Why do we have to hear Sarah screeching and whining about Ryan? It ain't fair.

dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, not matter how much you want them to be.
it's obvious that dale never questions his sources for validity he doe's not contrast and compare.
He is well read. Once he provided a list of authors and I checked them out. They were all authors of conspiracy theories. A few were serious authors that presented some compelling arguments, but like all conspiracy works allowed speculation and assumptions to contaminate the conclusions. These kinds of works have some value but without balance from academic works the reader becomes more or less undereducated and lacking in sourceable data that would be accepted in a formal setting.
Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, no matter how much you want them to be.[/QUOTE

Do tell? You have a book list that I must read in order to debate you? Guess again, monkey boy. The authors that I have read are accredited and the genuine article that have inside knowledge of the inner workings of this corporate "gubermint" that will stand up to any scrutiny. I know more than you....deal with it.
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, no matter how much you want them to be.[/QUOTE

Do tell? You have a book list that I must read in order to debate you? Guess again, monkey boy. The authors that I have read are accredited and the genuine article that have inside knowledge of the inner workings of this corporate "gubermint" that will stand up to any scrutiny. I know more than you....deal with it.
Go ahead and list the authors the way you did once before. Name a couple of your favorite books that you claim support your thesis.
Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, not matter how much you want them to be.
it's obvious that dale never questions his sources for validity he doe's not contrast and compare.
He is well read. Once he provided a list of authors and I checked them out. They were all authors of conspiracy theories. A few were serious authors that presented some compelling arguments, but like all conspiracy works allowed speculation and assumptions to contaminate the conclusions. These kinds of works have some value but without balance from academic works the reader becomes more or less undereducated and lacking in sourceable data that would be accepted in a formal setting.

Antony Sutton did research for the Hoover Institute for twenty years....how is he a "conspiracy theorist". He had documented proof that the Bolshevik revolution and Adolf Hitler were funded by Wall Street....irrefutable evidence. Dr John Coleman worked for MI5 and MI6 and had access to many records proving that there is a secret committee of three hundred very powerful people that are part of the power pyramid that were behind the formation of the Club Of Rome.......you are a mere child.....you buy into everything your beloved corporate gubermint feeds you. Your lack of understanding of how things really work is typical...thus the reason as to why you fear having to come to face to face with your lack of knowledge. Jim Marrs, accredited journalist and researcher, Jordan Maxwell, 50 plus years of research, Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound that knew about the criminality of the foreign owned Federal Reserve central banking system......you have nothing to refute their claims...because they, like me....know more than you, punkinpuss.
Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, no matter how much you want them to be.[/QUOTE

Do tell? You have a book list that I must read in order to debate you? Guess again, monkey boy. The authors that I have read are accredited and the genuine article that have inside knowledge of the inner workings of this corporate "gubermint" that will stand up to any scrutiny. I know more than you....deal with it.
Go ahead and list the authors the way you did once before. Name a couple of your favorite books that you claim support your thesis.

Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins...None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Pawns In the Game by William Guy Carr, Wall Street and the rise of Hitler, Antony Sutton, Tragedy And Hope, by Carroll Quigley....that's a good start...I have a hundred more that I have read.....need I go on? Carroll Quigley was a mentor of Bill "drop trou" Clinton, btw.....
You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, not matter how much you want them to be.
it's obvious that dale never questions his sources for validity he doe's not contrast and compare.
He is well read. Once he provided a list of authors and I checked them out. They were all authors of conspiracy theories. A few were serious authors that presented some compelling arguments, but like all conspiracy works allowed speculation and assumptions to contaminate the conclusions. These kinds of works have some value but without balance from academic works the reader becomes more or less undereducated and lacking in sourceable data that would be accepted in a formal setting.

