Why do the God-haters persist?

Read it many times. Studied it with Mickey Seifert out of Duke University. Fascinating stuff.
Your capitalization doesn't make an argument, it just makes you look petulant and childish. You have much to learn about your scriptures.
The sad thing is, it's a safe bet you never will.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

IF YOU "HAD" READ Revelation you would have seen the prophecy there recorded over 2000 years ago proves it is true.

You are a sorry, deluded troll.
I know you don't mean to be. You are utterly lost in your delusion and can't get out.
But it is terribly sad to watch.
Now you are calling me a liar after I told you I have read it many times and in fact studied it with one of the most respected teachers from Duke's seminary. Your delusions allow you to make unfounded accusations and undermine any godliness you might hope to aspire to.
I've already shown you science has figured out exactly when/how/why the human brain came up with religion.

You've not shown anything but a lack of comprehension for the most basic things. First of all, we're not arguing about Religion. I agree, man invented Religion. Science doesn't need to figure it out, we have archeological evidence of when the first religions were created. Religions are the product of human spirituality which man didn't invent.

And yes, it can be concluded that PROBABLY there is no god. Based on all the evidence. Of course we can't say we know everything so that gives you a 0000.0001% chance of being right.

Nonsense. You are vomiting an oxymoron, like "agnostic atheist". You simply cannot CONCLUDE something PROBABLY! If something is PROBABLE, it is NOT CONCLUDED!

Based on WHAT fucking evidence? Science can't evaluate the spiritual! There is NO evidence to evaluate. This is about as stupid as including "0000" before ".0001" Do you think those extra zeroes are more impressive?

A particular standard of evidence is required to prove any claim. Since god’s existence is an extraordinary claim, perhaps the most extraordinary claim, proving it requires equally extraordinary evidence.

The evidence required to prove a spiritual entity is spiritual evidence, which you ignore.

The standard of evidence required to prove a god’s existence is immediately more than any personal anecdote, witness testimony, ancient book or reported miracle – none of which can be considered extraordinarily reliable. The human mind is also highly susceptible to being fooled and even fooling itself.

Not for all it's entire existence as a species. I don't know about books or reported miracles, those are from religions which were created to comprehend the spiritual connection. What I know is, humans have been spiritually connecting to something for as long as they've been humans. This is what the archeological evidence shows.

You seem to keep thinking there should be some kind of physical proof for the thing that created physical existence. It's like going to Mona Lisa and asking her who painted her, expecting her to answer and tell you!

One could be suffering from an hallucination or a form of undiagnosed schizophrenia, hysteria or psychosis, ruling out even our own senses as reliable evidence gathering mechanisms in this case. As strange as it sounds, misunderstood aliens might even be attempting to interact with us using extremely advanced technology. In fact, reality itself could be a computer simulation which we unknowingly inhabit.

Yes, I think definitely someone is suffering from undiagnosed schizophrenia, hysteria and psychosis here. Haven't you signed up for your Obamacare yet? I can recommend some really good psychiatrists.

Reality, as I have explained in another thread, is merely our perception of what is happening during the expanding of our universe. The expansion creates time, or spacetime, in which reality can happen. Your reality and mine are distinctly unique.

Every conceivable argument, every imaginable piece of evidence for god is not without some fatal flaw or more likely explanation which precludes it from being used as definitive proof.

The same is true for every argument for NO god.

God is what it would take to convince an atheist/scientist.

I doubt that.

An omniscient god would know the exact standard of evidence required to convince any atheist/scientist of its existence and, being omnipotent, it would also be able to immediately produce this evidence. If it wanted to, a god could conceivably change the brain chemistry of any individual in order to compel them to believe. It could even restructure the entire universe in such a way as to make non-belief impossible.

I've made this exact same point. If God wanted everyone to believe, you'd have no choice, it would be like breathing. God is a spiritual energy that doesn't "care" what humans do. It doesn't have humanistic emotions or needs. It doesn't care what you do with the spacetime continuum it has afforded you, that's entirely up to you. Now if your personal spirit is hellbent (pardon the pun) on destroying positive spiritual energy, I suspect your soul will ultimately pay the price for that when your time comes. Your afterlife is going to really suck balls.
This is like the second time you've sent this to me. You are weird. What do you believe?

I believe that the "Volcano God Scam" is the oldest one in the book.

