Why do the God-haters persist?

Dear BreezeWood
would you admit you have biases
and are not perfectly all knowing as God is.
Sin means separation from God.
None of us is God, none of us is perfectly understanding
and loving of all people equally. We are going to have our biases
and understand/love one person more than another person unlike God.

Do you agree that neither you nor I nor ding
nor any other human aside from Christ Jesus
was perfectly all inclusive and unbiased as God is?
Do you agree that neither you nor I nor ding
nor any other human aside from Christ Jesus
was perfectly all inclusive and unbiased as God is?

“Eli, Eli,
lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

the above was the last scene for the events of the 1st century, not that jesus was not pure simply he was not what the 4th century has used them for, for their own selfintrest.

admission to the Everlasting is the goal while living there can be no doubt being free of sin is a prerequisite ...

Okay BreezeWood
so do you believe you are free of bias?
Okay BreezeWood
so do you believe you are free of bias?

the metaphysical axioms are necessary to free ones spirit from their physiology being free of bias would be one of them - after the first accomplishment the others will follow. the true message of the 1st century.

So where are you in this process BreezeWood
are you free of your biases? or just aware of them but don't let them affect you?
how would you describe how you manage to avoid sin or biases?
can you describe this and where you are with it? Thanks
for sharing your deep insights and thoughts on this.
I'm not a 4th century christian, the events of the 1st century were an enlightenment of the individuals spirit that is accomplished through purity and attainable during life and necessary for remission.

okay BreezeWood so where would you
descibe yourself today in the present?
are you free of biases
or just aware of them so they don't cause problems?

“Eli, Eli,
lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

the above was the last scene for the events of the 1st century, not that jesus was not pure simply he was not what the 4th century has used them for, for their own selfintrest.

admission to the Everlasting is the goal while living there can be no doubt being free of sin is a prerequisite ...

Okay BreezeWood
so do you believe you are free of bias?
Okay BreezeWood
so do you believe you are free of bias?

the metaphysical axioms are necessary to free ones spirit from their physiology being free of bias would be one of them - after the first accomplishment the others will follow. the true message of the 1st century.

So where are you in this process BreezeWood
are you free of your biases? or just aware of them but don't let them affect you?
how would you describe how you manage to avoid sin or biases?
can you describe this and where you are with it? Thanks
for sharing your deep insights and thoughts on this.
I'm not a 4th century christian, the events of the 1st century were an enlightenment of the individuals spirit that is accomplished through purity and attainable during life and necessary for remission.

okay BreezeWood so where would you
descibe yourself today in the present?
are you free of biases
or just aware of them so they don't cause problems?
the goal is to defeat evil, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is the religion given humanity by the Almighty - Noah's Ark, the spoken religion. that religion is for humanity, if not accomplished by all then no one will be accepted. christians are an unsolvable obstacle.
Okay BreezeWood
so do you believe you are free of bias?
Okay BreezeWood
so do you believe you are free of bias?

the metaphysical axioms are necessary to free ones spirit from their physiology being free of bias would be one of them - after the first accomplishment the others will follow. the true message of the 1st century.

So where are you in this process BreezeWood
are you free of your biases? or just aware of them but don't let them affect you?
how would you describe how you manage to avoid sin or biases?
can you describe this and where you are with it? Thanks
for sharing your deep insights and thoughts on this.
I'm not a 4th century christian, the events of the 1st century were an enlightenment of the individuals spirit that is accomplished through purity and attainable during life and necessary for remission.

okay BreezeWood so where would you
descibe yourself today in the present?
are you free of biases
or just aware of them so they don't cause problems?
the goal is to defeat evil, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is the religion given humanity by the Almighty - Noah's Ark, the spoken religion. that religion is for humanity, if not accomplished by all then no one will be accepted. christians are an unsolvable obstacle.

If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

What specifically is such a problem with Christians
that isn't also a problem with other people or groups?

What sin or bias do Christians have that is
any harder to overcome than people of other biases?

