Why do you need to carry a gun?

Then so are people who use locks on their doors at night, people who buy auto and home insurance, people who have alarms on their cars.

Nope...you need a gun to feel safe, you are a pussy

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

And if we ever ask you your opinion or in any way indicate that we give a rat's ass how you think we should live and run our country, that will matter.
Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting
More women have carry permits than ever before in history, and more are involved in hunting. You are simply lying.

Cameras deter crime and catch criminals. When criminals find few of their associates getting away with it, they find other adventures.
Most crimes today have videos on the news within hours.
Armed citizens rarely stop a crime.
More lies. Here's the FACTS:
From 2013 to 2017, 3,885 criminals were killed in justifiable homicides, i.e. "the killing of a felon during the commission of a felony". Police accounted for 58%, while civilians were responsible for dispatching 42% of these felons.

Game. Set. Match.
You're over, rightwinger
Then so are people who use locks on their doors at night, people who buy auto and home insurance, people who have alarms on their cars.

Nope...you need a gun to feel safe, you are a pussy

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

Well, here's a suggestion. Either stay in your country or go back to your country.
That's not our topic dumb ass.

LOL, you want to tell us how "great" your country is...now it's not a topic? Dumbass.
People who walk around armed are pussies

Then so are people who use locks on their doors at night, people who buy auto and home insurance, people who have alarms on their cars.

Nope...you need a gun to feel safe, you are a pussy

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

Have you noticed that your country isn't the US? Has it passed through your tiny mind that there are differences between nations beyond merely geography?
Then so are people who use locks on their doors at night, people who buy auto and home insurance, people who have alarms on their cars.

Nope...you need a gun to feel safe, you are a pussy

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

So you don't live in the US but in a country that has disarmed its citizens for their own safety??

You have no room to criticize anyone. America is the only country in the world that could defend itself against invasion. There are millions of guns in this country and people who know how to use them.

The Japanese knew this at the start of WWII. They knew if they invaded America there would be an armed person behind every tree. We would and will defend ourselves and have the weapons to do it with. You can't say the same dipshit.

Sucks to be your defenseless ass.
Then so are people who use locks on their doors at night, people who buy auto and home insurance, people who have alarms on their cars.

Nope...you need a gun to feel safe, you are a pussy

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

Have you noticed that your country isn't the US? Has it passed through your tiny mind that there are differences between nations beyond merely geography?
Nope...you need a gun to feel safe, you are a pussy

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

So you don't live in the US but in a country that has disarmed its citizens for their own safety??

You have no room to criticize anyone. America is the only country in the world that could defend itself against invasion. There are millions of guns in this country and people who know how to use them.

The Japanese knew this at the start of WWII. They knew if they invaded America there would be an armed person behind every tree. We would and will defend ourselves and have the weapons to do it with. You can't say the same dipshit.

Sucks to be your defenseless ass.

Really just another version of Dragontwat, wanting to preen himself on how "superior" his country is for all the "bad" things it doesn't do . . . because the United States does those things for them.

When these second-rate foreign ass monkeys can survive for an entire decade on their own without the US propping them up and protecting them, THEN they can start telling us how to do things. We still won't listen, but we might not feel quite so compelled to spit at them.
Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting
More women have carry permits than ever before in history, and more are involved in hunting. You are simply lying.

Cameras deter crime and catch criminals. When criminals find few of their associates getting away with it, they find other adventures.
Most crimes today have videos on the news within hours.
Armed citizens rarely stop a crime.
More lies. Here's the FACTS:
From 2013 to 2017, 3,885 criminals were killed in justifiable homicides, i.e. "the killing of a felon during the commission of a felony". Police accounted for 58%, while civilians were responsible for dispatching 42% of these felons.

Game. Set. Match.
You're over, rightwinger
Why We Suck at Recruiting New Hunters, Why It Matters, and How You Can Fix It

Hunting participation peaked in 1982, when nearly 17 million hunters purchased 28.3 million licenses. Hunter numbers have steadily declined since. We lost 2.2 million hunters between 2011 and 2016 alone, according to the National Survey of Hunting, Fishing, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, a report issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In 2016, just 11.5 million people hunted. That’s less than 4 percent of the national population.
Not long ago, I walked to the mailbox, and along my route I saw a Copperhead snake. For those who are uninformed about this particular snake, it is venomous. A healthy adult probably will not die from the bite, providing that they receive medical attention promptly. However, children, and elderly, will find the bite far more deadly. Not to mention pets. Everyone on my street has dogs, and I have cats as well. Additionally my neighbor is in his 80’s, and he would probably find the bite life threatening.