The scam is basically, the village sees smoke rising from the mountain. The village shaman tells the villagers that the volcano god is angry at them for their sins. Only through sacrifice of their crops and virgin daughters can the god be appeased, otherwise he will spit fire and lava to destroy the village.

A few things, the volcano is real. Of course the activity has not a fucking thing to do with sins on the part of the villagers, and the shaman SURE the fuck has no power to alter the events. He is simply taking advantage so he can rape and murder some little girls, and live high on the hog from the best the villagers can produce.

This is Anthropogenic Global Warming, top to bottom. It's just a modern incarnation of the volcano hoax. Shamans like Michael Mann and Algore demand sacrifice in payment for carbon sins, comply or the world will end. It's amusing the hundreds of failed predictions and the dozens of exposed frauds, yet the villagers still believe.. Gore and Mann get filthy rich, yet the villagers faith never waivers..

For you to mock GISMYS is the height of chutzpah, yours is the most primitive of of religions, and the most foolish.

So I laugh at you.

What if his goddess Gaia is more powerful than your god?

We should arrange a mud wrestling match to sort this out...

That Callange has been made long ago 3000 years ago.====Then Elijah talked to them. “How long are you going to waver between two opinions?” he asked the people. “If the Lord is God,follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!”

22 Then Elijah spoke again. “I am the only prophet of the Lord who is left,” he told them, “but Baal has 450 prophets. 23 Now bring two young bulls. The prophets of Baal may choose whichever one they wish and cut it into pieces and lay it on the wood of their altar, but without putting any fire under the wood; and I will prepare the other young bull and lay it on the wood on the Lord’s altar, with no fire under it. 24 Then pray to your god, and I will pray to the Lord; and the god who answers by sending fire to light the wood is the true God!” And all the people agreed to this test.

25 Then Elijah turned to the prophets of Baal. “You first,” he said, “for there are many of you; choose one of the bulls and prepare it and call to your god; but don’t put any fire under the wood.”

26 So they prepared one of the young bulls and placed it on the altar; and they called to Baal all morning, shouting, “O Baal, hear us!” But there was no reply of any kind. Then they began to dance around the altar. 27 About noontime, Elijah began mocking them.

“You’ll have to shout louder than that,” he scoffed, “to catch the attention of your god! Perhaps he is talking to someone, or is out sitting on the toilet, or maybe he is away on a trip, or is asleep and needs to be wakened!”

28 So they shouted louder and, as was their custom, cut themselves with knives and swords until the blood gushed out. 29 They raved all afternoon until the time of the evening sacrifice, but there was no reply, no voice, no answer.

30 Then Elijah called to the people, “Come over here.”

And they all crowded around him as he repaired the altar of the Lord that had been torn down. 31 He took twelve stones, one to represent each of the tribes of Israel, 32 and used the stones to rebuild the Lord’s altar. Then he dug a trench about three feet wide[c] around the altar. 33 He piled wood upon the altar and cut the young bull into pieces and laid the pieces on the wood.

“Fill four barrels with water,” he said, “and pour the water over the carcass and the wood.”

After they had done this he said, 34 “Do it again.” And they did.

“Now, do it once more!” And they did; 35 and the water ran off the altar and filled the trench.

36 At the customary time for offering the evening sacrifice, Elijah walked up to the altar and prayed, “O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, prove today that you are the God of Israel and that I am your servant; prove that I have done all this at your command. 37 O Lord, answer me! Answer me so these people will know that you are God and that you have brought them back to yourself.”

38 Then, suddenly, fire flashed down from heaven and burned up the young bull, the wood, the stones, the dust, and even evaporated all the water in the ditch!

39 And when the people saw it, they fell to their faces upon the ground shouting, “Jehovah is God! Jehovah is God!”
I've made this exact same point. If God wanted everyone to believe, you'd have no choice, it would be like breathing. God is a spiritual energy that doesn't "care" what humans do. It doesn't have humanistic emotions or needs. It doesn't care what you do with the spacetime continuum it has afforded you, that's entirely up to you. Now if your personal spirit is hellbent (pardon the pun) on destroying positive spiritual energy, I suspect your soul will ultimately pay the price for that when your time comes. Your afterlife is going to really suck balls.

