Why do the God-haters persist?

Jesus says=If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.” Jesus makes it clear that it is not the volume of faith that makes impossible things happen, because faith “the size of a mustard seed”—very tiny—can accomplish the impossible. What did He mean?

When the apostles heard that they must extend forgiveness in such an expansive (and impossible) way, they assumed they had to conjure up this kind of love themselves. If they had more faith, they could do it. By telling them that even faith the size of a mustard seed would be enough to work wonders, Jesus immediately shifts the emphasis away from the wonder worker and on to the Worker of wonders. It is not the size of our faith but its Object that makes all the difference. If we are thinking about the size of our faith, we are thinking about ourselves. If we are thinking about the impossibility of what needs to happen, such as forgiving others endlessly, we would do well to think about God and His unlimited power. To believe that God can do anything in and through us simply takes faith. Jesus uses the metaphor of a mustard seed to emphasize that impossible things are accomplished when our faith in God—our trust in Him to hear our prayers and act on our behalf—is exercised. It is not the amount of faith that matters but its quality. Faith is the human action through which the power of God is released in the world. With God, nothing is impossible (see Gen 18:14; Mt19:26; Lk 1:37).
It's good to see religion in it's death throws...

For serious...

Valentine's Day Murder Trial Begins
Former Baptist missionary allegedly shot his wife to make room for another lover.

The couple met that alleged mistress when she was just a girl during a mission trip from Lithuania.

15 minutes after he called 911 he texted the young girl that his wife was dead and she replied back, "interesting :)"

I'm not a religious man but I would NEVER do this to my wife. First I wouldn't have the BALLS to hit on the minor and not think she would tell people. Then, I would never consider murdering my wife. I may leave my wife for a 20 year old but I would not kill her.

This 20 year old mistress was a christian too? If they believe in god, how do they get themselves to kill? Don't they worry about going to hell? I wonder how many so called christians are really christians? Until he got caught, Mr. Leuthold was a christian. Is he still a christian? Will he ask god for forgiveness? What a joke.

Prosecutors detail Leuthold’s conversations, and series of Internet searches - News - Journal Star - Peoria, IL
Fine if he did it once why can't he do it again so we all can see he is almighty God. If you have but the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains. Do you have the faith of a mustard seed? How come you ain't moving any mountains? How come nobody is moving any mountains? Nobody has any faith?

I rented and watched The Son of God yesterday. First off when he brought back Lazareth from the dead after 4 days of being dead. Come on.

And this movie made him out to be a rock star among the people. Pahleez. He had 11 followers. They make it seem like thousands followed him. Remember he filled all the empty baskets with fish to feed everyone? Come on. That is impossible.

I was also hoping they'd show how Mary's husband took it when she told him she was pregnant yet they had not had sex yet. Yea, a middle eastern man would have stoned his wife if she told him she was impregnated by god. You know who had a lot of faith? Jesus' dad. :lol:

Yes, it is asking a lot to ask us to believe the Jesus stories. I can't. I get the message behind it, but clearly the story has been embellished if not completely made up.

Now, either believe the unbelievable story or go to hell. Your choice. :eusa_pray::cuckoo::eusa_liar:
Fine if he did it once why can't he do it again so we all can see he is almighty God. If you have but the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains. Do you have the faith of a mustard seed? How come you ain't moving any mountains? How come nobody is moving any mountains? Nobody has any faith?

I rented and watched The Son of God yesterday.

sweet!....they got your four bucks!.....
Fine if he did it once why can't he do it again so we all can see he is almighty God. If you have but the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains. Do you have the faith of a mustard seed? How come you ain't moving any mountains? How come nobody is moving any mountains? Nobody has any faith?

I rented and watched The Son of God yesterday.

sweet!....they got your four bucks!.....

$1.20 redbox

And it wasn't nearly as good as the Mel Gibson one. That one was darker and better.
You are so naive about some things, like you don't seem to realize the rich get richer when recessions hit. It allows them to buy low and sell high. Recessions don't bother the investor class as much as they do you or I.

Hey, here's a NEWSFLASH for you, genius... "The Rich" get richer no matter what! The only way you can prevent that from happening is to do like Chairman Mao did and confiscate all the wealth from the rich and then execute them. Then you can adopt anti-capitalist policies that prevent anyone from ever becoming rich and all the people can live equally poor! Of course, this won't apply to the ruling class elite, they will still have all the wealth and power, all the luxury and extravagance, but for the most part, the masses will all be poor and dependent on the central government for survival. Is THAT what you're after?

