Why do the God-haters persist?

Not only is there no proof that God exists, there're not even any good logical arguments for his existence that aren't full of logical fallacies.

This statement is only true if you get to pre-determine what the parameters are for "God."

There is no way to physically "prove" spiritual existence.

God doesn't have to conform to logical arguments or be a "he." 3.

Proof and evidence are subjective terms, the absence of which, does not necessarily relate to truth.

I know how much you adore the Age of Enlightenment and Science... So let me close with a true story from Sir Isaac Newton, Father of the Enlightenment and modern Science...

Newton was visited by an Atheist colleague at Cambridge. His guest commented on a model of the universe on Newton's shelf. "Wow, this is beautiful, did you make it?"
Newton replied, "No one made it!"
The guest looked somewhat puzzled at Newton and said, "But of course someone must have made this!"
Newton responded, "You see the entire universe out there and believe it is possible that it wasn't made, yet this tiny material object, you can't imagine it wasn't made?"

Yes we do get to define what god is. If you can't define it, how are you so sure of it?

I didn't say you couldn't define God. I said, you can't say God doesn't exist unless you have made a predetermination of what God is. You don't have any evidence of what God is or isn't, so any presupposition is invalid.

Thank you for admitting it. There is no way to prove god exists. Finally. I see you added "physically" in the sentence. Do you plan on proving it to me EMOTIONALLY? We already understand humans are superstitious and believe because they want to believe.

I've never NOT included "physically" in the sentence. I've repeatedly said that I can't prove God to you. Why do you keep insisting that I must prove God to you in order for God to exist?

And stop saying we always believed. Bullshit. At one point early in our history someone made it up. So what? That only shows how primitive the idea is.

Where is the evidence to support this? You need hard evidence, not someone's speculations. For instance, you need to show where humans existed for some period before they "invented" spirituality. There is no such evidence. Every archeological finding shows primitive man was spiritual, and this attribute has always existed. I don't understand why we keep having to go over this same point again and again.

No boss, YOU don't have to conform to logical arguments. Thanks for finally admitting all this.

Again, you are incoherent. I never said that I didn't have to conform to logical arguments. I said God doesn't have to conform to logical arguments.

Proof: evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.

Subjective: influenced by personal feelings or opinions

Correct. Proof and evidence are subjective. I can say I have proof and evidence we were visited by aliens, but you may not see my proof and evidence as legitimate. Why are you having a hard time grasping this?

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

I simply gave you a story from Isaac Newton. :dunno:
Defending a lie is always problematic.

What lie ?


The lies that you call the old or new testaments. Complete utter bullshit.

And, each day I wake up to see how many religious jews the muslims have killed or how many muslims the religious jews have killed. Either way it is religion killing other religions. No good. And it isn't like Christians are innocent of this.

In fact, I heard that a few decades ago America was guilty of shooting down an Iranian passenger plane. So while we are shocked at what the Russians are doing, realize we aren't much better/different.

We had the balls to cry foul when Russia invaded Ukraine but we invaded Iraq? See, religion makes people really stupid and ignorant. We can't even see we are hypocrites because of religion. That's what you get when you throw out logic and reason.

Anyone who believes in a fairy tale is a fucking retard and probably really easily manipulated.

How is religion to blame for the invasion of Iraq? I would consider that politics well before religion.

Where is the evidence to support this? You need hard evidence, not someone's speculations. For instance, you need to show where humans existed for some period before they "invented" spirituality. There is no such evidence. Every archeological finding shows primitive man was spiritual, and this attribute has always existed. I don't understand why we keep having to go over this same point again and again.


They raised 1000 atheist babies and none of them came up with god. Some of them were afraid of the boogy man but someone had to tell them about the boogy man. Turns out they talked about it on Scooby Doo. They also heard about Santa at school and the parents didn't want the 1000 kids to spoil the lie for other children who are in the process of being programmed and believe it or not, none of them made the leap from Santa to God.

Then they told all 1000 of them when they turned 18 about god. How many do you think bought it at the age of 18? Believe it or not, more than I would have expected. People are still very innocent, gullible, naive, impressionable at the age of 18 so more than 50% fell for it but the numbers weren't as high as when you brainwash someone from a very young age.

