Why do television shows have the actors smoke in every scene?

Yeah....we know, back in history times more people smoked....they smoked all the time, they smoked a lot......because they didn't realize the harm. But why....why, must every actor on these television shows about those periods of time have to have them smoke in every scene? From Madmen, to Peaky Blinders, to The Crown, Suicide Blonde, True Detective.......they smoke and smoke and smoke......

And yet the hollywood SJWs say smoking is bad and push those stupid commericals about "telling the truth" about smoking....

There is no need to show the smoking, I find it distracting since smoking is so distasteful to me......
They smoke for the same reason they drive land yachts. It establishes the period.

No....the clothes and set establish the scene...there is no reason to force those actors to smoke cancer causing products....

Again, why haven't they sued the production companies, the producers and directors...

We are constantly scolded about smoking.....and yet here they are, demanding these people smoke....
How do you know they are not already smokers when not on the set?

They may be....but cigarettes are a known carcinogenic product.....any other product like that on any other work site would be grounds for OSHA to come in and shut you down....


Paint fumes are carcinogenic. Inhaling flour is carcinogenic. Everything is carcinogenic.

No one is being "forced" to do anything, and smoking isn't illegal.
Yeah....we know, back in history times more people smoked....they smoked all the time, they smoked a lot......because they didn't realize the harm. But why....why, must every actor on these television shows about those periods of time have to have them smoke in every scene? From Madmen, to Peaky Blinders, to The Crown, Suicide Blonde, True Detective.......they smoke and smoke and smoke......

And yet the hollywood SJWs say smoking is bad and push those stupid commericals about "telling the truth" about smoking....

There is no need to show the smoking, I find it distracting since smoking is so distasteful to me......
They smoke for the same reason they drive land yachts. It establishes the period.

No....the clothes and set establish the scene...there is no reason to force those actors to smoke cancer causing products....

Again, why haven't they sued the production companies, the producers and directors...

We are constantly scolded about smoking.....and yet here they are, demanding these people smoke....

You DO realize that if an actor was concerned about something like that, they could simply ask for a vape pen that looks like a cigarette. I've seen vape pens in CO that are loaded with THC oils that looked like cigarettes, and when you puffed on it, a light at the end (the red one looked like a glowing ash) would light up while you drew on it.

Why are you so bent out of shape about this 2AGuy?

I find it distracting......I don't smoke, so smoking is disgusting to me......the smell....and have you ever kissed a woman who smokes......? Ugh.....
Yeah....we know, back in history times more people smoked....they smoked all the time, they smoked a lot......because they didn't realize the harm. But why....why, must every actor on these television shows about those periods of time have to have them smoke in every scene? From Madmen, to Peaky Blinders, to The Crown, Suicide Blonde, True Detective.......they smoke and smoke and smoke......

And yet the hollywood SJWs say smoking is bad and push those stupid commericals about "telling the truth" about smoking....

There is no need to show the smoking, I find it distracting since smoking is so distasteful to me......
They smoke for the same reason they drive land yachts. It establishes the period.

No....the clothes and set establish the scene...there is no reason to force those actors to smoke cancer causing products....

Again, why haven't they sued the production companies, the producers and directors...

We are constantly scolded about smoking.....and yet here they are, demanding these people smoke....
How do you know they are not already smokers when not on the set?

They may be....but cigarettes are a known carcinogenic product.....any other product like that on any other work site would be grounds for OSHA to come in and shut you down....
Pffffffffft. Booze stinks and causes more deaths in car accidents; perfume can gag you if you are stuck in a room with someone smothered in it; street corner barbques emit the same dangers smoking up the streets even though it smells good; etc etc etc.
Yeah....we know, back in history times more people smoked....they smoked all the time, they smoked a lot......because they didn't realize the harm. But why....why, must every actor on these television shows about those periods of time have to have them smoke in every scene? From Madmen, to Peaky Blinders, to The Crown, Suicide Blonde, True Detective.......they smoke and smoke and smoke......

And yet the hollywood SJWs say smoking is bad and push those stupid commericals about "telling the truth" about smoking....

There is no need to show the smoking, I find it distracting since smoking is so distasteful to me......
They smoke for the same reason they drive land yachts. It establishes the period.

No....the clothes and set establish the scene...there is no reason to force those actors to smoke cancer causing products....

Again, why haven't they sued the production companies, the producers and directors...

We are constantly scolded about smoking.....and yet here they are, demanding these people smoke....

You DO realize that if an actor was concerned about something like that, they could simply ask for a vape pen that looks like a cigarette. I've seen vape pens in CO that are loaded with THC oils that looked like cigarettes, and when you puffed on it, a light at the end (the red one looked like a glowing ash) would light up while you drew on it.

Why are you so bent out of shape about this 2AGuy?

I find it distracting......I don't smoke, so smoking is disgusting to me......the smell....and have you ever kissed a woman who smokes......? Ugh.....
I smoke. I've been kissed A LOT in my years on this earth. :D
Yeah....we know, back in history times more people smoked....they smoked all the time, they smoked a lot......because they didn't realize the harm. But why....why, must every actor on these television shows about those periods of time have to have them smoke in every scene? From Madmen, to Peaky Blinders, to The Crown, Suicide Blonde, True Detective.......they smoke and smoke and smoke......

And yet the hollywood SJWs say smoking is bad and push those stupid commericals about "telling the truth" about smoking....

There is no need to show the smoking, I find it distracting since smoking is so distasteful to me......

Why would the actors in shows about periods where many people smoked, smoke?

Well.....for the actors health...for one.....considering each scene you see the actor lights up a cigarette.......they shoot that scene a dozen or more times...that is a dozen or more times they are smoking, in one scene.....

I am surprised that they haven't had their union go after this unsafe work place requirement......

Do we have to watch them all go to the bathroom too? They all went to the bathroom, they all burped and farted too...why not show that as well.

There is no need to have them all smoking, it adds nothing to the story.

Poor Cilian Murphy, you can hear how hoarse his voice is after smoking in every scene....

I assume the actors agree to it when taking on the roles. No reason to assume they are all smoking actual cigarettes, either.

People rarely spend most of their time in the bathroom. Smokers sometimes spend quite a bit of time smoking, on the other hand. And I have seen characters go to the bathroom, burp, and fart in shows and movies, so it isn't as though those things are never depicted.

I have rarely, if ever, seen every actor in a film or television show smoke. Sometimes quite a few of them do, if the writers/directors feel it fits. It's acting; people playing a role. If it bothers you so much, don't watch things which depict smoking. :dunno:

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