So this snake was a danger to my pets, my neighbors, and the children who live a quarter mile away.

I pulled the pistol I habitually carry, and shot the snake. I was in my yard, in my neighborhood, if you can call it a neighborhood to live in such a rural area. Yet I was armed, because this is not the first wildlife threat I’ve found myself facing. We also have Wild Boar, which are very aggressive and potentially dangerous or deadly. Coyotes are heard from time to time as they roam along the wooded areas that take up a vast majority of the space out here.

I did not go looking for the snake. I did not go out of my way searching for it. I found it on my normal path, walking to the mailbox in my rural area, on my land. In my yard, the area with grass and such.

So why carry a gun? Because if I had to turn around and rush to the house to get the pistol, the snake may have moved, and been difficult, or impossible to locate. Perhaps he would have returned to the woods, where I sometimes walk, to check the property, but never in a hunting frame of mind. That snake might have bitten my dog, my cats, or my neighbors pets. It might have bitten my neighbor, the old man who has his mailbox positioned next to mine. It might have bitten a child. The best you could hope for is an expensive trip to the Emergency Room, sucking your cash out to pay for the care you would need to minimize the danger.

There is much truth in the old saying. It is better to have, and not need, than to need and not have. There are. Probably a dozen more Copperheads within two hundred yards of where I sit. In the woods, or marshy areas. Hunting and living, and just as much of a danger to the neighborhood as the one I shot. I did not break the law. In Georgia, you can kill venomous snakes, but not non venomous snakes. The experts tell you to take two steps back, and run away if you come across one. That is not my way. It leaves the problem for another. It leaves the danger for my 80 year old neighbor, his dog, or the dogs two doors down who meander over to say hello now and then.

It leaves the danger for the children, who ride their bikes up and down the dirt road.

So why do you need to carry a gun? Because there are more dangers than the odd robbery, or attempted murder. Because the world is filled with threats, two legged, four legged, and even no legs at all. With a gun, you have a much better chance of survival than without. With a gun, you do not guarantee survival, but you increase your odds dramatically.

Yes, accidents are going to happen, just as they do with cars and drivers. Yes, people are going to use the gun to criminally harm another. And yes, people who have guns are going to die before they can get the thing into play. I didn’t say it was a miracle answer, I just said it increases your odds of survival. No one can guarantee your safety or protection. The best that they, or I, can do is give you a fighting chance at survival. Be it from a Copperhead, or a Shitheaded thug. If you choose to take no action to protect yourself, that is your choice, and I’ll respect it. But do not try and take that right from others, because I won’t respect that.
Should we eradicate coyote lion and sharks from the planet?
Not long ago, I walked to the mailbox, and along my route I saw a Copperhead snake. For those who are uninformed about this particular snake, it is venomous. A healthy adult probably will not die from the bite, providing that they receive medical attention promptly. However, children, and elderly, will find the bite far more deadly. Not to mention pets. Everyone on my street has dogs, and I have cats as well. Additionally my neighbor is in his 80’s, and he would probably find the bite life threatening.

So this snake was a danger to my pets, my neighbors, and the children who live a quarter mile away.

I pulled the pistol I habitually carry, and shot the snake. I was in my yard, in my neighborhood, if you can call it a neighborhood to live in such a rural area. Yet I was armed, because this is not the first wildlife threat I’ve found myself facing. We also have Wild Boar, which are very aggressive and potentially dangerous or deadly. Coyotes are heard from time to time as they roam along the wooded areas that take up a vast majority of the space out here.

I did not go looking for the snake. I did not go out of my way searching for it. I found it on my normal path, walking to the mailbox in my rural area, on my land. In my yard, the area with grass and such.

So why carry a gun? Because if I had to turn around and rush to the house to get the pistol, the snake may have moved, and been difficult, or impossible to locate. Perhaps he would have returned to the woods, where I sometimes walk, to check the property, but never in a hunting frame of mind. That snake might have bitten my dog, my cats, or my neighbors pets. It might have bitten my neighbor, the old man who has his mailbox positioned next to mine. It might have bitten a child. The best you could hope for is an expensive trip to the Emergency Room, sucking your cash out to pay for the care you would need to minimize the danger.