So since we don't come out of our moms poontangs instinctively knowing about god, it is deduced that some one person must have come up with the concept and spread it around. All other possibilities are highly unlikely. And there is research that shows all animals have a healthy fear of the unknown and our human brains have a big imagination and we can come up with some pretty wacky stuff like boogy men, witches, ghosts and gods.

We have believed in the boogy man since the beginning of man. That's a fact. A healthy fear of the unknown. It kept us alive. So by your thinking, the boogy man must be real because we have always believed.

Anyways, I would like to know how many people you guys think atheists have killed in the history of man and how many you guys have killed. I want to see when you guys pass us. If you don't at least give us the numbers you believe to be true, we'll never get to say that one day religious people have passed atheists when it comes to murder/death/kill. Every day a jew kills a muslim or visa versa you get closer to our supposed number.

Which I deny even is true by the way. You guys have murdered way more than us, but for fun, let me know what our number is and what your number is. Because in the last 100 years you guys have murdered probably millions to our 10 maybe?
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Where is the evidence to support this? You need hard evidence, not someone's speculations. For instance, you need to show where humans existed for some period before they "invented" spirituality. There is no such evidence. Every archeological finding shows primitive man was spiritual, and this attribute has always existed. I don't understand why we keep having to go over this same point again and again.


They raised 1000 atheist babies and none of them came up with god. Some of them were afraid of the boogy man but someone had to tell them about the boogy man. Turns out they talked about it on Scooby Doo. They also heard about Santa at school and the parents didn't want the 1000 kids to spoil the lie for other children who are in the process of being programmed and believe it or not, none of them made the leap from Santa to God.

Then they told all 1000 of them when they turned 18 about god. How many do you think bought it at the age of 18? Believe it or not, more than I would have expected. People are still very innocent, gullible, naive, impressionable at the age of 18 so more than 50% fell for it but the numbers weren't as high as when you brainwash someone from a very young age.

So since we don't come out of our moms poontangs instinctively knowing about god, it is deduced that some one person must have come up with the concept and spread it around. All other possibilities are highly unlikely. And there is research that shows all animals have a healthy fear of the unknown and our human brains have a big imagination and we can come up with some pretty wacky stuff like boogy men, witches, ghosts and gods.

We have believed in the boogy man since the beginning of man. That's a fact. A healthy fear of the unknown. It kept us alive. So by your thinking, the boogy man must be real because we have always believed.

Anyways, I would like to know how many people you guys think atheists have killed in the history of man and how many you guys have killed. I want to see when you guys pass us. If you don't at least give us the numbers you believe to be true, we'll never get to say that one day religious people have passed atheists when it comes to murder/death/kill. Every day a jew kills a muslim or visa versa you get closer to our supposed number.

Which I deny even is true by the way. You guys have murdered way more than us, but for fun, let me know what our number is and what your number is. Because in the last 100 years you guys have murdered probably millions to our 10 maybe?

I'm gonna write a book that states clearly that God has given me Mauii.

That way I can go to Hawaii and kill all of the interloping residents of MY HOMELAND and take possession of that island because "It is written".

I wouldn't naturally believe in something as rediculous as a god... but ... If owning an island paradise is thrown into the pot I will gladly change course and believe in god.

If god hands me over Mauii all you athiests can kiss my ass !!!!!

What lie ?


The lies that you call the old or new testaments. Complete utter bullshit.

And, each day I wake up to see how many religious jews the muslims have killed or how many muslims the religious jews have killed. Either way it is religion killing other religions. No good. And it isn't like Christians are innocent of this.

In fact, I heard that a few decades ago America was guilty of shooting down an Iranian passenger plane. So while we are shocked at what the Russians are doing, realize we aren't much better/different.

We had the balls to cry foul when Russia invaded Ukraine but we invaded Iraq? See, religion makes people really stupid and ignorant. We can't even see we are hypocrites because of religion. That's what you get when you throw out logic and reason.

Anyone who believes in a fairy tale is a fucking retard and probably really easily manipulated.

How is religion to blame for the invasion of Iraq? I would consider that politics well before religion.

Are you kidding me? You don't see how quickly all the kids in the bible belt enlisted after 9-11 to go kill arabs? You don't see how Bush the Christian played that card? Wow!
The lies that you call the old or new testaments. Complete utter bullshit.

And, each day I wake up to see how many religious jews the muslims have killed or how many muslims the religious jews have killed. Either way it is religion killing other religions. No good. And it isn't like Christians are innocent of this.