Thanks for explaining in terms that I can start
to understand what you are trying to clarify here
this will really help to understand the content you are trying to communicate
thanks and sorry if it takes a bit of Q and A back and forth to pinpoint and understand the points
^ he thinks he is god

because I am not a sinner like you, that's just an admission of reality.

Dear BreezeWood
would you admit you have biases
and are not perfectly all knowing as God is.
Sin means separation from God.
None of us is God, none of us is perfectly understanding
and loving of all people equally. We are going to have our biases
and understand/love one person more than another person unlike God.

Do you agree that neither you nor I nor ding
nor any other human aside from Christ Jesus
was perfectly all inclusive and unbiased as God is?
Do you agree that neither you nor I nor ding
nor any other human aside from Christ Jesus
was perfectly all inclusive and unbiased as God is?

“Eli, Eli,
lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

the above was the last scene for the events of the 1st century, not that jesus was not pure simply he was not what the 4th century has used them for, for their own selfintrest.

admission to the Everlasting is the goal while living there can be no doubt being free of sin is a prerequisite ...
He was forsaken because at that moment He was sin. Ours. That was Him sacrificing Himself for us.

And I am a sinner. 100%.

why have you forsaken me ...

if that were so why were they asking - why they were forsaken, not sin ...
Because HE became sin. The red me in your statement above is sin. Ours.
the metaphysical axioms are necessary to free ones spirit from their physiology being free of bias would be one of them - after the first accomplishment the others will follow. the true message of the 1st century.

So where are you in this process BreezeWood
are you free of your biases? or just aware of them but don't let them affect you?
how would you describe how you manage to avoid sin or biases?
can you describe this and where you are with it? Thanks
for sharing your deep insights and thoughts on this.
I'm not a 4th century christian, the events of the 1st century were an enlightenment of the individuals spirit that is accomplished through purity and attainable during life and necessary for remission.

okay BreezeWood so where would you
descibe yourself today in the present?
are you free of biases
or just aware of them so they don't cause problems?
the goal is to defeat evil, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is the religion given humanity by the Almighty - Noah's Ark, the spoken religion. that religion is for humanity, if not accomplished by all then no one will be accepted. christians are an unsolvable obstacle.

If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

What specifically is such a problem with Christians
that isn't also a problem with other people or groups?

What sin or bias do Christians have that is
any harder to overcome than people of other biases?

Thanks for explaining in terms that I can start
to understand what you are trying to clarify here
this will really help to understand the content you are trying to communicate
thanks and sorry if it takes a bit of Q and A back and forth to pinpoint and understand the points
If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

I've made that perfectly clear, 4th century christianity is a forgery against the events of the 1st century as the enlightenment for humanity to free themselves against evil by conquering it - christianity is the antitheses of the purified spirit.
So where are you in this process BreezeWood
are you free of your biases? or just aware of them but don't let them affect you?
how would you describe how you manage to avoid sin or biases?
can you describe this and where you are with it? Thanks
for sharing your deep insights and thoughts on this.
I'm not a 4th century christian, the events of the 1st century were an enlightenment of the individuals spirit that is accomplished through purity and attainable during life and necessary for remission.

okay BreezeWood so where would you
descibe yourself today in the present?
are you free of biases
or just aware of them so they don't cause problems?
the goal is to defeat evil, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is the religion given humanity by the Almighty - Noah's Ark, the spoken religion. that religion is for humanity, if not accomplished by all then no one will be accepted. christians are an unsolvable obstacle.

If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

What specifically is such a problem with Christians
that isn't also a problem with other people or groups?

What sin or bias do Christians have that is
any harder to overcome than people of other biases?

Thanks for explaining in terms that I can start
to understand what you are trying to clarify here
this will really help to understand the content you are trying to communicate
thanks and sorry if it takes a bit of Q and A back and forth to pinpoint and understand the points
If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

I've made that perfectly clear, 4th century christianity is a forgery against the events of the 1st century as the enlightenment for humanity to free themselves against evil by conquering it - christianity is the antitheses of the purified spirit.

