Why do you need to carry a gun?

Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

With more people owning guns and more states adopting CCW programs and laws that protect the shooter, our violent and gun crime rate was on the decline since the early 90's. It didn't turn the other way until the Ferguson Effect kicked in, and the police quit being proactive in minority communities. The criminals created an environment where the police were more scared of them than the other way around, and crime and gun crimes went back on the increase.
Dude you have been killing each other since you landed in this land, you started with the natives and kept on going. This culture of guns and violence needs to end.....i grow up in a country where most citizens have never seing a gun...I grow up next to rough neighberhoods, and you hardly hear about someone killed someone....the worst that can happen to a person is cuts that need stitches.....dude here I open the news channel death is everywhere, not even in rough neighberhoods, but husbands killing their wives, workplace shootings, road rage shootings, school shootings.....When guns are available people tend to feel empowered to use them to make a statement, hence that's why the US has one of the worst death tolls in the world.
I'm telling you, you are numb to it you think its the norm.
32,995 deaths say it is not worth it

Gun owners live in a fantasy world of bad guys behind every corner, Red Dawn fighting a Russian invasion and copperheads on the way to the mailbox

Why is it talking to a liberal is like talking to a brick wall? What don't you understand about we can never get rid of guns in this country? All we can do is disarm the good people. That only makes things worse.
We can get rid of guns in this country the same way we have gotten rid of cigarettes ......social pressure

Nobody confiscated cigarettes. But smokers found their spouses and children did not want to be around them. Same will happen with guns.

Plenty of people still smokes cigarettes. I'm having one right now. How long have recreational narcotics been illegal? All of my life. Yet we have a worse problem now than we did 30 years ago. We have record high overdose deaths and predicted to increase every year.

Drinking and driving is illegal, yet we have constant stories about drunks getting on the highway in the wrong direction and killing themselves and others in head on collisions all the time.

You are never going to stop the law breakers no matter what laws you have. That's why they are criminals; they don't listen to the law. All it will really do is increase the cost of illegal firearms making them more worth killing for.
Cigarette smoking is 25 percent of what it once was. Fewer people smoke and smokers smoke less. It can be done with guns

Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting

I think you live in fantasy world.

A few years ago a friend of mine called me to go shooting at the range. I haven't been to the range in many years, so I accepted.

Several years earlier the range was a different place. They have about a dozen booths, and perhaps four or five were being occupied on any given part of the day. The females would sit out in the store behind the window either having a BS conversation with other wives and girlfriends, or reading a book as their men had fun.

When I went back, the place was standing room only. It took us nearly two hours to get a booth. Behind the glass on the range were the guys, but just as many gals as well. Just like couples who go out to dinner together or perhaps bowling, the couples now are enjoying putting holes in targets.

If that's not surprising enough, the range we normally go to was the only one in town. Now several more opened up and from what I understand, they too are packed every minute they're open.

So your hope is the exact opposite. More and more Americans are enjoying firearms than ever before, and it's catching like wildfire.
Those females or males will shoot their partners while asleep when they catch them cheating, some of those guys will shoot their boss when he fires them....that's why the US has 30000 deaths per year.....instead of fists people use guns.
No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

More than what? Some country you've arbitrarily chosen to compare us to, which has very little in common with our own? Or more than our own country would have if law-abiding citizens were unarmed and defenseless?

Guess which one of those comparisons actually matters to us.
You are numb to violence....kids get slaughtered and it is just another day for ya. I understand that's the Norma you grow up in.

Am I? You actually feel good about sitting there and asserting that about a person you don't know?

I've been a victim of a violent crime. How about YOU? Tell me about the criminal who assaulted YOU on a dark street, about testifying at his trial with him sitting there six feet away from you. Tell me about how YOU felt when the papers reported that the man who assaulted you was being tried for murder. Tell me what it was like when YOU watched him executed.

ONE of us is numb to violence, you pusillanimous bucket of snake vomit, but it isn't me. You can preach to me about your "moral superiority" in airily deciding that women like me are safer without guns right after Hell freezes over.

