Why do so many here want the Obama boat to sink???

gitmo? the democratic god FDR went a lot farther than Bush did on that issue. and when did Chicken Little move from the global warming frenzy to the right?

Who said FDR was right? Not I...

Global warming is a huge issue. This month, down here, is the hottest on record by 3 degrees. And it's the middle of fucking winter....I have to put sun lotion on the kids - in the middle of winter!!
how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

You think the US economy has been in the shit for the past 2-3 years, that ain't nothing compared to what it would have been WITHOUT the bail out. It would have made the great depression look like a 4th July picnic....No conservative understands that. With Cons it's all about me, me, me. mine, mine, mine. Never have I met a more selfish, self-absorbed group of people as the American neocon whackjob...(not saying you are BTW, just in general)

I understand the bank bailouts had to happen, but they happened under Bush. I agree it would have been much worse than the depression.
how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

You think the US economy has been in the shit for the past 2-3 years, that ain't nothing compared to what it would have been WITHOUT the bail out. It would have made the great depression look like a 4th July picnic....No conservative understands that. With Cons it's all about me, me, me. mine, mine, mine. Never have I met a more selfish, self-absorbed group of people as the American neocon whackjob...(not saying you are BTW, just in general)

And you believeds that crap.

LMAO...love you peons that have never even thought of being a buisiness owner.....or have personla responsibility.

You spew things that any business owner that is not looking to capitalize on the stimulus knows is nothing but crap.
I will use taxpayer money to buy companies to save 50K jobs at the cost of about $400K a job.

I would love you to explain this one..

And if Bush said "I will allow oil company execs in one energy policy without telling the public their recommendations" would you have voted for that? I could go on and on and on and on...


I did not vote for Bush the second time around.

You did not answer my original question...instead answered it with a question.

Nice deflection.....uh...actually...not a very good deflection.

I wanted you to explain who the bail out cost an extra 350,000 jobs (my bad, should have been clearer)..

And to be frank, you may call it a deflection, but it was the truth...my point being, they're all lie during campaigns. it's what they do.

Glad you only voted for Bush once...:cool:
gitmo? the democratic god FDR went a lot farther than Bush did on that issue. and when did Chicken Little move from the global warming frenzy to the right?

Who said FDR was right? Not I...

Global warming is a huge issue. This month, down here, is the hottest on record by 3 degrees. And it's the middle of fucking winter....I have to put sun lotion on the kids - in the middle of winter!!

I will be very surprised if obama closes gitmo. interesting you bring up records. this has been the mildest summer in my memory here. (Shrug)
Bush Derangement Syndrome is incurable. Obama could capture bin laden and give him a medal of honor and the lefties would find a way to blame Bush.

This is Obamas economy and Obamas war. He wanted the job.
You are too stupid to know, where your rights have already been compromised and lost, without consent. Then again you don't even know what consent means, nor Liberty, nor Inalienable Right, by which the Government has no claim.

More right wing hysteria...

Show me where my "rights" have been lost

Waiting for another convoluted slippery slope argument. Which right do I not have that I had under Bush?

Lets just cut to the chase here....
"We the People" have spoken. We said loud and clear that we want President Obama and the Democrats to lead this country.
Now you right wing zealots can pout and whine that somehow a Democrat in office means your rights have been taken away, socialism, communism, terrorism and whatever other boogey-man you choose to invoke. But the fact is Obama gets to call the shots for the next four years and if the performance of the current republicans is any indicator, the next eight years

Now tell me this guy doesnt have the political IQ of a handball??????:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

s0n...........let me tell you something. Class is in session so pay attention.

YOU said loud and clear the Obama and Democrats were wanted. Americans DID NOT say that at all. Obama was elected by independents who are now fleeing him in DROVES. Why? Because he isnt doing ANYTHING that he talked bout in his campaign. He is governing in a manner where his concern is only for the far left of our country........which is why every poll is heading south like a stone in water for Mr. Obama. Which is fine with me......it'll teach this generation of middle aged people about the dangers of voting for a congressman with a radical left voting record.

