Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled. There are videos to prove it. It's just a thing he does for whatever reason but wasn't done specifically to mock the reporter. Also, the movements he made were nothing like the reporter because the guy can't move his arm. Not that facts will stop liberals.

Meryl Streep bought it up again at the Golden Globes. Of course, they have to take every opportunity to bash Trump and this was no exception.

The reporter deserved criticism. It was that reporter who initially reported that Muslims were celebrating in NYC on 9/11. Of course, the guy backtracked because it was politically incorrect to stick to the true story he reported years ago. That is what the left wanted to deflect attention away from. They were busy calling Trump a liar for citing the guy's report regarding the Muslim's behavior so they accused Trump of mocking the disabled so people could get outraged over that instead of looking at the truth about Muslims being happy about 9/11.

Meryl Streep Praised for Trump ATTACK at Golden Globes... There’s...
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled.

Okay, but that still doesn't mean he was not mocking the reporter.

Trump has never used such exaggerated arm movements mocking other reporters. Perhaps he should stop mocking people? Quit saying things like "Mrs. Housekeeping" and "Miss Piggy". After all, he is the president elect. Does he always have to have so little class?
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled. There are videos to prove it. It's just a thing he does for whatever reason but wasn't done specifically to mock the reporter. Also, the movements he made were nothing like the reporter because the guy can't move his arm. Not that facts will stop liberals.

Meryl Streep bought it up again at the Golden Globes. Of course, they have to take every opportunity to bash Trump and this was no exception.

The reporter deserved criticism. It was that reporter who initially reported that Muslims were celebrating in NYC on 9/11. Of course, the guy backtracked because it was politically incorrect to stick to the true story he reported years ago. That is what the left wanted to deflect attention away from. They were busy calling Trump a liar for citing the guy's report regarding the Muslim's behavior so they accused Trump of mocking the disabled so people could get outraged over that instead of looking at the truth about Muslims being happy about 9/11.

Meryl Streep Praised for Trump ATTACK at Golden Globes... There’s...

Wow- you sure do have your nose buried in Trump's posterior in this post.

I have watched the video- and its very clear that Donald Trump was mocking the reporter's disability. Nor is Trump mocking a person to attack a person out of character- Donald has shown that is what he lies to do- attacking people on their weight, their disability- he just likes to attack those who he feels threatened by.

Now why was Trump mocking the reporter?

Trump had lied and claimed that he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating on 9/11.

At a rally in South Carolina Tuesday, when GOP frontrunner Donald Trump was defending the contention that "thousands and thousands of people" cheered the September 11th terrorist attack in Jersey City, New Jersey, he did an impression of a reporter's physical handicap.

The reporter was Serge Kovaleski, who had, according to Politico, previously covered Trump when he worked for the New York Daily News. He also helped write a September 2001 Washington Post story that Trump has been using to back up his claim about what he saw at the attacks.

"Written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy. You ought to see this guy," Trump said.

When he made fun of Kovaleski verbally, Politico reported, he launched "into an impression which involved gyrating his arms wildly and imitating the unusual angle at which Kovaleski's hand sometimes rests."

Kovaleski suffers from arthrogryposis, which according to the National Institutes of Health, can impact the function and range of motion of joints and can cause muscles to atrophy. Kovaleski was familiar to Trump because he had, according

The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler fact checked Trump's Jersey City account and found it to be false. One person he contacted during his reporting was Kovaleski, who told him, "I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating."

Trump seemed to be aware of this and referred to this quote at the rally, when he said mockingly of Kovaleski's recollection of the story, "'Oh, I don't know what I said, ah, I don't remember!' He's going, 'Oh, I don't remember. Maybe that's what I said

Trump lied- Trump mocked a reporter for his disabilities.

