Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

Exactly, Tramp has a disease that causes spasms and therefore by the same argument the Right used against Clinton, Tramp is medically unfit to be president.

Hey, coward, why did you dodge this?

Mm, by you stating the Kovalesky NOT being "flustered" so it has to be his handicap,

you realize that you are strongly implying that it is impossible for Trump to have unfairly or incorrectly accused Kovalesky of being flustered.

Do you really believe the Trump is totally completely PERFECTLY perceptive and honest?

Because that is what you are implying.
No, I am implying that Tramp, like you, is worthless lying scum, in fact I have stated it outright.

Nope. YOU said that if he was not flustered that meant that the only other choice was he was mocking the reporters handicap.

In doing so, you were stating that the possibility of Trump UNFAIRLY or INCORRECTLY mocking the guy for being flustered was not possible.
How could it be impossible for Trump to be unfair, or incorrect? He must be perfect.
Tramp knew Kovalesky was NOT flustered when he mocked him because Tramp claimed to be quoting Kovalesky's before he mocked him and lied about what Kovalesky said.
I will only give you that Tramp is a perfect LIAR, made in the image of Gawwwwwwd-da.
So, if you believe him to be a liar, why then did you claim that he HAD to be mocking the reporters handicap.
Because Tramp denied it and Tramp is a proven liar.
I remember when I was about 8 or 9, my brother and I would sit in the rear seat of the wagon on long trips and do what Trump did. Our goal was to see who could get a reaction from the driver or passengers in the car behind us.
No he was mocking the disability "Have you seen this guy?"

He attacks people for their "weaknesses" - if they're ugly, fat, or anything really. That's what bullies do and Trump is a classic bully. I guess he has to compensate for his "tiny hands".

"Seeing" is just as easily a reference to the reporter being flustered.

That you pretend otherwise is dishonest of you.

And more likely as established earlier, because the man's handicap is the exact OPPOSITE of being spastic.

Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Aren't you more interested in the soon to be actual job performance that you can slam him on far more effectively and honestly?


Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Most look at it as a major incident. Mocking a handicapped man is not something most decent people are willing to overlook

Equality means being treated equally, not with kid gloves. Why do you keep harping on the fact that man was handicapped? That is not WHY he was mocked, but because he is a reporter.

Just as important, it highlights Trumps serial lying and how he is unwilling to admit fault. Trumps attempted cover-up of his "Dancing Muslims" gaff only got worse the more he tried to lie

Coming form someone who voted for Clintion, your deep concern about serial lying is not credible.

The fact that he would choose poor Serge Kovaleski as the scapegoat for his own blatant lying shows much about Trumps lack of character

"Poor serge kovaleski"? Why is he "poor"?

You don't get to use someone like Kovaleski as an untouchable spokesperson, just because he has a handicap.

What Kovaleski said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,”

What Trump told his minions...Have you seen this guy (cue handicapped impersonation).. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.'

Kovaleski states "as best as I can remember", 16 years after the fact.

That's fine. He's trying to correct Trump while admitting that he doesn't remember. And Trump slams him for it.

A minor incident.

Best as I remember corresponds with what the actual evidence from 16 years ago revealed

There is NO EVIDENCE supporting Trumps claim....no matter how much he mocks a handicapped reporter

And you keep defining the reporter by his handicap.

THe Press has been vicious and biased for a long time.

More and more, republicans have been repaying the vile media in kind, as they so rightfully deserve.

The reporters handicap is not a shield behind which he can hide and ask for special kid gloves treatment.

Fuck the media. Fuck the reporters. Fuck this specific reporter.

Serge Kovaleski is a professional reporter

It is Trump who defined him by his handicap

Have you SEEN this guy?
Kovaleski said he did not remember.
No, Kovalesky said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,” not Tramp's lie that he said didn't remember what he wrote.
Here is worthless lying scum Tramp's "quote" of Kovaleski's above quote:
"written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy — you gotta see this guy. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.' This is 14 years ago, he's still — they didn't do a retraction!"
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about lefties lying about what Trump did, to smear him unfairly.
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about Tramp lying about what Kovalesky said, to smear him unfairly.

The press have completely betrayed their professional responsibilities and ethics.

They deserve to be smeared and vilified. And it is fair to do so.
Professional ethics?

Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing in the street. It was a blatant attempt to generate hatred of Muslims based on a lie
Kovaleski said he did not remember.
No, Kovalesky said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,” not Tramp's lie that he said didn't remember what he wrote.
Here is worthless lying scum Tramp's "quote" of Kovaleski's above quote:
"written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy — you gotta see this guy. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.' This is 14 years ago, he's still — they didn't do a retraction!"
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about lefties lying about what Trump did, to smear him unfairly.
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about Tramp lying about what Kovalesky said, to smear him unfairly.

The press have completely betrayed their professional responsibilities and ethics.

They deserve to be smeared and vilified. And it is fair to do so.
Professional ethics?

Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing in the street. It was a blatant attempt to generate hatred of Muslims based on a lie

Yes, the Press have a role they have been trumpeting for centuries, ie the Fifth Estate, blah, blah.

And they have taken this exalted role and whored themselves out for partisan politics.

They deserve nothing but contempt.

Trump does not need to generate "fear" or "hatred" of Muslims. The regular random murder they commit in the name of their religion generates a very reasonable and rational fear.

Trump merely needs to draw attention to the fact that he alone is prepared to DO something to protect Americans from them.
No, Kovalesky said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,” not Tramp's lie that he said didn't remember what he wrote.
Here is worthless lying scum Tramp's "quote" of Kovaleski's above quote:
"written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy — you gotta see this guy. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.' This is 14 years ago, he's still — they didn't do a retraction!"
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about lefties lying about what Trump did, to smear him unfairly.
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about Tramp lying about what Kovalesky said, to smear him unfairly.

The press have completely betrayed their professional responsibilities and ethics.

They deserve to be smeared and vilified. And it is fair to do so.
Professional ethics?

Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing in the street. It was a blatant attempt to generate hatred of Muslims based on a lie

Yes, the Press have a role they have been trumpeting for centuries, ie the Fifth Estate, blah, blah.

And they have taken this exalted role and whored themselves out for partisan politics.

They deserve nothing but contempt.

Trump does not need to generate "fear" or "hatred" of Muslims. The regular random murder they commit in the name of their religion generates a very reasonable and rational fear.

Trump merely needs to draw attention to the fact that he alone is prepared to DO something to protect Americans from them.
Blame the press?

Can you be any more ridiculous in your blind worship of Trump?

Why was Trump retelling the lie about Muslims celebrating 9-11?
He wants to generate fear and hatred

Ask the Gold Star Parents Khan about his motives
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about lefties lying about what Trump did, to smear him unfairly.
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about Tramp lying about what Kovalesky said, to smear him unfairly.

The press have completely betrayed their professional responsibilities and ethics.

They deserve to be smeared and vilified. And it is fair to do so.
Professional ethics?

Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing in the street. It was a blatant attempt to generate hatred of Muslims based on a lie

Yes, the Press have a role they have been trumpeting for centuries, ie the Fifth Estate, blah, blah.

And they have taken this exalted role and whored themselves out for partisan politics.

They deserve nothing but contempt.

Trump does not need to generate "fear" or "hatred" of Muslims. The regular random murder they commit in the name of their religion generates a very reasonable and rational fear.

Trump merely needs to draw attention to the fact that he alone is prepared to DO something to protect Americans from them.
Blame the press?

Can you be any more ridiculous in your blind worship of Trump?

Why was Trump retelling the lie about Muslims celebrating 9-11?
He wants to generate fear and hatred

Ask the Gold Star Parents Khan about his motives

I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.
No, Kovalesky said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,” not Tramp's lie that he said didn't remember what he wrote.
Here is worthless lying scum Tramp's "quote" of Kovaleski's above quote:
"written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy — you gotta see this guy. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.' This is 14 years ago, he's still — they didn't do a retraction!"
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about lefties lying about what Trump did, to smear him unfairly.
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about Tramp lying about what Kovalesky said, to smear him unfairly.

The press have completely betrayed their professional responsibilities and ethics.

They deserve to be smeared and vilified. And it is fair to do so.
Professional ethics?

Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing in the street. It was a blatant attempt to generate hatred of Muslims based on a lie

Yes, the Press have a role they have been trumpeting for centuries, ie the Fifth Estate, blah, blah.

And they have taken this exalted role and whored themselves out for partisan politics.

They deserve nothing but contempt.

