Why do so many here want the Obama boat to sink???

You think the US economy has been in the shit for the past 2-3 years, that ain't nothing compared to what it would have been WITHOUT the bail out. It would have made the great depression look like a 4th July picnic....No conservative understands that. With Cons it's all about me, me, me. mine, mine, mine. Never have I met a more selfish, self-absorbed group of people as the American neocon whackjob...(not saying you are BTW, just in general)

Pure speculation!

Then you have absolutely no idea what was going on...

I believe you only went by what you heard.....but there was NO INDICATION of a depression....simply a recession with a credit crunch thrown in...and tarp helped that situation.
Bush Derangement Syndrome is incurable. Obama could capture bin laden and give him a medal of honor and the lefties would find a way to blame Bush.

This is Obamas economy and Obamas war. He wanted the job.

And Obama could balance the books tomorrow and neocons would still find something to bitch about..

This is Obama trying to FIX Bush's economy (I thought you cons were big on personal responsbility - you think Bush's contribution should just be forgotten and swept under the carpet). And it will always be Bush's war. Obama wanted the job to put things right, but from day one you cons haven't even wanted to give him a chance...
Lets ask Otto his opinion on the hopeless slide of the Democrats in recent months....................

"So Otto..........what do you say about the reawakening of conservativism in America and the historic decline of trust in Democrts on economic issues???"

Lets just cut to the chase here....
"We the People" have spoken. We said loud and clear that we want President Obama and the Democrats to lead this country.
Now you right wing zealots can pout and whine that somehow a Democrat in office means your rights have been taken away, socialism, communism, terrorism and whatever other boogey-man you choose to invoke. But the fact is Obama gets to call the shots for the next four years and if the performance of the current republicans is any indicator, the next eight years

Now tell me this guy doesnt have the political IQ of a handball??????:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

s0n...........let me tell you something. Class is in session so pay attention.

YOU said loud and clear the Obama and Democrats were wanted. Americans DID NOT say that at all. Obama was elected by independents who are now fleeing him in DROVES. Why? Because he isnt doing ANYTHING that he talked bout in his campaign. He is governing in a manner where his concern is only for the far left of our country........which is why every poll is heading south like a stone in water for Mr. Obama. Which is fine with me......it'll teach this generation of middle aged people about the dangers of voting for a congressman with a radical left voting record.

Its very clear why these bumper stickers
are selling like hotcakes..................

Listen son,

Weekly polls have no bearing on who has responsibility to lead the country. In the only poll that matters, "We the People" decided that we wanted Barack Obama to lead the country for the next four years, not unitl some weekly poll shows a negative trend.

Ahh ok, polls don't matter today. :lol:

The trend is not looking good for your liberal leftist messiah.

And that makes me happy.
And you believeds that crap.

LMAO...love you peons that have never even thought of being a buisiness owner.....or have personla responsibility.

You spew things that any business owner that is not looking to capitalize on the stimulus knows is nothing but crap.

I not only believe that crap, I know that crap. And who says I'm NOT a business owner?
Help! Help! Help!

Do you need The Fire Dept. ? No.

Do you need the Police? No.

How about The Army? No.

Navy? No.

Marines? No. No. No.

Don't you get it. Only a Community Organizer can save us. We are nothing of ourselves. Abandon your false hopes. Obama Is Life Itself. Obama Is The True Way!!!!!!!!!!
Bush Derangement Syndrome is incurable. Obama could capture bin laden and give him a medal of honor and the lefties would find a way to blame Bush.

This is Obamas economy and Obamas war. He wanted the job.

And Obama could balance the books tomorrow and neocons would still find something to bitch about..

This is Obama trying to FIX Bush's economy (I thought you cons were big on personal responsbility - you think Bush's contribution should just be forgotten and swept under the carpet). And it will always be Bush's war. Obama wanted the job to put things right, but from day one you cons haven't even wanted to give him a chance...

Afghanistan will be Obama's war since he's significantly increasing the number of troops there. I don't see how it was Bush's economy just because he was president. The deregulation that caused the economic debacle happened under clinton. now the republicans loved that, but still.
There was no indication that it would happen. It was streiclty rhetoric used to win an election.

If another great drepression was on the horizon, major business owners would have closed up immediately and stored their cash....or bought gold.

Not one business owner in the public limelight did anything of the sort.

It was a typical recession......and yes.....the credit crunch made it appear worse than it was.....

But nowhere was there a depression on the horizon.

BS. If the banks had not been paid off, it would have been a depression....
Bush Derangement Syndrome is incurable. Obama could capture bin laden and give him a medal of honor and the lefties would find a way to blame Bush.

This is Obamas economy and Obamas war. He wanted the job.

And Obama could balance the books tomorrow and neocons would still find something to bitch about..

This is Obama trying to FIX Bush's economy (I thought you cons were big on personal responsbility - you think Bush's contribution should just be forgotten and swept under the carpet). And it will always be Bush's war. Obama wanted the job to put things right, but from day one you cons haven't even wanted to give him a chance...



I don't understand why republicans are mad at Obama for the bailouts when it was Bush who bailed the banks out. and yes, there would have been a depression far worse than 1929 if he hadn't bailed them out.
Bush Derangement Syndrome is incurable. Obama could capture bin laden and give him a medal of honor and the lefties would find a way to blame Bush.