Again... Free market, free enterprise capitalism, like what we have had in America for 200+ years, is the most advantageous system man has ever invented. More people can become millionaires and billionaires than through any other system ever developed. There is not a system that even runs a close second. Yes... Rich people will get richer, and they will get richer at a faster rate than poor people get rich. That's just the nature of things. It can't be avoided. It's better to let that happen, let rich people get richer, then they have money to invest, money to lend, money to lose, money to burn, money to open new businesses and create new jobs, money to expand and create more jobs, money they have to pay taxes on, etc. Just about anything the rich person does with their money, helps those who aren't rich in some way. The only exception is when you try to punish the rich for making money, then they seek out ways to make money but avoid your punishment, like sending it elsewhere to other countries or socking it away in some security or trust fund.

For whatever reason, you can't get that through your vapid little head and you just want to keep on playing Robin Hood! Your plan doesn't work, it has never worked, and it's not going to start working anytime soon. Take some advice from a prominate Democrat icon... A rising tide floats all boats!

You need to realize when we say Bush we mean the GOP. Bush is still fucking this economy up. Only now he's in the form of McConnell, Paul Ryan & Boehner.

How the hell are MINORITY PARTY senators fucking things up? Boehner breaks down in tears whenever Democrats brow beat him over the least little thing. He has folded more times than a cheap K-mart tent. His party base is about ready to send his ass home he has been so ineffective. What the hell has he done, or ANY Republican for that matter, to worsen the economy in the past 5 years? Can you even cite ONE GOP initiative passed by the Republican House that has been approved by Harry Reid's Senate? This president has gotten virtually EVERYTHING he has asked for, from bailouts totalling over $3 trillion, to infrastructure funding over $2 trillion, debt ceiling increases out the ass, not to mention carte blanche on executive orders to do all kinds of unprecedented and frankly unconstitutional shit he has no business doing. Not to mention turning a blind eye to the endless stream of frankly impeachable corruption and scandal going on with this administration.

P.S. My favorite song:

I'm not entertaining your racism anymore. Go fuck yourself.

So sensitive you little bitch. :badgrin:

Hey, after watching Son of God yesterday I wanted to point out it was religious people/JEWS that killed Jesus, not atheists. A lot of good religion did for those people, huh? Imagine what kind of pricks they would have been had they not had religion, right? Go fuck yourself.

You guys think we need religion. HA!
So sensitive you little bitch. :badgrin:

Hey, after watching Son of God yesterday I wanted to point out it was religious people/JEWS that killed Jesus, not atheists. A lot of good religion did for those people, huh? Imagine what kind of pricks they would have been had they not had religion, right? Go fuck yourself.

You guys think we need religion. HA!

I'm very well aware of what happened to Jesus. I am not here to argue for Jesus or religion. You are frustrated because I won't condemn and attack Jesus and religion.

I have not said you need religion. You do need human spirituality. It ultimately doesn't matter if you disagree with that, we're never going to find out because humans will always have spirituality. And... since we will always have human spirituality, we'll probably always have religions.

I think it is good that you watch religious movies. If you get the chance, you should watch the History Channel's mini-series The Bible. Whenever you are watching, instead of constantly telling yourself "that could never happen" you should remember the tiny electron. Things happen all the time, in everything around you, that seem unlikely they could happen.
So sensitive you little bitch. :badgrin:

Hey, after watching Son of God yesterday I wanted to point out it was religious people/JEWS that killed Jesus, not atheists. A lot of good religion did for those people, huh? Imagine what kind of pricks they would have been had they not had religion, right? Go fuck yourself.

You guys think we need religion. HA!

I'm very well aware of what happened to Jesus. I am not here to argue for Jesus or religion. You are frustrated because I won't condemn and attack Jesus and religion.

I have not said you need religion. You do need human spirituality. It ultimately doesn't matter if you disagree with that, we're never going to find out because humans will always have spirituality. And... since we will always have human spirituality, we'll probably always have religions.

I think it is good that you watch religious movies. If you get the chance, you should watch the History Channel's mini-series The Bible. Whenever you are watching, instead of constantly telling yourself "that could never happen" you should remember the tiny electron. Things happen all the time, in everything around you, that seem unlikely they could happen.

I did watch the History Channels The Bible. I love how the devil looked like Obama.

I'm watching a piece right now about empty space. Even if the earth, all the planets and the stars disappeared, empty space would still be here.

They are explaining empty space, how it is a real thing and how you can bend it, etc. Fascinating.