Yet you still elected him. Trump is still President even though he did those things. Do you really want to keep reminding everyone that we elected a president who lied about 9/11 celebrations and mocked a reporter for his disab ility?
Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

Because if they had to limit themselves to telling the truth, they would look very bad. Worse than they do now, if that's possible.
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Trump has used such gestures and hand-waving to mock other people, especially when they get flustered over something. And the others had no disability at all.

Even the reporter at his news conference, that CNN screams he was mocking a disability, had no disability that causes any kind of jerky motion, hand-waving, etc. He's always perfectly calm and controlled, like anyone else is. Groups like CNN never show any video of the man, only still pictures, so people can't see that he never does what Trump depicted. Just as Ted Cruz never does it when Trump mocked Cruz's flustered responses with the same exaggerated gestures.

Trump never mocked the reporter's (or anyone else's) disability. But CNN was happy to lie about him on the air and doctor its own display to pretend he had.

(yawn) The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability
Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

Because if they had to limit themselves to telling the truth, they would look very bad. Worse than they do now, if that's possible.
Lol ok I watched both videos on that link and it's very clear the mocking of the disabled reporter was more animated and more similar to how the the reporter is physically deformed.
Not all Trump supporters are hopelessly brainwashed or liars, but many of the ones here at USMB are. The ones posting in this thread and the OP are an example. The claim that Trump did not mock a disabled reporter or lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating 9/11 on 9/11 on a TV broadcast he was watching is an obvious lie or example of a delusional brainwashed person in denial.
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled.

Okay, but that still doesn't mean he was not mocking the reporter.
Stupid people should be mocked when they say stupid shit in order to dissuade them from spewing further stupid shit.

I'm not sure what to make of your comment. I understand it as an axiom, but that's it. I don't know what contextual sense to apply to it.
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled.

Okay, but that still doesn't mean he was not mocking the reporter.
Stupid people should be mocked when they say stupid shit in order to dissuade them from spewing further stupid shit.

I'm not sure what to make of your comment. I understand it as an axiom, but that's it. I don't know what contextual sense to apply to it.
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled.

Okay, but that still doesn't mean he was not mocking the reporter.
Stupid people should be mocked when they say stupid shit in order to dissuade them from spewing further stupid shit.

I'm not sure what to make of your comment. I understand it as an axiom, but that's it. I don't know what contextual sense to apply to it.

You didn't have to respond to me. Not just a minute ago nor to my earlier comments. You should follow your own advice.
Because he did. The way you know he did was because after the backlash…he stopped making the gesture. It is a classic move that anyone who has spent any time around a bunch of kids would notice. That we elected a President who uses grade school antics is bewildering…
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled. There are videos to prove it. It's just a thing he does for whatever reason but wasn't done specifically to mock the reporter. Also, the movements he made were nothing like the reporter because the guy can't move his arm. Not that facts will stop liberals.

Meryl Streep bought it up again at the Golden Globes. Of course, they have to take every opportunity to bash Trump and this was no exception.

The reporter deserved criticism. It was that reporter who initially reported that Muslims were celebrating in NYC on 9/11. Of course, the guy backtracked because it was politically incorrect to stick to the true story he reported years ago. That is what the left wanted to deflect attention away from. They were busy calling Trump a liar for citing the guy's report regarding the Muslim's behavior so they accused Trump of mocking the disabled so people could get outraged over that instead of looking at the truth about Muslims being happy about 9/11.

Meryl Streep Praised for Trump ATTACK at Golden Globes... There’s...
Because they are lying sacks of shit and they hope to sling it on the wall and make it stick. Too bad they are too stupid to succeed.

Besides, if the reporter's a cripple, he deserves it.
Because he did. The way you know he did was because after the backlash…he stopped making the gesture. It is a classic move that anyone who has spent any time around a bunch of kids would notice. That we elected a President who uses grade school antics is bewildering…
Idiots in the press should be mocked and subjugated until they die.
Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

Because if they had to limit themselves to telling the truth, they would look very bad. Worse than they do now, if that's possible.
That and they would have nothing to say.

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