Wait. If god doesn't care what a person does, why do you 'suspect your soul will ultimately pay the price for that when your time comes.'? Is there some other spiritual being, one which does care about what we do, that is in charge of the afterlife?
Silly boob: These theories conclude that it was probably humans who created God, not the other way around... Science says you are wrong.

I thought we already covered this... Science doesn't "say" things, just as Religion doesn't "say" things. You may read things and interpret them as saying something, but that is you forming an opinion. Furthermore, I know of very little that Science or Religions have collectively agreed on, and certainly they haven't formed consensus on the most compelling question ever. So Science doesn't say I am wrong, YOU say that I am wrong based on what you've interpreted.

I love to read "theories conclude that it was probably" because I need to laugh a bit. Theories do not "conclude" things, they "theorize" possibility. Also, when something is concluded it is not "probably" it is concluded. You can't "conclude something is probably" because that's not conclusion, that is a speculation. Again, YOU are drawing a conclusion from a speculation.

Man has invented all kinds of incarnations of God(s), generally surrounded by created religions. Now a thinking and rational person might ask, why do humans continue to invent new incarnations of this "God" thing? All throughout human history, the evidence shows this is what we've done. This is where the philosophical principle known as Occam's Razor comes in to play. The simplest explanation is that man is connecting (or believes he's connecting) to a spiritual nature, something greater than self.

Science doesn't refute this, nor can it.

Why is that the simplest explanation? What about man is comforted by the idea of god(s)? Your 'simple' explanation requires not only a being which exists in a reality we cannot directly perceive, but also that mankind can inherently sense that being through some unknown means and not only continually misinterprets that sensing, but does so en masse.
Silly boob: These theories conclude that it was probably humans who created God, not the other way around... Science says you are wrong.

I thought we already covered this... Science doesn't "say" things, just as Religion doesn't "say" things. You may read things and interpret them as saying something, but that is you forming an opinion. Furthermore, I know of very little that Science or Religions have collectively agreed on, and certainly they haven't formed consensus on the most compelling question ever. So Science doesn't say I am wrong, YOU say that I am wrong based on what you've interpreted.

I love to read "theories conclude that it was probably" because I need to laugh a bit. Theories do not "conclude" things, they "theorize" possibility. Also, when something is concluded it is not "probably" it is concluded. You can't "conclude something is probably" because that's not conclusion, that is a speculation. Again, YOU are drawing a conclusion from a speculation.

Man has invented all kinds of incarnations of God(s), generally surrounded by created religions. Now a thinking and rational person might ask, why do humans continue to invent new incarnations of this "God" thing? All throughout human history, the evidence shows this is what we've done. This is where the philosophical principle known as Occam's Razor comes in to play. The simplest explanation is that man is connecting (or believes he's connecting) to a spiritual nature, something greater than self.

Science doesn't refute this, nor can it.

Why is that the simplest explanation? What about man is comforted by the idea of god(s)? Your 'simple' explanation requires not only a being which exists in a reality we cannot directly perceive, but also that mankind can inherently sense that being through some unknown means and not only continually misinterprets that sensing, but does so en masse.

YES!!! GOD'S THINKING is way over little man understanding!!! Little man is like a tiny ant in a little boy's ant farm.he climbs up on a little rock and shakes his fist and dares the boy to SQUISH HIM!!! OOPS!!
I've made this exact same point. If God wanted everyone to believe, you'd have no choice, it would be like breathing. God is a spiritual energy that doesn't "care" what humans do. It doesn't have humanistic emotions or needs. It doesn't care what you do with the spacetime continuum it has afforded you, that's entirely up to you. Now if your personal spirit is hellbent (pardon the pun) on destroying positive spiritual energy, I suspect your soul will ultimately pay the price for that when your time comes. Your afterlife is going to really suck balls.

So god does not care what you do with our time on this rock, but if you do things that god does not like then we'll be punished.

How can god punish us for doing things if he does not care what we do?
I've made this exact same point. If God wanted everyone to believe, you'd have no choice, it would be like breathing. God is a spiritual energy that doesn't "care" what humans do. It doesn't have humanistic emotions or needs. It doesn't care what you do with the spacetime continuum it has afforded you, that's entirely up to you. Now if your personal spirit is hellbent (pardon the pun) on destroying positive spiritual energy, I suspect your soul will ultimately pay the price for that when your time comes. Your afterlife is going to really suck balls.