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I just find it strange that these scientists are constantly figuring out space, time and the universe and for some reason these brilliant people don't seem to believe in god or they don't seem to be concluding that based on what they are finding that it somehow proves god exists. Only Boss does that. It is why I know he is full of shit.
So sensitive you little bitch. :badgrin:

Hey, after watching Son of God yesterday I wanted to point out it was religious people/JEWS that killed Jesus, not atheists. A lot of good religion did for those people, huh? Imagine what kind of pricks they would have been had they not had religion, right? Go fuck yourself.

You guys think we need religion. HA!

I'm very well aware of what happened to Jesus. I am not here to argue for Jesus or religion. You are frustrated because I won't condemn and attack Jesus and religion.

I have not said you need religion. You do need human spirituality. It ultimately doesn't matter if you disagree with that, we're never going to find out because humans will always have spirituality. And... since we will always have human spirituality, we'll probably always have religions.

I think it is good that you watch religious movies. If you get the chance, you should watch the History Channel's mini-series The Bible. Whenever you are watching, instead of constantly telling yourself "that could never happen" you should remember the tiny electron. Things happen all the time, in everything around you, that seem unlikely they could happen.

How come all the stuff I hear scientists say on shows like the Cosmos, all the stuff they are figuring out and learning doesn't seem to be proving to them or anyone else watching that god exists? This deep philosophical thinking you keep bringing up like love not being physical. How come I don't hear anyone else using these theories of yours?

But then again, nothing can prove to you that an invisible man isn't watching your back. The smartest men in the world can't disprove that. Maybe we can to the rest of the world but to you that invisible man is very very real no matter what so....
That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 == For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.

21 For when they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God, nor were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Romans 1:20-22
I just find it strange that these scientists are constantly figuring out space, time and the universe and for some reason these brilliant people don't seem to believe in god or they don't seem to be concluding that based on what they are finding that it somehow proves god exists. Only Boss does that. It is why I know he is full of shit.

Arrogance isnt a virtue

Oh I know, it's extraordinarily fascinating. Some of the things they are discovering are quite unbelievable because they seem to defy all logic and physics that we know of. And that is my point here. Whenever you say "oh, that could never happen" you should keep this in mind... LOTS of things are happening all around you that seem like they shouldn't be able to happen.

When you look at just the things today that we can do with the technology we've learned over the past 200 years, you can see where someone from 200 years ago might have said "oh, that's impossible, that could never happen!" Yet, here we are making it happen. Are we working miracles or did we just learn things that weren't known of 200 years ago? Now, imagine 200 years from now, what we may know how to do that today we would say "oh, that could never happen, it's not possible!" And here, we've only covered 400 years when the universe is 15 billion years old.

WHAT IF... and I am asking you to put aside your religious prejudice and put on your imagination cap here... What if the Christian/Abrahamic incarnation of "God" was actually a visitation of an intelligent species 1 million years more advanced than our own? Perhaps immaculate conceptions, great floods, parting oceans, burning bushes, raising the dead, etc. are not "miracles" but simply an advanced species demonstrating technology far ahead of our time? What if this same intelligence is responsible for what we call "life" and we're simply an advanced science experiment, where the intelligence intervenes from time to time in order to ensure stability and perseverance? What if carbon-based life is simply a technology pioneered by a greater life form in the universe? Do you think our species, which has only existed a couple hundred thousand years at best, is able to say "oh, that's impossible, it could never be?"
So sensitive you little bitch. :badgrin:

Hey, after watching Son of God yesterday I wanted to point out it was religious people/JEWS that killed Jesus, not atheists. A lot of good religion did for those people, huh? Imagine what kind of pricks they would have been had they not had religion, right? Go fuck yourself.

You guys think we need religion. HA!

I'm very well aware of what happened to Jesus. I am not here to argue for Jesus or religion. You are frustrated because I won't condemn and attack Jesus and religion.

I have not said you need religion. You do need human spirituality. It ultimately doesn't matter if you disagree with that, we're never going to find out because humans will always have spirituality. And... since we will always have human spirituality, we'll probably always have religions.

I think it is good that you watch religious movies. If you get the chance, you should watch the History Channel's mini-series The Bible. Whenever you are watching, instead of constantly telling yourself "that could never happen" you should remember the tiny electron. Things happen all the time, in everything around you, that seem unlikely they could happen.

How come all the stuff I hear scientists say on shows like the Cosmos, all the stuff they are figuring out and learning doesn't seem to be proving to them or anyone else watching that god exists? This deep philosophical thinking you keep bringing up like love not being physical. How come I don't hear anyone else using these theories of yours?