In fact, I heard that a few decades ago America was guilty of shooting down an Iranian passenger plane. So while we are shocked at what the Russians are doing, realize we aren't much better/different.

We had the balls to cry foul when Russia invaded Ukraine but we invaded Iraq? See, religion makes people really stupid and ignorant. We can't even see we are hypocrites because of religion. That's what you get when you throw out logic and reason.

Anyone who believes in a fairy tale is a fucking retard and probably really easily manipulated.

How is religion to blame for the invasion of Iraq? I would consider that politics well before religion.

Are you kidding me? You don't see how quickly all the kids in the bible belt enlisted after 9-11 to go kill arabs? You don't see how Bush the Christian played that card? Wow!

What I see is that the invasion had pretty strong support from all over the country. I have no idea how many enlisted from various regions, do you have any stats about that or are you just making things up?

All presidents play the 'Christian card'. You've mentioned yourself that professing Christian faith is almost a prerequisite to be president.

I think the invasion of Iraq had far, far, far more to do with politics than religion. Even if you blame it on a desire for oil, it's still far more about politics than religion.

You seem to have a strong need to find religion to blame for everything you can, particularly Christianity. While I've got no problems with finding fault in Christianity, blaming the religion for things it is not responsible for is just silly.
The lies that you call the old or new testaments. Complete utter bullshit.

And, each day I wake up to see how many religious jews the muslims have killed or how many muslims the religious jews have killed. Either way it is religion killing other religions. No good. And it isn't like Christians are innocent of this.

In fact, I heard that a few decades ago America was guilty of shooting down an Iranian passenger plane. So while we are shocked at what the Russians are doing, realize we aren't much better/different.

We had the balls to cry foul when Russia invaded Ukraine but we invaded Iraq? See, religion makes people really stupid and ignorant. We can't even see we are hypocrites because of religion. That's what you get when you throw out logic and reason.

Anyone who believes in a fairy tale is a fucking retard and probably really easily manipulated.

How is religion to blame for the invasion of Iraq? I would consider that politics well before religion.

Are you kidding me? You don't see how quickly all the kids in the bible belt enlisted after 9-11 to go kill arabs? You don't see how Bush the Christian played that card? Wow!
Thats called patriotism you jerkoff.

Where is the evidence to support this? You need hard evidence, not someone's speculations. For instance, you need to show where humans existed for some period before they "invented" spirituality. There is no such evidence. Every archeological finding shows primitive man was spiritual, and this attribute has always existed. I don't understand why we keep having to go over this same point again and again.

They raised 1000 atheist babies and none of them came up with god. Some of them were afraid of the boogy man but someone had to tell them about the boogy man. Turns out they talked about it on Scooby Doo. They also heard about Santa at school and the parents didn't want the 1000 kids to spoil the lie for other children who are in the process of being programmed and believe it or not, none of them made the leap from Santa to God.

Then they told all 1000 of them when they turned 18 about god. How many do you think bought it at the age of 18? Believe it or not, more than I would have expected. People are still very innocent, gullible, naive, impressionable at the age of 18 so more than 50% fell for it but the numbers weren't as high as when you brainwash someone from a very young age.

So since we don't come out of our moms poontangs instinctively knowing about god, it is deduced that some one person must have come up with the concept and spread it around. All other possibilities are highly unlikely. And there is research that shows all animals have a healthy fear of the unknown and our human brains have a big imagination and we can come up with some pretty wacky stuff like boogy men, witches, ghosts and gods.

We have believed in the boogy man since the beginning of man. That's a fact. A healthy fear of the unknown. It kept us alive. So by your thinking, the boogy man must be real because we have always believed.

Anyways, I would like to know how many people you guys think atheists have killed in the history of man and how many you guys have killed. I want to see when you guys pass us. If you don't at least give us the numbers you believe to be true, we'll never get to say that one day religious people have passed atheists when it comes to murder/death/kill. Every day a jew kills a muslim or visa versa you get closer to our supposed number.

Which I deny even is true by the way. You guys have murdered way more than us, but for fun, let me know what our number is and what your number is. Because in the last 100 years you guys have murdered probably millions to our 10 maybe?

So...... When are you going to provide evidence that humans invented spirituality?