Small problem. There is no afterlife.....Not even the realization of the nothingness.
I've made this exact same point. If God wanted everyone to believe, you'd have no choice, it would be like breathing. God is a spiritual energy that doesn't "care" what humans do. It doesn't have humanistic emotions or needs. It doesn't care what you do with the spacetime continuum it has afforded you, that's entirely up to you. Now if your personal spirit is hellbent (pardon the pun) on destroying positive spiritual energy, I suspect your soul will ultimately pay the price for that when your time comes. Your afterlife is going to really suck balls.

Wait. If god doesn't care what a person does, why do you 'suspect your soul will ultimately pay the price for that when your time comes.'? Is there some other spiritual being, one which does care about what we do, that is in charge of the afterlife?

Again, go back to my comparison of God with electricity... does electricity care if you stick your finger in the socket? Now your spirit functions in a dimension other than time, and where you stick your finger in a socket, the consequence is immediate in terms of time, your soul and spirit are immortal, so time doesn't matter. The consequence comes after your physical experience is over. This is why I think spiritual nature leads us on a path to goodness, or as religious folk may say, "righteousness."

Now... Judgement... maybe this is another word that we apply because we have no other word to define it? Perhaps this is more of a "criteria" your soul must meet to pass on to a greater place in afterlife? Could be that Atheists actually get to experience a life where everyone in existence around them are haters of God?
Again, go back to my comparison of God with electricity... does electricity care if you stick your finger in the socket? Now your spirit functions in a dimension other than time, and where you stick your finger in a socket, the consequence is immediate in terms of time, your soul and spirit are immortal, so time doesn't matter. The consequence comes after your physical experience is over. This is why I think spiritual nature leads us on a path to goodness, or as religious folk may say, "righteousness."

Now... Judgement... maybe this is another word that we apply because we have no other word to define it? Perhaps this is more of a "criteria" your soul must meet to pass on to a greater place in afterlife? Could be that Atheists actually get to experience a life where everyone in existence around them are haters of God?

How can an atheist experience an afterlife, if they do not believe in such a thing?
Silly boob: These theories conclude that it was probably humans who created God, not the other way around... Science says you are wrong.

I thought we already covered this... Science doesn't "say" things, just as Religion doesn't "say" things. You may read things and interpret them as saying something, but that is you forming an opinion. Furthermore, I know of very little that Science or Religions have collectively agreed on, and certainly they haven't formed consensus on the most compelling question ever. So Science doesn't say I am wrong, YOU say that I am wrong based on what you've interpreted.

I love to read "theories conclude that it was probably" because I need to laugh a bit. Theories do not "conclude" things, they "theorize" possibility. Also, when something is concluded it is not "probably" it is concluded. You can't "conclude something is probably" because that's not conclusion, that is a speculation. Again, YOU are drawing a conclusion from a speculation.

Man has invented all kinds of incarnations of God(s), generally surrounded by created religions. Now a thinking and rational person might ask, why do humans continue to invent new incarnations of this "God" thing? All throughout human history, the evidence shows this is what we've done. This is where the philosophical principle known as Occam's Razor comes in to play. The simplest explanation is that man is connecting (or believes he's connecting) to a spiritual nature, something greater than self.

Science doesn't refute this, nor can it.

Why is that the simplest explanation? What about man is comforted by the idea of god(s)? Your 'simple' explanation requires not only a being which exists in a reality we cannot directly perceive, but also that mankind can inherently sense that being through some unknown means and not only continually misinterprets that sensing, but does so en masse.

Because man is never comforted by a fake idea for very long. My explanation doesn't "require" anything, I am giving an explanation for what you claim is "required." Your mind has become so convoluted over this, you are beginning to depart from rationality. There is no "unknown means" ...every human is intrinsically hard-wired to be spiritual and make spiritual connection. Some people have simply convinced themselves they can't do this.

Religion is man's way of trying to comprehend spiritual nature, I never said he "misinterprets" anything. There is a marked difference between failing to fully comprehend something and misinterpreting it.
Again, go back to my comparison of God with electricity... does electricity care if you stick your finger in the socket? Now your spirit functions in a dimension other than time, and where you stick your finger in a socket, the consequence is immediate in terms of time, your soul and spirit are immortal, so time doesn't matter. The consequence comes after your physical experience is over. This is why I think spiritual nature leads us on a path to goodness, or as religious folk may say, "righteousness."