Its very clear why these bumper stickers
are selling like hotcakes..................
how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

You think the US economy has been in the shit for the past 2-3 years, that ain't nothing compared to what it would have been WITHOUT the bail out. It would have made the great depression look like a 4th July picnic....No conservative understands that. With Cons it's all about me, me, me. mine, mine, mine. Never have I met a more selfish, self-absorbed group of people as the American neocon whackjob...(not saying you are BTW, just in general)

Pure speculation!
how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

What do you think the stimulus and pay-off of the banks was? Loose change? Don't go there with Iraq or Afghanistan. That is 100 percent a Bush fuck up....just like Johnson/Kennedy can wear Viet Nam (not Nixon)...
I would love you to explain this one..

And if Bush said "I will allow oil company execs in one energy policy without telling the public their recommendations" would you have voted for that? I could go on and on and on and on...


I did not vote for Bush the second time around.

You did not answer my original question...instead answered it with a question.

Nice deflection.....uh...actually...not a very good deflection.

I wanted you to explain who the bail out cost an extra 350,000 jobs (my bad, should have been clearer)..

And to be frank, you may call it a deflection, but it was the truth...my point being, they're all lie during campaigns. it's what they do.

Glad you only voted for Bush once...:cool:

I never said the bailout cost 350K jobs.

I said it saved 50K jons at the cost of $400K per job.

And as for the lies...it was THOSE lies that got him elected.

He was going to clean up washington...THAT WAS A BIGGIE FOR HIM

He waS going to get rid of the lobbysists...THAT WAS A BIGGIE FOR HIM

He was going to get out of Iraq in 6 months...THAT WAS A BIGGIE FOR HIM

Those were not just some small little things in a speech...they were his PROMISES that he repeated over and over and over.
Bush Derangement Syndrome is incurable. Obama could capture bin laden and give him a medal of honor and the lefties would find a way to blame Bush.

This is Obamas economy and Obamas war. He wanted the job.

Truer words were never spoken......................

Nobody cares about George Bush anymore except the k00ks. Radicals like Reid, Pelosi and Obama are being rejected BIG TIME!!. Look at the polls for these dumbasses lately?? Oh sh!t it is glorious indeed!!!:eusa_dance::happy-1:
More right wing hysteria...

Show me where my "rights" have been lost

Waiting for another convoluted slippery slope argument. Which right do I not have that I had under Bush?

Lets just cut to the chase here....
"We the People" have spoken. We said loud and clear that we want President Obama and the Democrats to lead this country.
Now you right wing zealots can pout and whine that somehow a Democrat in office means your rights have been taken away, socialism, communism, terrorism and whatever other boogey-man you choose to invoke. But the fact is Obama gets to call the shots for the next four years and if the performance of the current republicans is any indicator, the next eight years

Now tell me this guy doesnt have the political IQ of a handball??????:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

s0n...........let me tell you something. Class is in session so pay attention.

YOU said loud and clear the Obama and Democrats were wanted. Americans DID NOT say that at all. Obama was elected by independents who are now fleeing him in DROVES. Why? Because he isnt doing ANYTHING that he talked bout in his campaign. He is governing in a manner where his concern is only for the far left of our country........which is why every poll is heading south like a stone in water for Mr. Obama. Which is fine with me......it'll teach this generation of middle aged people about the dangers of voting for a congressman with a radical left voting record.

Its very clear why these bumper stickers
are selling like hotcakes..................

Listen son,

Weekly polls have no bearing on who has responsibility to lead the country. In the only poll that matters, "We the People" decided that we wanted Barack Obama to lead the country for the next four years, not unitl some weekly poll shows a negative trend.
Lets just cut to the chase here....
"We the People" have spoken. We said loud and clear that we want President Obama and the Democrats to lead this country.
Now you right wing zealots can pout and whine that somehow a Democrat in office means your rights have been taken away, socialism, communism, terrorism and whatever other boogey-man you choose to invoke. But the fact is Obama gets to call the shots for the next four years and if the performance of the current republicans is any indicator, the next eight years

Now tell me this guy doesnt have the political IQ of a handball??????:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

s0n...........let me tell you something. Class is in session so pay attention.