There is much truth in the old saying. It is better to have, and not need, than to need and not have. There are. Probably a dozen more Copperheads within two hundred yards of where I sit. In the woods, or marshy areas. Hunting and living, and just as much of a danger to the neighborhood as the one I shot. I did not break the law. In Georgia, you can kill venomous snakes, but not non venomous snakes. The experts tell you to take two steps back, and run away if you come across one. That is not my way. It leaves the problem for another. It leaves the danger for my 80 year old neighbor, his dog, or the dogs two doors down who meander over to say hello now and then.

It leaves the danger for the children, who ride their bikes up and down the dirt road.

So why do you need to carry a gun? Because there are more dangers than the odd robbery, or attempted murder. Because the world is filled with threats, two legged, four legged, and even no legs at all. With a gun, you have a much better chance of survival than without. With a gun, you do not guarantee survival, but you increase your odds dramatically.

Yes, accidents are going to happen, just as they do with cars and drivers. Yes, people are going to use the gun to criminally harm another. And yes, people who have guns are going to die before they can get the thing into play. I didn’t say it was a miracle answer, I just said it increases your odds of survival. No one can guarantee your safety or protection. The best that they, or I, can do is give you a fighting chance at survival. Be it from a Copperhead, or a Shitheaded thug. If you choose to take no action to protect yourself, that is your choice, and I’ll respect it. But do not try and take that right from others, because I won’t respect that.
Should we eradicate coyote lion and sharks from the planet?
Hé seems to advocating shooting any species that may be a threat to dogs and children
Nope...you need a gun to feel safe, you are a pussy

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?
No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

Because we allow people like you into this country.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

Because we allow people like you into this country.
Lol you have been killing people since you landed (natives, blacks, each other)
I dont own a gun, I have no criminal record...you are the one who has a history.
Not long ago, I walked to the mailbox, and along my route I saw a Copperhead snake. For those who are uninformed about this particular snake, it is venomous. A healthy adult probably will not die from the bite, providing that they receive medical attention promptly. However, children, and elderly, will find the bite far more deadly. Not to mention pets. Everyone on my street has dogs, and I have cats as well. Additionally my neighbor is in his 80’s, and he would probably find the bite life threatening.

So this snake was a danger to my pets, my neighbors, and the children who live a quarter mile away.

I pulled the pistol I habitually carry, and shot the snake. I was in my yard, in my neighborhood, if you can call it a neighborhood to live in such a rural area. Yet I was armed, because this is not the first wildlife threat I’ve found myself facing. We also have Wild Boar, which are very aggressive and potentially dangerous or deadly. Coyotes are heard from time to time as they roam along the wooded areas that take up a vast majority of the space out here.

I did not go looking for the snake. I did not go out of my way searching for it. I found it on my normal path, walking to the mailbox in my rural area, on my land. In my yard, the area with grass and such.

So why carry a gun? Because if I had to turn around and rush to the house to get the pistol, the snake may have moved, and been difficult, or impossible to locate. Perhaps he would have returned to the woods, where I sometimes walk, to check the property, but never in a hunting frame of mind. That snake might have bitten my dog, my cats, or my neighbors pets. It might have bitten my neighbor, the old man who has his mailbox positioned next to mine. It might have bitten a child. The best you could hope for is an expensive trip to the Emergency Room, sucking your cash out to pay for the care you would need to minimize the danger.

There is much truth in the old saying. It is better to have, and not need, than to need and not have. There are. Probably a dozen more Copperheads within two hundred yards of where I sit. In the woods, or marshy areas. Hunting and living, and just as much of a danger to the neighborhood as the one I shot. I did not break the law. In Georgia, you can kill venomous snakes, but not non venomous snakes. The experts tell you to take two steps back, and run away if you come across one. That is not my way. It leaves the problem for another. It leaves the danger for my 80 year old neighbor, his dog, or the dogs two doors down who meander over to say hello now and then.

It leaves the danger for the children, who ride their bikes up and down the dirt road.

