Why do they fall for it so willingly?

some people become lawyers to defend to innocent or uphold the constitution.

they guickly discover that their career goals depend upon defending the guilty and finding constitutional loopholes for billionaires.
Yeah, Fani and Letitia are prime examples. Twisting laws and the Constitution to defend the corrupt practices of the DNC. Although I doubt either ever had benevolent intentions.
Yeah, Fani and Letitia are prime examples. Twisting laws and the Constitution to defend the corrupt practices of the DNC. Although I doubt either ever had benevolent intentions.
the prosecutors have tough jobs. don't they. they are clearly not prepared for the outrageous contentions of eastman, guliani, navarro, the kraken lady, habbab, etc etc etc etc etc. an infinite defense fund, and the utter legal ignorance and collusion of the maga judges.
Gaslighting 🚨 alert
This illustrates why Trump supporters fall for it so willingly: willful ignorance – they hide behind a wall of self-delusion and lies, the 2020 election was ‘stolen,’ the charges against Trump are ‘false,’ the 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorist attack and insurrection was a ‘peaceful protest.’

John Eastman, architect of Trump’s 2020 election plot, should be disbarred, judge rules​

A California judge on Wednesday recommended the disbarment of John Eastman, calling to revoke the law license of one of former President Donald Trump’s top allies in his failed last-ditch gambit to subvert the 2020 election.

Judge Yvette Roland, who presided over months of testimony and argument about the basis of Eastman’s fringe legal theories, ruled that the veteran conservative attorney violated ethics rules — and even potentially criminal law — when he advanced Trump’s efforts to overturn the election results based on weak or discredited claims of fraud.

Eastman plans to appeal Roland’s decision to a panel of judges, an interim step before the matter reaches the state Supreme Court. But while his appeal is pending, the ruling forces his law license into “inactive” status, meaning he can no longer practice law in California.

I have lost track of how many people who chose to be associated with Trump have suffered the consequences. Cuz it's a very long list, many of whom are lawyers. Or in Eastman's case, were lawyers.

Did they think if they kissed the ring they could flaunt the law as he has? That they would suffer no consequences for their actions like him?

Do you think Don, before he goes to sleep at night, ever feels badly about all the trouble his enablers have gotten in to for being loyal to a charlatan? Does he despair over the ruined lives of his jailed, 1/6, violent mob? He (and his son) got a satisfying chuckle from Paul Pelosi being hit in the head with a hammer. But has he considered sending one of his $60 bibles to the assailant? How about a pair of gold sneakers on the house? Or, like all sociopaths, is he incapable of having basic human feelings for their plight?
Did you ever consider the D.C. Swamp is corrupt and Trump has threatened to drain it.

The political establishment has no control over Trump and he scares the hell out of them. Therefore they try to bankrupt Trump and often anyone who agrees to work for him by forcing them to pay a fortune in attorney fees. That should convince any common person and even millionaires and billionaires that running for political office might be a really bad idea.

I have often said that if you have a little charisma, can make a speech and are a little dishonest — there are two professions you should consider that will enable you to be rich beyond belief. One is a televangelist and the other is a politician, especially one at the national level. Now not ALL televangelists and politicians are corrupt but a significant percentage are.
Gee, that's a very cynical view. My confusion stems from Trump's history as a fraud, a cheat, and an uninformed braggart who has sexually abused women. What causes these otherwise intelligent men to fall under the spell of such a man?
You are obviously under the same spell.

Your obsession with Trump is concerning.
This illustrates why Trump supporters fall for it so willingly: willful ignorance – they hide behind a wall of self-delusion and lies, the 2020 election was ‘stolen,’ the charges against Trump are ‘false,’ the 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorist attack and insurrection was a ‘peaceful protest.’

This illustrates why those suffering from TDS are willfully ignorant. They promote lies and conspiracy theories about terrorist attacks and an insurrection™ which they see on the Joy Reid show. They sit wide-eyed and in a stupor.
Did you ever consider the D.C. Swamp is corrupt and Trump has threatened to drain it.
Did you ever consider that Trump is corrupt and the legal system is coming down on him and his cronies because they tried to break the rules?
Did you ever consider that Trump is corrupt and the legal system is coming down on him and his cronies because they tried to break the rules?

On the other hand, did you ever consider it’s the corrupt Dems / Socialists who literally amend laws to further their politico-religious Jihad aimed at Trump?
This illustrates why Trump supporters fall for it so willingly: willful ignorance – they hide behind a wall of self-delusion and lies, the 2020 election was ‘stolen,’ the charges against Trump are ‘false,’ the 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorist attack and insurrection was a ‘peaceful protest.’
When you don’t have Covid, this is what you do.

John Eastman, architect of Trump’s 2020 election plot, should be disbarred, judge rules​

A California judge on Wednesday recommended the disbarment of John Eastman, calling to revoke the law license of one of former President Donald Trump’s top allies in his failed last-ditch gambit to subvert the 2020 election.

Judge Yvette Roland, who presided over months of testimony and argument about the basis of Eastman’s fringe legal theories, ruled that the veteran conservative attorney violated ethics rules — and even potentially criminal law — when he advanced Trump’s efforts to overturn the election results based on weak or discredited claims of fraud.

Eastman plans to appeal Roland’s decision to a panel of judges, an interim step before the matter reaches the state Supreme Court. But while his appeal is pending, the ruling forces his law license into “inactive” status, meaning he can no longer practice law in California.

I have lost track of how many people who chose to be associated with Trump have suffered the consequences. Cuz it's a very long list, many of whom are lawyers. Or in Eastman's case, were lawyers.

Did they think if they kissed the ring they could flaunt the law as he has? That they would suffer no consequences for their actions like him?

Do you think Don, before he goes to sleep at night, ever feels badly about all the trouble his enablers have gotten in to for being loyal to a charlatan? Does he despair over the ruined lives of his jailed, 1/6, violent mob? He (and his son) got a satisfying chuckle from Paul Pelosi being hit in the head with a hammer. But has he considered sending one of his $60 bibles to the assailant? How about a pair of gold sneakers on the house? Or, like all sociopaths, is he incapable of having basic human feelings for their plight?
I see nothing in what you claim that even makes a logical argument, that isL even if I accept those facts the conclusion doesn't follow.
I am not a Trumper but this line of argument gave us Obama and Clinton, a liar and a womanizer
That there were enough legitimate questions that neither side should have had complete confidence in the outcome.

To this you will say "no".
Actually, I'll say you're lying. Because what you wrote is a lie.
^^^The guy who thinks men get pregnant and vaccinated people can't get covid wants to talk about why people fall for something. LOL!
Once again a MAGAist is forced to just plain make shit up due to an inability to deal with the subject matter in a factual way.
I see nothing in what you claim that even makes a logical argument, that isL even if I accept those facts the conclusion doesn't follow.
I am not a Trumper but this line of argument gave us Obama and Clinton, a liar and a womanizer
There is no "line of argument." There are the facts. Read the judges recommendation to the CA bar and make an argument against it or STFU.
There is no "line of argument." There are the facts. Read the judges recommendation to the CA bar and make an argument against it or STFU.
Spinning, whirling, still descending.
Like a spiral sea
No. Here's why.

No? Then why wasnt President Trump charged with colluding with Russia which the independent investigation found that he didnt? Because morons like you have your head shoved way up Uranus, and believe what ever the Lame Stream Media tells you to believe.

And then you dare make a post like you did.

Bidenet.png<------stupid as fuck

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