Why Do So Many White Americans Practically Hate Malcolm X?

What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.

Malcom X was assasinated, by it is thought forces of Elija Muhammad, 53 years ago. If you asked 100 Americans what they thought of Malcom X 13 might have an opinion 85 would say who? and 2 would have a vague opinion maybe.

I doubt that.
Put your big boy pants on and offer credible sources that prove your point. By the way I think Malcom X program viable and an excellent tool for his constituency. He was sadly killed by his own community before he had the chance to make an impression.

Put on your big boy pants infant and speak correctly when you talk about X. He was killed by 2 black men paid by the FBI and white ass J Edgar Hoover. Every president that has been assassinated was assassinated by whites. President Kennedy had a good program until he was killed by a member of his own communiy. Catch my drift?

X made an impression. A big and historical one. That's why we are here today over 50 years after he's gone talking about him.

So you present credible evidence to support the things you say. Don't ask me to do what you don't.
... he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, ....

Are you kidding? You can’t possibly be this misinformed.

Actually he can be and is that misinformed. Read enough of his post and it becomes just how ignorant he truly is.

He's not as misinformed as you. You guys will gladly point out that X went to prison BEFORE he became a leader. You racists look to discredit anything blacks have done. But will you point out that 12 presidents conducted the business of slavery in the white house? You will deny that, which shows just how ignorant and misinformed you are.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
I don't know much about Malcolm X other than he was another victim of the ever growing list of black on black violence. Why would I hate him? Seems to me he was a victim.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.

Malcom X was assasinated, by it is thought forces of Elija Muhammad, 53 years ago. If you asked 100 Americans what they thought of Malcom X 13 might have an opinion 85 would say who? and 2 would have a vague opinion maybe.
If you read the post you notice I ended it with maybe because it doesn't interest me enough to do much research. After all Malcom X
was a man whose ideas and actions were too threatening to the establishment and he had to be silenced. The thirteen represent the
13% of the population that is black and the 87% the portion of the population that is other than black. If you asked 100 blacks who
Emliano Zapata was (one of my personal heroes) what do you think the answers would be>

I doubt that.
Put your big boy pants on and offer credible sources that prove your point. By the way I think Malcom X program viable and an excellent tool for his constituency. He was sadly killed by his own community before he had the chance to make an impression.

Put on your big boy pants infant and speak correctly when you talk about X. He was killed by 2 black men paid by the FBI and white ass J Edgar Hoover. Every president that has been assassinated was assassinated by whites. President Kennedy had a good program until he was killed by a member of his own communiy. Catch my drift?

X made an impression. A big and historical one. That's why we are here today over 50 years after he's gone talking about him.

So you present credible evidence to support the things you say. Don't ask me to do what you don't.
Ironically, Malcom X had a major similarity to Mohammed. He had two separate "existences."

Mohammed was originally a peaceful religious philosopher and leader, then he became a ruthless religious warlord. This is why, no matter what your religious feelings are, you can find parts of the Koran that back you up. Crazy radical terrorist; no problem. Peaceful intellectual altruist; no problem. Both are backed up by quotations from the Koran.

When MX first came to prominence, he was a black-racist agitator. Eloquent, insightful, inspirational, headline-grabbing for all the wrong reasons. Then, when he finally realized that "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad" was a fraud and he went to the Hajj, he became more of a rational humanitarian. Read the Book.

And people today cite the MX that suits their purposes...but there are two of them whose philosophies were completely different. 'The White Man is the Devil' vs. "We are all the same under the skin."
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.

Malcom X was assasinated, by it is thought forces of Elija Muhammad, 53 years ago. If you asked 100 Americans what they thought of Malcom X 13 might have an opinion 85 would say who? and 2 would have a vague opinion maybe.

Here is what the only man to admit murdering Malcom X had to say about his motive.
"Hagan was no ordinary prisoner. He is the only man to have confessed in the killing of Malcolm X, who was gunned down while giving a speech in New York's Audubon Ballroom in 1965.

Last month, he told the parole board he felt the urge to kill Malcolm X because of his inflammatory comments about the Nation's founder.

"I can't say that anyone in the Nation of Islam gave us the idea or instructed us to do it. We did this ourselves for the most part, yes," Hagan told the parole board.

The assassination came after a public feud between Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam's founder, Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm X had accused Muhammad of infidelity and left the Nation in March 1964.

"For the next 11 months, there was a pattern of harassment, vilification and even on occasion literally pursuit in the streets of Malcolm by people associated with the Nation," said Claude Andrew Clegg III, author of a biography on Elijah Muhammad called An Original Man."
Malcolm X killer freed after 44 years - CNN.com
There is no mention of the FBI.

I doubt that.
Put your big boy pants on and offer credible sources that prove your point. By the way I think Malcom X program viable and an excellent tool for his constituency. He was sadly killed by his own community before he had the chance to make an impression.