I live in this country and American women like me are safer when we're armed. I don't give a flying fuck what your tinpot country decides to do, and I sure as shit don't need your advice on what this one should do.
32,995 deaths say it is not worth it

Gun owners live in a fantasy world of bad guys behind every corner, Red Dawn fighting a Russian invasion and copperheads on the way to the mailbox

Why is it talking to a liberal is like talking to a brick wall? What don't you understand about we can never get rid of guns in this country? All we can do is disarm the good people. That only makes things worse.
We can get rid of guns in this country the same way we have gotten rid of cigarettes ......social pressure

Nobody confiscated cigarettes. But smokers found their spouses and children did not want to be around them. Same will happen with guns.

Plenty of people still smokes cigarettes. I'm having one right now. How long have recreational narcotics been illegal? All of my life. Yet we have a worse problem now than we did 30 years ago. We have record high overdose deaths and predicted to increase every year.

Drinking and driving is illegal, yet we have constant stories about drunks getting on the highway in the wrong direction and killing themselves and others in head on collisions all the time.

You are never going to stop the law breakers no matter what laws you have. That's why they are criminals; they don't listen to the law. All it will really do is increase the cost of illegal firearms making them more worth killing for.
Cigarette smoking is 25 percent of what it once was. Fewer people smoke and smokers smoke less. It can be done with guns

Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting

I think you live in fantasy world.

A few years ago a friend of mine called me to go shooting at the range. I haven't been to the range in many years, so I accepted.

Several years earlier the range was a different place. They have about a dozen booths, and perhaps four or five were being occupied on any given part of the day. The females would sit out in the store behind the window either having a BS conversation with other wives and girlfriends, or reading a book as their men had fun.

When I went back, the place was standing room only. It took us nearly two hours to get a booth. Behind the glass on the range were the guys, but just as many gals as well. Just like couples who go out to dinner together or perhaps bowling, the couples now are enjoying putting holes in targets.

If that's not surprising enough, the range we normally go to was the only one in town. Now several more opened up and from what I understand, they too are packed every minute they're open.

So your hope is the exact opposite. More and more Americans are enjoying firearms than ever before, and it's catching like wildfire.
In spite of more guns in circulation, fewer households have guns
Hunting is down significantly

The gun culture is eroding
Why is it talking to a liberal is like talking to a brick wall? What don't you understand about we can never get rid of guns in this country? All we can do is disarm the good people. That only makes things worse.
We can get rid of guns in this country the same way we have gotten rid of cigarettes ......social pressure

Nobody confiscated cigarettes. But smokers found their spouses and children did not want to be around them. Same will happen with guns.

Plenty of people still smokes cigarettes. I'm having one right now. How long have recreational narcotics been illegal? All of my life. Yet we have a worse problem now than we did 30 years ago. We have record high overdose deaths and predicted to increase every year.

Drinking and driving is illegal, yet we have constant stories about drunks getting on the highway in the wrong direction and killing themselves and others in head on collisions all the time.

You are never going to stop the law breakers no matter what laws you have. That's why they are criminals; they don't listen to the law. All it will really do is increase the cost of illegal firearms making them more worth killing for.
Cigarette smoking is 25 percent of what it once was. Fewer people smoke and smokers smoke less. It can be done with guns

Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting

I think you live in fantasy world.

A few years ago a friend of mine called me to go shooting at the range. I haven't been to the range in many years, so I accepted.

Several years earlier the range was a different place. They have about a dozen booths, and perhaps four or five were being occupied on any given part of the day. The females would sit out in the store behind the window either having a BS conversation with other wives and girlfriends, or reading a book as their men had fun.

When I went back, the place was standing room only. It took us nearly two hours to get a booth. Behind the glass on the range were the guys, but just as many gals as well. Just like couples who go out to dinner together or perhaps bowling, the couples now are enjoying putting holes in targets.

If that's not surprising enough, the range we normally go to was the only one in town. Now several more opened up and from what I understand, they too are packed every minute they're open.

So your hope is the exact opposite. More and more Americans are enjoying firearms than ever before, and it's catching like wildfire.
Those females or males will shoot their partners while asleep when they catch them cheating, some of those guys will shoot their boss when he fires them....that's why the US has 30000 deaths per year.....instead of fists people use guns.

Right, because if somebody wants to kill their spouse or employer, the only way to do that is with a gun. Otherwise they will just punch them.

