Why do white liberals keep pushing the use of the term 'Latinx'?

Do black liberals ever refer to Latin or Hispanic people as La-tinks?

Do any Latin or Hispanic people refer to anyone of Spanish decent as “La-tinks?”
All of this made First Lady Jill Biden’s comments at the the LatinX IncluXion Luncheon Monday about the Latino community being as “unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio” seem all the more cringeworthy: Here is the wife of a Democratic president who is shedding Latino voters equating a whole ethnic group to a streetfood. Danielle Alvarez of the Republican National Committee mocked her remarks while the National Association of Hispanic Journalists put out a statement saying: “We are not tacos.”​


Liberals are famous for their beliefs that whatever a person wants to be called or referred to as, they should then be addressed that way. If some dude wants to be referred to as a woman, they are all in for it.
If a turtle could talk and tell us he/she is a lion and loves to kill and eat wildebeests, liberals would demand the government fund a protection program to save wildebeests from turtles who believe they are lions.
So when there is plenty of evidence that Hispanics do not wish to be called 'Latinx' why do they insist on the continual use? Apparently white liberals are determined to chase Hispanics right to the Republican party.

“Latinx” has become popular online over the past few years, but very few Latinos actually use the term. One Pew Research Center survey from 2020 showed that about a quarter of Latinos have heard of the term — and only 3 per cent use it."

Voices: The problem isn’t Jill Biden’s ‘breakfast tacos’ gaffe. The problem is the ‘LatinX IncluXion luncheon’​

I think it's great! It perfectly illustrates how phony and disconnected Democrats are with the real people of this country.
Do black liberals ever refer to Latin or Hispanic people as La-tinks?

Do any Latin or Hispanic people refer to anyone of Spanish decent as “La-tinks?”

Apparently not, it's almost exclusively white liberals who want to cram this crap down everyone's throat.
Apparently not, it's almost exclusively white liberals who want to cram this crap down everyone's throat.
I suspected as much. Very curious.

If their concern is being gender inclusive with a need to avoid the feminine or masculine endings, maybe they can refer to the people of Latin or Hispanic descent as “Gente.” (Spanish for “group of people.” )

Poor libtards: it must get tiresome to be so intent on political correctness all the time and yet having to make-up silly terms to do it.
I once had a public boss who was diminutive. As in, not tall. As in very short.

One of my colleagues once noted that it could not be properly said in politically correct company that this public figure was “short.”

So, he thereafter became known as “vertically challenged.”
Liberals are famous for their beliefs that whatever a person wants to be called or referred to as, they should then be addressed that way.

“Latinx” has become popular online over the past few years, but very few Latinos actually use the term. One Pew Research Center survey from 2020 showed that about a quarter of Latinos have heard of the term — and only 3 per cent use it."

Proof of Left/Right Collusion

"Latinos" is masculine in gender but also used of Latins in general, male and female both. Your own use of the plural "they" referring to "person," which is singular illustrates the same kind of imaginary problem. The English word "he," had always been used to refer to a singular of undetermined gender before the angry nitpicking Leftist feminists objected. The difference is that Spanish has two words for "they": Latinos and Latinas, which is only used if all the persons referred to are female.

No wonder you can't see the imaginary problem leading to "Latinx." The decadent usage of "they" with a singular antecedent originated with the Far Left. The fact that your Right-Wing gurus also use this grammatical monstrosity is more proof that the Right and Left Wing media are all in the same clique. If they hadn't been pressured into this absurdity by their colleagues, only one side would be using it. If you want to have an independent mind, never use "he or she" either
Because they're condescending, supercilious, tone deaf asswagons....That's why.

All Posters Have a Pronoun Problem

You're also describing everyone on the Netrix who uses "they" with a singular antecedent.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. This ignorant Netwit language would change that to: "If someone lives in a glass house, they shouldn't throw stones."
No idea where that idiotic term came from, or even how to pronounce it.

I thought at first it was pronounced "Latin-ex" but heard someone say "Latinks."

Either way, it reminds me of Ex-Lax every time I see it written.
"He" Means "This Person," Just As the Related "Here" Means "This Place"

I feel the same way every time I read a post that uses "they" with a singular antecedent.
Here's where it came from, white liberals are desperate to end gender-specific terms. They want to end the use of 'Latino' and Latina', so they've come up with this term to use to end ANY distinction. This is today's liberals, and Dimocrat party, and they need to be stopped.
I'd Rather Be Called a "Grammar Nazi" Than Not See Grammar

I dare those who object to fight it by quitting this mind-bending use of "they" with a singular antecedent.
Apparently not, it's almost exclusively white liberals who want to cram this crap down everyone's throat.
The Hypocrisy on This Is Overwhelming, But Not Recognized at All

The Femininny monsters did succeed in getting the whole English-speaking world to use "they" (instead of the traditional "he") with a singular of indeterminate gender, even with a singular of obviously masculine gender.

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