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Why do women have so many kids with different men?

It seems to me that some people are trying to lie ALL the blame on the women and excuse the men for their bad behavior, as a "men will be men and women beware" scenario. Well, not all women are smart enough, some are emotionally damaged, etc., so that is just not a realistic viewpoint to hold, IMO.

Actually, it's common sense to be responsible for yourself. Why play Russian Roulette and rely on someone else for your well-being? If you can't take care of yourself, you can't expect anyone else to do that either.
And the question is, does that go only for the woman?

Should the man also be "responsible for himself and his own actions" as well? So if the woman he is dating/screwing gets pregnant, what exactly is his responsibility in this...for his actions?

Is it to be a father to the child he helped create and be a permanent fixture in his child's life for the rest of his child's life?

Is it to be a financial support for his child, at least until his son or daughter are 18, 22 if they go to college?

Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.

So, I assume you only ever had sex with your husband, or you are abstinent? Otherwise, you are a hypocrite. You could have easily become impregnated at any time you had sex, and that means with protection too, since it is not always 100%.

Actually, I am abstinent since getting divorced over 10 years ago. I left him, since he was abusive to me and my kids (I call them mine, since he's never had a hand in raising them even though he is the father.). Believe it or not, there are responsible people in this world that put their kids first and others last. I don't and haven't blamed others for anything I've dealt with either; it's called taking responsibility.

Since you've been divorced? What above before you were married? According to your own standards, if you had sex, you risked a pregnancy, therefore, irresponsible behavior on your part. You should have been a virgin until you were married. Right? You could have become pregnancy by having premarital sex.
Women and men were fooling around before marriage even in the 1950's and I read a while ago, that those that got married in the 1950's and had a child within the first year of marriage, 70% of those children born to these couples were born within the first 6 months of marriage. That's right...you got it...the women WERE PREGNANT before marriage in 70% of the babies born within 1 year of being married.

Seems to me, this indicates that the major change, that has occurred is with men, NOT MARRYING the girl they got pregnant as they used to do, because men felt it was THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to do such back in the good ole days....but not any more....
Seventy five percent of the kids were not being born to single mothers, and there was little effective BC then.

Men got relieved of responsibility by the Great Society.

It was a disasterous mistake.

No longer does a judge say the Altar or the Army, like when that meant Korea or Vietnam.

I raised my boys to be men, and, as a result, don't have any grandchildren, but, at least unlike many of my friends, I don't have a pack of grandchildren strewn all over the country, being raised by other men than their fathers.

So, I take it that you married every woman you had sex with? How many times have you been married? Once? Lol!

I mean, really, if you had sex with them out of wedlock, you risked bringing children into this world with a woman you NEVER planned to marry. That would make you very irresponsible according to your criteria that you have put in place for women's behavior, correct?
Actually, it's common sense to be responsible for yourself. Why play Russian Roulette and rely on someone else for your well-being? If you can't take care of yourself, you can't expect anyone else to do that either.
And the question is, does that go only for the woman?

Should the man also be "responsible for himself and his own actions" as well? So if the woman he is dating/screwing gets pregnant, what exactly is his responsibility in this...for his actions?

Is it to be a father to the child he helped create and be a permanent fixture in his child's life for the rest of his child's life?

Is it to be a financial support for his child, at least until his son or daughter are 18, 22 if they go to college?

Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.
and those men who have self control don't need to worry about having children with multiple women as well...

you may not mean to be leaving men's responsibilities off the table, but you are continually doing it and only speaking about the woman and her responsibility and her self control. like you just did, again.

I don't disagree with you and your premise regarding this and the woman's responsibility, but I do see you giving a 'pass' towards men in this mess.

Since when does the word 'people' mean women only?
your last sentence, your finale in the rant, "defined" what "people" you were talking about, at least to me, it seemed that way....

Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.

you were speaking about the women, from what your last sentence said.

And I am not certain it is these women that worry about having several children from different fathers....this thread was started by a man who was wondering why so many women have children from different men.... implying, in a way, that it does not bother these women to do such....again, this is how I interpreted it.... and I could be wrong as I could be with my thoughts about your condemnation of only the women.