So why do you need to carry a gun? Because there are more dangers than the odd robbery, or attempted murder. Because the world is filled with threats, two legged, four legged, and even no legs at all. With a gun, you have a much better chance of survival than without. With a gun, you do not guarantee survival, but you increase your odds dramatically.

Yes, accidents are going to happen, just as they do with cars and drivers. Yes, people are going to use the gun to criminally harm another. And yes, people who have guns are going to die before they can get the thing into play. I didn’t say it was a miracle answer, I just said it increases your odds of survival. No one can guarantee your safety or protection. The best that they, or I, can do is give you a fighting chance at survival. Be it from a Copperhead, or a Shitheaded thug. If you choose to take no action to protect yourself, that is your choice, and I’ll respect it. But do not try and take that right from others, because I won’t respect that.
Should we eradicate coyote lion and sharks from the planet?
Hé seems to advocating shooting any species that may be a threat to dogs and children
Even people are capable of harming his kids or dogs. He shouldn't have to run back to his home to get his gun they might get away. They might hide in the woods where him and his dog play.

Funny thing is I agree with him. One day I was walking my dog off leash and either a small coyote or big fox was chasing my dog. At first my dog was chasing it but then my dog was running and it was running after my dog. It almost looked like they were playing but I've heard coyote will lure dogs into the woods where their buddies are waiting to attack. I've also heard of fox who are friendly and do play with dogs. I'm pretty upset with myself I can't say for sure if it was a fox or coyote. It wasn't a pretty fox if it was a fox and it was a pretty ratty looking coyote but it was a cold February and the thing was probably starving. My dog has no clue that this thing would kill him in 2 seconds.

Anyways, I was able to get my dog back to me. It kept circling us but it didn't get too close because I was there. It seemed upset with me that I spoiled his meal. Kept coming back to see if he might have another chance. Or maybe even come snatch him from me. If I had a gun I would not have shot it. It would have to be attacking for me to shoot it. But, I do wish I had a gun just in case.

Now up north where I hunt is different. There are too many of them and I don't want them on my property. Better they know they get shot if they come on my property. They kill the deer and might attack my dog. So if I see a coyote and I have my gun, I will shoot it. I saw one once when I was hunting but I only had my crossbow and he was far away.

My dog have camped out overnight under the stars. Around 4:30am we start hearing real close howling. I was so scared. I actually put the dog and me in the car and slept in the car till sun up. Thank god the house is almost done. No more sleeping under the stars.

P.S. There are bear on the property. I would not shoot a bear unless it was attacking me. I love bears.

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

More than what? Some country you've arbitrarily chosen to compare us to, which has very little in common with our own? Or more than our own country would have if law-abiding citizens were unarmed and defenseless?

Guess which one of those comparisons actually matters to us.
No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

We do? Odd. Since the statistics seem to point in another direction.

Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

The United States is 14th in Rapes. Behind Belgium, Australia, and Sweden, all of whom are considered “civilized” or First World nations, with strict anti-gun laws.

I wonder how those women feel knowing they are safe? I mean, without guns, there can’t be any crime right? Or something.
No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

With more people owning guns and more states adopting CCW programs and laws that protect the shooter, our violent and gun crime rate was on the decline since the early 90's. It didn't turn the other way until the Ferguson Effect kicked in, and the police quit being proactive in minority communities. The criminals created an environment where the police were more scared of them than the other way around, and crime and gun crimes went back on the increase.
Then so are people who use locks on their doors at night, people who buy auto and home insurance, people who have alarms on their cars.

Nope...you need a gun to feel safe, you are a pussy

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

Have you noticed that your country isn't the US? Has it passed through your tiny mind that there are differences between nations beyond merely geography?
Nope...you need a gun to feel safe, you are a pussy

No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

So you don't live in the US but in a country that has disarmed its citizens for their own safety??

You have no room to criticize anyone. America is the only country in the world that could defend itself against invasion. There are millions of guns in this country and people who know how to use them.

The Japanese knew this at the start of WWII. They knew if they invaded America there would be an armed person behind every tree. We would and will defend ourselves and have the weapons to do it with. You can't say the same dipshit.

Sucks to be your defenseless ass.

