Why do you need to carry a gun?

Are you always this angry?

Hate to break it to you and your ego, but I'm not angry. I just don't suffer fools, gladly or in any other way. Ditto for whiners and hypocrites.

Maybe if you were less angry, you wouldn't consider them whiners and/or hypocrites.

Maybe if you pussies would quit with your hypocritical whining, you wouldn't have to wonder why people seem so angry at you.

We're done here. Man up, or learn to live with contempt.

See ya later, sunshine. Nice talking to you.


You wish, Sparkles. Unless you're going to run away from the thread with your tail between your legs, you're still going to have to deal with having your topic-related BS called out and ridiculed as it deserves.

We're just done with you trying to give yourself a chubby by imagining that you make people angry, when you're actually just making them disgusted.

"We're" How many people use that id?
Hate to break it to you and your ego, but I'm not angry. I just don't suffer fools, gladly or in any other way. Ditto for whiners and hypocrites.

Maybe if you were less angry, you wouldn't consider them whiners and/or hypocrites.

Maybe if you pussies would quit with your hypocritical whining, you wouldn't have to wonder why people seem so angry at you.

We're done here. Man up, or learn to live with contempt.

See ya later, sunshine. Nice talking to you.


You wish, Sparkles. Unless you're going to run away from the thread with your tail between your legs, you're still going to have to deal with having your topic-related BS called out and ridiculed as it deserves.

We're just done with you trying to give yourself a chubby by imagining that you make people angry, when you're actually just making them disgusted.

"We're" How many people use that id?

In this case, "we" refers to him and me, the two people stuck in this boring conversation about "Oh, look, you treat me like dirt, that MUST mean I'm hitting a nerve", because said conversation is done. As are any conversations about that conversation. I'm going back to the topic.
Maybe if you were less angry, you wouldn't consider them whiners and/or hypocrites.

Maybe if you pussies would quit with your hypocritical whining, you wouldn't have to wonder why people seem so angry at you.

We're done here. Man up, or learn to live with contempt.

See ya later, sunshine. Nice talking to you.


You wish, Sparkles. Unless you're going to run away from the thread with your tail between your legs, you're still going to have to deal with having your topic-related BS called out and ridiculed as it deserves.

We're just done with you trying to give yourself a chubby by imagining that you make people angry, when you're actually just making them disgusted.

"We're" How many people use that id?

In this case, "we" refers to him and me, the two people stuck in this boring conversation about "Oh, look, you treat me like dirt, that MUST mean I'm hitting a nerve", because said conversation is done. As are any conversations about that conversation. I'm going back to the topic.

Actually "we" refers to you. I'm not done at all.

See ya later, sunshine.
The eastern side of my state has rattlesnakes. I grew up learning how to stay away from them.

What I don't understand is why the need to kill the snake. Yes a copperhead is very dangerous and kills but that doesn't mean that it should be killed.

All that was needed was to call the proper animal authorities to have them come to remove the snake. Take it somewhere that it won't harm anyone.

It's not necessary to kill it. We didn't kill rattlesnakes just because we saw them. We just learned to stay away from them and if they got too close to homes to call the proper authorities to come to remove it.

PWAHHAHHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAA! "proper animal authorities" LMAO! :auiqs.jpg:

No, I grab the nearest available weapon and kill it, because if you don't, it could seriously hurt someone else or a pet later, or even you.

Do you call the "proper toilet paper authorities" when you need to wipe? :uhh:
PWAHHAHHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAA! "proper animal authorities" LMAO! :auiqs.jpg:
No, I grab the nearest available weapon and kill it, because if you don't, it could seriously hurt someone else or a pet later, or even you.
Do you call the "proper toilet paper authorities" when you need to wipe? :uhh:
Why is it that the Left can't imagine any circumstances and opinions but their own? I'm beginning to think it's a basic IQ thing...
Maybe if you pussies would quit with your hypocritical whining, you wouldn't have to wonder why people seem so angry at you.

We're done here. Man up, or learn to live with contempt.

See ya later, sunshine. Nice talking to you.


You wish, Sparkles. Unless you're going to run away from the thread with your tail between your legs, you're still going to have to deal with having your topic-related BS called out and ridiculed as it deserves.

We're just done with you trying to give yourself a chubby by imagining that you make people angry, when you're actually just making them disgusted.

"We're" How many people use that id?

In this case, "we" refers to him and me, the two people stuck in this boring conversation about "Oh, look, you treat me like dirt, that MUST mean I'm hitting a nerve", because said conversation is done. As are any conversations about that conversation. I'm going back to the topic.

Actually "we" refers to you. I'm not done at all.

See ya later, sunshine.

I heard, "Can't talk about the topic. Can only divert."

So you'll see me, but you're not worthy of me seeing you.

See ya later, sunshine. Nice talking to you.


You wish, Sparkles. Unless you're going to run away from the thread with your tail between your legs, you're still going to have to deal with having your topic-related BS called out and ridiculed as it deserves.

We're just done with you trying to give yourself a chubby by imagining that you make people angry, when you're actually just making them disgusted.

"We're" How many people use that id?

In this case, "we" refers to him and me, the two people stuck in this boring conversation about "Oh, look, you treat me like dirt, that MUST mean I'm hitting a nerve", because said conversation is done. As are any conversations about that conversation. I'm going back to the topic.

Actually "we" refers to you. I'm not done at all.

See ya later, sunshine.

I heard, "Can't talk about the topic. Can only divert."

So you'll see me, but you're not worthy of me seeing you.