Yes, you are wrong in your interpretation. I could have easily put 'several kids from different people', but that is beside the point. I was using the word 'people' as a meaning for both sexes. Men are just as guilty of having multiple kids with different partners. So for someone to believe it's just women doing that is someone with blinders on.
Actually, it's common sense to be responsible for yourself. Why play Russian Roulette and rely on someone else for your well-being? If you can't take care of yourself, you can't expect anyone else to do that either.
And the question is, does that go only for the woman?

Should the man also be "responsible for himself and his own actions" as well? So if the woman he is dating/screwing gets pregnant, what exactly is his responsibility in this...for his actions?

Is it to be a father to the child he helped create and be a permanent fixture in his child's life for the rest of his child's life?

Is it to be a financial support for his child, at least until his son or daughter are 18, 22 if they go to college?

Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.

So, I assume you only ever had sex with your husband, or you are abstinent? Otherwise, you are a hypocrite. You could have easily become impregnated at any time you had sex, and that means with protection too, since it is not always 100%.

Actually, I am abstinent since getting divorced over 10 years ago. I left him, since he was abusive to me and my kids (I call them mine, since he's never had a hand in raising them even though he is the father.). Believe it or not, there are responsible people in this world that put their kids first and others last. I don't and haven't blamed others for anything I've dealt with either; it's called taking responsibility.

Since you've been divorced? What above before you were married? According to your own standards, if you had sex, you risked a pregnancy, therefore, irresponsible behavior on your part. You should have been a virgin until you were married. Right? You could have become pregnancy by having premarital sex.

Actually, my life is none of your business. And yes, abstinence works. You are the one that put your life out there for all to see, bringing in that you were pregnant as a teen. You are the one that came in and got bent out of shape over several comments made by people here. You also have deflected away from questions people have asked you many times, instead choosing to go the route of excuses instead of accepting responsibility. Is that because you don't want to accept blame for your part in how your life turned out? You were in the drivers seat, and you chose to turn down an alleyway.
The funny thing I noticed is most of the women who have multiple kids by multiple men are always the ones who can't afford it, you won't meet a woman who is a electrical engineer with 5 kids by 4 different men for example.
And therein is the answer, HG. Maybe you need to frequent a different clientele, lol.
It seems to me that some people are trying to lie ALL the blame on the women and excuse the men for their bad behavior, as a "men will be men and women beware" scenario. Well, not all women are smart enough, some are emotionally damaged, etc., so that is just not a realistic viewpoint to hold, IMO.

Actually, it's common sense to be responsible for yourself. Why play Russian Roulette and rely on someone else for your well-being? If you can't take care of yourself, you can't expect anyone else to do that either.
And the question is, does that go only for the woman?

Should the man also be "responsible for himself and his own actions" as well? So if the woman he is dating/screwing gets pregnant, what exactly is his responsibility in this...for his actions?

Is it to be a father to the child he helped create and be a permanent fixture in his child's life for the rest of his child's life?

Is it to be a financial support for his child, at least until his son or daughter are 18, 22 if they go to college?

Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.
and those men who have self control don't need to worry about having children with multiple women as well...

you may not mean to be leaving men's responsibilities off the table, but you are continually doing it and only speaking about the woman and her responsibility and her self control. like you just did, again.

I don't disagree with you and your premise regarding this and the woman's responsibility, but I do see you giving a 'pass' towards men in this mess.
Society gave men the pass.

It has been a disaster.

Not only did it give men a pass, it determined that children have no value and that the children of poor women should be killed...while at the same time reinforcing the idea that the only value poor women have is to provide sex to whomever desires it of them.
The best way to ensure lifelong poverty and to raise the chances that your kids will be criminal and/or abused during their lifetime is to have kids out of wedlock.

So of course progressives insist that it's not so bad, and that the REAL bad guys are the Christians who claim that children should be raised in the safety of a home with both of their parents. Cuz church is bad! Free love is cool! And abortion is the BEST THING EVAH! PS...while we're at it, why don't we start grooming kids in grade school for their exciting careers in the field of prostitution and porn, a la Kinsey??!!!