I have no idea where this leftist mentality came from that an inanimate object has the ability to control a human being. Can a fire hydrant make you piss on it like a dog? Does an electrical outlet make you want to stick your tongue in it?

I guess the reason it's so confusing to normal people is because I've never once had an object control my fate yet alone the rest of my natural life. For some reason, you on the left have this belief. But then again, you think man controls the climate as well, and not God.
Why is it talking to a liberal is like talking to a brick wall? What don't you understand about we can never get rid of guns in this country? All we can do is disarm the good people. That only makes things worse.
We can get rid of guns in this country the same way we have gotten rid of cigarettes ......social pressure

Nobody confiscated cigarettes. But smokers found their spouses and children did not want to be around them. Same will happen with guns.

Plenty of people still smokes cigarettes. I'm having one right now. How long have recreational narcotics been illegal? All of my life. Yet we have a worse problem now than we did 30 years ago. We have record high overdose deaths and predicted to increase every year.

Drinking and driving is illegal, yet we have constant stories about drunks getting on the highway in the wrong direction and killing themselves and others in head on collisions all the time.

You are never going to stop the law breakers no matter what laws you have. That's why they are criminals; they don't listen to the law. All it will really do is increase the cost of illegal firearms making them more worth killing for.
Cigarette smoking is 25 percent of what it once was. Fewer people smoke and smokers smoke less. It can be done with guns

Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting

I think you live in fantasy world.

A few years ago a friend of mine called me to go shooting at the range. I haven't been to the range in many years, so I accepted.

Several years earlier the range was a different place. They have about a dozen booths, and perhaps four or five were being occupied on any given part of the day. The females would sit out in the store behind the window either having a BS conversation with other wives and girlfriends, or reading a book as their men had fun.

When I went back, the place was standing room only. It took us nearly two hours to get a booth. Behind the glass on the range were the guys, but just as many gals as well. Just like couples who go out to dinner together or perhaps bowling, the couples now are enjoying putting holes in targets.

If that's not surprising enough, the range we normally go to was the only one in town. Now several more opened up and from what I understand, they too are packed every minute they're open.

So your hope is the exact opposite. More and more Americans are enjoying firearms than ever before, and it's catching like wildfire.
In spite of more guns in circulation, fewer households have guns
Hunting is down significantly

The gun culture is eroding

Tell that to the over packed gun ranges. They'll laugh at you louder than we do.
The gun numbers: just 3% of American adults own a collective 133m firearms

But America’s gun super-owners, have amassed huge collections. Just 3% of American adults own a collective 133m firearms – half of America’s total gun stock. These owners have collections that range from eight to 140 guns, the 2015 study found. Their average collection: 17 guns each.

Leftist BS. If that were true, most of my friends and family would not own any firearms.

Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2018 | Statistic
No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

With more people owning guns and more states adopting CCW programs and laws that protect the shooter, our violent and gun crime rate was on the decline since the early 90's. It didn't turn the other way until the Ferguson Effect kicked in, and the police quit being proactive in minority communities. The criminals created an environment where the police were more scared of them than the other way around, and crime and gun crimes went back on the increase.
Dude you have been killing each other since you landed in this land, you started with the natives and kept on going. This culture of guns and violence needs to end.....i grow up in a country where most citizens have never seing a gun...I grow up next to rough neighberhoods, and you hardly hear about someone killed someone....the worst that can happen to a person is cuts that need stitches.....dude here I open the news channel death is everywhere, not even in rough neighberhoods, but husbands killing their wives, workplace shootings, road rage shootings, school shootings.....When guns are available people tend to feel empowered to use them to make a statement, hence that's why the US has one of the worst death tolls in the world.
I'm telling you, you are numb to it you think its the norm.

Let me ask you: what were your prisons like in your country? Did they get three square meals a day? Did they have a workout room, a pool room, a football field? Did they have air conditioning and a little room in case you wanted your wife to stop over and start a family? Did they have prison accounts where your friends and family could deposit money for you to use while locked up to buy snacks and God knows what else? Did prisoners get to sue the government because they got served grape jello instead of strawberry, or because a prison guard got rough with them?

Well that's what our prisons are like here. We have the same thing in the outside world. We call them Get Away weekends and we have to pay for them ourselves.

