Why do so many here want the Obama boat to sink???

Okay, I misplaced where you are placing too much faith. His blind followers are not much brighter than he is, to have been fooled thus far, don't you think?

Ever see a typical American re-arrange furniture? "Hey, it looks so much better THIS way"...then before you know it, they move it around again and "hey, it looks so much better THIS way"...and then a third time and sure enough "hey, it looks so much better this way"......and in the meantime, the third way is the way it was before they moved it.

People LOVE change...even if they dont know if it will be better.

Obama knew thius and used it......I mean...the man actually said he was going to fundamentally change America....and people cheered!

Uh...really? That is what you want? The same people that complained that the values of thier houses went down by 25% after 10 years of it tripling in value, want a fundamental change in the country?

Did they want a fundamental change in the country when the value of their homes tripled? When the market was at 14K?

People are selfish....CHANGE so I do not need to suffer!


However, that's only if they can see the difference. The problem with government (ours becoming less of an exception) is they can keep things from the open too easily, often with distractions (ooh, a shiny) and fancy speeches (Obama gives way too many to be an honest politician). Bush failed to be able to do these correctly, thus why it was so easy to see him for the moron he was, Obama however is as slick as ... well Adolf, thus it is likely he will keep his blind followers too distracted with the left hand while he fucks us all with his right.

A good example, the outrage over a trip for dinner ... his daughters being stupid with the jet ... what he puts on his hotdog ... the list goes on. When you think about it, during these "outrages" no one was reporting or even paying attention to his policies.

Just exactly how were his daughters "being stupid with the jet"? Are you referring to the low flyover of New York? If so, you should understand that your kool aid drinking GOP friends are using what he said AT A DINNER AS A JOKE ABOUT SASHA AND MALIA USING THE PLANE WAS ACTUALLY THE WORK OF SOMEONE IN HIS CABINET!

Figures you can't get facts straight, you're too busy watching FAUX News and using Blech, Billo and Manatee as sources.
I am not a republican or a democrat.

Here is what I don't understand.

The past administration drove this country into the ground.

I am not a big Obama fan, but shouldn't we at least give the guy a chance?

Why are soo many people here hoping and praying that he fails?

We are all in the same sinking boat.

Shouldn't we all be cheering for him to turn the country around and get us out of this mess ?

Give him a chance to do WHAT, exactly? In less than a year Obama, with his colossal fuckups, has made anything Bush screwed up look like lightweight, kindergarten stuff.

Kindergarten stuff huh?

How many wars has Obama gotten us into?
How many terrorist attacks have we sustained?
Dow Jones is UP 1500 points
Index of leading economic indicators UP four months in a row

How many wars has Obama gotten us into?

What color is his battle flag ? White? Who has he not apologized too? How many wars to date? We are supposed to be impressed?

How many terrorist attacks have we sustained?

Why do they need to attack? They can't compete with Obama.

Dow Jones is UP 1500 points

Try upping the gas prices to where the Dems pushed them before the crash, lets see how the market and economy handle that. Don't hold back, invest it all. It's patriotic.

Index of leading economic indicators UP four months in a row

So the administration gets a A- in Stock Market manipulation, and misinformation. Pray the Terrorists stay on their extended vacation, while Pres. does their bidding. Pray they enjoy the show. Should they hit, your market is heading deep south.
Kindergarten stuff huh?

How many wars has Obama gotten us into?
How many terrorist attacks have we sustained?
Dow Jones is UP 1500 points
Index of leading economic indicators UP four months in a row

LMAO...you truly are pathetic.

Notice you once again resort to personal attacks when you can't refute the point being made.

Once again......I have stomped you

Thanks for playing

Did not want to spend the time refuting childish "claims of success"

Obama did not get us into any wars with the exception of the "war of the classes" he started...and the war of the races he so eloquently revitalized with his "acted stupidly" comment.
He is treading on thin ice with Pakistan but we wont go there as your media has forgoptten about the wars we are involved in

Terrorist attacks? Not sure what you are asking...or are you claiming that Bush was responsible for 9-11?

