead, having individual ideas, directions, and wishes.
This is funny coming from a member of the party that keeps on insisting that we're not a democracy but a republic.

What part of: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, do you not understand?

A democracy is mob rule. What the majority wants, they get, meaning, if 51% of the people want to take your property, they can take it.

The word 'REPUBLIC' comes from the Latin Res Publica, meaning, the public law, or, the law is the thing, referring to the fact that our society is based not on the majority rules, but on LAWS. That way, even if the majority want your property, the law protects you, and we are guided by a set of rules we all agree with and adhere to, thus we are a Republic. A Constitutional Republic.

Besides, there are no true democracies; careful study reveals that democracies are only a transitory state, and they all eventually transition into an oligarchy.

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