So how does this relate to your own state of being free of sin/bias or not free?

You keep talking about how Christians are an obstacle
so if you mean that until we all resolve issues then none of us achieve perfect fulfillment
how does this affect you?

Are you saying that as long as you are not Christian then
you are not part of this problem, so that's all you need to do is not be Christian?

Do you believe you have already achieved and done all you
can to overcome evil or bias that otherwise separates you from perfection in God?

If Christians are some unsolvable obstacle
what does that mean you or I supposed to do about that?

Thanks BreezeWood
I'm not a 4th century christian, the events of the 1st century were an enlightenment of the individuals spirit that is accomplished through purity and attainable during life and necessary for remission.

okay BreezeWood so where would you
descibe yourself today in the present?
are you free of biases
or just aware of them so they don't cause problems?
the goal is to defeat evil, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is the religion given humanity by the Almighty - Noah's Ark, the spoken religion. that religion is for humanity, if not accomplished by all then no one will be accepted. christians are an unsolvable obstacle.

If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

What specifically is such a problem with Christians
that isn't also a problem with other people or groups?

What sin or bias do Christians have that is
any harder to overcome than people of other biases?

Thanks for explaining in terms that I can start
to understand what you are trying to clarify here
this will really help to understand the content you are trying to communicate
thanks and sorry if it takes a bit of Q and A back and forth to pinpoint and understand the points
If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

I've made that perfectly clear, 4th century christianity is a forgery against the events of the 1st century as the enlightenment for humanity to free themselves against evil by conquering it - christianity is the antitheses of the purified spirit.

So how does this relate to your own state of being free of sin/bias or not free?

You keep talking about how Christians are an obstacle
so if you mean that until we all resolve issues then none of us achieve perfect fulfillment
how does this affect you?

Are you saying that as long as you are not Christian then
you are not part of this problem, so that's all you need to do is not be Christian?

Do you believe you have already achieved and done all you
can to overcome evil or bias that otherwise separates you from perfection in God?

If Christians are some unsolvable obstacle
what does that mean you or I supposed to do about that?

Thanks BreezeWood
how does this affect you?

the parable is for humanity, when all humanity at judgement is one or the other, if there is rejection no one will be allow remission. 4th century christianity is acquiescence / capitulation to sin they will never free themselves.
okay BreezeWood so where would you
descibe yourself today in the present?
are you free of biases
or just aware of them so they don't cause problems?
the goal is to defeat evil, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is the religion given humanity by the Almighty - Noah's Ark, the spoken religion. that religion is for humanity, if not accomplished by all then no one will be accepted. christians are an unsolvable obstacle.

If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

What specifically is such a problem with Christians
that isn't also a problem with other people or groups?

What sin or bias do Christians have that is
any harder to overcome than people of other biases?

Thanks for explaining in terms that I can start
to understand what you are trying to clarify here
this will really help to understand the content you are trying to communicate
thanks and sorry if it takes a bit of Q and A back and forth to pinpoint and understand the points
If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

I've made that perfectly clear, 4th century christianity is a forgery against the events of the 1st century as the enlightenment for humanity to free themselves against evil by conquering it - christianity is the antitheses of the purified spirit.

So how does this relate to your own state of being free of sin/bias or not free?

You keep talking about how Christians are an obstacle
so if you mean that until we all resolve issues then none of us achieve perfect fulfillment
how does this affect you?

Are you saying that as long as you are not Christian then
you are not part of this problem, so that's all you need to do is not be Christian?

Do you believe you have already achieved and done all you
can to overcome evil or bias that otherwise separates you from perfection in God?

If Christians are some unsolvable obstacle
what does that mean you or I supposed to do about that?

Thanks BreezeWood
how does this affect you?

the parable is for humanity, when all humanity at judgement is one or the other, if there is rejection no one will be allow remission. 4th century christianity is acquiescence / capitulation to sin they will never free themselves.

