Why do we have to hear Sarah screeching and whining about Ryan? It ain't fair.

It's payback from having to listen to Ramen Noodle Head Wasserman and Lieawatha Warren

Wasserman, yeah, Warren, nope. She can construct cogent sentences without speaking in tongues like Sarah.

We semi agree on something, I think Palin has ran the gambit...but I do love how she drives left loon's absolutely berserk

Palin is fine by me....I will swear eternal friendship to anyone that despises the Fabian socialist left even a 1/10 as much as I do.
Yea, you'd have liked her finger on the button.

Barrypuppet wanted to explode an EMP over the east coast in October of 2014 and wanted to drop a mini-nuke over the border of the Ukraine and Russia in 2015....good patriots kept that from happening....so spew your bullshit somewhere else...I know more than you.
in my experience it's only tiny dicks like you who make as many false accusations as you have .

Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)

I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life blahbitty blah blah.

Yeah, we can all tell, it's not healthy

I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain.

I sure hoope you're right about that, and thanks for the compiment.

It's really hard for me to not be snobbish blahbitty blah blah.

That's just who you are and how you are and could very likely be correlated with your first line above. You admnittedly have no personal/social life and come off as having drifted into bitterness.

Deal with it...blahbitty blah blah.

If I ever sense that I'm growing into where you are I will seek out profesional help, it's not a healthy place to be.

I should be charging for blahbitty blah blah.

Good luck with that.
Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)

I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life blahbitty blah blah.

Yeah, we can all tell, it's not healthy

I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain.

I sure hoope you're right about that, and thanks for the compiment.

It's really hard for me to not be snobbish blahbitty blah blah.

That's just who you are and how you are and could very likely be correlated with your first line above. You admnittedly have no personal/social life and come off as having drifted into bitterness.

Deal with it...blahbitty blah blah.

If I ever sense that I'm growing into where you are I will seek out profesional help, it's not a healthy place to be.

I should be charging for blahbitty blah blah.

Good luck with that.

Geez, use "spellcheck" every once and awhile....I know more than you and it seems to piss you off....I can't help that.
Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.
Irish is not like Dale. You are mistaken. They may share a few traits, but generally speaking, Irish is coherent and although very opinionated, is able to present an issue worthy of debate.

I am still waiting on you to present an issue that is worthy of a debate and the ability to back up your claims......I'm not gonna hold my breath, lil camper.......

We've given up on that with you dale. Declare yourself victorious and move on.
Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins...None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Pawns In the Game by William Guy Carr, Wall Street and the rise of Hitler, Antony Sutton, Tragedy And Hope, by Carroll Quigley....that's a good start...I have a hundred more that I have read.....need I go on? Carroll Quigley was a mentor of Bill "drop trou" Clinton, btw.....
Yes do ..for everyone you mentioned there is another author, researcher, actually scientist who can a do refute your bullshit.
Their accurately is not in question.
Your bias is.

Name them, punkinpuss............name even one. Go for it and watch me as I rip it to shreds......
I've heard that bullshit thousands of times and not once has it ever been a fact.

Name the authors that can refute the information that I gave.........don't delay........and do it with with some "accuracy".....(snicker)

Looks like you are in over your head yet again....typical......nice going, my biotch...LOL!
Looks like you are making false accusations as always.

Little paws101....please consolidate your fool-fueled rants into one big ol pile of nothingness instead of blowing up my "alert" box with alert after an alert.......you suffer from a lack of focus......you need to work on that, my cyber bitch.........I have other bitches to take care of and you are cluttering up the process....stop being so friggin' "needy"........await your turn at the trough. Let's simplify the process.....shall we?
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)

I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life blahbitty blah blah.

Yeah, we can all tell, it's not healthy

I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain.

I sure hoope you're right about that, and thanks for the compiment.

It's really hard for me to not be snobbish blahbitty blah blah.

That's just who you are and how you are and could very likely be correlated with your first line above. You admnittedly have no personal/social life and come off as having drifted into bitterness.

Deal with it...blahbitty blah blah.

If I ever sense that I'm growing into where you are I will seek out profesional help, it's not a healthy place to be.

I should be charging for blahbitty blah blah.

Good luck with that.