Antony Sutton did research for the Hoover Institute for twenty years....how is he a "conspiracy theorist". He had documented proof that the Bolshevik revolution and Adolf Hitler were funded by Wall Street....irrefutable evidence. Dr John Coleman worked for MI5 and MI6 and had access to many records proving that there is a secret committee of three hundred very powerful people that are part of the power pyramid that were behind the formation of the Club Of Rome.......you are a mere child.....you buy into everything your beloved corporate gubermint feeds you. Your lack of understanding of how things really work is typical...thus the reason as to why you fear having to come to face to face with your lack of knowledge. Jim Marrs, accredited journalist and researcher, Jordan Maxwell, 50 plus years of research, Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound that knew about the criminality of the foreign owned Federal Reserve central banking system......you have nothing to refute their claims...because they, like me....know more than you, punkinpuss.
Jim Marrs is a crank if he's on your list of experts you were done before you started.
You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, no matter how much you want them to be.[/QUOTE

Do tell? You have a book list that I must read in order to debate you? Guess again, monkey boy. The authors that I have read are accredited and the genuine article that have inside knowledge of the inner workings of this corporate "gubermint" that will stand up to any scrutiny. I know more than you....deal with it.
Go ahead and list the authors the way you did once before. Name a couple of your favorite books that you claim support your thesis.

Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins...None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Pawns In the Game by William Guy Carr, Wall Street and the rise of Hitler, Antony Sutton, Tragedy And Hope, by Carroll Quigley....that's a good start...I have a hundred more that I have read.....need I go on? Carroll Quigley was a mentor of Bill "drop trou" Clinton, btw.....
Yes do ..for everyone you mentioned there is another author, researcher, actually scientist who can a do refute your bullshit.
Their accurately is not in question.
Your bias is.
I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, not matter how much you want them to be.
it's obvious that dale never questions his sources for validity he doe's not contrast and compare.
He is well read. Once he provided a list of authors and I checked them out. They were all authors of conspiracy theories. A few were serious authors that presented some compelling arguments, but like all conspiracy works allowed speculation and assumptions to contaminate the conclusions. These kinds of works have some value but without balance from academic works the reader becomes more or less undereducated and lacking in sourceable data that would be accepted in a formal setting.

Antony Sutton did research for the Hoover Institute for twenty years....how is he a "conspiracy theorist". He had documented proof that the Bolshevik revolution and Adolf Hitler were funded by Wall Street....irrefutable evidence. Dr John Coleman worked for MI5 and MI6 and had access to many records proving that there is a secret committee of three hundred very powerful people that are part of the power pyramid that were behind the formation of the Club Of Rome.......you are a mere child.....you buy into everything your beloved corporate gubermint feeds you. Your lack of understanding of how things really work is typical...thus the reason as to why you fear having to come to face to face with your lack of knowledge. Jim Marrs, accredited journalist and researcher, Jordan Maxwell, 50 plus years of research, Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound that knew about the criminality of the foreign owned Federal Reserve central banking system......you have nothing to refute their claims...because they, like me....know more than you, punkinpuss.
Jim Marrs is a crank if he's on your list of experts you were done before you started.

Really? Jim Marrs has more credibility than your fool-fueled rants and I would trust his opinion over yours times 1,000,000........a "crank" based on what? Antony Sutton? Dr. John Coleman? Jordan Maxwell? G Edward Griffin? Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound? They have more intelligence in the top knuckle of their pinkie finger than you have in your entire body and that is a fact........deal with it.
I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, no matter how much you want them to be.[/QUOTE

Do tell? You have a book list that I must read in order to debate you? Guess again, monkey boy. The authors that I have read are accredited and the genuine article that have inside knowledge of the inner workings of this corporate "gubermint" that will stand up to any scrutiny. I know more than you....deal with it.
Go ahead and list the authors the way you did once before. Name a couple of your favorite books that you claim support your thesis.

Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins...None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Pawns In the Game by William Guy Carr, Wall Street and the rise of Hitler, Antony Sutton, Tragedy And Hope, by Carroll Quigley....that's a good start...I have a hundred more that I have read.....need I go on? Carroll Quigley was a mentor of Bill "drop trou" Clinton, btw.....
Yes do ..for everyone you mentioned there is another author, researcher, actually scientist who can a do refute your bullshit.
Their accurately is not in question.
Your bias is.

Name them, punkinpuss............name even one. Go for it and watch me as I rip it to shreds......
It seems like cruel and unusual punishment. What did we do so bad that we have to hear her whine in that screeching annoying voice? How many people can possibly give a crap about what that moron has to say about anything?
I'll do everyone a favor and not post her stupid and annoying speech. If anyone wants to subject themselves to that painful experience they can do it on their own.
It's what she does best.
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, no matter how much you want them to be.[/QUOTE

Do tell? You have a book list that I must read in order to debate you? Guess again, monkey boy. The authors that I have read are accredited and the genuine article that have inside knowledge of the inner workings of this corporate "gubermint" that will stand up to any scrutiny. I know more than you....deal with it.
Go ahead and list the authors the way you did once before. Name a couple of your favorite books that you claim support your thesis.

Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins...None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Pawns In the Game by William Guy Carr, Wall Street and the rise of Hitler, Antony Sutton, Tragedy And Hope, by Carroll Quigley....that's a good start...I have a hundred more that I have read.....need I go on? Carroll Quigley was a mentor of Bill "drop trou" Clinton, btw.....
Yes do ..for everyone you mentioned there is another author, researcher, actually scientist who can a do refute your bullshit.
Their accurately is not in question.
Your bias is.

Name them, punkinpuss............name even one. Go for it and watch me as I rip it to shreds......
I've heard that bullshit thousands of times and not once has it ever been a fact.
I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, no matter how much you want them to be.[/QUOTE

Do tell? You have a book list that I must read in order to debate you? Guess again, monkey boy. The authors that I have read are accredited and the genuine article that have inside knowledge of the inner workings of this corporate "gubermint" that will stand up to any scrutiny. I know more than you....deal with it.
Go ahead and list the authors the way you did once before. Name a couple of your favorite books that you claim support your thesis.

Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins...None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Pawns In the Game by William Guy Carr, Wall Street and the rise of Hitler, Antony Sutton, Tragedy And Hope, by Carroll Quigley....that's a good start...I have a hundred more that I have read.....need I go on? Carroll Quigley was a mentor of Bill "drop trou" Clinton, btw.....
Yes do ..for everyone you mentioned there is another author, researcher, actually scientist who can a do refute your bullshit.
Their accurately is not in question.
Your bias is.

"Their accurately"??????? WTF? Slow down, bitch.....do some spell checking.........ya dumb klunt.....
Go ahead and list the authors the way you did once before. Name a couple of your favorite books that you claim support your thesis.

Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins...None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Pawns In the Game by William Guy Carr, Wall Street and the rise of Hitler, Antony Sutton, Tragedy And Hope, by Carroll Quigley....that's a good start...I have a hundred more that I have read.....need I go on? Carroll Quigley was a mentor of Bill "drop trou" Clinton, btw.....
Yes do ..for everyone you mentioned there is another author, researcher, actually scientist who can a do refute your bullshit.
Their accurately is not in question.
Your bias is.

Name them, punkinpuss............name even one. Go for it and watch me as I rip it to shreds......
I've heard that bullshit thousands of times and not once has it ever been a fact.

Name the authors that can refute the information that I gave.........don't delay........and do it with with some "accuracy".....(snicker)

Looks like you are in over your head yet again....typical......nice going, my biotch...LOL!
It's payback from having to listen to Ramen Noodle Head Wasserman and Lieawatha Warren

Wasserman, yeah, Warren, nope. She can construct cogent sentences without speaking in tongues like Sarah.

We semi agree on something, I think Palin has ran the gambit...but I do love how she drives left loon's absolutely berserk

Palin is fine by me....I will swear eternal friendship to anyone that despises the Fabian socialist left even a 1/10 as much as I do.
Yea, you'd have liked her finger on the button.
in my experience it's only tiny dicks like you who make as many false accusations as you have .

Do tell? Do you go around and find people that anger you...follow them into a bathroom urinal so you can "peek" at their package? Sounds like a case of classic projection to me...but buck up, lil camper...there are MILLIONS of males that are not as endowed as you are...but then again, they are awaiting circumcision in the world's maternity wards. (snicker)
dale is angry, so angry he's making up a masturbation fantasy .

Hey, I am not the one that brought up the topic of speculating on the size or lack thereof when it comes to other's genitalia....that would be you....and why is that? Because....as usual, I have gotten the best of you. Hope this helps!:banana:

You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.
Irish is not like Dale. You are mistaken. They may share a few traits, but generally speaking, Irish is coherent and although very opinionated, is able to present an issue worthy of debate.

Perhaps she will again sometime. I haven't seen it yet.
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, no matter how much you want them to be.[/QUOTE

Do tell? You have a book list that I must read in order to debate you? Guess again, monkey boy. The authors that I have read are accredited and the genuine article that have inside knowledge of the inner workings of this corporate "gubermint" that will stand up to any scrutiny. I know more than you....deal with it.
Go ahead and list the authors the way you did once before. Name a couple of your favorite books that you claim support your thesis.

Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins...None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Pawns In the Game by William Guy Carr, Wall Street and the rise of Hitler, Antony Sutton, Tragedy And Hope, by Carroll Quigley....that's a good start...I have a hundred more that I have read.....need I go on? Carroll Quigley was a mentor of Bill "drop trou" Clinton, btw.....
Yes do ..for everyone you mentioned there is another author, researcher, actually scientist who can a do refute your bullshit.
Their accurately is not in question.
Your bias is.

"Their accurately"??????? WTF? Slow down, bitch.....do some spell checking.........ya dumb klunt.....
the tantrum is full swing!
Who'd have thought a typo would be the trigger!
Go ahead and list the authors the way you did once before. Name a couple of your favorite books that you claim support your thesis.

Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins...None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Pawns In the Game by William Guy Carr, Wall Street and the rise of Hitler, Antony Sutton, Tragedy And Hope, by Carroll Quigley....that's a good start...I have a hundred more that I have read.....need I go on? Carroll Quigley was a mentor of Bill "drop trou" Clinton, btw.....
Yes do ..for everyone you mentioned there is another author, researcher, actually scientist who can a do refute your bullshit.
Their accurately is not in question.
Your bias is.

Name them, punkinpuss............name even one. Go for it and watch me as I rip it to shreds......
I've heard that bullshit thousands of times and not once has it ever been a fact.

Name the authors that can refute the information that I gave.........don't delay........and do it with with some "accuracy".....(snicker)

Looks like you are in over your head yet again....typical......nice going, my biotch...LOL!
Looks like you are making false accusations as always.
You're just like the "Irish" Lassie, a "winner" in your own mind engufled in perpetual self declarations of victory.

I am very confident about the things that I have researched ad nauseam in order to have all my bases covered. I have invested my personal time while forgoing anything that resembles a personal/social life because I have been on a quest for how things got this fucked up and the preponderance of the evidence leads to a few common denominators. I operate on a level that I doubt that you will ever attain. It's really hard for me to not be snobbish when I get attacked by "know nothing" pieces of shit....such as yourself....... and you make yourselves easy prey because you have no weapon in your arsenal that can counter what I throw out....and that is also a fact. Deal with it...learn, grow, evolve. I should be charging for the information that I have painstakingly researched but yet I give it away.....what a bunch of ungrateful sheeple. (SIGH)
You have no choice about giving it away. No one wants to buy it. Plus you read all the wrong books for being qualified as a serious debater. In addition, you lack the formal education or self-study to comprehend the standards used to present factual data instead of subjective speculation and opinion. They are not compatible, not matter how much you want them to be.
it's obvious that dale never questions his sources for validity he doe's not contrast and compare.
He is well read. Once he provided a list of authors and I checked them out. They were all authors of conspiracy theories. A few were serious authors that presented some compelling arguments, but like all conspiracy works allowed speculation and assumptions to contaminate the conclusions. These kinds of works have some value but without balance from academic works the reader becomes more or less undereducated and lacking in sourceable data that would be accepted in a formal setting.

Antony Sutton did research for the Hoover Institute for twenty years....how is he a "conspiracy theorist". He had documented proof that the Bolshevik revolution and Adolf Hitler were funded by Wall Street....irrefutable evidence. Dr John Coleman worked for MI5 and MI6 and had access to many records proving that there is a secret committee of three hundred very powerful people that are part of the power pyramid that were behind the formation of the Club Of Rome.......you are a mere child.....you buy into everything your beloved corporate gubermint feeds you. Your lack of understanding of how things really work is typical...thus the reason as to why you fear having to come to face to face with your lack of knowledge. Jim Marrs, accredited journalist and researcher, Jordan Maxwell, 50 plus years of research, Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound that knew about the criminality of the foreign owned Federal Reserve central banking system......you have nothing to refute their claims...because they, like me....know more than you, punkinpuss.
Seriously Dale, old Skull and Bones, Secret Society, World Domination promoter Anthony C. Sutton? He is referred to as the father of modern conspiracy theories. He literally wrote the book that would guide and continues to guide conspiracy theorist.

Here is a link that explains his and some of the other guys you mentioned methods of putting together their theories.


Here is a transcript of a series of letters with Sutton with a critic where Sutton admits his data is often less than accurate and much of his work is a reflection of his speculations.


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