So BreezeWood are you saying that if
1. no one is allowed remission (does this mean entrance into the Kingdom of God)
if there is any rejection
2. because Christians will never free themselves
then does that count as rejection so all humanity is then not allowed remission

If all this depends on Christians as an unresolvable obstacle
then what do you believe is the course of action you are supposed to take

Do nothing, since this is unresolvable?
And just wait on God to do something about the Christians
to change this dynamic?

What do you say you are supposed to do
or me or what is anyone supposed to do
if you are saying this is unresolvable?

Am I understanding this all correctly? Thanks!
the goal is to defeat evil, The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is the religion given humanity by the Almighty - Noah's Ark, the spoken religion. that religion is for humanity, if not accomplished by all then no one will be accepted. christians are an unsolvable obstacle.

If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

What specifically is such a problem with Christians
that isn't also a problem with other people or groups?

What sin or bias do Christians have that is
any harder to overcome than people of other biases?

Thanks for explaining in terms that I can start
to understand what you are trying to clarify here
this will really help to understand the content you are trying to communicate
thanks and sorry if it takes a bit of Q and A back and forth to pinpoint and understand the points
If you believe in the triumph of good over evil BreezeWood
why are you saying Christians are an unsolvable obstacle

I've made that perfectly clear, 4th century christianity is a forgery against the events of the 1st century as the enlightenment for humanity to free themselves against evil by conquering it - christianity is the antitheses of the purified spirit.

So how does this relate to your own state of being free of sin/bias or not free?

You keep talking about how Christians are an obstacle
so if you mean that until we all resolve issues then none of us achieve perfect fulfillment
how does this affect you?

Are you saying that as long as you are not Christian then
you are not part of this problem, so that's all you need to do is not be Christian?

Do you believe you have already achieved and done all you
can to overcome evil or bias that otherwise separates you from perfection in God?

If Christians are some unsolvable obstacle
what does that mean you or I supposed to do about that?

Thanks BreezeWood
how does this affect you?

the parable is for humanity, when all humanity at judgement is one or the other, if there is rejection no one will be allow remission. 4th century christianity is acquiescence / capitulation to sin they will never free themselves.

So BreezeWood are you saying that if
1. no one is allowed remission (does this mean entrance into the Kingdom of God)
if there is any rejection
2. because Christians will never free themselves
then does that count as rejection so all humanity is then not allowed remission

If all this depends on Christians as an unresolvable obstacle
then what do you believe is the course of action you are supposed to take

Do nothing, since this is unresolvable?
And just wait on God to do something about the Christians
to change this dynamic?

What do you say you are supposed to do
or me or what is anyone supposed to do
if you are saying this is unresolvable?

Am I understanding this all correctly? Thanks!
it means we are all in this together, sink or swim - I change you or you change me we are incompatible, I am not a sinner.
If the God Pretenders went away, I'm sure the God Haters would be right behind them.
Like I don’t hate boss. He’s making the same arguments men were making before Moses lies and said god visited.

Boss doesn’t say you’ll go to hell for not believing. If he does I’d like to know where he came up with such a notion.

I would just be adamant that no there does not have to be a creator. There could be but there doesn’t have to be
Right. And I would, personally, never "hate god", because it is an absurd notion to hate something that you do not believe exists. And I think that, if there were "one God", he would be a pretty benevolent entity and would be nothing like the immoral, vain, evil, unethical, and frankly stupid god described in the abrahamic religions.
Thats the one in your head because you obviously never read the Bible.
If the God Pretenders went away, I'm sure the God Haters would be right behind them.
Like I don’t hate boss. He’s making the same arguments men were making before Moses lies and said god visited.

Boss doesn’t say you’ll go to hell for not believing. If he does I’d like to know where he came up with such a notion.

I would just be adamant that no there does not have to be a creator. There could be but there doesn’t have to be
Right. And I would, personally, never "hate god", because it is an absurd notion to hate something that you do not believe exists. And I think that, if there were "one God", he would be a pretty benevolent entity and would be nothing like the immoral, vain, evil, unethical, and frankly stupid god described in the abrahamic religions.
I can just see so clearly how are primitive ancestors came up with god heaven and hell. First you must conclude there is a god. Then what is your purpose? What does god want? So then you start talking about good and evil. The golden rule. Etc.