Geez, use "spellcheck" every once and awhile....I know more than you and it seems to piss you off....I can't help that.

Of course dale, that MUST be it. You're correct, you should get a life, gnite.
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.
Irish is not like Dale. You are mistaken. They may share a few traits, but generally speaking, Irish is coherent and although very opinionated, is able to present an issue worthy of debate.

I am still waiting on you to present an issue that is worthy of a debate and the ability to back up your claims......I'm not gonna hold my breath, lil camper.......

We've given up on that with you dale. Declare yourself victorious and move on.

"We've"??? Have you a mouse in your pocket? Or perhaps you were made the spokes lady of the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools....you morons need to get together and decide because other like minded morons like you keep tossing out lame arrows that couldn't penetrate single ply toilet paper.......you need a frigging plan of attack because what you are doing isn't working AT all........
What you have been whining about was answered in post #100.
Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)

I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life blahbitty blah blah.

Yeah, we can all tell, it's not healthy

I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain.

I sure hoope you're right about that, and thanks for the compiment.

It's really hard for me to not be snobbish blahbitty blah blah.

That's just who you are and how you are and could very likely be correlated with your first line above. You admnittedly have no personal/social life and come off as having drifted into bitterness.

Deal with it...blahbitty blah blah.

If I ever sense that I'm growing into where you are I will seek out profesional help, it's not a healthy place to be.

I should be charging for blahbitty blah blah.

Good luck with that.

Geez, use "spellcheck" every once and awhile....I know more than you and it seems to piss you off....I can't help that.

Of course dale, that MUST be it. You're correct, you should get a life, gnite.

I am a truth seeker...that is my life...and I know more than you and it's not up for debate on any level.......learn, grow, evolve........
It's payback from having to listen to Ramen Noodle Head Wasserman and Lieawatha Warren

Wasserman, yeah, Warren, nope. She can construct cogent sentences without speaking in tongues like Sarah.

We semi agree on something, I think Palin has ran the gambit...but I do love how she drives left loon's absolutely berserk

Palin is fine by me....I will swear eternal friendship to anyone that despises the Fabian socialist left even a 1/10 as much as I do.
Yea, you'd have liked her finger on the button.

Barrypuppet wanted to explode an EMP over the east coast in October of 2014 and wanted to drop a mini-nuke over the border of the Ukraine and Russia in 2015....good patriots kept that from happening....so spew your bullshit somewhere else...I know more than you.
Lol links !
Your ranting don't cut it!
Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.
Irish is not like Dale. You are mistaken. They may share a few traits, but generally speaking, Irish is coherent and although very opinionated, is able to present an issue worthy of debate.

I am still waiting on you to present an issue that is worthy of a debate and the ability to back up your claims......I'm not gonna hold my breath, lil camper.......

We've given up on that with you dale. Declare yourself victorious and move on.

"We've"??? Have you a mouse in your pocket? Or perhaps you were made the spokes lady of the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools....you morons need to get together and decide because other like minded morons like you keep tossing out lame arrows that couldn't penetrate single ply toilet paper.......you need a frigging plan of attack because what you are doing isn't working AT all........

I'm sorry about the sate of your life, but I had nothing to do with that dale.
You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)

I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life blahbitty blah blah.

Yeah, we can all tell, it's not healthy

I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain.

I sure hoope you're right about that, and thanks for the compiment.

It's really hard for me to not be snobbish blahbitty blah blah.

That's just who you are and how you are and could very likely be correlated with your first line above. You admnittedly have no personal/social life and come off as having drifted into bitterness.

Deal with it...blahbitty blah blah.

If I ever sense that I'm growing into where you are I will seek out profesional help, it's not a healthy place to be.

I should be charging for blahbitty blah blah.

Good luck with that.

Geez, use "spellcheck" every once and awhile....I know more than you and it seems to piss you off....I can't help that.

Of course dale, that MUST be it. You're correct, you should get a life, gnite.

I am a truth seeker...that is my life...and I know more than you and it's not up for debate on any level.......learn, grow, evolve........

No dale, you're just a dick.
What you have been whining about was answered in post #100.

Lill camper, you have joined paws101 as part of the Dale Smith cyber harem of cyber bitches....you have brought nothing but yet you beg for attention from me. You have nothing but yet you bend over for a cyber kick to the ass...why do you do that to yourself?????
I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)

I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life blahbitty blah blah.