But then again, nothing can prove to you that an invisible man isn't watching your back. The smartest men in the world can't disprove that. Maybe we can to the rest of the world but to you that invisible man is very very real no matter what so....

It's because science is the practice of examining the physical universe. It can't examine spiritual things, it doesn't have any parameters to do so, it's beyond the ability of science. It is limited to the physical material world because that is what science is.

I don't believe in invisible men. A man is a human being, a carbon-based life form that has material presence and existence, and can be confirmed with physical science. Spiritual energy is not detectable or observable with physical science at this time. Perhaps some day we'll unlock the secret of spiritual energy and science can explain how it works. But... like all things science has explained, it can't explain the question of why. For instance, you can't explain why math works. It just does. You can't explain why gravity works. It just does. Why do the elements and compounds have the properties they have? We don't know, they just do. We can use science to figure out how they work, we still don't know why.
Oh I know, it's extraordinarily fascinating. Some of the things they are discovering are quite unbelievable because they seem to defy all logic and physics that we know of. And that is my point here. Whenever you say "oh, that could never happen" you should keep this in mind... LOTS of things are happening all around you that seem like they shouldn't be able to happen.

When you look at just the things today that we can do with the technology we've learned over the past 200 years, you can see where someone from 200 years ago might have said "oh, that's impossible, that could never happen!" Yet, here we are making it happen. Are we working miracles or did we just learn things that weren't known of 200 years ago? Now, imagine 200 years from now, what we may know how to do that today we would say "oh, that could never happen, it's not possible!" And here, we've only covered 400 years when the universe is 15 billion years old.

WHAT IF... and I am asking you to put aside your religious prejudice and put on your imagination cap here... What if the Christian/Abrahamic incarnation of "God" was actually a visitation of an intelligent species 1 million years more advanced than our own? Perhaps immaculate conceptions, great floods, parting oceans, burning bushes, raising the dead, etc. are not "miracles" but simply an advanced species demonstrating technology far ahead of our time? What if this same intelligence is responsible for what we call "life" and we're simply an advanced science experiment, where the intelligence intervenes from time to time in order to ensure stability and perseverance? What if carbon-based life is simply a technology pioneered by a greater life form in the universe? Do you think our species, which has only existed a couple hundred thousand years at best, is able to say "oh, that's impossible, it could never be?"

Aliens is actually one of the things us atheists say not to rule out. They are mentioned several times in that site I keep showing you.

Spiritual and religious experiences are not only inconsistent among individuals but are variably attributed to different gods, aliens, spirits, rituals, hallucinations, meditation etc.

Even if design could be established we cannot conclude anything about the nature of the designer (Aliens?).

As strange as it sounds, misunderstood aliens might even be attempting to interact with us using extremely advanced technology. In fact, reality itself could be a computer simulation which we unknowingly inhabit.

Every conceivable argument, every imaginable piece of evidence for god is not without some fatal flaw or more likely explanation which precludes it from being used as definitive proof.
Aliens is actually one of the things us atheists say not to rule out. They are mentioned several times in that site I keep showing you.

Spiritual and religious experiences are not only inconsistent among individuals but are variably attributed to different gods, aliens, spirits, rituals, hallucinations, meditation etc.

Even if design could be established we cannot conclude anything about the nature of the designer (Aliens?).

As strange as it sounds, misunderstood aliens might even be attempting to interact with us using extremely advanced technology. In fact, reality itself could be a computer simulation which we unknowingly inhabit.

Every conceivable argument, every imaginable piece of evidence for god is not without some fatal flaw or more likely explanation which precludes it from being used as definitive proof.

But definitive proof of what? Invisible people who live in the sky? YOUR concept of God? Any particular religious concept of God?

The evidence that we intelligently exist, that wondrous and amazing forms of life exist in all their splendor, that the entire universe exists in all it's fascinating glory, that principles and laws work precisely and predictably, that forces of nature enable a reality to exist at all, that we have a powerful and intrinsic connection to something greater than self... ALL of this is evidence. Even the fact that your own rational mind cannot imagine there isn't something greater, like Karma.

What I am trying to get you to understand with the alien theory is, maybe the "truth" is something between atheism and religion? Maybe there is a supreme power but it's not a deity God? Maybe this power does have influence over our domain, but it's not there to cast judgement or persecute? Maybe there was an intelligent designer but they were hardly Gods? Possible? I can't say that it's not.

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