Now... Judgement... maybe this is another word that we apply because we have no other word to define it? Perhaps this is more of a "criteria" your soul must meet to pass on to a greater place in afterlife? Could be that Atheists actually get to experience a life where everyone in existence around them are haters of God?

How can an atheist experience an afterlife, if they do not believe in such a thing?

How can a person experience death if they don't believe in such a thing? How can man be eaten by lions in the jungle if they don't believe in such a thing? How can you be electrocuted if you don't believe in such a thing? You really have some strong faith in disbelief if you think that disbelief means you won't experience what is real.
I've made this exact same point. If God wanted everyone to believe, you'd have no choice, it would be like breathing. God is a spiritual energy that doesn't "care" what humans do. It doesn't have humanistic emotions or needs. It doesn't care what you do with the spacetime continuum it has afforded you, that's entirely up to you. Now if your personal spirit is hellbent (pardon the pun) on destroying positive spiritual energy, I suspect your soul will ultimately pay the price for that when your time comes. Your afterlife is going to really suck balls.

Small problem. There is no afterlife.....Not even the realization of the nothingness.

There is no afterlife in a physical sense. At least as far as we know. And I can respect that you have an opinion there is no afterlife for our spirits and souls, but you've offered no evidence to support this claim. I believe our spirits and souls are not physical, and therefore, live on after our physical existence.
I thought we already covered this... Science doesn't "say" things, just as Religion doesn't "say" things. You may read things and interpret them as saying something, but that is you forming an opinion. Furthermore, I know of very little that Science or Religions have collectively agreed on, and certainly they haven't formed consensus on the most compelling question ever. So Science doesn't say I am wrong, YOU say that I am wrong based on what you've interpreted.

I love to read "theories conclude that it was probably" because I need to laugh a bit. Theories do not "conclude" things, they "theorize" possibility. Also, when something is concluded it is not "probably" it is concluded. You can't "conclude something is probably" because that's not conclusion, that is a speculation. Again, YOU are drawing a conclusion from a speculation.

Man has invented all kinds of incarnations of God(s), generally surrounded by created religions. Now a thinking and rational person might ask, why do humans continue to invent new incarnations of this "God" thing? All throughout human history, the evidence shows this is what we've done. This is where the philosophical principle known as Occam's Razor comes in to play. The simplest explanation is that man is connecting (or believes he's connecting) to a spiritual nature, something greater than self.

Science doesn't refute this, nor can it.

Why is that the simplest explanation? What about man is comforted by the idea of god(s)? Your 'simple' explanation requires not only a being which exists in a reality we cannot directly perceive, but also that mankind can inherently sense that being through some unknown means and not only continually misinterprets that sensing, but does so en masse.

Because man is never comforted by a fake idea for very long. My explanation doesn't "require" anything, I am giving an explanation for what you claim is "required." Your mind has become so convoluted over this, you are beginning to depart from rationality. There is no "unknown means" ...every human is intrinsically hard-wired to be spiritual and make spiritual connection. Some people have simply convinced themselves they can't do this.

Religion is man's way of trying to comprehend spiritual nature, I never said he "misinterprets" anything. There is a marked difference between failing to fully comprehend something and misinterpreting it.

What makes you say man is never comforted by a fake idea for very long? Which fake ideas are you referring to?

If the means for sensing the spiritual are known, explain them. It's 'hard-wired' into every human? What organ or organs function as spiritual receiver? You say the means are known, but have failed to provide those means.

I'm sorry, I must have missed the words in parenthesis where you add that man creates religion because he believes he's connection to something greater than self. That somewhat obviates my point, but it also has its own issue. You basically said that man creates a belief in a connection to something greater to self because he believes he is connecting to something greater than self. ;)

If religions were generally open-ended, if they didn't claim to have the answers and instead merely said there is something out there greater than you, but it cannot be explained or understood, you might have a point about failing to comprehend rather than misinterpreting. However, if we use your stated beliefs as the benchmark, then religions nearly always create rules and claim truths that are merely imagination. That would seem to fit under the term misinterpretation to me.
The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

IF YOU "HAD" READ Revelation you would have seen the prophecy there recorded over 2000 years ago proves it is true.