View attachment 256393

Actually I asked you to clarify your specific argument with me in post #213. You ignored it and you're still not actually saying anything useful.

I look forward to seeing you again after you said we're done. :04:
The failure of Chicago alone is reason to carry a gun. Baltimore is a close second. Further, what happens if we get another attorney general intent on running guns into Mexico to shoot back at US?
So nobody wants to take-on responsibility in gun ownership?

I would argue that I was and am responsible. I take and accept responsibility for my actions. I accept responsibility for the safety and security of my family. I am not sure what you mean. Perhaps you could elaborate.
The failure of Chicago alone is reason to carry a gun. Baltimore is a close second. Further, what happens if we get another attorney general intent on running guns into Mexico to shoot back at US?

I avoid bad areas, especially in cities. However, bad things happen in "good" neighborhoods and areas. The criminals know where the money and wealth is located. Sections of our cities are particularly bad however.
The failure of Chicago alone is reason to carry a gun. Baltimore is a close second. Further, what happens if we get another attorney general intent on running guns into Mexico to shoot back at US?

I avoid bad areas, especially in cities. However, bad things happen in "good" neighborhoods and areas. The criminals know where the money and wealth is located. Sections of our cities are particularly bad however.

That bad things that happen in bad neighborhoods involves the use of guns illegally, not by legal gun owners.
The failure of Chicago alone is reason to carry a gun. Baltimore is a close second. Further, what happens if we get another attorney general intent on running guns into Mexico to shoot back at US?

Guns are not as relevant when it comes to crime than demographics are. It's just few will say what the real problem is.
The failure of Chicago alone is reason to carry a gun. Baltimore is a close second. Further, what happens if we get another attorney general intent on running guns into Mexico to shoot back at US?

Guns are not as relevant when it comes to crime than demographics are. It's just few will say what the real problem is.

Behavior and lack of accountability.
Not long ago, I walked to the mailbox, and along my route I saw a Copperhead snake. For those who are uninformed about this particular snake, it is venomous. A healthy adult probably will not die from the bite, providing that they receive medical attention promptly. However, children, and elderly, will find the bite far more deadly. Not to mention pets. Everyone on my street has dogs, and I have cats as well. Additionally my neighbor is in his 80’s, and he would probably find the bite life threatening.

So this snake was a danger to my pets, my neighbors, and the children who live a quarter mile away.

I pulled the pistol I habitually carry, and shot the snake. I was in my yard, in my neighborhood, if you can call it a neighborhood to live in such a rural area. Yet I was armed, because this is not the first wildlife threat I’ve found myself facing. We also have Wild Boar, which are very aggressive and potentially dangerous or deadly. Coyotes are heard from time to time as they roam along the wooded areas that take up a vast majority of the space out here.

I did not go looking for the snake. I did not go out of my way searching for it. I found it on my normal path, walking to the mailbox in my rural area, on my land. In my yard, the area with grass and such.

So why carry a gun? Because if I had to turn around and rush to the house to get the pistol, the snake may have moved, and been difficult, or impossible to locate. Perhaps he would have returned to the woods, where I sometimes walk, to check the property, but never in a hunting frame of mind. That snake might have bitten my dog, my cats, or my neighbors pets. It might have bitten my neighbor, the old man who has his mailbox positioned next to mine. It might have bitten a child. The best you could hope for is an expensive trip to the Emergency Room, sucking your cash out to pay for the care you would need to minimize the danger.

There is much truth in the old saying. It is better to have, and not need, than to need and not have. There are. Probably a dozen more Copperheads within two hundred yards of where I sit. In the woods, or marshy areas. Hunting and living, and just as much of a danger to the neighborhood as the one I shot. I did not break the law. In Georgia, you can kill venomous snakes, but not non venomous snakes. The experts tell you to take two steps back, and run away if you come across one. That is not my way. It leaves the problem for another. It leaves the danger for my 80 year old neighbor, his dog, or the dogs two doors down who meander over to say hello now and then.

It leaves the danger for the children, who ride their bikes up and down the dirt road.

So why do you need to carry a gun? Because there are more dangers than the odd robbery, or attempted murder. Because the world is filled with threats, two legged, four legged, and even no legs at all. With a gun, you have a much better chance of survival than without. With a gun, you do not guarantee survival, but you increase your odds dramatically.

Yes, accidents are going to happen, just as they do with cars and drivers. Yes, people are going to use the gun to criminally harm another. And yes, people who have guns are going to die before they can get the thing into play. I didn’t say it was a miracle answer, I just said it increases your odds of survival. No one can guarantee your safety or protection. The best that they, or I, can do is give you a fighting chance at survival. Be it from a Copperhead, or a Shitheaded thug. If you choose to take no action to protect yourself, that is your choice, and I’ll respect it. But do not try and take that right from others, because I won’t respect that.
You could have turned around and walked away
The snake would have gone on its way

People who walk around armed are pussies
In our society

Security cameras and people with smartphones are more effective at fighting crime than armed citizens
The failure of Chicago alone is reason to carry a gun. Baltimore is a close second. Further, what happens if we get another attorney general intent on running guns into Mexico to shoot back at US?

Guns are not as relevant when it comes to crime than demographics are. It's just few will say what the real problem is.

Remember when you used to hear the term "Gang Violence". The Media, nor Dems don't use it anymore, but it is still a huge problem. They replaced it with "Gun Violence" taking the responsibility, and accountability away from the person, and inner city Black on Black murder. They (Media and Politicians) want to ignore it or just use it to blame guns. It is criminal.

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