If you took a nice productive middle-class neighborhood, and made it law that everybody must own a firearm, their crime statistics wouldn't change. If you took all the guns out of a crime filled lower income neighborhood, their crime statistics would not change either.

It's not the guns and never was. It's the people.
No, you need a gun for equal defense against an armed attacker.
Most of us that grow up in gun free countries we have less homicide and less death and crimes than the US.
So if you travel overseas how can you sur I e without your gun ?

No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?
This nation has many people from many cultures and many levels of living. And with that even with accusations of hate there are people who never have gotten off their azz to do anything. And that dribbles down to make people miserable. And then the blame game starts and the hate is the reason.
The gun numbers: just 3% of American adults own a collective 133m firearms

But America’s gun super-owners, have amassed huge collections. Just 3% of American adults own a collective 133m firearms – half of America’s total gun stock. These owners have collections that range from eight to 140 guns, the 2015 study found. Their average collection: 17 guns each.

Leftist BS. If that were true, most of my friends and family would not own any firearms.

Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2018 | Statistic
Most gun owners own up to three guns

The three percent super gun owners own half the guns in the US
The gun numbers: just 3% of American adults own a collective 133m firearms

But America’s gun super-owners, have amassed huge collections. Just 3% of American adults own a collective 133m firearms – half of America’s total gun stock. These owners have collections that range from eight to 140 guns, the 2015 study found. Their average collection: 17 guns each.

Leftist BS. If that were true, most of my friends and family would not own any firearms.

Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2018 | Statistic
Most gun owners own up to three guns

The three percent super gun owners own half the guns in the US

It doesn't change the fact nearly half our population owns guns. But even if they didn't.......the reason you are safe in your home and perhaps on the street is because we do have the right to arm ourselves.

We had a debate in our local blog when they were considering a CCW program in our state. An adversary asked why I wanted the law to pass? I told him for one, my mother lives alone and never drove a car in her life. She's in her early 70's and walks everywhere she goes.

To that he asked that if the law passed, would my mother walk around armed when she goes to the store? I said no she wouldn't, but the criminal doesn't now that. Now they know she's not armed.

If you want to see what a disarmed society would look like, go to a sign store and have a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE and hang that on your front porch. Get back to us in a few months (if you're still alive) and let us know how that worked out for you.

That's what a disarmed society would do.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

More than what? Some country you've arbitrarily chosen to compare us to, which has very little in common with our own? Or more than our own country would have if law-abiding citizens were unarmed and defenseless?

Guess which one of those comparisons actually matters to us.
You are numb to violence....kids get slaughtered and it is just another day for ya. I understand that's the Norma you grow up in.

Am I? You actually feel good about sitting there and asserting that about a person you don't know?

I've been a victim of a violent crime. How about YOU? Tell me about the criminal who assaulted YOU on a dark street, about testifying at his trial with him sitting there six feet away from you. Tell me about how YOU felt when the papers reported that the man who assaulted you was being tried for murder. Tell me what it was like when YOU watched him executed.

ONE of us is numb to violence, you pusillanimous bucket of snake vomit, but it isn't me. You can preach to me about your "moral superiority" in airily deciding that women like me are safer without guns right after Hell freezes over.

I live in this country and American women like me are safer when we're armed. I don't give a flying fuck what your tinpot country decides to do, and I sure as shit don't need your advice on what this one should do.
I think you better off living ina country where women are not assaulted as much. Cause 1 in 4 women or so get sexually harassed. Even the highest office is occupied by a pussy grabber and the highest court is occupied by a rapist.
We can get rid of guns in this country the same way we have gotten rid of cigarettes ......social pressure

Nobody confiscated cigarettes. But smokers found their spouses and children did not want to be around them. Same will happen with guns.

Plenty of people still smokes cigarettes. I'm having one right now. How long have recreational narcotics been illegal? All of my life. Yet we have a worse problem now than we did 30 years ago. We have record high overdose deaths and predicted to increase every year.

Drinking and driving is illegal, yet we have constant stories about drunks getting on the highway in the wrong direction and killing themselves and others in head on collisions all the time.

You are never going to stop the law breakers no matter what laws you have. That's why they are criminals; they don't listen to the law. All it will really do is increase the cost of illegal firearms making them more worth killing for.
Cigarette smoking is 25 percent of what it once was. Fewer people smoke and smokers smoke less. It can be done with guns

Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting

I think you live in fantasy world.

