Why do some parents do not follow pop culture?

What happened in 1861 that ended proper morality? The Civil War?

The swearing in if Abraham Lincoln and his total lack of respect for the Constitution and it’s basic tenants by forcing the start of the Civil War.

Presidents have shown a lack of respect for the US Constitution before and since. How did that end proper morality? By freeing the slaves?
Presidents have shown a lack of respect for the US Constitution before and since. How did that end proper morality? By freeing the slaves?

Freeing the slaves was his only decent act. Of course the fact that he planned to deport most of them has been ignored by history.

Lincoln CREATED the Federal Government as an entity of Power. Until that time the States were the place where Power resided. In doing so, Lincoln voided the US Constitution and every POTUS since has continued that despicable power grab. Some (FDR for example) ave greatly increased it.
Presidents have shown a lack of respect for the US Constitution before and since. How did that end proper morality? By freeing the slaves?

Freeing the slaves was his only decent act. Of course the fact that he planned to deport most of them has been ignored by history.

Lincoln CREATED the Federal Government as an entity of Power. Until that time the States were the place where Power resided. In doing so, Lincoln voided the US Constitution and every POTUS since has continued that despicable power grab. Some (FDR for example) ave greatly increased it.

And how does that effect your personal morality? Or anyone else’s?
oh gramps- you ain't getting thru them pearly gates anymore than you think i will be.

You’re right, I’m not. I was 27 before my eyes were opened to the Truth about life. 27 years that can never be done over. I can only hope The Divine allows this poor, stupid Soul another chance. Besides, Heaven isn’t the Higher Plane I’d choose even if I were to Ascend.
oh gramps- you ain't getting thru them pearly gates anymore than you think i will be.

You’re right, I’m not. I was 27 before my eyes were opened to the Truth about life. 27 years that can never be done over. I can only hope The Divine allows this poor, stupid Soul another chance. Besides, Heaven isn’t the Higher Plane I’d choose even if I were to Ascend.

you are a major buzz kill in your own life.
]I am all about Right and Wrong. But I am also all about joy, laughter and happiness.

Interesting. I find the things that make most people joyful and happy thee days seem to fall on the Wrong side of the ledger.

Really? I get a lot of joy out of plenty of things that are on the Right side of the ledger. I love camping, canoeing, fishing and hiking. The weekend of the 4th, I enjoyed my morning coffee sitting on a rock bluff with a view of a beautiful valley outside Chattanooga. None of those are on the Wrong side of the ledger.

That same weekend I spent time fishing with my 35 year old son. Caught a few and laughed a lot. That certainly isn't on the Wrong side of the ledger.

That same weekend I spent hours with my 18 month old grandson. (the most ADORABLE child in the world) I read to him, played with him, and got the best hugs from him. I also taught him how delicious S'mores are. (my shirt will probably always have a stain from that)

Pretty much every morning there is laughter in my house. Little things we find funny. My sweetie has the most wonderful laugh. When she laughs the dog wags his tail. Nothing there on the Wrong side of the ledger.

We like to go down to a little local bar and listen to live music. Cold beer, good friends, good friends playing great music, and laughing. Nothing there on the Wrong side of the ledger.

Joy, laughter and happiness are where you find them. Being happy is more a choice than any situation.
Maybe because the parents are smart enough to stay away from that crap.

I’m of the age to have watched those shows if my parents had allowed it. They didn’t. No WWE or college/pro basketball or many other things. MTV was off limits.

So you're not that old, then. Seriously, you're not that old if your parents were restricting MTV.

Uncle Ferd likes to watch...

... the Smut Channel.

I got that hacked in my cousin's bedroom TV once, in the satellite days. Bad thing was, I couldn't turn it off, and then they caught me. :eek:

It took her husband an hour or more to put it back like it was. :rolleyes:

I unlocked 5 American Exxstasy channels, all the Playboy channels.. oops!

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