Why do some hate Trump so vociferously?

Dem politicians hate him because he's screwing up their agenda and destroying the progress they've made in undermining the whole concept of "We The People". Their followers hate him because they're sheep and they believe the propaganda fed to them by the media and the Dem party.
Because he is a fraud, business cheart, woman abuser, racist, bigot, and liar. He is trashing the Constitution and taking this country backwards.

Why do you support that?
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?
It's not baseless when you have someone who only considers you a friend, if you agree with everything they say and an enemy or "terrible person", if you disagree with them in any way.
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?

The hardline ideological American left hates Donald Trump because he represents a real and growing threat to their plans for transforming American Civilization into a Woke-Bolshevik hybrid. They are truly terrified he will take away all of their new ideological toys. The average democrat on the other hand, fears Trump because they have been misled by the MSM to believe he is a clear and present danger to their personal lives. For instance, I know someone who immigrated here to America over forty years ago and has been a citizen for decades. She actually believes Trump will deport her. That kind of misinformed fearful opinion of our President is exactly why Americans are currently at each others' throats over party politics. Ridiculous . . .
I think it's because his outspokenness and refusal to apologize for deviations from their PC line threatens not just their power, but more importantly, their belief that they are RIGHT. Feeling "right" is terribly important to a lot of people and Trump does undermine that feeling on the left.

Also I think it's because they lost when they were so sure they'd win. I can really relate to that -- I followed politics very closely in 2016 and though I voted for Trump and was glad he won, I was amazed and felt betrayed by everyone having LIED to me in the polls, the media predictions, the major political analysis sites.

RealClearPolitics was the worse, I followed them and did spreadsheets and analyses of their fake "data" all summer, and they predicted this huge win for Hillary ----- but the whole thing was a lie! I have never gone to their site since, and now that some of the RCP executives are appearing on TV, I turn off the program as soon as they are identified. Shameful behavior on their part. So I was distressed and a little depressed for a couple months after the election, purely because of the betrayal by public figures I had trusted to tell the truth and be accurate, but they were not.

So I can understand how angry leftists would be that they were told their candidate would win, but she didn't. And they focus that anger onto Trump.
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?
It's not baseless when you have someone who only considers you a friend, if you agree with everything they say and an enemy or "terrible person", if you disagree with them in any way.
Examples please.
Read the news. How many so far have been touted as the best when hired and then dismissed as failures and someone that he "hardly knew" when fired? If you don't recall, then you have selective blindness.
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?
It's not baseless when you have someone who only considers you a friend, if you agree with everything they say and an enemy or "terrible person", if you disagree with them in any way.
I don't think he was talking about Democrats.
I agree. His only true loyalty is to himself. The Republicans have been taken for a ride.
It's not baseless when you have someone who only considers you a friend, if you agree with everything they say and an enemy or "terrible person", if you disagree with them in any way.

It is true that the Left does this to everyone --- and they riot and chase people down on the street, and knock hats off, run into campaign booths with an SUV, and shout at people in restaurants, plural --- I had two friends like this and they were just poisonous; I had to drop the acquaintance, and I wasn't the one talking politics! (I don't, in person.) The same with some relatives on the left --- just nasty talk, against Trump, against me for believing in him --- who needs it? I laid the law down: people don't get to say any atrocity they like to me. That did stop it with the relatives, but I am very wary about people now and tend to keep myself to myself. The Left has gone crazy; I suspect it was like this with the Abolitionists back in 1858/59. Just went completely out of their minds and some great names (Emerson, for instance) FUNDED John Brown and his raid on Harper's Ferry, that terrorist attack.
Because he is a fraud, business cheart, woman abuser, racist, bigot, and liar. He is trashing the Constitution and taking this country backwards.

Why do you support that?
By "backward" you mean:
More employment.
More wage growth.
More 401k growth.
More confidence.
Less racial anxiety.
Less Food Stamps.
Less Poverty.
Stopped funding Terrorism.

Yeah... For Democrats that is backward, and that is why you hate him.
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Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?
It's not baseless when you have someone who only considers you a friend, if you agree with everything they say and an enemy or "terrible person", if you disagree with them in any way.
Examples please.
Read the news. How many so far have been touted as the best when hired and then dismissed as failures and someone that he "hardly knew" when fired? If you don't recall, then you have selective blindness.
Examples, please!!!!!!!!!
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?

I hate him because other lowlife degenerate pieces of shit on welfare with blue hair, neck tattoos, nose piercings and four baby mamas say I should.

I have a friend who hates him because he likes to pound other men in the ass and Trump won’t pretend that’s so fucking cool.

I know this filthy wetback who hates him because Trump works for real Americans...he protects Americans, imposes law and order and won’t allow Gustavo’s filthy ass to bring his 120 wetback family members over here to fuck real Americans over and turn the place into a beanerized shithole.
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Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?
It's not baseless when you have someone who only considers you a friend, if you agree with everything they say and an enemy or "terrible person", if you disagree with them in any way.
Examples please.
Read the news. How many so far have been touted as the best when hired and then dismissed as failures and someone that he "hardly knew" when fired? If you don't recall, then you have selective blindness.

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