Why does Glenn Beck have a special hatred of libs

The door swings both ways.
I have no love for anyone who hates me.

He does however claim to be a christian and should therefore hate no one.

It's good for business. What many conservatives out there in the hinterland don't seem to appreciate is one of the time honored tenets of economics. Copy a successful formula to make money. Amway was the springboard for plenty of multi-level marketing firms. And who REALLY makes the money? The people who are there from the start. Simply stated, it's the Chiefs who make the money...not the Indians.

Rush was the template. There were PLENTY of people who were simply bowled over by the sheer amount of money that could be made by spouting extremist views, and the cued up to get their share. That's not to say that there aren't true believers among them. I'm sure there is. But they ALL know that being reasonable and rational is not the ticket to riches in the conservative radio market. And whereas Rush seems to be satisfied with his radio niche (and why shouldn't he be? He's got to be making close to a million a week), Glenn is branching out.
He's intolerant and gets paid big bucks. It's capitalism and capitalism is all about making money w/out morals.
Why do libs have a special hatred of Glenn Beck?
just sayin'.

They hate anyone that doesn't buy their bull shit, and exposes them for what they truly are.

The truth to a lib is like sunshine to a vampire. They hate it, and want to silence and destroy anyone who dares expose their double standards, hypocrisy, lies and true America hating agenda.


Why do libs have a special hatred of Glenn Beck?
just sayin'.

They hate anyone that doesn't buy their bull shit, and exposes them for what they truly are.

The truth to a lib is like sunshine to a vampire. They hate it, and want to silence and destroy anyone who dares expose their double standards, hypocrisy, lies and true America hating agenda.

You are the Board's leading crazy person, 007: loser boy and birfer head.
Only a libtard can be the bprds leading crazie person. Or a libtard that claims to not be a libtard..
Because he loves his country, and knows that liberals are trying to fudamentally change it into a socialist nation. He does not hate the liberal, he hates their agenda. The Holy Bible teaches to love what is good, and to hate what is evil- socialism is evil, freedom is good!
Because he loves his country, and knows that liberals are trying to fudamentally change it into a socialist nation. He does not hate the liberal, he hates their agenda. The Holy Bible teaches to love what is good, and to hate what is evil- socialism is evil, freedom is good!

Glenn Beck is a snake oil salesman. He tells ignorant conservatives what they want to hear. Makes millions of dollars doing it

Is this a great country or what?
The door swings both ways.
I have no love for anyone who hates me.

He does however claim to be a christian and should therefore hate no one.

Perhaps because as he see's it, Liberals are destroying this Nation?

Just saying. While I don't hate liberals, I do resent very much what I think they are doing to this country. No matter how noble the reason for trying, destruction is still destruction.

i think it's safe to say that idiots like beck helped destroy civil discourse in this country. the fact that you "resent" anyone for disagreeing with you speaks volumes.

p.s. if liberals thought you were correct, we'd agree with you. but we don't.

see how that works?
The door swings both ways.
I have no love for anyone who hates me.

He does however claim to be a christian and should therefore hate no one.

He doesn't hate them. In fact, he has no problem working with anyone on common goals. Why are you making this claim.
The door swings both ways.
I have no love for anyone who hates me.

He does however claim to be a christian and should therefore hate no one.

I don't think he hates me but for some reason he makes my skin crawl. I also hate crybabies.
They hate anyone that doesn't buy their bull shit, and exposes them for what they truly are.

The truth to a lib is like sunshine to a vampire. They hate it, and want to silence and destroy anyone who dares expose their double standards, hypocrisy, lies and true America hating agenda.

You are the Board's leading crazy person, 007: loser boy and birfer head.
Only a libtard can be the bprds leading crazie person. Or a libtard that claims to not be a libtard..

By far the greatest threat to America constitutional republicanism is the threat to our Rule of Law by the radicals from the far right and libertarians wings. The great relief is to see the shrinking %s of support and respect by the rest of America for their crazy ways.

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