Yeah, we can all tell, it's not healthy

I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain.

I sure hoope you're right about that, and thanks for the compiment.

It's really hard for me to not be snobbish blahbitty blah blah.

That's just who you are and how you are and could very likely be correlated with your first line above. You admnittedly have no personal/social life and come off as having drifted into bitterness.

Deal with it...blahbitty blah blah.

If I ever sense that I'm growing into where you are I will seek out profesional help, it's not a healthy place to be.

I should be charging for blahbitty blah blah.

Good luck with that.

Geez, use "spellcheck" every once and awhile....I know more than you and it seems to piss you off....I can't help that.

Of course dale, that MUST be it. You're correct, you should get a life, gnite.

I am a truth seeker...that is my life...and I know more than you and it's not up for debate on any level.......learn, grow, evolve........

No dale, you're just a dick.

Sob, sob....sniffle, sniffle...........(snicker)
Yes do ..for everyone you mentioned there is another author, researcher, actually scientist who can a do refute your bullshit.
Their accurately is not in question.
Your bias is.

Name them, punkinpuss............name even one. Go for it and watch me as I rip it to shreds......
I've heard that bullshit thousands of times and not once has it ever been a fact.

Name the authors that can refute the information that I gave.........don't delay........and do it with with some "accuracy".....(snicker)

Looks like you are in over your head yet again....typical......nice going, my biotch...LOL!
Looks like you are making false accusations as always.

Little paws101....please consolidate your fool-fueled rants into one big ol pile of nothingness instead of blowing up my "alert" box with alert after an alert.......you suffer from a lack of focus......you need to work on that, my cyber bitch.........I have other bitches to take care of and you are cluttering up the process....stop being so friggin' "needy"........await your turn at the trough. Let's simplify the process.....shall we?
Extreme rationalization alert!

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.
Irish is not like Dale. You are mistaken. They may share a few traits, but generally speaking, Irish is coherent and although very opinionated, is able to present an issue worthy of debate.

I am still waiting on you to present an issue that is worthy of a debate and the ability to back up your claims......I'm not gonna hold my breath, lil camper.......

We've given up on that with you dale. Declare yourself victorious and move on.

"We've"??? Have you a mouse in your pocket? Or perhaps you were made the spokes lady of the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools....you morons need to get together and decide because other like minded morons like you keep tossing out lame arrows that couldn't penetrate single ply toilet paper.......you need a frigging plan of attack because what you are doing isn't working AT all........
Argument from fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)

I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life blahbitty blah blah.

Yeah, we can all tell, it's not healthy

I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain.

I sure hoope you're right about that, and thanks for the compiment.

It's really hard for me to not be snobbish blahbitty blah blah.

That's just who you are and how you are and could very likely be correlated with your first line above. You admnittedly have no personal/social life and come off as having drifted into bitterness.

Deal with it...blahbitty blah blah.

If I ever sense that I'm growing into where you are I will seek out profesional help, it's not a healthy place to be.

I should be charging for blahbitty blah blah.

Good luck with that.

Geez, use "spellcheck" every once and awhile....I know more than you and it seems to piss you off....I can't help that.

Of course dale, that MUST be it. You're correct, you should get a life, gnite.

I am a truth seeker...that is my life...and I know more than you and it's not up for debate on any level.......learn, grow, evolve........
You're self righteous bullshit is always up for debate. .
Nothing you've posted is evidence of evolution or growth.
It is however laughable.
This is fucking hilarious, cyber friends and neighbors....I have leftards fighting with each other and "elbowing" their way into the front of the line to take a cyber ass-kicking and get inducted into my harem of own leftard cyber bitches. They post multiple postings trying to get in front of other leftards trying to garner my attention because they can't wait to get cyber-slapped into next week. They rise off of the cyber canvas totally "punch drunk" and on wobbly legs and waddle into the fray only to take another uppercut to their glass jaw.....this is fucking HILARIOUS!!!!! Line up, leftards..........I have plenty of ammo for you all.

There is a new sheriff in town on usmessageboard.com...and that is yours truly and the masses have spoken.....you are in for a very rude awakening...(snicker)

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