It seems to me that some people are trying to lie ALL the blame on the women and excuse the men for their bad behavior, as a "men will be men and women beware" scenario. Well, not all women are smart enough, some are emotionally damaged, etc., so that is just not a realistic viewpoint to hold, IMO.

Actually, it's common sense to be responsible for yourself. Why play Russian Roulette and rely on someone else for your well-being? If you can't take care of yourself, you can't expect anyone else to do that either.
And the question is, does that go only for the woman?

Should the man also be "responsible for himself and his own actions" as well? So if the woman he is dating/screwing gets pregnant, what exactly is his responsibility in this...for his actions?

Is it to be a father to the child he helped create and be a permanent fixture in his child's life for the rest of his child's life?

Is it to be a financial support for his child, at least until his son or daughter are 18, 22 if they go to college?

Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.

So, I assume you only ever had sex with your husband, or you are abstinent? Otherwise, you are a hypocrite. You could have easily become impregnated at any time you had sex, and that means with protection too, since it is not always 100%.

Actually, I am abstinent since getting divorced over 10 years ago. I left him, since he was abusive to me and my kids (I call them mine, since he's never had a hand in raising them even though he is the father.). Believe it or not, there are responsible people in this world that put their kids first and others last. I don't and haven't blamed others for anything I've dealt with either; it's called taking responsibility.
Abstinence beats lowering your standards.

Nothing like the sweetness of waiting for someone you can respect.
The best way to ensure lifelong poverty and to raise the chances that your kids will be criminal and/or abused during their lifetime is to have kids out of wedlock.

So of course progressives insist that it's not so bad, and that the REAL bad guys are the Christians who claim that children should be raised in the safety of a home with both of their parents. Cuz church is bad! Free love is cool! And abortion is the BEST THING EVAH! PS...while we're at it, why don't we start grooming kids in grade school for their exciting careers in the field of prostitution and porn, a la Kinsey??!!!


so how many baby daddys in your life
Actually, it's common sense to be responsible for yourself. Why play Russian Roulette and rely on someone else for your well-being? If you can't take care of yourself, you can't expect anyone else to do that either.
And the question is, does that go only for the woman?

Should the man also be "responsible for himself and his own actions" as well? So if the woman he is dating/screwing gets pregnant, what exactly is his responsibility in this...for his actions?

Is it to be a father to the child he helped create and be a permanent fixture in his child's life for the rest of his child's life?

Is it to be a financial support for his child, at least until his son or daughter are 18, 22 if they go to college?

Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.

So, I assume you only ever had sex with your husband, or you are abstinent? Otherwise, you are a hypocrite. You could have easily become impregnated at any time you had sex, and that means with protection too, since it is not always 100%.

Actually, I am abstinent since getting divorced over 10 years ago. I left him, since he was abusive to me and my kids (I call them mine, since he's never had a hand in raising them even though he is the father.). Believe it or not, there are responsible people in this world that put their kids first and others last. I don't and haven't blamed others for anything I've dealt with either; it's called taking responsibility.
Abstinence beats lowering your standards.

Nothing like the sweetness of waiting for someone you can respect.

But, she has kids from another man!!! It's too late!
Women and men were fooling around before marriage even in the 1950's and I read a while ago, that those that got married in the 1950's and had a child within the first year of marriage, 70% of those children born to these couples were born within the first 6 months of marriage. That's right...you got it...the women WERE PREGNANT before marriage in 70% of the babies born within 1 year of being married.

Seems to me, this indicates that the major change, that has occurred is with men, NOT MARRYING the girl they got pregnant as they used to do, because men felt it was THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to do such back in the good ole days....but not any more....
I dunno. Back in the day women that got pregnant out of wedlock went to special places where they could give birth secretly if they gave away the baby. Now more women choose to keep the child. How does that reflect badly on anyone but baby daddy?
Actually, it's common sense to be responsible for yourself. Why play Russian Roulette and rely on someone else for your well-being? If you can't take care of yourself, you can't expect anyone else to do that either.
And the question is, does that go only for the woman?