A few years ago a friend of mine called me to go shooting at the range. I haven't been to the range in many years, so I accepted.

Several years earlier the range was a different place. They have about a dozen booths, and perhaps four or five were being occupied on any given part of the day. The females would sit out in the store behind the window either having a BS conversation with other wives and girlfriends, or reading a book as their men had fun.

When I went back, the place was standing room only. It took us nearly two hours to get a booth. Behind the glass on the range were the guys, but just as many gals as well. Just like couples who go out to dinner together or perhaps bowling, the couples now are enjoying putting holes in targets.

If that's not surprising enough, the range we normally go to was the only one in town. Now several more opened up and from what I understand, they too are packed every minute they're open.

So your hope is the exact opposite. More and more Americans are enjoying firearms than ever before, and it's catching like wildfire.
Those females or males will shoot their partners while asleep when they catch them cheating, some of those guys will shoot their boss when he fires them....that's why the US has 30000 deaths per year.....instead of fists people use guns.

Right, because if somebody wants to kill their spouse or employer, the only way to do that is with a gun. Otherwise they will just punch them.

I have no idea where this leftist mentality came from that an inanimate object has the ability to control a human being. Can a fire hydrant make you piss on it like a dog? Does an electrical outlet make you want to stick your tongue in it?

I guess the reason it's so confusing to normal people is because I've never once had an object control my fate yet alone the rest of my natural life. For some reason, you on the left have this belief. But then again, you think man controls the climate as well, and not God.
Guns makes it easy to commit a tragedy...is proven by statistics that those that own guns are more likely to die from them.
23 years in a gun free country: 0 mass shootings, 0 deaths at schools, unheared of killings in work places like here.
Robberies are committed by bats or knives, worse case scenario if you donr hand the robbers the money you will end up with stitches, if they had guns you can say goodbye to the world.

Again you are numb to gun violence, you grew up in this environment you didnt live in a less violent environment.
Plenty of people still smokes cigarettes. I'm having one right now. How long have recreational narcotics been illegal? All of my life. Yet we have a worse problem now than we did 30 years ago. We have record high overdose deaths and predicted to increase every year.

Drinking and driving is illegal, yet we have constant stories about drunks getting on the highway in the wrong direction and killing themselves and others in head on collisions all the time.

You are never going to stop the law breakers no matter what laws you have. That's why they are criminals; they don't listen to the law. All it will really do is increase the cost of illegal firearms making them more worth killing for.
Cigarette smoking is 25 percent of what it once was. Fewer people smoke and smokers smoke less. It can be done with guns

Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting

I think you live in fantasy world.

A few years ago a friend of mine called me to go shooting at the range. I haven't been to the range in many years, so I accepted.

Several years earlier the range was a different place. They have about a dozen booths, and perhaps four or five were being occupied on any given part of the day. The females would sit out in the store behind the window either having a BS conversation with other wives and girlfriends, or reading a book as their men had fun.

When I went back, the place was standing room only. It took us nearly two hours to get a booth. Behind the glass on the range were the guys, but just as many gals as well. Just like couples who go out to dinner together or perhaps bowling, the couples now are enjoying putting holes in targets.

If that's not surprising enough, the range we normally go to was the only one in town. Now several more opened up and from what I understand, they too are packed every minute they're open.

So your hope is the exact opposite. More and more Americans are enjoying firearms than ever before, and it's catching like wildfire.
Those females or males will shoot their partners while asleep when they catch them cheating, some of those guys will shoot their boss when he fires them....that's why the US has 30000 deaths per year.....instead of fists people use guns.

Right, because if somebody wants to kill their spouse or employer, the only way to do that is with a gun. Otherwise they will just punch them.

I have no idea where this leftist mentality came from that an inanimate object has the ability to control a human being. Can a fire hydrant make you piss on it like a dog? Does an electrical outlet make you want to stick your tongue in it?

I guess the reason it's so confusing to normal people is because I've never once had an object control my fate yet alone the rest of my natural life. For some reason, you on the left have this belief. But then again, you think man controls the climate as well, and not God.
Guns makes it easy to commit a tragedy...is proven by statistics that those that own guns are more likely to die from them.
23 years in a gun free country: 0 mass shootings, 0 deaths at schools, unheared of killings in work places like here.
Robberies are committed by bats or knives, worse case scenario if you donr hand the robbers the money you will end up with stitches, if they had guns you can say goodbye to the world.

