Why do we still have US service members dying in Afghanistan?

I love the hypocrisy here.

I want all of you Patriots to think about this caterwauling by scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH who PRETEND to care about our troops.

That's rich.


dimocraps are scum

This from the fucking moron that thinks our service members do not care about dying in some far away shithole county

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This from the fucking moron that thinks our service members do not care about dying in some far away shithole county

FUCK YOU, dikklicker.

That is NOT what I said, lying scumbag.

I said they don't FEAR death. Big difference.

Lying, scum-sucking piece of shit.

You people are so predictable. So dishonest.

About everything.
I love the hypocrisy here.

I want all of you Patriots to think about this caterwauling by scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH who PRETEND to care about our troops.

That's rich.


dimocraps are scum
You forgot to add to the end of Kerry's quote:

"...in a fashion reminiscent of Jinjass Khan."


This from the fucking moron that thinks our service members do not care about dying in some far away shithole county

FUCK YOU, dikklicker.

That is NOT what I said, lying scumbag.

I said they don't FEAR death. Big difference.

Lying, scum-sucking piece of shit.

You people are so predictable. So dishonest.

About everything.

A difference with a distinction

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goatfuckers make for good moving target practice

Best answer yet. :laughing0301:

Get some!!

another person who finds our service members dying for no reason a laughing matter.

Soldiers are always going to die in war, there's no way to get around that. Do you think they weren't aware of that possibility when they enlisted?

It's interesting though, that you feel they died "for no reason." I couldn't have possibly marginalized their service and heroism any worse than you just did.
Soldiers are always going to die in war, there's no way to get around that. Do you think they weren't aware of that possibility when they enlisted?

And that some how makes it ok and something to laugh about?

It's interesting though, that you feel they died "for no reason." I couldn't have possibly marginalized their service and heroism any worse than you just did.

Well, yes you did far worse than I did, you laughed about them dying.

I know people still in the Corps, some of them I recruited. I can assure you there is not one person I know that thinks being in Afghanistan is a worthwhile thing to do. The sad fact of the matter is they did die for no good reason, they are political pawns and they pay the price. There is no benefit to our continued presence in Afghanistan, the best that can be said about it is we are prolonging the inevitable actions after we leave. We cannot force democracy on people, we cannot force our way of life or our values on people at the end of an M16A2.

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