Should the man also be "responsible for himself and his own actions" as well? So if the woman he is dating/screwing gets pregnant, what exactly is his responsibility in this...for his actions?

Is it to be a father to the child he helped create and be a permanent fixture in his child's life for the rest of his child's life?

Is it to be a financial support for his child, at least until his son or daughter are 18, 22 if they go to college?

Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.

So, I assume you only ever had sex with your husband, or you are abstinent? Otherwise, you are a hypocrite. You could have easily become impregnated at any time you had sex, and that means with protection too, since it is not always 100%.

Actually, I am abstinent since getting divorced over 10 years ago. I left him, since he was abusive to me and my kids (I call them mine, since he's never had a hand in raising them even though he is the father.). Believe it or not, there are responsible people in this world that put their kids first and others last. I don't and haven't blamed others for anything I've dealt with either; it's called taking responsibility.
Abstinence beats lowering your standards.

Nothing like the sweetness of waiting for someone you can respect.

Lol! Just like 5 minutes ago, you said you would never lower your standards to have sex with a female who had children from another man. :lol:
"The best way to ensure lifelong poverty and to raise the chances that your kids will be criminal and/or abused during their lifetime is to have kids out of wedlock."

But, but, but it worked out so well for Murphy Brown.
And the question is, does that go only for the woman?

Should the man also be "responsible for himself and his own actions" as well? So if the woman he is dating/screwing gets pregnant, what exactly is his responsibility in this...for his actions?

Is it to be a father to the child he helped create and be a permanent fixture in his child's life for the rest of his child's life?

Is it to be a financial support for his child, at least until his son or daughter are 18, 22 if they go to college?

Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.

So, I assume you only ever had sex with your husband, or you are abstinent? Otherwise, you are a hypocrite. You could have easily become impregnated at any time you had sex, and that means with protection too, since it is not always 100%.

Actually, I am abstinent since getting divorced over 10 years ago. I left him, since he was abusive to me and my kids (I call them mine, since he's never had a hand in raising them even though he is the father.). Believe it or not, there are responsible people in this world that put their kids first and others last. I don't and haven't blamed others for anything I've dealt with either; it's called taking responsibility.
Abstinence beats lowering your standards.

Nothing like the sweetness of waiting for someone you can respect.

Lol! Just like 5 minutes ago, you said you would never lower your standards to have sex with a female who had children from another man. :lol:
I never have had sex with a female who has had another man's child, and don't intend to.
Actually, it's common sense to be responsible for yourself. Why play Russian Roulette and rely on someone else for your well-being? If you can't take care of yourself, you can't expect anyone else to do that either.
And the question is, does that go only for the woman?

Should the man also be "responsible for himself and his own actions" as well? So if the woman he is dating/screwing gets pregnant, what exactly is his responsibility in this...for his actions?

Is it to be a father to the child he helped create and be a permanent fixture in his child's life for the rest of his child's life?

Is it to be a financial support for his child, at least until his son or daughter are 18, 22 if they go to college?

Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.
and those men who have self control don't need to worry about having children with multiple women as well...

you may not mean to be leaving men's responsibilities off the table, but you are continually doing it and only speaking about the woman and her responsibility and her self control. like you just did, again.

I don't disagree with you and your premise regarding this and the woman's responsibility, but I do see you giving a 'pass' towards men in this mess.
Society gave men the pass.

It has been a disaster.

Not only did it give men a pass, it determined that children have no value and that the children of poor women should be killed...while at the same time reinforcing the idea that the only value poor women have is to provide sex to whomever desires it of them.

So basically you think that everyone should remain a virgin until they get married? Well, I certainly hope that was the case with you, but honestly it is more than likely NOT the case with most people.

Also, it is important to remember that younger women who have had children are going to be more fertile than older women who have been divorced for 10 years. The chances of a younger person having children by multiple men is therefore greater.
And the question is, does that go only for the woman?

Should the man also be "responsible for himself and his own actions" as well? So if the woman he is dating/screwing gets pregnant, what exactly is his responsibility in this...for his actions?