YOU said loud and clear the Obama and Democrats were wanted. Americans DID NOT say that at all. Obama was elected by independents who are now fleeing him in DROVES. Why? Because he isnt doing ANYTHING that he talked bout in his campaign. He is governing in a manner where his concern is only for the far left of our country........which is why every poll is heading south like a stone in water for Mr. Obama. Which is fine with me......it'll teach this generation of middle aged people about the dangers of voting for a congressman with a radical left voting record.

Its very clear why these bumper stickers
are selling like hotcakes..................

Listen son,

Weekly polls have no bearing on who has responsibility to lead the country. In the only poll that matters, "We the People" decided that we wanted Barack Obama to lead the country for the next four years, not unitl some weekly poll shows a negative trend.

yeah I'm sure you held that sentiment when Bush was president.
Read about Van Jones...our new Green Advisor...then get back to me.

Oh yeah....by "read" I mean ...there are these things called books that you can use to do your research......it may help you in life so yuou no longer need to lkive off the government.

As for the "name me one"......Oh...Then I guess it is OK.

How about taking your own advice and read - say this thread maybe - where I have already commented on Jones...

I didn't say it was OK at all. I just think you are either being disingenuous or naive (but I doubt it is the latter, in which case you are also being Machiavellian)....
how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

You think the US economy has been in the shit for the past 2-3 years, that ain't nothing compared to what it would have been WITHOUT the bail out. It would have made the great depression look like a 4th July picnic....No conservative understands that. With Cons it's all about me, me, me. mine, mine, mine. Never have I met a more selfish, self-absorbed group of people as the American neocon whackjob...(not saying you are BTW, just in general)

Pure speculation!

There was no indication that it would happen. It was streiclty rhetoric used to win an election.

If another great drepression was on the horizon, major business owners would have closed up immediately and stored their cash....or bought gold.

Not one business owner in the public limelight did anything of the sort.

It was a typical recession......and yes.....the credit crunch made it appear worse than it was.....

But nowhere was there a depression on the horizon.
how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

What do you think the stimulus and pay-off of the banks was? Loose change? Don't go there with Iraq or Afghanistan. That is 100 percent a Bush fuck up....just like Johnson/Kennedy can wear Viet Nam (not Nixon)...

lol......again............the opinion from amongst the k00ks.

Check the polls s0n...........its called reality!!! Your perception is in the minority and getting further into the minority by the day.

Perhaps you missed my earlier Photobucket gem???


s0n............THATS ^^ called epic fail by anybody's definition:funnyface:
Obama, Pelosi, Reid and others are systematically ruining the democratic party. God Bless them!
how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

You think the US economy has been in the shit for the past 2-3 years, that ain't nothing compared to what it would have been WITHOUT the bail out. It would have made the great depression look like a 4th July picnic....No conservative understands that. With Cons it's all about me, me, me. mine, mine, mine. Never have I met a more selfish, self-absorbed group of people as the American neocon whackjob...(not saying you are BTW, just in general)

Pure speculation!

Then you have absolutely no idea what was going on...
how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

You think the US economy has been in the shit for the past 2-3 years, that ain't nothing compared to what it would have been WITHOUT the bail out. It would have made the great depression look like a 4th July picnic....No conservative understands that. With Cons it's all about me, me, me. mine, mine, mine. Never have I met a more selfish, self-absorbed group of people as the American neocon whackjob...(not saying you are BTW, just in general)

My oh my, how would have ACORN survived without the Stimulus. How would Government Motors ended up? Hey lets get the Unions to write health care reform, We can get away with it. Nobody's looking or paying attention. Let's just do it.

By any name, it is still Tyranny.
Read about Van Jones...our new Green Advisor...then get back to me.

Oh yeah....by "read" I mean ...there are these things called books that you can use to do your research......it may help you in life so yuou no longer need to lkive off the government.

As for the "name me one"......Oh...Then I guess it is OK.

How about taking your own advice and read - say this thread maybe - where I have already commented on Jones...

I didn't say it was OK at all. I just think you are either being disingenuous or naive (but I doubt it is the latter, in which case you are also being Machiavellian)....

The fact that NO ONE in the majority questioned the Jones appointment should be concerning to everyone.

Anfd the new FCC cheif and his knocking of the free press in Venezuela for derailing Chavez' agenda.....?

That too does not concern anyone?

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