Again you are numb to gun violence, you grew up in this environment you didnt live in a less violent environment.

I lived and grew up in very non-violent areas. Then the blacks moved in and everything changed. So what do you want me to do about that? Thank your Democrat politicians and HUD for it.
No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

We do? Odd. Since the statistics seem to point in another direction.

Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

The United States is 14th in Rapes. Behind Belgium, Australia, and Sweden, all of whom are considered “civilized” or First World nations, with strict anti-gun laws.

I wonder how those women feel knowing they are safe? I mean, without guns, there can’t be any crime right? Or something.
You are about 5o get schooled right now, ready?
1 your stats are almost a decade old, and the US still ranked amongst the worst when it comes to rape, eventhough more women have guns than their counterparts in Australia, Belgium and Sweden. So what's the points of having guns? And why the US still ranked amongst the worst in the world ?

Now here is the most recent ranking for you The country that its president is a pussy grabber, supreme court judge is a rapist.
No, if you grow up in a country with no defense, you usually have more crimes just like in Europe.
Not true...I visit and have family and friend In Europe, there is more fatal crimes in here than over there. They lie to you foxnews trust me.
The US is known for shootings, mass shootings, fathers killing their entire families, mom shooting her kids, co workers shooting each other, road rage shooting and you wanna compare to pitty crimes in other parts of the world. We talking thousands of people getting slaughtered more than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I told you many you got accustomed for us who lived in other countries we see that the problem as a huge one.

Maybe you can't follow the conversation. You said in other countries they have less crime than the US. While we may have more murders and deaths, these countries have other crime that's beyond ours because the people can't protect themselves against the bad guys. Europe has a lot of problems with criminals using knives to rob and assault people, and they have a considerable amount of rapes as well. Here, a female can use a gun just as effectively as a male, however she would be at a great disadvantage getting into knife fight with some guy.

It's not the object that does the killing, it's the person using the object. That's what you on the left just can't seem to comprehend. If somebody wants to kill you, they will kill you with any object that works for them I don't care what country you're from.
With your guns you still have more rapes and more crimes and most importantly more deaths. Why?

We do? Odd. Since the statistics seem to point in another direction.

Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

The United States is 14th in Rapes. Behind Belgium, Australia, and Sweden, all of whom are considered “civilized” or First World nations, with strict anti-gun laws.

I wonder how those women feel knowing they are safe? I mean, without guns, there can’t be any crime right? Or something.

1. The US is ranked among the worst countries for women. infact the latest study showed to be number 10 after 9 third world countries.
The world’s five most dangerous countries for women 2018
2. if guns makes women safer why women fair we than most countries in the world?
3. your stats are a decade old.
the US is no just behind Sweden and South Africa, and that doesn't surprise anyone for the fact that the president is a pussy grabber and he appointed a rapist to the supreme court.

I live in the US and i lived in a Muslim country....in the Muslim country women are sacred, she has her family protecting her, her neighbours, society everyone comes to her defense....here women are seen as a piece of meat and subjected to harassment everywhere. If you come any Muslim neighborhood and try to harass any girl you'll getting a beating...here people vote in rapists and give them a pass to the highest offices in the land.

Yes, women are sacred. That is good to know.

Truly Sacred eh?

Honor Killings.

Girls with acid thrown on them. Girls killed for going to school. Women attacked by mobs of barbarians. Told they can not drive cars. Yes, women are Sacred in Islam. Or something.
Cigarette smoking is 25 percent of what it once was. Fewer people smoke and smokers smoke less. It can be done with guns

Women telling men they don’t want a gun in the house
Fewer places to shoot
Fathers no longer teaching sons to shoot
Fewer people hunting

I think you live in fantasy world.

A few years ago a friend of mine called me to go shooting at the range. I haven't been to the range in many years, so I accepted.

Several years earlier the range was a different place. They have about a dozen booths, and perhaps four or five were being occupied on any given part of the day. The females would sit out in the store behind the window either having a BS conversation with other wives and girlfriends, or reading a book as their men had fun.