Dow up 1500....gee....ya really think it takes a genius to borrow a trillion dollars and promise it to pump it into an economy in an effort to show a little spike upward?

Leading ecoinomic indicators 4 months in a row.....interestingly, they started to show imporvement pretty much EXACTLY where most economists said the economy will satblize WITHOUT the stimulus.....you know...based on decades of history showing that recessions come and go every 6-8 years and show siugns of recovery after about 16 months......wow....what a coinkidink.

Keep on drinking it up......and they let you drive a car?

No wonder so many die on the roads in the US.
So the issue was that what Obama has done to date makes what Bush did "lightweight kindergarten stuff"

"Obama did not get us into any wars with the exception of the "war of the classes" he started...and the war of the races he so eloquently revitalized with his "acted stupidly" comment.
He is treading on thin ice with Pakistan but we wont go there as your media has forgoptten about the wars we are involved in"

Really now....you believe the war of the classes has been around for seven months? same as the war of the races??? Save me your histronics, Obama has not started any wars while Bush managed to start two and was unable to win either

Terrorist attacks? Not sure what you are asking...or are you claiming that Bush was responsible for 9-11?

I have to ask myself, would the right wing cut Obama any slack if a terrorist attack were to happen while he was president? The answer is Hell, NO. So given that the 9-11 attacks happened on his watch, yes Bush was responsible. And since the claim is that what Obama has done makes Bush's actions kindergarten stuff, that is some kindergarten

Dow up 1500....gee....ya really think it takes a genius to borrow a trillion dollars and promise it to pump it into an economy in an effort to show a little spike upward?

Dow was in freefall, and propping up the banks ended the panic in the market. The market lost $6.9 Trillion in the recession. So even a one trillion investment to reverse the trend is money well spent

Leading ecoinomic indicators 4 months in a row.....interestingly, they started to show imporvement pretty much EXACTLY where most economists said the economy will satblize WITHOUT the stimulus.....you know...based on decades of history showing that recessions come and go every 6-8 years and show siugns of recovery after about 16 months......wow....what a coinkidink.

This was far from one of our typical recessions. It was the largest and most dangerous since 1929. Your assertions that it would fix itself are not supported by any evidence. No action was not an option. To his credit, Bush saw the need to pump money in to stop the panic, Obama followed with his own stimulus

As to the rest of your personal attacks on me, I will not respond in kind
Because it's clear to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that Obama knows nothing about inflatable rafts, kayaks, sailboats, fishing boats, or any other kinds of boats, much less boat-building, sailing, creeks, streams, rivers, oceans, currents, tides, navigation, or even life rafts or life rings. Better that the idiot's boat should sink NOW and that as "captain" Obama should go down with it, so the rest of us can go ahead and start swimming instead of being dragged down along with him!

We have already hit the Obama iceberg--

The titanic is sinking

And he's giving out swimming lessons

He's selling nonrefundable vacation packages and Hotel Reservations, while his family and friends load up in the life boats.


The economy is recovering. Leading economists are predicting an end to the recession sometime in the fall. He is on the verge of passing the most comprehensive healthcare bill in US history

Some iceberg

He's selling nonrefundable vacation packages and Hotel Reservations, while his family and friends load up in the life boats.


The economy is recovering. Leading economists are predicting an end to the recession sometime in the fall. He is on the verge of passing the most comprehensive healthcare bill in US history

Some iceberg
They hate Obama so much.

They refuse to open their eyes to see what's really going on.
He's selling nonrefundable vacation packages and Hotel Reservations, while his family and friends load up in the life boats.


The economy is recovering. Leading economists are predicting an end to the recession sometime in the fall. He is on the verge of passing the most comprehensive healthcare bill in US history

Some iceberg
They hate Obama so much.

They refuse to open their eyes to see what's really going on.

Like Government ownership of your life?

The economy is recovering. Leading economists are predicting an end to the recession sometime in the fall. He is on the verge of passing the most comprehensive healthcare bill in US history

Some iceberg
They hate Obama so much.

