Why do so many here want the Obama boat to sink???

The fact that NO ONE in the majority questioned the Jones appointment should be concerning to everyone.

Anfd the new FCC cheif and his knocking of the free press in Venezuela for derailing Chavez' agenda.....?

That too does not concern anyone?

I think it is a fair call re Jones, but so was the energy lobbyists during Bush's admin. I always think the US needs a third party. The main two are looking tired and seem to have run out of ideas IMO..

I couldn't care less if the FCC are having a go at the Venezuelan press. He's allowed an opinion as are they...

He is alloowed his opinion...but he is in charge of the FCC and he feels the free press was DETERRANT to Chavez's agenda.

Which means he either supports chavez' agenda or is against the free press.

Either way....he is the wrong man for America...especially one who controls the press!

As for a 3rd party...we have one.

The press refuse to recognize it....giving it little to no credibility.
I don't understand why republicans are mad at Obama for the bailouts when it was Bush who bailed the banks out. and yes, there would have been a depression far worse than 1929 if he hadn't bailed them out.

We were mad at him too. Disagree about the fallout too.

dude, when the first bailout bill failed, the market lost thousands of points. without those banks, there is no money for businesses to borrow from. the economy would have crumbled. Bush's advisors even said so.
I don't understand why republicans are mad at Obama for the bailouts when it was Bush who bailed the banks out. and yes, there would have been a depression far worse than 1929 if he hadn't bailed them out.

We were mad at him too. Disagree about the fallout too.

dude, when the first bailout bill failed, the market lost thousands of points. without those banks, there is no money for businesses to borrow from. the economy would have crumbled. Bush's advisors even said so.

Don't believe everything you are told. Who owns the Mortgages? Who gained by Taxes brought by inflated values? Who stood to loose? Why couldn't they even be valued? They were in Flux? Why were they in Flux? Why do the Banks look so good right now? Why do the rules change after they deal and look at their cards? Oil prices are so convenient right now.
You think the US economy has been in the shit for the past 2-3 years, that ain't nothing compared to what it would have been WITHOUT the bail out. It would have made the great depression look like a 4th July picnic....No conservative understands that. With Cons it's all about me, me, me. mine, mine, mine. Never have I met a more selfish, self-absorbed group of people as the American neocon whackjob...(not saying you are BTW, just in general)

Pure speculation!

Then you have absolutely no idea what was going on...

I have a better grasp of what's going on than a kool-aid drinker such as yourself. Van Jones should be more aof a concern to you as well as Mark Lloyd the new FCC czar, media czar, diversity officer or whatever the fuck they call him.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysqsa_TeLys]YouTube - NCMR 2008 Media Reform and Social Change w/Mark Lloyd 1/2[/ame]
First, it was nothing different that the liberals wanting Bush to fail!
Second, true Americans don't want him to fail. I don't want him to fail. I actually want to see the public option. Even McCain who lost to him stated we should respect Obama as our President.
Third, there is a difference from disagreeing with a man's policies and thinking they will fail from hoping he will fail!

I am not a republican or a democrat.

Here is what I don't understand.

The past administration drove this country into the ground.

I am not a big Obama fan, but shouldn't we at least give the guy a chance?

Why are soo many people here hoping and praying that he fails?

We are all in the same sinking boat.

Shouldn't we all be cheering for him to turn the country around and get us out of this mess ?
First, it was nothing different that the liberals wanting Bush to fail!
Second, true Americans don't want him to fail. I don't want him to fail. I actually want to see the public option. Even McCain who lost to him stated we should respect Obama as our President.
Third, there is a difference from disagreeing with a man's policies and thinking they will fail from hoping he will fail!

I am not a republican or a democrat.

Here is what I don't understand.

The past administration drove this country into the ground.

I am not a big Obama fan, but shouldn't we at least give the guy a chance?

Why are soo many people here hoping and praying that he fails?

We are all in the same sinking boat.

Shouldn't we all be cheering for him to turn the country around and get us out of this mess ?

I disagree...but not saying you are wrong.

When in a recession, things are fragile. Anything can spark a positive change and anything can spark a negative change.

A top CEO in a fortune 10 company can resign and it can cause some sort of change....good or bad.

Best bet is to let nature take its course in a recession...as a recession is usually caused by factors that are based on demand for goods and services and such demand DOES change based on longevity of products, planned obsolescence. market saturation, etc.

My concern is the economy turning around and it being credited to 1 trillion in spending giving Americans reason to believe it was the trillion dollars....and then everytime typical market trends result in a downturn, we will simply borrow another trillion dollars to fix it....

No...I do NOT want the stimulus to work...I want it to fail.....No, I do not want the economy to go further in the dumps...I simply want it to recover with some proof that it was NOT the stimulus...