When I went back, the place was standing room only. It took us nearly two hours to get a booth. Behind the glass on the range were the guys, but just as many gals as well. Just like couples who go out to dinner together or perhaps bowling, the couples now are enjoying putting holes in targets.

If that's not surprising enough, the range we normally go to was the only one in town. Now several more opened up and from what I understand, they too are packed every minute they're open.

So your hope is the exact opposite. More and more Americans are enjoying firearms than ever before, and it's catching like wildfire.
Those females or males will shoot their partners while asleep when they catch them cheating, some of those guys will shoot their boss when he fires them....that's why the US has 30000 deaths per year.....instead of fists people use guns.

Right, because if somebody wants to kill their spouse or employer, the only way to do that is with a gun. Otherwise they will just punch them.

I have no idea where this leftist mentality came from that an inanimate object has the ability to control a human being. Can a fire hydrant make you piss on it like a dog? Does an electrical outlet make you want to stick your tongue in it?

I guess the reason it's so confusing to normal people is because I've never once had an object control my fate yet alone the rest of my natural life. For some reason, you on the left have this belief. But then again, you think man controls the climate as well, and not God.
Guns makes it easy to commit a tragedy...is proven by statistics that those that own guns are more likely to die from them.
23 years in a gun free country: 0 mass shootings, 0 deaths at schools, unheared of killings in work places like here.
Robberies are committed by bats or knives, worse case scenario if you donr hand the robbers the money you will end up with stitches, if they had guns you can say goodbye to the world.

Again you are numb to gun violence, you grew up in this environment you didnt live in a less violent environment.

I lived and grew up in very non-violent areas. Then the blacks moved in and everything changed. So what do you want me to do about that? Thank your Democrat politicians and HUD for it.
Blame also those who screwed the blacks from slavery, segregation to what we see now.
I lived in a big city , and we had some super rough neighborhoods, drugs and all....people get stabbed but hardly ever get killed...now if they had access to guns we would be just like any other US city.
I think you live in fantasy world.

A few years ago a friend of mine called me to go shooting at the range. I haven't been to the range in many years, so I accepted.

Several years earlier the range was a different place. They have about a dozen booths, and perhaps four or five were being occupied on any given part of the day. The females would sit out in the store behind the window either having a BS conversation with other wives and girlfriends, or reading a book as their men had fun.

When I went back, the place was standing room only. It took us nearly two hours to get a booth. Behind the glass on the range were the guys, but just as many gals as well. Just like couples who go out to dinner together or perhaps bowling, the couples now are enjoying putting holes in targets.

If that's not surprising enough, the range we normally go to was the only one in town. Now several more opened up and from what I understand, they too are packed every minute they're open.

So your hope is the exact opposite. More and more Americans are enjoying firearms than ever before, and it's catching like wildfire.
Those females or males will shoot their partners while asleep when they catch them cheating, some of those guys will shoot their boss when he fires them....that's why the US has 30000 deaths per year.....instead of fists people use guns.

Right, because if somebody wants to kill their spouse or employer, the only way to do that is with a gun. Otherwise they will just punch them.

I have no idea where this leftist mentality came from that an inanimate object has the ability to control a human being. Can a fire hydrant make you piss on it like a dog? Does an electrical outlet make you want to stick your tongue in it?

I guess the reason it's so confusing to normal people is because I've never once had an object control my fate yet alone the rest of my natural life. For some reason, you on the left have this belief. But then again, you think man controls the climate as well, and not God.
Guns makes it easy to commit a tragedy...is proven by statistics that those that own guns are more likely to die from them.
23 years in a gun free country: 0 mass shootings, 0 deaths at schools, unheared of killings in work places like here.
Robberies are committed by bats or knives, worse case scenario if you donr hand the robbers the money you will end up with stitches, if they had guns you can say goodbye to the world.

Again you are numb to gun violence, you grew up in this environment you didnt live in a less violent environment.

I lived and grew up in very non-violent areas. Then the blacks moved in and everything changed. So what do you want me to do about that? Thank your Democrat politicians and HUD for it.
Blame also those who screwed the blacks from slavery, segregation to what we see now.
I lived in a big city , and we had some super rough neighborhoods, drugs and all....people get stabbed but hardly ever get killed...now if they had access to guns we would be just like any other US city.

