Why do so many here want the Obama boat to sink???

They do Stalin and Mao proud. Only advisors, huh? Thanks so much for clearing all that up.

You are too stupid to know, where your rights have already been compromised and lost, without consent. Then again you don't even know what consent means, nor Liberty, nor Inalienable Right, by which the Government has no claim.

Go find a piece of dirt and live of it if you don't want to be a member of mainstream society. You can create your own little Conservative Utopia.....:eusa_whistle:

Free to Agree, Everyone else will just have to sacrifice all property and wealth, and voice. Tune in next year when we fill the jails. 10 year plan, mass graves, the totalitarian way. Total control. Free to agree with the platform, cross us and we'll fuck up your lives. Vote DNC. Throw Grandma under the bus.
indeed...........the k00ks blindly trust government to be ethical and to spend money wisely. Stuid dumbasses fail to realize that government IS big business........one gigantic special interest group. Its fascinating how duped the left is by this!!:lol:
Luckily.......the word spreads by the day that what we have here in the White House is a radical.........and a liar.

His poll # tanking is what one could describe as historic fail..........even I am astonished at the rate of the descent!!:eek:

Well if you can survive eight years of a Chimp, I'm sure you'll do ok under a 'radical' and a 'liar'...:cool:

Chimp is simply a nickname based on nothing but hatred.

Obama has proven radical ties and has admitted to lying.

Cool analogy though. Expresses great thinking on your part.
You shall see.

In the meantime...the backgrounds of some of those advisors that did not need congressional confirmation do not bother you AT ALL?

As I have asked....you simply TRUST your government?

So Jones was a college radical. How unusual! :redface: BFD. Give me a guy like Jones over somebody else who had a president's ear....say Kenny Lay???

Nobody trusts a govt. It's all smoke and mirrors...anybody with half a brain knows that.

They do Stalin and Mao proud. Only advisors, huh? Thanks so much for clearing all that up.

You are too stupid to know, where your rights have already been compromised and lost, without consent. Then again you don't even know what consent means, nor Liberty, nor Inalienable Right, by which the Government has no claim.

Go find a piece of dirt and live of it if you don't want to be a member of mainstream society. You can create your own little Conservative Utopia.....:eusa_whistle:

s0n........I love when the sheep even use the quote "mainstream" when they exist among the fringe of the fringe.

Allow me to illustrate.....................


I wake up in the AM and think of meatheads like Dr Grump who just 10 short months ago were on top of the world and are now beyond gone in terms of the misery index!!!:lol::lol: I look at the daily polls and say to myself..............


Big gap between complaining and bitching, V.S. Governing.
You are too stupid to know, where your rights have already been compromised and lost, without consent. Then again you don't even know what consent means, nor Liberty, nor Inalienable Right, by which the Government has no claim.

More right wing hysteria...

Show me where my "rights" have been lost

Waiting for another convoluted slippery slope argument. Which right do I not have that I had under Bush?

Lets just cut to the chase here....
"We the People" have spoken. We said loud and clear that we want President Obama and the Democrats to lead this country.
Now you right wing zealots can pout and whine that somehow a Democrat in office means your rights have been taken away, socialism, communism, terrorism and whatever other boogey-man you choose to invoke. But the fact is Obama gets to call the shots for the next four years and if the performance of the current republicans is any indicator, the next eight years
You are too stupid to know, where your rights have already been compromised and lost, without consent. Then again you don't even know what consent means, nor Liberty, nor Inalienable Right, by which the Government has no claim.

More right wing hysteria...

Show me where my "rights" have been lost

Waiting for another convoluted slippery slope argument. Which right do I not have that I had under Bush?

s0n........I love when the sheep even use the quote "mainstream" when they exist among the fringe of the fringe.

Allow me to illustrate..................

I wake up in the AM and think of meatheads like Dr Grump who just 10 short months ago were on top of the world and are now beyond gone in terms of the misery index!!!:lol::lol: I look at the daily polls and say to myself..............


I still think he is an OK pres. Not the greatest, but better than the ijit you had in the WH for preceding eight years...

And I'm doing perfectly OK. There is hardly the inkling of a recession here - in fact things are going great!
You are too stupid to know, where your rights have already been compromised and lost, without consent. Then again you don't even know what consent means, nor Liberty, nor Inalienable Right, by which the Government has no claim.

More right wing hysteria...

Show me where my "rights" have been lost

Waiting for another convoluted slippery slope argument. Which right do I not have that I had under Bush?

Lets just cut to the chase here....
"We the People" have spoken. We said loud and clear that we want President Obama and the Democrats to lead this country.
Now you right wing zealots can pout and whine that somehow a Democrat in office means your rights have been taken away, socialism, communism, terrorism and whatever other boogey-man you choose to invoke. But the fact is Obama gets to call the shots for the next four years and if the performance of the current republicans is any indicator, the next eight years

53 percent is loud and clear? Oh that's right. You think some voters are superior to others. carry on.
Chimp is simply a nickname based on nothing but hatred.