But, alas, no matter what happens....the shit will be the same.....a recovery will be "thanks for the stimulus" and no recovery will be "despite the stimulus, Bush screwed things up so much, even a trillion dollars couldnt help."
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Still waiting fellows...
Show me where the Government "owns my life"

Save me this "slippery slope" garbage. Czars are advisors nothing more. They have no regulatory responsibility. But to the paranoid right wingers

"Czars....that sounds Russian, that must mean they are dictators"

Chicken Little is alive and well and running through the republican right wing

I disagree, these Czars(I don't give a shit what you call them either, it's irrelevant), are in positions to have a great influence on shaping policy, with that advice. They should be going through the same approval process as other Presidential appointees. There is only one reason not to go through the senate, and have their past scrutinized.
Most of the Czars likely don't have anything to hide, but a few are downright scary, if you look at their past objectively.

Not to mention that I believe it's another layer of government we don't need. I don't know the cost, but it must be significant for all the Czars, their staff, and administration costs.
We the people elect individuals to Washington, to represent us and have our input on policy. They are therefore held accountable by those same voters, where these Czars are accountable to nobody but whoever sits in the Whitehouse.

Bush was wrong to take it to an extreme level compared to previous Admins, and it's still wrong for Obama to take the numbers even higher.
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Big gap between complaining and bitching, V.S. Governing.

As Bush 43 found out....he jsut wasn't cut out for it. Now you have somebody else trying to clean up his mess...go figure....

how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

The conditions, that required financial support as prescribed by almost everyone with knowledge on the subject, that became clear about two years ago were a direct result of the amount and quality of regulation in the financial market.

There were two choices available at first then Bush narrowed the options as he set the mechanics in motion with the first TARP package.

The damage to our financial sector was estimated to be upwards of thirty trillion dollars from the speculators and those that folded bad debt so deep into the accumulated mortgages for resale that there was no fix possible.

We will probably spend ten - twenty percent of that to keep the financial sector intact with most of that being repaid back to the government. No one seems to notice that the bulk of the bailouts are loans that have already been paid back to a large degree.

So let me ask you a serious question. Since you believe Obamma is wasting tax payers money with bail outs.. Can you enlighten us on how you envision our world today if no action had been taken and the whole banking/investment sector imploded? And would that be Obammas fault also if he did nothing?
Still waiting fellows...
Show me where the Government "owns my life"

Save me this "slippery slope" garbage. Czars are advisors nothing more. They have no regulatory responsibility. But to the paranoid right wingers

"Czars....that sounds Russian, that must mean they are dictators"

Chicken Little is alive and well and running through the republican right wing

I disagree, these Czars(I don't give a shit what you call them either, it's irrelevant), are in positions to have a great influence on shaping policy, with that advice. They should be going through the same approval process as other Presidential appointees. There is only one reason not to go through the senate, and have their past scrutinized.
Most of the Czars likely don't have anything to hide, but a few are downright scary, if you look at their past objectively.

Not to mention that I believe it's another layer of government we don't need. I don't know the cost, but it must be significant for all the Czars, their staff, and administration costs.
We the people elect individuals to Washington, to represent us and have our input on policy. They are therefore held accountable by those same voters, where these Czars are accountable to nobody but whoever sits in the Whitehouse.

Bush was wrong to take it to an extreme level compared to previous Admins, and it's still wrong for Obama to take the numbers even higher.

Excuse me, but now who is infringing in someones rights?
The President can rely on any advisors he chooses. If Ron Reagan can rely on psychics for advice and Bush can rely on fundamentalist Christian zealots, Obama can rely on Harvard scholars
Still waiting fellows...
Show me where the Government "owns my life"

Save me this "slippery slope" garbage. Czars are advisors nothing more. They have no regulatory responsibility. But to the paranoid right wingers

"Czars....that sounds Russian, that must mean they are dictators"

Chicken Little is alive and well and running through the republican right wing

I disagree, these Czars(I don't give a shit what you call them either, it's irrelevant), are in positions to have a great influence on shaping policy, with that advice. They should be going through the same approval process as other Presidential appointees. There is only one reason not to go through the senate, and have their past scrutinized.
Most of the Czars likely don't have anything to hide, but a few are downright scary, if you look at their past objectively.

Not to mention that I believe it's another layer of government we don't need. I don't know the cost, but it must be significant for all the Czars, their staff, and administration costs.
We the people elect individuals to Washington, to represent us and have our input on policy. They are therefore held accountable by those same voters, where these Czars are accountable to nobody but whoever sits in the Whitehouse.

Bush was wrong to take it to an extreme level compared to previous Admins, and it's still wrong for Obama to take the numbers even higher.