You are a sorry, deluded troll.
I know you don't mean to be. You are utterly lost in your delusion and can't get out.
But it is terribly sad to watch.
Now you are calling me a liar after I told you I have read it many times and in fact studied it with one of the most respected teachers from Duke's seminary. Your delusions allow you to make unfounded accusations and undermine any godliness you might hope to aspire to.

Another person on another thread said I didn't read it with an open mind. I read it with skepticism and evil in my heart. Yea, that's why I didn't get it. :eusa_liar:

Maybe I should have prayed more for a sign. :eusa_pray:
IF YOU "HAD" READ Revelation you would have seen the prophecy there recorded over 2000 years ago proves it is true.

You are a sorry, deluded troll.
I know you don't mean to be. You are utterly lost in your delusion and can't get out.
But it is terribly sad to watch.
Now you are calling me a liar after I told you I have read it many times and in fact studied it with one of the most respected teachers from Duke's seminary. Your delusions allow you to make unfounded accusations and undermine any godliness you might hope to aspire to.

Another person on another thread said I didn't read it with an open mind. I read it with skepticism and evil in my heart. Yea, that's why I didn't get it. :eusa_liar:

Maybe I should have prayed more for a sign. :eusa_pray:
DUKE should refund your money if they taught you revelation is about Rome. MOST OF Revelation is prophecy for the end days!!
Why is that the simplest explanation? What about man is comforted by the idea of god(s)? Your 'simple' explanation requires not only a being which exists in a reality we cannot directly perceive, but also that mankind can inherently sense that being through some unknown means and not only continually misinterprets that sensing, but does so en masse.

Because man is never comforted by a fake idea for very long. My explanation doesn't "require" anything, I am giving an explanation for what you claim is "required." Your mind has become so convoluted over this, you are beginning to depart from rationality. There is no "unknown means" ...every human is intrinsically hard-wired to be spiritual and make spiritual connection. Some people have simply convinced themselves they can't do this.

Religion is man's way of trying to comprehend spiritual nature, I never said he "misinterprets" anything. There is a marked difference between failing to fully comprehend something and misinterpreting it.

What makes you say man is never comforted by a fake idea for very long? Which fake ideas are you referring to?

If religions were generally open-ended, if they didn't claim to have the answers and instead merely said there is something out there greater than you, but it cannot be explained or understood, you might have a point about failing to comprehend rather than misinterpreting. However, if we use your stated beliefs as the benchmark, then religions nearly always create rules and claim truths that are merely imagination. That would seem to fit under the term misinterpretation to me.

I agree. If religion admitted they didn't know 100% for sure either, I'd be open to being spiritual. Most people who say they are atheists say so because we don't believe in the jewish, muslim, christian, mormon gods. We say we are 100% sure those gods don't exist but who can say for sure there is no god? But one things for sure. Based on all the facts, the probability of there being NO god is a lot higher than there being a god. A god would have revealed himself to us. No need to hide from us to test us. That's just :cuckoo: or :eusa_liar:
Because man is never comforted by a fake idea for very long. My explanation doesn't "require" anything, I am giving an explanation for what you claim is "required." Your mind has become so convoluted over this, you are beginning to depart from rationality. There is no "unknown means" ...every human is intrinsically hard-wired to be spiritual and make spiritual connection. Some people have simply convinced themselves they can't do this.

Religion is man's way of trying to comprehend spiritual nature, I never said he "misinterprets" anything. There is a marked difference between failing to fully comprehend something and misinterpreting it.

What makes you say man is never comforted by a fake idea for very long? Which fake ideas are you referring to?

If religions were generally open-ended, if they didn't claim to have the answers and instead merely said there is something out there greater than you, but it cannot be explained or understood, you might have a point about failing to comprehend rather than misinterpreting. However, if we use your stated beliefs as the benchmark, then religions nearly always create rules and claim truths that are merely imagination. That would seem to fit under the term misinterpretation to me.

I agree. If religion admitted they didn't know 100% for sure either, I'd be open to being spiritual. Most people who say they are atheists say so because we don't believe in the jewish, muslim, christian, mormon gods. We say we are 100% sure those gods don't exist but who can say for sure there is no god? But one things for sure. Based on all the facts, the probability of there being NO god is a lot higher than there being a god. A god would have revealed himself to us. No need to hide from us to test us. That's just :cuckoo: or :eusa_liar:


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