Put on your big boy pants infant and speak correctly when you talk about X. He was killed by 2 black men paid by the FBI and white ass J Edgar Hoover. Every president that has been assassinated was assassinated by whites. President Kennedy had a good program until he was killed by a member of his own communiy. Catch my drift?

X made an impression. A big and historical one. That's why we are here today over 50 years after he's gone talking about him.

So you present credible evidence to support the things you say. Don't ask me to do what you don't.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
I don't know much about Malcolm X other than he was another victim of the ever growing list of black on black violence. Why would I hate him? Seems to me he was a victim.

So what happened to JFK?
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
Malcolm X was before my times.

I was just a kid then.

Had no idea there were racist Negroes then who hated Whites.
Then there are a lot of black Africans you must despise.

Me hating black people would only be accurate if I expressed a standard that meant that. I not only haven't expressed such a standard, I haven't expressed one at all. You have been insisting that people hate X because they don't think he's significant. The fact is, they don't, any more than you hate any random historical figure about whom you care very little.
I wouldnt call it a lot. Just the ones that break their necks to make whites happy.

See, that's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. Who do you think rounded up African slaves to sell to Europeans? Who do you think kept African slaves in Africa in the first place? Slavery was quite common in the world in those days, and in some of those areas, still is. Not in European areas, however.

You've expressed your opinion which tells me you hate Blacks. I dont mind but dont try and tell me you dont.

I don't have to tell you anything because:

1. I know myself and your opinion means nothing. You cannot point to anything I have written that indicates I hate Black people. Please feel free to try and be laughed at. Then, after failing, feel free to play in traffic.
2. You are quite impervious to facts. Once you come to an emotional conclusion, you refuse to move from it.

I've never said people hate Malcolm X because they dont think he is significant.

When I pointed out quite truthfully that most whites don't care enough about X to hate him, you insisted that they don't care about him because they hate him. Interesting, no?

The opposite is the truth. Whites hate Malcolm X due to him being very significant. If not for him they would have never been forced into civil rights.

Most whites simply don't care about X, much less hate him in any fashion.
Not too sure what you are trying to accomplish? I said I despise chattel slave owners. No one in Africa was a chattel slave owner. Are you stupid or did you think I wouldnt notice your attempt to lie?

I know you dont have to tell me anything. I said dont try to. I dont believe you.

No I said whites hate him because he is significant. Interesting no?

I dont believe you. If whites didnt care about Malcolm X they wouldnt hate him and what he stood for.

Like I said, you're impervious to fact once you come to an emotional conclusion. You can't point to anything I've written that indicates I hate black people. You believe it because you want to believe it.

You're asserting without evidence that white people hate X, then constructing your entire argument on that false premise.

Ask any 100 white people why they hate X and see if I'm right. Go ahead, I'll wait.

I know you won't, for the following reasons:

1. You've arrived at your emotional conclusion and fact won't move you.
2. You sense that I'm right and don't want it proved to you.
3. You want to spout unsupported opinions and don't want to put any effort into validating them.

You guys talk a lot of shit. Why don't you do what we are doing? Take your ass into an all black forum, then tell blacks what you say to each other here about what black people need to do. Go explain to them how X is insignificant and how not many people pay attention to him, or how he is unimportant.

You seem to be angry about something. What exactly have I said black people need to do? Or is this all just about random "you guys"?

As for X, the issue here is accusations of hatred where there is none. People don't care enough about X to hate him.
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What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
I don't know much about Malcolm X other than he was another victim of the ever growing list of black on black violence. Why would I hate him? Seems to me he was a victim.
Every president thats been assassinated we can add to the ever growing list of white on white violence.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
I don't know much about Malcolm X other than he was another victim of the ever growing list of black on black violence. Why would I hate him? Seems to me he was a victim.
Every president thats been assassinated we can add to the ever growing list of white on white violence.
Yes troll racist, but the topic is about Malcolm X. Don't you have anything to say about the OP? You know where it asked why everybody hated Malcolm? I didn't hate him, but I certain the black men who killed him did.
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What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
I don't know much about Malcolm X other than he was another victim of the ever growing list of black on black violence. Why would I hate him? Seems to me he was a victim.
Every president thats been assassinated we can add to the ever growing list of white on white violence.
Yes troll racist, but the topic is about Malcolm X. Don't you have anything to say about the OP? You know where it asked why everybody hated Malcolm? I didn't hate him, but I certain the black men who killed him did.
You keep confirming youre an idiot. I have about 20 comments on this thread speaking to the OP you moron.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
I don't know much about Malcolm X other than he was another victim of the ever growing list of black on black violence. Why would I hate him? Seems to me he was a victim.
Every president thats been assassinated we can add to the ever growing list of white on white violence.
Yes troll racist, but the topic is about Malcolm X. Don't you have anything to say about the OP? You know where it asked why everybody hated Malcolm? I didn't hate him, but I certain the black men who killed him did.
You keep confirming youre an idiot. I have about 20 comments on this thread speaking to the OP you moron.
What do presidents assassinated have to do with it?

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