Excuse me, but now who is infringing in someones rights?
The President can rely on any advisors he chooses. If Ron Reagan can rely on psychics for advice and Bush can rely on fundamentalist Christian zealots, Obama can rely on Harvard scholars

If I had voted for Obama, I would expect him to explain to me, his supporter, why he found it appropriate to hire a man who has been convicted of and jailed for a crime; and who had manty times admitted he was one in support of communism.

As an American, I believe I have the right to ask...but I did not vote for him so I can not get upset that he wont answer.

Why are you not questioniung such an appointment?
As Bush 43 found out....he jsut wasn't cut out for it. Now you have somebody else trying to clean up his mess...go figure....

how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

The conditions, that required financial support as prescribed by almost everyone with knowledge on the subject, that became clear about two years ago were a direct result of the amount and quality of regulation in the financial market.

There were two choices available at first then Bush narrowed the options as he set the mechanics in motion with the first TARP package.

The damage to our financial sector was estimated to be upwards of thirty trillion dollars from the speculators and those that folded bad debt so deep into the accumulated mortgages for resale that there was no fix possible.

We will probably spend ten - twenty percent of that to keep the financial sector intact with most of that being repaid back to the government. No one seems to notice that the bulk of the bailouts are loans that have already been paid back to a large degree.

So let me ask you a serious question. Since you believe Obamma is wasting tax payers money with bail outs.. Can you enlighten us on how you envision our world today if no action had been taken and the whole banking/investment sector imploded? And would that be Obammas fault also if he did nothing?

I have no issue with the tarp initiative. The country business owners needed access to credit and such was not available.

I DO, however, have an issue with bailouts of companies like GM.
I disagree, these Czars(I don't give a shit what you call them either, it's irrelevant), are in positions to have a great influence on shaping policy, with that advice. They should be going through the same approval process as other Presidential appointees. There is only one reason not to go through the senate, and have their past scrutinized.
Most of the Czars likely don't have anything to hide, but a few are downright scary, if you look at their past objectively.

Not to mention that I believe it's another layer of government we don't need. I don't know the cost, but it must be significant for all the Czars, their staff, and administration costs.
We the people elect individuals to Washington, to represent us and have our input on policy. They are therefore held accountable by those same voters, where these Czars are accountable to nobody but whoever sits in the Whitehouse.

Bush was wrong to take it to an extreme level compared to previous Admins, and it's still wrong for Obama to take the numbers even higher.

Excuse me, but now who is infringing in someones rights?
The President can rely on any advisors he chooses. If Ron Reagan can rely on psychics for advice and Bush can rely on fundamentalist Christian zealots, Obama can rely on Harvard scholars

If I had voted for Obama, I would expect him to explain to me, his supporter, why he found it appropriate to hire a man who has been convicted of and jailed for a crime; and who had manty times admitted he was one in support of communism.

As an American, I believe I have the right to ask...but I did not vote for him so I can not get upset that he wont answer.

Why are you not questioniung such an appointment?

Link please?
What was the crime? When did it occur? What was the sentence?
What was the context of his support of communism?

Its not that I don't trust you, but your side has a tendency to ....how do you say??....stretch the truth?

Until you provide details, I will assume it is another right wing fairy tale
Last edited:
Still waiting fellows...
Show me where the Government "owns my life"

Save me this "slippery slope" garbage. Czars are advisors nothing more. They have no regulatory responsibility. But to the paranoid right wingers

"Czars....that sounds Russian, that must mean they are dictators"

Chicken Little is alive and well and running through the republican right wing

I disagree, these Czars(I don't give a shit what you call them either, it's irrelevant), are in positions to have a great influence on shaping policy, with that advice. They should be going through the same approval process as other Presidential appointees. There is only one reason not to go through the senate, and have their past scrutinized.
Most of the Czars likely don't have anything to hide, but a few are downright scary, if you look at their past objectively.

Not to mention that I believe it's another layer of government we don't need. I don't know the cost, but it must be significant for all the Czars, their staff, and administration costs.
We the people elect individuals to Washington, to represent us and have our input on policy. They are therefore held accountable by those same voters, where these Czars are accountable to nobody but whoever sits in the Whitehouse.

Bush was wrong to take it to an extreme level compared to previous Admins, and it's still wrong for Obama to take the numbers even higher.

Excuse me, but now who is infringing in someones rights?
The President can rely on any advisors he chooses. If Ron Reagan can rely on psychics for advice and Bush can rely on fundamentalist Christian zealots, Obama can rely on Harvard scholars

If you truly believe that is in the same realm as appointing the number of advisers and their staff under this czar title that these past few administrations have, on the taxpayers back, then there really isn't much point in going any further.
Excuse me, but now who is infringing in someones rights?
The President can rely on any advisors he chooses. If Ron Reagan can rely on psychics for advice and Bush can rely on fundamentalist Christian zealots, Obama can rely on Harvard scholars

If I had voted for Obama, I would expect him to explain to me, his supporter, why he found it appropriate to hire a man who has been convicted of and jailed for a crime; and who had manty times admitted he was one in support of communism.