Obama has proven radical ties and has admitted to lying.

Cool analogy though. Expresses great thinking on your part.

It all comes down to credibility IMO. If you voted for Bush once shame on you. if you did so twice, and are now trying to crucify Obama, you have no credibility.

Depends on what you call radical ties.

Name me one - just one - politician that HASN'T lied...
Free to Agree, Everyone else will just have to sacrifice all property and wealth, and voice. Tune in next year when we fill the jails. 10 year plan, mass graves, the totalitarian way. Total control. Free to agree with the platform, cross us and we'll fuck up your lives. Vote DNC. Throw Grandma under the bus.

Yeah, yeah, yeah (rolls eyes). More chicken little fearmongering...ya know, that record gets a tad old after a while...Your hero Bush introduced Homeland Security....you want totalitarian go right there, then Gitmo....that's radical all right...
You are too stupid to know, where your rights have already been compromised and lost, without consent. Then again you don't even know what consent means, nor Liberty, nor Inalienable Right, by which the Government has no claim.

More right wing hysteria...

Show me where my "rights" have been lost

Waiting for another convoluted slippery slope argument. Which right do I not have that I had under Bush?

Lets just cut to the chase here....
"We the People" have spoken. We said loud and clear that we want President Obama and the Democrats to lead this country.
Now you right wing zealots can pout and whine that somehow a Democrat in office means your rights have been taken away, socialism, communism, terrorism and whatever other boogey-man you choose to invoke. But the fact is Obama gets to call the shots for the next four years and if the performance of the current republicans is any indicator, the next eight years

Curious...and I doubt you will answer....

If Obama ran on this patform:

I will Fundamentally change America....not just wahsington as I said....but I will completely change America
I will hire advisors on tax payer money that have been in jail...have radical ties
I will use taxpayer money to buy companies to save 50K jobs at the cost of about $400K a job.
I will hire lobbysist into the whitehouse
I will not care if secretary nominees have tax issues...as long as YOU, the Americna people pay your taxes (Or you will go to jail)

Would you have voted for him?

Yeah....YOU WON......really?
Chimp is simply a nickname based on nothing but hatred.

Obama has proven radical ties and has admitted to lying.

Cool analogy though. Expresses great thinking on your part.

It all comes down to credibility IMO. If you voted for Bush once shame on you. if you did so twice, and are now trying to crucify Obama, you have no credibility.

Depends on what you call radical ties.

Name me one - just one - politician that HASN'T lied...

Read about Van Jones...our new Green Advisor...then get back to me.

Oh yeah....by "read" I mean ...there are these things called books that you can use to do your research......it may help you in life so yuou no longer need to lkive off the government.

As for the "name me one"......Oh...Then I guess it is OK.
I will use taxpayer money to buy companies to save 50K jobs at the cost of about $400K a job.

I would love you to explain this one..

And if Bush said "I will allow oil company execs in one energy policy without telling the public their recommendations" would you have voted for that? I could go on and on and on and on...
Free to Agree, Everyone else will just have to sacrifice all property and wealth, and voice. Tune in next year when we fill the jails. 10 year plan, mass graves, the totalitarian way. Total control. Free to agree with the platform, cross us and we'll fuck up your lives. Vote DNC. Throw Grandma under the bus.

Yeah, yeah, yeah (rolls eyes). More chicken little fearmongering...ya know, that record gets a tad old after a while...Your hero Bush introduced Homeland Security....you want totalitarian go right there, then Gitmo....that's radical all right...

gitmo? the democratic god FDR went a lot farther than Bush did on that issue. and when did Chicken Little move from the global warming frenzy to the right?
Big gap between complaining and bitching, V.S. Governing.

As Bush 43 found out....he jsut wasn't cut out for it. Now you have somebody else trying to clean up his mess...go figure....

how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

True,,,,but lets be fair...

He has cleaned up Washingtopnm as he promised.

He got rid of the lobbyists in the white house as he promised.

He has gotten rid of those "good ole boys" that have tax issues and "on the take" as he promised.

Oh wait.....sorry.....simply going by his words.

My mistake.

Yeah....tell us....what mess is he cleaning up?
how is he cleaning up his mess? the debt is getting larger. we're still in Iraq and afghanistan is getting worse.

You think the US economy has been in the shit for the past 2-3 years, that ain't nothing compared to what it would have been WITHOUT the bail out. It would have made the great depression look like a 4th July picnic....No conservative understands that. With Cons it's all about me, me, me. mine, mine, mine. Never have I met a more selfish, self-absorbed group of people as the American neocon whackjob...(not saying you are BTW, just in general)
I will use taxpayer money to buy companies to save 50K jobs at the cost of about $400K a job.

I would love you to explain this one..

And if Bush said "I will allow oil company execs in one energy policy without telling the public their recommendations" would you have voted for that? I could go on and on and on and on...


I did not vote for Bush the second time around.

You did not answer my original question...instead answered it with a question.

Nice deflection.....uh...actually...not a very good deflection.

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