Why do we have to hear Sarah screeching and whining about Ryan? It ain't fair.

That's just sad shoog. You've vbeen doing this for years? And you think you're good at it. As for insults, try avoiding them yourself sometime instead of whining abou tthe tome you set.

Still waiting on your rebuttal, Mr "Scientist"...see I'm making you look like a jackass. You bring nothing but blather and you try to bluff. I see through you. Now go bother someone that will buy into your charade....I don't

Honey, I would be terrified if you didn't see me as a jackass, thank you!

You are an ignorant jackass...but a jackass nonetheless......hope this helps!!!

Same goes for you, thanks for not considering me not like you!!!

You are a mere ignorant child....you couldn't best me in a debate or a battle of wits on the best day you ever had....don't mess with the champ...... because I will embarrass ya and that is also a fact.

There's no debating going on on this site shoog. Have a nice day.

You are a pussy that can't switch the station....you are a sickening excuse for a man........and that is a fucking fact. On those rare occasions that the Barrypuppet comes on the airwaves, I immediately shut it off...the sound of his voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard....you see, I am a real man...not a nad-less pussy like you.
in my experience it's only tiny dicks like you who make as many false accusations as you have .

Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.
Irish is not like Dale. You are mistaken. They may share a few traits, but generally speaking, Irish is coherent and although very opinionated, is able to present an issue worthy of debate.
I told you in the post directly above yours that I got caught off guard. I was listening to classic rock on the radio when a short newscast came on. How was I to know they would broadcast part of the witches speech. It was an ambush attack.

You are a pussy that can't switch the station....you are a sickening excuse for a man........and that is a fucking fact. On those rare occasions that the Barrypuppet comes on the airwaves, I immediately shut it off...the sound of his voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard....you see, I am a real man...not a nad-less pussy like you.
in my experience it's only tiny dicks like you who make as many false accusations as you have .

Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:
again more wishful thinking! I've never seen you get the best of any one in any thread you've post your bullshit in.
part of what makes you so damn funny is your blissful ignorance of your ignorance .
It's payback from having to listen to Ramen Noodle Head Wasserman and Lieawatha Warren

Wasserman, yeah, Warren, nope. She can construct cogent sentences without speaking in tongues like Sarah.

We semi agree on something, I think Palin has ran the gambit...but I do love how she drives left loon's absolutely berserk

Palin is fine by me....I will swear eternal friendship to anyone that despises the Fabian socialist left even a 1/10 as much as I do.
look that up yourself ?
That's just sad shoog. You've vbeen doing this for years? And you think you're good at it. As for insults, try avoiding them yourself sometime instead of whining abou tthe tome you set.

Still waiting on your rebuttal, Mr "Scientist"...see I'm making you look like a jackass. You bring nothing but blather and you try to bluff. I see through you. Now go bother someone that will buy into your charade....I don't

Honey, I would be terrified if you didn't see me as a jackass, thank you!

You are an ignorant jackass...but a jackass nonetheless......hope this helps!!!

Same goes for you, thanks for not considering me not like you!!!

You are a mere ignorant child....you couldn't best me in a debate or a battle of wits on the best day you ever had....don't mess with the champ...... because I will embarrass ya and that is also a fact.
extreme bullshit alert #2
You are a pussy that can't switch the station....you are a sickening excuse for a man........and that is a fucking fact. On those rare occasions that the Barrypuppet comes on the airwaves, I immediately shut it off...the sound of his voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard....you see, I am a real man...not a nad-less pussy like you.
in my experience it's only tiny dicks like you who make as many false accusations as you have .

Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
in my experience it's only tiny dicks like you who make as many false accusations as you have .

Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.
Irish is not like Dale. You are mistaken. They may share a few traits, but generally speaking, Irish is coherent and although very opinionated, is able to present an issue worthy of debate.

I am still waiting on you to present an issue that is worthy of a debate and the ability to back up your claims......I'm not gonna hold my breath, lil camper.......
It seems like cruel and unusual punishment. What did we do so bad that we have to hear her whine in that screeching annoying voice? How many people can possibly give a crap about what that moron has to say about anything?
I'll do everyone a favor and not post her stupid and annoying speech. If anyone wants to subject themselves to that painful experience they can do it on their own.

If find it intriguing that you are somehow mandated..yea verily, FORCED to listen. Is that something you got in a directive from The DNC? Or mayhap George Soros spoke to you in a dream?
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lil paws101 keeps begging for my attention...talk about your "needy" cyber bitches.......she has to be the center of attention at all times.

little paws101, I am constantly being pulled at......my legion of fans and those that are detractors require my attention as well.....wait your fucking turn. I'll be busting on you as time permits...sheesh.
in my experience it's only tiny dicks like you who make as many false accusations as you have .

Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, no matter how much you want them to be.
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in my experience it's only tiny dicks like you who make as many false accusations as you have .

Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
repeated ad nauseam .....
lil paws101 keeps begging for my attention...talk about your "needy" cyber bitches.......she has to be the center of attention at all times.

little paws101, I am constantly being pulled at......my legion of fans and those that are detractors require my attention as well.....wait your fucking turn. I'll be busting on you as time permits...sheesh.
repeated ad nauseam .....but never even a scratch,
It seems like cruel and unusual punishment. What did we do so bad that we have to hear her whine in that screeching annoying voice? How many people can possibly give a crap about what that moron has to say about anything?
I'll do everyone a favor and not post her stupid and annoying speech. If anyone wants to subject themselves to that painful experience they can do it on their own.

If find it intriguing that you are somehow mandated..yeah, FORCED to listen. Is that something you got in a directive from The DNC? Or mayhap George Soros spoke to you in a dream?
For the third time, I was listening to a classic rock station on the radio. One of those little short three minute newscast came on. The dirty bastards decided to broadcast part of Palin's speech. It took me about 30 seconds to get to my Bose remote and turn it off. When I turned it back on I realized I had missed almost the complete Jimmy version of All Along the Watchtower, one of my favorites. What kind of classic rock station broadcasts political crap?
Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, not matter how much you want them to be.
it's obvious that dale never questions his sources for validity he doe's not contrast and compare.
It seems like cruel and unusual punishment. What did we do so bad that we have to hear her whine in that screeching annoying voice? How many people can possibly give a crap about what that moron has to say about anything?
I'll do everyone a favor and not post her stupid and annoying speech. If anyone wants to subject themselves to that painful experience they can do it on their own.
When Trump has to rely on brain dead bitches like Palin and Ben Carson for support....you know he's gotta a long road ahead. The one and only time Palin should ever open her big mouth....is behind closed doors with Todd in the darkness of their bedroom on her knees!!

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