This is Obamas economy and Obamas war. He wanted the job.

And Obama could balance the books tomorrow and neocons would still find something to bitch about..

This is Obama trying to FIX Bush's economy (I thought you cons were big on personal responsbility - you think Bush's contribution should just be forgotten and swept under the carpet). And it will always be Bush's war. Obama wanted the job to put things right, but from day one you cons haven't even wanted to give him a chance...

He isn't going to balance the books. Unless you call 9 or 10 TRILLION dollar deficit to be balanced. But you're a lib so that just might be balanced to you.

We're giving the same chance you libs gave Bush. :eusa_whistle:

If this is what is called fixing, them I don't want it fixed. More Americans would rather the gov do nothing about health care than implement n00bama's abortion of a health care bill.

And it's America's war. Not Bush's war. Lay off the koolaid why don't you.
My oh my, how would have ACORN survived without the Stimulus. How would Government Motors ended up? Hey lets get the Unions to write health care reform, We can get away with it. Nobody's looking or paying attention. Let's just do it.

By any name, it is still Tyranny.

Yeah, let all those banks and GM go to the wall..that really would have been helpful...:cuckoo:

If you have lost your rights under your constitution you might have a point. Last time I looked your were allowed free speech and to carry your peashooter. Stop being alarmist and fearmongering.

Go live in N Korea for a year, then come back and we'll talk "tyranny"...fucking moron...
Bush Derangement Syndrome is incurable. Obama could capture bin laden and give him a medal of honor and the lefties would find a way to blame Bush.

This is Obamas economy and Obamas war. He wanted the job.

And Obama could balance the books tomorrow and neocons would still find something to bitch about..

This is Obama trying to FIX Bush's economy (I thought you cons were big on personal responsbility - you think Bush's contribution should just be forgotten and swept under the carpet). And it will always be Bush's war. Obama wanted the job to put things right, but from day one you cons haven't even wanted to give him a chance...

He isn't going to balance the books. Unless you call 9 or 10 TRILLION dollar deficit to be balanced. But you're a lib so that just might be balanced to you.

We're giving the same chance you libs gave Bush. :eusa_whistle:

If this is what is called fixing, them I don't want it fixed. More Americans would rather the gov do nothing about health care than implement n00bama's abortion of a health care bill.

And it's America's war. Not Bush's war. Lay off the koolaid why don't you.

I don't know. I just thought of something. When do Bush's tax cuts expire? and what will happen to the books when they do?
The fact that NO ONE in the majority questioned the Jones appointment should be concerning to everyone.

Anfd the new FCC cheif and his knocking of the free press in Venezuela for derailing Chavez' agenda.....?

That too does not concern anyone?

I think it is a fair call re Jones, but so was the energy lobbyists during Bush's admin. I always think the US needs a third party. The main two are looking tired and seem to have run out of ideas IMO..

I couldn't care less if the FCC are having a go at the Venezuelan press. He's allowed an opinion as are they...
I don't understand why republicans are mad at Obama for the bailouts when it was Bush who bailed the banks out. and yes, there would have been a depression far worse than 1929 if he hadn't bailed them out.

We were mad at him too. Disagree about the fallout too.
i agreed with the bank bailouts because of the economic failure that would have happened had they not bailed them out. I do not agree with bailing out GM, though.
Afghanistan will be Obama's war since he's significantly increasing the number of troops there. I don't see how it was Bush's economy just because he was president. The deregulation that caused the economic debacle happened under clinton. now the republicans loved that, but still.

BS re Afghanistan...but in saying that Obama is doing the right thing - to a degree. Anybody with an inkling of the history there knows the place is practically ungovernable. If Bush had just gone after the Taliban, he might have been a tad more popular...but he just had to go after Iraq.

No, the deregulation of the Building Societies happened under Reagan in 1982 (or 84 - saw a doco on it a few years ago - way before any of this happened)...
The fact that NO ONE in the majority questioned the Jones appointment should be concerning to everyone.

Anfd the new FCC cheif and his knocking of the free press in Venezuela for derailing Chavez' agenda.....?

That too does not concern anyone?

I think it is a fair call re Jones, but so was the energy lobbyists during Bush's admin. I always think the US needs a third party. The main two are looking tired and seem to have run out of ideas IMO..

I couldn't care less if the FCC are having a go at the Venezuelan press. He's allowed an opinion as are they...

We could just as easily outlaw Parties and Lobbyist's.
Afghanistan will be Obama's war since he's significantly increasing the number of troops there. I don't see how it was Bush's economy just because he was president. The deregulation that caused the economic debacle happened under clinton. now the republicans loved that, but still.

BS re Afghanistan...but in saying that Obama is doing the right thing - to a degree. Anybody with an inkling of the history there knows the place is practically ungovernable. If Bush had just gone after the Taliban, he might have been a tad more popular...but he just had to go after Iraq.

No, the deregulation of the Building Societies happened under Reagan in 1982 (or 84 - saw a doco on it a few years ago - way before any of this happened)...
Glass steagall repeal happened under clinton. It allows lending banks to speculate. which is what caused the bank failures. Now, this had great support of the republican congress, but everyone on here seems to blame whoever the president is for everything.
Honestly, these wars should be America's wars. not nec. Bush's or obama's. and yeah the Russians learned how much fun it is to fight a war in afghanistan.

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