I've talked to him many times before. He moved from his wonderful old country to the US, so now he feels like he's an authority on how much worse we are than other places. Funny thing is, he never moved to one of those other places. He moved here.
Why 33,000? If five people a year save their lives or the lives of others, isn't it worth it? Because you leftists live in fantasy world. You think if you disarm the good guys, the bad guys will gladly disarm with them.

32,995 deaths say it is not worth it

Gun owners live in a fantasy world of bad guys behind every corner, Red Dawn fighting a Russian invasion and copperheads on the way to the mailbox

Why is it talking to a liberal is like talking to a brick wall? What don't you understand about we can never get rid of guns in this country? All we can do is disarm the good people. That only makes things worse.
We can get rid of guns in this country the same way we have gotten rid of cigarettes ......social pressure

Nobody confiscated cigarettes. But smokers found their spouses and children did not want to be around them. Same will happen with guns.

Plenty of people still smokes cigarettes. I'm having one right now. How long have recreational narcotics been illegal? All of my life. Yet we have a worse problem now than we did 30 years ago. We have record high overdose deaths and predicted to increase every year.

Drinking and driving is illegal, yet we have constant stories about drunks getting on the highway in the wrong direction and killing themselves and others in head on collisions all the time.

You are never going to stop the law breakers no matter what laws you have. That's why they are criminals; they don't listen to the law. All it will really do is increase the cost of illegal firearms making them more worth killing for.
Cigarette smoking is 25 percent of what it once was. Fewer people smoke and smokers smoke less. It can be done with guns

Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting

I think you live in fantasy world.

A few years ago a friend of mine called me to go shooting at the range. I haven't been to the range in many years, so I accepted.

Several years earlier the range was a different place. They have about a dozen booths, and perhaps four or five were being occupied on any given part of the day. The females would sit out in the store behind the window either having a BS conversation with other wives and girlfriends, or reading a book as their men had fun.

When I went back, the place was standing room only. It took us nearly two hours to get a booth. Behind the glass on the range were the guys, but just as many gals as well. Just like couples who go out to dinner together or perhaps bowling, the couples now are enjoying putting holes in targets.

If that's not surprising enough, the range we normally go to was the only one in town. Now several more opened up and from what I understand, they too are packed every minute they're open.

So your hope is the exact opposite. More and more Americans are enjoying firearms than ever before, and it's catching like wildfire.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

More than what? Some country you've arbitrarily chosen to compare us to, which has very little in common with our own? Or more than our own country would have if law-abiding citizens were unarmed and defenseless?

Guess which one of those comparisons actually matters to us.
You are numb to violence....kids get slaughtered and it is just another day for ya. I understand that's the Norma you grow up in.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

We do? Odd. Since the statistics seem to point in another direction.

Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

The United States is 14th in Rapes. Behind Belgium, Australia, and Sweden, all of whom are considered “civilized” or First World nations, with strict anti-gun laws.

I wonder how those women feel knowing they are safe? I mean, without guns, there can’t be any crime right? Or something.
You are about 5o get schooled right now, ready?
1 your stats are almost a decade old, and the US still ranked amongst the worst when it comes to rape, eventhough more women have guns than their counterparts in Australia, Belgium and Sweden. So what's the points of having guns? And why the US still ranked amongst the worst in the world ?

Now here is the most recent ranking for you The country that its president is a pussy grabber, supreme court judge is a rapist.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

We do? Odd. Since the statistics seem to point in another direction.

Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

The United States is 14th in Rapes. Behind Belgium, Australia, and Sweden, all of whom are considered “civilized” or First World nations, with strict anti-gun laws.

I wonder how those women feel knowing they are safe? I mean, without guns, there can’t be any crime right? Or something.

1. The US is ranked among the worst countries for women. infact the latest study showed to be number 10 after 9 third world countries.
The world’s five most dangerous countries for women 2018
2. if guns makes women safer why women fair we than most countries in the world?
3. your stats are a decade old.
the US is no just behind Sweden and South Africa, and that doesn't surprise anyone for the fact that the president is a pussy grabber and he appointed a rapist to the supreme court.

I live in the US and i lived in a Muslim country....in the Muslim country women are sacred, she has her family protecting her, her neighbours, society everyone comes to her defense....here women are seen as a piece of meat and subjected to harassment everywhere. If you come any Muslim neighborhood and try to harass any girl you'll getting a beating...here people vote in rapists and give them a pass to the highest offices in the land.

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