As an American, I believe I have the right to ask...but I did not vote for him so I can not get upset that he wont answer.

Why are you not questioniung such an appointment?

Link please?
What was the crime? When did it occur? What was the sentence?
What was the context of his support of communism?

Its not that I don't trust you, but your side has a tendency to ....how do you say??....stretch the truth?

Until you provide details, I will assume it is another right wing fairy tale

You knoiw...I could supply a link....but are you serious that you are not aware of who Van Jones is?

You are not aware of his history?

Is it true that ONLY fox news reported on him?

And people say there is no media bias?

No offense....but that is really screwed up.

At least when Republicans were in office, the media let the people kow what was going on. Like the repoublicans or not, at least the media did their job.

Wow...I am stunned....you really have no idea? The media really did not touch this?

I will find a link on him.
If I had voted for Obama, I would expect him to explain to me, his supporter, why he found it appropriate to hire a man who has been convicted of and jailed for a crime; and who had manty times admitted he was one in support of communism.

As an American, I believe I have the right to ask...but I did not vote for him so I can not get upset that he wont answer.

Why are you not questioniung such an appointment?

Link please?
What was the crime? When did it occur? What was the sentence?
What was the context of his support of communism?

Its not that I don't trust you, but your side has a tendency to ....how do you say??....stretch the truth?

Until you provide details, I will assume it is another right wing fairy tale

You knoiw...I could supply a link....but are you serious that you are not aware of who Van Jones is?

You are not aware of his history?

Is it true that ONLY fox news reported on him?

And people say there is no media bias?

No offense....but that is really screwed up.

At least when Republicans were in office, the media let the people kow what was going on. Like the repoublicans or not, at least the media did their job.

Wow...I am stunned....you really have no idea? The media really did not touch this?

I will find a link on him.

If I had voted for Obama, I would expect him to explain to me, his supporter, why he found it appropriate to hire a man who has been convicted of and jailed for a crime; and who had manty times admitted he was one in support of communism.

As an American, I believe I have the right to ask...but I did not vote for him so I can not get upset that he wont answer.

Why are you not questioniung such an appointment?

Link please?
What was the crime? When did it occur? What was the sentence?
What was the context of his support of communism?

Its not that I don't trust you, but your side has a tendency to ....how do you say??....stretch the truth?

Until you provide details, I will assume it is another right wing fairy tale

You knoiw...I could supply a link....but are you serious that you are not aware of who Van Jones is?

You are not aware of his history?

Is it true that ONLY fox news reported on him?

And people say there is no media bias?

No offense....but that is really screwed up.

At least when Republicans were in office, the media let the people kow what was going on. Like the repoublicans or not, at least the media did their job.

Wow...I am stunned....you really have no idea? The media really did not touch this?

I will find a link on him.

He's either incredibly stupid and/or naive, or he's just fuckin' with the 2 of us. I'm thinking the latter:cool:
Surprising as it is, there are some people who are so biased that they refuse to watch Fox News. That's why so many believe that Obama is a moderate. And that Congress can pay its bills with fairy dust.
Excuse me, but now who is infringing in someones rights?
The President can rely on any advisors he chooses. If Ron Reagan can rely on psychics for advice and Bush can rely on fundamentalist Christian zealots, Obama can rely on Harvard scholars

If I had voted for Obama, I would expect him to explain to me, his supporter, why he found it appropriate to hire a man who has been convicted of and jailed for a crime; and who had manty times admitted he was one in support of communism.

As an American, I believe I have the right to ask...but I did not vote for him so I can not get upset that he wont answer.

Why are you not questioniung such an appointment?

Link please?
What was the crime? When did it occur? What was the sentence?
What was the context of his support of communism?

Its not that I don't trust you, but your side has a tendency to ....how do you say??....stretch the truth?

Until you provide details, I will assume it is another right wing fairy tale

Given my knowledge of these two posters and their tendency to exaggerate, I shouldn't have even bothered to look up the real facts

In 1992, during a protest of the Rodney King verdict in San Francisco, police officers illegally arrested Jones and hundreds of other participants in a peaceful protest march[8]. Jones, at the time a law student at Yale Law School, participated as a volunteer, legal monitor. The District Attorney later dropped the charges against Jones. The unlawfully arrested protesters, including Jones, won a small legal settlement[8][9]. The incident deepened Jones's "disaffection with the system and accelerated his political radicalization

Shows what happens when you get your news from Fox News

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