Ah, the joys of living in a diverse multicultural urban environment.
Those females or males will shoot their partners while asleep when they catch them cheating, some of those guys will shoot their boss when he fires them....that's why the US has 30000 deaths per year.....instead of fists people use guns.

Right, because if somebody wants to kill their spouse or employer, the only way to do that is with a gun. Otherwise they will just punch them.

I have no idea where this leftist mentality came from that an inanimate object has the ability to control a human being. Can a fire hydrant make you piss on it like a dog? Does an electrical outlet make you want to stick your tongue in it?

I guess the reason it's so confusing to normal people is because I've never once had an object control my fate yet alone the rest of my natural life. For some reason, you on the left have this belief. But then again, you think man controls the climate as well, and not God.
Guns makes it easy to commit a tragedy...is proven by statistics that those that own guns are more likely to die from them.
23 years in a gun free country: 0 mass shootings, 0 deaths at schools, unheared of killings in work places like here.
Robberies are committed by bats or knives, worse case scenario if you donr hand the robbers the money you will end up with stitches, if they had guns you can say goodbye to the world.

Again you are numb to gun violence, you grew up in this environment you didnt live in a less violent environment.

I lived and grew up in very non-violent areas. Then the blacks moved in and everything changed. So what do you want me to do about that? Thank your Democrat politicians and HUD for it.
Blame also those who screwed the blacks from slavery, segregation to what we see now.
I lived in a big city , and we had some super rough neighborhoods, drugs and all....people get stabbed but hardly ever get killed...now if they had access to guns we would be just like any other US city.

Ah, the joys of living in a diverse multicultural urban environment.
Love it....I get to practice my 4 languages. I had Korean BBQ and heading to a taco stand in a few minutes (ran by illegals).
I think you live in fantasy world.

A few years ago a friend of mine called me to go shooting at the range. I haven't been to the range in many years, so I accepted.

Several years earlier the range was a different place. They have about a dozen booths, and perhaps four or five were being occupied on any given part of the day. The females would sit out in the store behind the window either having a BS conversation with other wives and girlfriends, or reading a book as their men had fun.

When I went back, the place was standing room only. It took us nearly two hours to get a booth. Behind the glass on the range were the guys, but just as many gals as well. Just like couples who go out to dinner together or perhaps bowling, the couples now are enjoying putting holes in targets.

If that's not surprising enough, the range we normally go to was the only one in town. Now several more opened up and from what I understand, they too are packed every minute they're open.

So your hope is the exact opposite. More and more Americans are enjoying firearms than ever before, and it's catching like wildfire.
Those females or males will shoot their partners while asleep when they catch them cheating, some of those guys will shoot their boss when he fires them....that's why the US has 30000 deaths per year.....instead of fists people use guns.

Right, because if somebody wants to kill their spouse or employer, the only way to do that is with a gun. Otherwise they will just punch them.

I have no idea where this leftist mentality came from that an inanimate object has the ability to control a human being. Can a fire hydrant make you piss on it like a dog? Does an electrical outlet make you want to stick your tongue in it?

I guess the reason it's so confusing to normal people is because I've never once had an object control my fate yet alone the rest of my natural life. For some reason, you on the left have this belief. But then again, you think man controls the climate as well, and not God.
Guns makes it easy to commit a tragedy...is proven by statistics that those that own guns are more likely to die from them.
23 years in a gun free country: 0 mass shootings, 0 deaths at schools, unheared of killings in work places like here.
Robberies are committed by bats or knives, worse case scenario if you donr hand the robbers the money you will end up with stitches, if they had guns you can say goodbye to the world.

Again you are numb to gun violence, you grew up in this environment you didnt live in a less violent environment.

I lived and grew up in very non-violent areas. Then the blacks moved in and everything changed. So what do you want me to do about that? Thank your Democrat politicians and HUD for it.
Blame also those who screwed the blacks from slavery, segregation to what we see now.
I lived in a big city , and we had some super rough neighborhoods, drugs and all....people get stabbed but hardly ever get killed...now if they had access to guns we would be just like any other US city.

Yea, can't imagine you'll run into any folks that experienced or screwed blacks from slavery. At least none that were born and raised in this country, maybe that's just your country.

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