Why do we have to hear Sarah screeching and whining about Ryan? It ain't fair.

What you have been whining about was answered in post #100.

Lill camper, you have joined paws101 as part of the Dale Smith cyber harem of cyber bitches....you have brought nothing but yet you beg for attention from me. You have nothing but yet you bend over for a cyber kick to the ass...why do you do that to yourself?????
Look, Dale, you approached me for a debate and I refused until you made the challenge that you would debate any topic. I was and am not interested in debating conspiracy theories and I let you know that. Instead, at your invitation, I suggested a debate about the difference between subjective and objective research, analysis and conclusions and why the two methods are incompatible. I posted links, academic ones, to reinforce my comments.
All you have done so far is evade the topic of the debate and attempted to fall back on your default of debating your conspiracy theories.
Sad that you think just because someone on a messageboard responds to you implies they are trying to get your attention.
What you have been whining about was answered in post #100.

Lill camper, you have joined paws101 as part of the Dale Smith cyber harem of cyber bitches....you have brought nothing but yet you beg for attention from me. You have nothing but yet you bend over for a cyber kick to the ass...why do you do that to yourself?????
Look, Dale, you approached me for a debate and I refused until you made the challenge that you would debate any topic. I was and am not interested in debating conspiracy theories and I let you know that. Instead, at your invitation, I suggested a debate about the difference between subjective and objective research, analysis and conclusions and why the two methods are incompatible. I posted links, academic ones, to reinforce my comments.
All you have done so far is evade the topic of the debate and attempted to fall back on your default of debating your conspiracy theories.
Sad that you think just because someone on a messageboard responds to you implies they are trying to get your attention.
Dude, you haven't posted diddly squat that runs contrary as to what I have posted...none, nada.....zilch. You have nothing.
What you have been whining about was answered in post #100.

Lill camper, you have joined paws101 as part of the Dale Smith cyber harem of cyber bitches....you have brought nothing but yet you beg for attention from me. You have nothing but yet you bend over for a cyber kick to the ass...why do you do that to yourself?????
Look, Dale, you approached me for a debate and I refused until you made the challenge that you would debate any topic. I was and am not interested in debating conspiracy theories and I let you know that. Instead, at your invitation, I suggested a debate about the difference between subjective and objective research, analysis and conclusions and why the two methods are incompatible. I posted links, academic ones, to reinforce my comments.
All you have done so far is evade the topic of the debate and attempted to fall back on your default of debating your conspiracy theories.
Sad that you think just because someone on a messageboard responds to you implies they are trying to get your attention.
Dude, you haven't posted diddly squat that runs contrary as to what I have posted...none, nada.....zilch. You have nothing.
This is what I posted.



These links directly address and dispute your theories, concepts, and thesis.
It is beyond obvious that you are unable to dispute the material in the links.
This is fucking hilarious, cyber friends and neighbors....I have leftards fighting with each other and "elbowing" their way into the front of the line to take a cyber ass-kicking and get inducted into my harem of own leftard cyber bitches. They post multiple postings trying to get in front of other leftards trying to garner my attention because they can't wait to get cyber-slapped into next week. They rise off of the cyber canvas totally "punch drunk" and on wobbly legs and waddle into the fray only to take another uppercut to their glass jaw.....this is fucking HILARIOUS!!!!! Line up, leftards..........I have plenty of ammo for you all.

There is a new sheriff in town on usmessageboard.com...and that is yours truly and the masses have spoken.....you are in for a very rude awakening...(snicker)
Best delusion ever!
It seems like cruel and unusual punishment. What did we do so bad that we have to hear her whine in that screeching annoying voice? How many people can possibly give a crap about what that moron has to say about anything?
I'll do everyone a favor and not post her stupid and annoying speech. If anyone wants to subject themselves to that painful experience they can do it on their own.
When a device makes an unbearable sound in my vicinity I either turn the device down or off or I just leave the room.
However, my dog will continue to sit in front of the noise and howl.

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