Then what happens to bad people? Where’s gramma?

It’s so obvious.

So I go about my life not believing in god but still living my life by asking would god approve? So I don’t murder or steal. But I may have one night stands or curse or lie now and again. I may even work on Sunday and use the lords name in vein and I most certainly worship other gods and idols....just in case
I do not give it a single thought, really. If i reach moral and ethical decisions by reason, I go all in with confidence. And I certainly have no interest in trying to convince anyone to abandon any religion. My only interest in religious beliefs is that the same suspension of incredulity required to adopt these magical paradigms is what leads people to believe all manner of nonsense, much of it harmful. It is not coincidence that so many Evangelical Americans also deny evolution and climate science. It is no coincidence that so many mystic hippies also believe fluoride and vaccination nonsense.
If you are nothing more then a bunch of cells why even be moral? Not to mention the whole concept of morality is based on a religious ideal.
Even a Jehovah's Witness will back off after I point out to them they don't know Hebrew.
What does that have to do with anyone calling either of your magical religions, "magic"? Nothing, really.
I don't care that you're an atheist and you shouldn't care that anyone besides yourself believes in God unless they're sticking it up your nose.
And having a relationship with God is not magic.
There was a time I believed in Santa. Then I grew up.
There was a time I had an invisible friend. Then I grew up.
Having a relationship with an imaginary entity, you haven't grown up.
you of course have proof there is no God?
Boss doesn’t say you’ll go to hell for not believing. If he does I’d like to know where he came up with such a notion.

I don't know about "hell" per say but I do believe there is ultimately "cosmic justice" for allowing your soul to descend to a fallen state of evil. Reason being, natural order and logic. There is a reason we are compelled toward good and away from evil, toward the light and away from the dark. Even the most devout atheist recognizes this. Even other forms of life seem to intrinsically know this. Why would every indicator point to this if there were no reason?
Because it makes the most sense? I don’t know. The world beyond humans is pretty brutal. Coyotes lurking. Bear. Mosquitos. Poisonous snakes.

Before we were organized and civilized we took out other tribes.

But really there is no reason. When this planet dies everything that happened on it is gone. Just like the life that used to be on mars billions of years ago
So then why is life sacred? Why is mass killing wrong? Why protect the elderly or young? Why sacrifice yourself.... Oh wait scratch that last one no regressive makes sacrifices.
I suggest you stop using the Internet for your "scholarship" and start conversing with actual human beings who have advanced degrees and real life experience.
You are willing to believe every web site site thar agrees with and scoff at every site you disagree with.

Show me a better website than this one: Why there is no god
For starters, this very long string of bullshit has paragraph 2 and 3 of point one which are completely discredited by the scientists and historians who regularly lecture to Jews, Christians and atheists at Aish Hatorah.
What gives you away is that you are attempting to give the impression that you have carefully studied Tanach for years and then you discovered this site several years ago and have studied it and have come to the same conclusions.

What you have actually proven is my statement that you believe any web site that concurs with your uneducated point of view.

Try harder because you are a pathetic debater on this topic.

I'm glad to hear that Christians who lecture others about Christianity debate these facts but the fact still remains that these are indeed facts.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another. On many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.
I don't do the New Testament and I am obligated not to preach.

Do you think any non Jewish American takes anything these people say seriously?

I don't care how much Jew U they attended they aren't talking facts science logic and reasoning they are perpetuating a myth.
WOW you went straight to bigot there. You need to actually read on the Hasidic Jew before you make even a bigger idiot of yourself.
God makes people murder other people because they wish to question the world around them.