In the last century, Atheists have killed at least 150 million, and that is just the Top 3 Atheist dictators... Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. But let's not get sidetracked, I am interested in your evidence that humans invented spirituality.. you've been claiming it, I want to see the evidence to support your claim.
How is religion to blame for the invasion of Iraq? I would consider that politics well before religion.

Are you kidding me? You don't see how quickly all the kids in the bible belt enlisted after 9-11 to go kill arabs? You don't see how Bush the Christian played that card? Wow!

What I see is that the invasion had pretty strong support from all over the country. I have no idea how many enlisted from various regions, do you have any stats about that or are you just making things up?

All presidents play the 'Christian card'. You've mentioned yourself that professing Christian faith is almost a prerequisite to be president.

I think the invasion of Iraq had far, far, far more to do with politics than religion. Even if you blame it on a desire for oil, it's still far more about politics than religion.

You seem to have a strong need to find religion to blame for everything you can, particularly Christianity. While I've got no problems with finding fault in Christianity, blaming the religion for things it is not responsible for is just silly.

I just like pointing out it is a religious society that is dumb enough to be lied into Iraq, and yes they played the "christian" card. If you recall what did Bush call them? Radical Islam??? What a dick. Do you know how many stupid Americans were calling Muslim Americans "radical islam"? I had to point out to them that Muslim Americans aren't the same thing as Al Queda. Do you also notice we never invade other christian nations? Only Muslim nations. So while politics might be more at play, yes I believe religion plays a role too.

I stopped arguing politics as soon as I realized there was no god. If poor and middle class republicans can be conned into believing an invisible man exists, and that the GOP is the religious party, you don't waste your time arguing about abortion or gays first. You attack the source of the problem, which is religion. Without it people mind their own business and start voting for logical things like fair taxation and workers rights. Right now they ignore what they should be focusing on and instead worry about butt sex. Why? Religion. Who gives a fuck about butt sex?
Where is the evidence to support this? You need hard evidence, not someone's speculations. For instance, you need to show where humans existed for some period before they "invented" spirituality. There is no such evidence. Every archeological finding shows primitive man was spiritual, and this attribute has always existed. I don't understand why we keep having to go over this same point again and again.

They raised 1000 atheist babies and none of them came up with god. Some of them were afraid of the boogy man but someone had to tell them about the boogy man. Turns out they talked about it on Scooby Doo. They also heard about Santa at school and the parents didn't want the 1000 kids to spoil the lie for other children who are in the process of being programmed and believe it or not, none of them made the leap from Santa to God.

Then they told all 1000 of them when they turned 18 about god. How many do you think bought it at the age of 18? Believe it or not, more than I would have expected. People are still very innocent, gullible, naive, impressionable at the age of 18 so more than 50% fell for it but the numbers weren't as high as when you brainwash someone from a very young age.

So since we don't come out of our moms poontangs instinctively knowing about god, it is deduced that some one person must have come up with the concept and spread it around. All other possibilities are highly unlikely. And there is research that shows all animals have a healthy fear of the unknown and our human brains have a big imagination and we can come up with some pretty wacky stuff like boogy men, witches, ghosts and gods.

We have believed in the boogy man since the beginning of man. That's a fact. A healthy fear of the unknown. It kept us alive. So by your thinking, the boogy man must be real because we have always believed.

Anyways, I would like to know how many people you guys think atheists have killed in the history of man and how many you guys have killed. I want to see when you guys pass us. If you don't at least give us the numbers you believe to be true, we'll never get to say that one day religious people have passed atheists when it comes to murder/death/kill. Every day a jew kills a muslim or visa versa you get closer to our supposed number.

Which I deny even is true by the way. You guys have murdered way more than us, but for fun, let me know what our number is and what your number is. Because in the last 100 years you guys have murdered probably millions to our 10 maybe?

So...... When are you going to provide evidence that humans invented spirituality?

In the last century, Atheists have killed at least 150 million, and that is just the Top 3 Atheist dictators... Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. But let's not get sidetracked, I am interested in your evidence that humans invented spirituality.. you've been claiming it, I want to see the evidence to support your claim.

We’ll round this up (for the sake of liberals) and say 6 million deaths caused by Christians.

That's just christians alone. Now add up the muslims and jews.

Then he says
The deaths caused by non-Christians – approximately 90 MILLION! And this is actually a conservative number.

