Why do RWs spend so much energy on demonizing democrats yet make no effort to defend republicans?

How dumb are you? This happened during the Great Recession. Obviously it was appropriate to do it.

First of all - as bad as the Obama economy was (and still is), lets not go all hyperbole referring to it as "the Great Recession" when the Jimmy Carter economy was considerably worse. I love how in 2008 liberals tried to downplay everything and blame Bush and now that things are better, they try to make it sound catastrophic so they can make it sound like Obama did something amazing job improving things.

The fact is, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid destroyed the world economy. The American people turned over tons of states, counties, cities, and the House to conservatives in the 2010 mid-terms. That started to turn things for the better as conservative policy as always does.
Um no this was the worst recession. We lost 8 million jobs in 9 months. You need to accept that.
I accept it just fine. Still nothing compared to the Jimmy Carter economy. Did you ever ONCE have to wait in line for gas only to find your station had run out? People couldn't even get gasoline during the Jimmy Carter economy. They would wait in line for hours and once a station finally got some it would run out by the time it was their turn at the pump. Interests rates were an outrageous 22%. Getting a loan for $100,000 home meant paying an astounding $661,000 over the life of a standard 30 year mortgage. Ever see that in 2008? On top of it all, unemployment hit 7.9% under Carter.

Sorry chief - I think it's safe to say you weren't around in the Carter years and you clearly don't study history. Things were awful under Obama (third worst economy in U.S. history). They were worse under Jimmy Carter.
Actually no. The big fuck up Bush recession ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. Keep in mind that recession still started despite his ridiculous tax cuts. Job growth altogether was pathetic under Bush. According to the CBO, the stimulus created 3 million private jobs. From there, we have had NON STOP job growth. The longest streak for any president in history. Suck on that.
The Bush tax cuts were 2003 genius. The crash was late 2008 and 2009. Five years later. And we have not had "non stop job growth". Nothing could be further from the truth. That simply liberal propaganda that you accept instead of questioning what they feed you and looking for the truth. And again - what job growth there has been was the result of every state, county, city, and both the House and Senate being turned over to conservatives. Things were so bad that even hard-core left states like Wisconsin and Michigan were turned over to conservatives.

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