Is it to be a father to the child he helped create and be a permanent fixture in his child's life for the rest of his child's life?

Is it to be a financial support for his child, at least until his son or daughter are 18, 22 if they go to college?

Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.

So, I assume you only ever had sex with your husband, or you are abstinent? Otherwise, you are a hypocrite. You could have easily become impregnated at any time you had sex, and that means with protection too, since it is not always 100%.

Actually, I am abstinent since getting divorced over 10 years ago. I left him, since he was abusive to me and my kids (I call them mine, since he's never had a hand in raising them even though he is the father.). Believe it or not, there are responsible people in this world that put their kids first and others last. I don't and haven't blamed others for anything I've dealt with either; it's called taking responsibility.

Since you've been divorced? What above before you were married? According to your own standards, if you had sex, you risked a pregnancy, therefore, irresponsible behavior on your part. You should have been a virgin until you were married. Right? You could have become pregnancy by having premarital sex.

Actually, my life is none of your business. And yes, abstinence works. You are the one that put your life out there for all to see, bringing in that you were pregnant as a teen. You are the one that came in and got bent out of shape over several comments made by people here. You also have deflected away from questions people have asked you many times, instead choosing to go the route of excuses instead of accepting responsibility. Is that because you don't want to accept blame for your part in how your life turned out? You were in the drivers seat, and you chose to turn down an alleyway.

In other words, that's a big NO. Lol! Thanks.
The best way to ensure lifelong poverty and to raise the chances that your kids will be criminal and/or abused during their lifetime is to have kids out of wedlock.

So of course progressives insist that it's not so bad, and that the REAL bad guys are the Christians who claim that children should be raised in the safety of a home with both of their parents. Cuz church is bad! Free love is cool! And abortion is the BEST THING EVAH! PS...while we're at it, why don't we start grooming kids in grade school for their exciting careers in the field of prostitution and porn, a la Kinsey??!!!


so how many baby daddys in your life
3 by her own admission. Not that she wasn't a victim.

Surprise, ravitard's lying again, lol.
Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.

So, I assume you only ever had sex with your husband, or you are abstinent? Otherwise, you are a hypocrite. You could have easily become impregnated at any time you had sex, and that means with protection too, since it is not always 100%.

Actually, I am abstinent since getting divorced over 10 years ago. I left him, since he was abusive to me and my kids (I call them mine, since he's never had a hand in raising them even though he is the father.). Believe it or not, there are responsible people in this world that put their kids first and others last. I don't and haven't blamed others for anything I've dealt with either; it's called taking responsibility.
Abstinence beats lowering your standards.

Nothing like the sweetness of waiting for someone you can respect.

Lol! Just like 5 minutes ago, you said you would never lower your standards to have sex with a female who had children from another man. :lol:
I never have had sex with a female who has had another man's child, and don't intend to.
Cool. No one says you have to.
Yes, men are responsible for themselves as well. Why wouldn't they be? I never implied otherwise in my response. I said 'It's common sense to be responsible for yourself.' If people don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions, they need to learn SELF-CONTROL and be responsible for themselves. Once they do that, maybe they'll start to have a little respect for themselves. Those that do know self-control and use it don't need to worry about having several kids from different men.

So, I assume you only ever had sex with your husband, or you are abstinent? Otherwise, you are a hypocrite. You could have easily become impregnated at any time you had sex, and that means with protection too, since it is not always 100%.

Actually, I am abstinent since getting divorced over 10 years ago. I left him, since he was abusive to me and my kids (I call them mine, since he's never had a hand in raising them even though he is the father.). Believe it or not, there are responsible people in this world that put their kids first and others last. I don't and haven't blamed others for anything I've dealt with either; it's called taking responsibility.
Abstinence beats lowering your standards.

Nothing like the sweetness of waiting for someone you can respect.

Lol! Just like 5 minutes ago, you said you would never lower your standards to have sex with a female who had children from another man. :lol:
I never have had sex with a female who has had another man's child, and don't intend to.

You are old anyways, so you are completely out of the loop. No women of child bearing age would probably even WANT to have sex with you.

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