But he's counting Muslim murder. And he's not even counting jewish murder/death/kills.

I'm not saying Christianity is the leading killer of man, I'm saying religion in general is.

So how good is religion? Not very if you ask me.
We’ll round this up (for the sake of liberals) and say 6 million deaths caused by Christians.

That's just christians alone. Now add up the muslims and jews.

Then he says
The deaths caused by non-Christians – approximately 90 MILLION! And this is actually a conservative number.

But he's counting Muslim murder. And he's not even counting jewish murder/death/kills.

I'm not saying Christianity is the leading killer of man, I'm saying religion in general is.

So how good is religion? Not very if you ask me.

What the hell are you talking about? No one has been killed in the name of Christianity in the past century, as far as I know. Now Muslims do kill a lot of people in the name of Allah, and I'm sure that adds up to a significant number over time, but your Atheist number is at least 150 million. I don't think even the Muslims can come close to that.

And I guess we're going to abandon your silly argument about humans inventing spirituality for now, huh?
I just like pointing out it is a religious society that is dumb enough to be lied into Iraq, and yes they played the "christian" card.

Why do you keep contradicting your own arguments? I post something from Isaac Newton and you pontificate some cut-n-paste about how intelligence of the individual is not relevant to their religious beliefs... next thing you know, here you are posting about them ignorant christians. Which one is it? You can't have this both ways, moron.
I just like pointing out it is a religious society that is dumb enough to be lied into Iraq, and yes they played the "christian" card.

Why do you keep contradicting your own arguments? I post something from Isaac Newton and you pontificate some cut-n-paste about how intelligence of the individual is not relevant to their religious beliefs... next thing you know, here you are posting about them ignorant christians. Which one is it? You can't have this both ways, moron.

Not to agree with sealy here, but ignorance and stupidity are not the same thing. ;)
Are you kidding me? You don't see how quickly all the kids in the bible belt enlisted after 9-11 to go kill arabs? You don't see how Bush the Christian played that card? Wow!

What I see is that the invasion had pretty strong support from all over the country. I have no idea how many enlisted from various regions, do you have any stats about that or are you just making things up?

All presidents play the 'Christian card'. You've mentioned yourself that professing Christian faith is almost a prerequisite to be president.

I think the invasion of Iraq had far, far, far more to do with politics than religion. Even if you blame it on a desire for oil, it's still far more about politics than religion.

You seem to have a strong need to find religion to blame for everything you can, particularly Christianity. While I've got no problems with finding fault in Christianity, blaming the religion for things it is not responsible for is just silly.

I just like pointing out it is a religious society that is dumb enough to be lied into Iraq, and yes they played the "christian" card. If you recall what did Bush call them? Radical Islam??? What a dick. Do you know how many stupid Americans were calling Muslim Americans "radical islam"? I had to point out to them that Muslim Americans aren't the same thing as Al Queda. Do you also notice we never invade other christian nations? Only Muslim nations. So while politics might be more at play, yes I believe religion plays a role too.

I stopped arguing politics as soon as I realized there was no god. If poor and middle class republicans can be conned into believing an invisible man exists, and that the GOP is the religious party, you don't waste your time arguing about abortion or gays first. You attack the source of the problem, which is religion. Without it people mind their own business and start voting for logical things like fair taxation and workers rights. Right now they ignore what they should be focusing on and instead worry about butt sex. Why? Religion. Who gives a fuck about butt sex?

Do you notice we never invade any European or majority-white nations? Maybe race is the big factor, huh?

You are drawing conclusions about religion being the main motivation that are, I think, completely erroneous. Sure, religion may play a part, but I don't think it's close to the biggest reason for the invasion of Iraq or any other country in recent years.

Bush called who radical Islam? You're not particularly clear there. Did he call all Muslim Americans radical Islam?

You say you stopped arguing politics, but you are on a political forum, you've argued politics in this thread, and you're doing it in that very post. You haven't done anything like stop arguing politics.

And while there are sure to be some correlations between religious belief and political belief, I doubt they are anything close to universal. People of all political affiliation are believers, people of all political affiliation are atheists. Do you think there are no atheist Republicans? No Christian Democrats or Libertarians or Independents?

You assume too much about people based solely on their religious beliefs, especially considering you don't seem to take the depth or type of beliefs into much account.

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