There's no evidence for GOD! None at all. The question that should be asked is why do people persist on believing in that isn't real?
DNA and its complexity is evidence of God. to think that is just a mistake is just plain absurd.
I don't know how you can look at the universe and not conclude that rather than being a late outgrowth, intelligence has always existed as the source or matrix for physical stuff.
Maybe not. Look at the beginning of earth. Single cell aren’t smart. We are the only way the universe knows itself. As far as we know. Three billion years ago it may have been mars. 20 million years ago dinosaurs and trilobites ruled. They weren’t intelligent.

And I just don’t conclude anything.
Do you have any idea how much information is required to make a single cell function?
I don’t.

Ding said "intelligence has always existed as the source or matrix for physical stuff"

What does he mean by that? Can he explain or prove this comment is true?
Ding said "intelligence has always existed as the source or matrix for physical stuff"

What does he mean by that? Can he explain or prove this comment is true?

physiology : the organic processes and phenomena of an organism or any of its parts or of a particular bodily process (for the dumbasses that are beyond ignorance) - - is a metaphysical phenomena in physical form that will appear anywhere in the universe that environmental conditions are conducive for the purpose of providing continuity for the metaphysical axioms that guide its existence.

physiology present on earth that no longer is controlled by the metaphysical presence when removed causes the physiology to disappear ...

What does he mean by that? Can he explain or prove this comment is true?

there are no tissues on earth that are inanimate / inert, only what is animated ... the animation is derived from the metaphysical axioms of the universe.
That is your religious point belief with as much evidence as mine that God created life.
How many of you idiots would praise a king in the white house with the power to order you to worship him or he'll have you killed???

I doubt very many...That is god. Praise him or else! And he'll as you do praise him will kill your kids, your wife and make your life shitty for his own enjoyment at a time of his choosen.

He will give you cancer
He will order his people to kill each other
Rape women
Dads will fuck their daughters
Bad shit happens so there is no God? Son Bad shit happens because God gave of free will. Do you think environment or what we did to it had nothing to do with how diseases mutated? This should make you happy there is an actual purpose to bad shit. Normally to regulate.
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.

I certainly do find you amusing. But not in an innocent childish fashion. Your belief is insidious. This belief in a deity is anything but innocent. Too many people die as a result. I can't believe you really wrote all that. It was tedious.
Look up free will.
But that's the part you're not explaining with scientific observation and testable hypothesis. You make this incredible jump from inorganic elements to organic life without any explanation, and then you make another series of incredible leaps to eventually come up with humans. None of what you are claiming has any evident basis in science or biology. It is absolutely no different than claiming an Intelligent Designer did it.
Inside a giant star is where we were created. That’s where all life came from. You think a god proofed life onto the planet.
The Bible says we came from dust. And we did too. Star dust.
It also says a talking snake talked
So until the "serpent" you were on board with God creating existence...
Which means you believed God created the universe until you didn't believe that God could create a non-human that could talk.
Very telling.

God may have created the universe but first you have to prove God exists.

I can tell you he didn't poof land animals on the planet.

I'm learning more and more about why American Christians are so fucking retarded when it comes to evolution compared to the rest of the world and this is very telling. Makes sense when I argue with theists here about religion and politics.

This is evidence they have politicized our religion. The same fools that don't believe in evolution also don't believe in global warming. PROOF they use religion to keep people dumb
I don't have to prove anything. I don't care if you believe or not. We already know your bigotry and hatred for the very thought that your actions have consequences.
But that's the part you're not explaining with scientific observation and testable hypothesis. You make this incredible jump from inorganic elements to organic life without any explanation, and then you make another series of incredible leaps to eventually come up with humans. None of what you are claiming has any evident basis in science or biology. It is absolutely no different than claiming an Intelligent Designer did it.
Inside a giant star is where we were created. That’s where all life came from. You think a god proofed life onto the planet.
The Bible says we came from dust. And we did too. Star dust.
It also says a talking snake talked
So until the "serpent" you were on board with God creating existence...
Which means you believed God created the universe until you didn't believe that God could create a non-human that could talk.
Very telling.
Evolution Is Finally Winning Out Over Creationism, Especially Among the Young
still looking for that missing link.

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