They refuse to open their eyes to see what's really going on.

Like Government ownership of your life?
The government doesn't own my life; I do.

If they own your life. Then it's your fault.

The economy is recovering. Leading economists are predicting an end to the recession sometime in the fall. He is on the verge of passing the most comprehensive healthcare bill in US history

Some iceberg
They hate Obama so much.

They refuse to open their eyes to see what's really going on.

Like Government ownership of your life?

What recent action could possibly lead you to conclude that the Government owns my life?
They hate Obama so much.

They refuse to open their eyes to see what's really going on.

Like Government ownership of your life?

What recent action could possibly lead you to conclude that the Government owns my life?

When one abandons reason for conformity, when one abandons Conscience for expediency, one's life is no more their own. I don't speak for you, I don't act for you, I'm not even judging you.

Your words, actions, your will, cover that better than anyone else. They either give testimony for or against you depending on what you serve.

Totalitarian Society, however it creeps in, will remove every aspect of free will, in it's time frame, not yours or mine. You will know it by how offended it is, toward, Principle, Reason, and Conscience. You will know it by It's lust for Power and Control.
apparhttp://la-gun.com/manning/obama4/ently so does his own listen to this guy just click on louisana gun.
Like Government ownership of your life?

What recent action could possibly lead you to conclude that the Government owns my life?

When one abandons reason for conformity, when one abandons Conscience for expediency, one's life is no more their own. I don't speak for you, I don't act for you, I'm not even judging you.

Your words, actions, your will, cover that better than anyone else. They either give testimony for or against you depending on what you serve.

Totalitarian Society, however it creeps in, will remove every aspect of free will, in it's time frame, not yours or mine. You will know it by how offended it is, toward, Principle, Reason, and Conscience. You will know it by It's lust for Power and Control.

WOW......what a load of krap!
Can you provide a concrete example where this is true?
I am not a republican or a democrat.

Here is what I don't understand.

The past administration drove this country into the ground.

I am not a big Obama fan, but shouldn't we at least give the guy a chance?

Why are soo many people here hoping and praying that he fails?

We are all in the same sinking boat.

Shouldn't we all be cheering for him to turn the country around and get us out of this mess ?

And again... Barry is NOT the Boat... He is NOT the Country...



He's selling nonrefundable vacation packages and Hotel Reservations, while his family and friends load up in the life boats.


The economy is recovering. Leading economists are predicting an end to the recession sometime in the fall. He is on the verge of passing the most comprehensive healthcare bill in US history

Some iceberg

Ending in the fall ... just like that? Everything back to the way it was prior. It will never be like it was prior and I suspect we will still be digging out for years.
  • Thanks
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He's selling nonrefundable vacation packages and Hotel Reservations, while his family and friends load up in the life boats.


The economy is recovering. Leading economists are predicting an end to the recession sometime in the fall. He is on the verge of passing the most comprehensive healthcare bill in US history

Some iceberg

Ending in the fall ... just like that? Everything back to the way it was prior. It will never be like it was prior and I suspect we will still be digging out for years.

I'm afraid you are correct. It may never be like it was before. The republicans screwed things up so badly we may never be able to fix it.

The good news is that the republicans are now a minor party
What recent action could possibly lead you to conclude that the Government owns my life?

When one abandons reason for conformity, when one abandons Conscience for expediency, one's life is no more their own. I don't speak for you, I don't act for you, I'm not even judging you.

Your words, actions, your will, cover that better than anyone else. They either give testimony for or against you depending on what you serve.

Totalitarian Society, however it creeps in, will remove every aspect of free will, in it's time frame, not yours or mine. You will know it by how offended it is, toward, Principle, Reason, and Conscience. You will know it by It's lust for Power and Control.

WOW......what a load of krap!
Can you provide a concrete example where this is true?

I think that the load of crap is your handle.

Can I provide a concrete example ? It is everywhere you look.
Your denial is your problem, not mine. Your denial is your burden, not mine.
Can I Provide a concrete example?

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