Trump does not need to generate "fear" or "hatred" of Muslims. The regular random murder they commit in the name of their religion generates a very reasonable and rational fear.

Trump merely needs to draw attention to the fact that he alone is prepared to DO something to protect Americans from them.
Fanning fear and hate for an entire religion shows us to be hypocrites.

And, there is NO POSSIBILITY of that being a positive move in any way.
The media linked Trump's movements with a "disabled" reporter.

It is your retarded accusation that is hampered because Trump's movements don't match the disability, moron.

The media did not link Trump's movements with the reporter, TRUMP did that. I realize you think the orange baboon is the second coming and all but the rest of the world thinks he's an ass-clown. He will get no respect from anyone but the fools who voted for him.

The rest of the world is laughing at the stupidity of Americans in electing him.
The media made a baseless accusation and you dumbasses held onto their every word.

The rest of world is moving in a more radical direction than Trump btw. You will have no choice but to love Trump once Le Pen and the European nationalists take over very soon.

That would be fucking sweet.
Europe has no choice but to elect the so called "far right", and all the polls indicate that it will happen.

Hollande actually gave a speech the other day and slammed nationalism. The left is getting crazier by the minute globally. They are actually promoting anti populism and anti national rallies.

Freaking lunatics.
All Le Pen has to do is call the European left anti-French and anti-Western and she will win.
Trump openly mocked a reporter with a disability and no amount of blood coming out your wherever is going to change that fact.

Never pegged you for buying into a flat out lie. *sigh* I guess losing so big in an election will do that even to posters who I have admired.


While the loss of your admiration is regrettable, I am not going to suspend my faculties and pretend this incident didn't occur. Trump has no one to blame for his actions that day, but himself. It's called personal responsibility.

Also, I am used to losing big in elections. I am a libertarian. lol

mdk the only lie here is the one that said Trump mocked a disabled reporter specifically targeting the disability. First off the reporter can't even move like that if his life depended on it, secondly Trump used the same motions to mock Cruz and a General at the same rally. At the very same rally.

It's just not fake news. It's a flat out lie. Look my belief is you can always find enough shit to try to do in a politician. I just detest lying like crazy though.

And the left has gone nutso koo koo bye bye with their lies lately. It's more than a tad disturbing becaue they are so out to lunch and so vile.
Technically he only mocked the general in that same rally, but he did later mock a flustered Senator Cruz and Secretary Clinton in different rallies.
Are you really unable to hear what we are saying? Are you that bat shit crazy partisan that you can't even hear us?

He did not mock the reporters disability. The reporter's disability does not cause spasms, it causes joint immobility.

Trump's mocking of him was the OPPOSITE of what you would do if you were mocking his disability.

It is a lie to say that Trump mocked the disabled, or the reporters disability.

lol, so your retarded defense of Trump is that he could not have been mocking the reporter because his impersonation was not physiologically precise?

Goddam that's funny.
The media linked Trump's movements with a "disabled" reporter.

It is your retarded accusation that is hampered because Trump's movements don't match the disability, moron.

The media did not link Trump's movements with the reporter, TRUMP did that. I realize you think the orange baboon is the second coming and all but the rest of the world thinks he's an ass-clown. He will get no respect from anyone but the fools who voted for him.

The rest of the world is laughing at the stupidity of Americans in electing him.
The media made a baseless accusation and you dumbasses held onto their every word.

The rest of the world is moving in a more radical direction than Trump btw. You will have no choice but to love Trump once Le Pen and the European nationalists take over very soon.

Like Germany in the 1930's...
Hitler is to nationalism in the west what Dylann Roof is to pro-white activists.

Germany was in terrible shape when Hitler became Chancellor and his nationalistic policies greatly helped on the economic front because nationalism ALWAYS does that, not because Hitler was a great leader. You think nationalism and Nazism are the same thing because you are not a thinking person and you have been duped by your party into staying ignorant.
lol, so your retarded defense of Trump is that he could not have been mocking the reporter because his impersonation was not physiologically precise?

Goddam that's funny.
The media linked Trump's movements with a "disabled" reporter.

It is your retarded accusation that is hampered because Trump's movements don't match the disability, moron.

The media did not link Trump's movements with the reporter, TRUMP did that. I realize you think the orange baboon is the second coming and all but the rest of the world thinks he's an ass-clown. He will get no respect from anyone but the fools who voted for him.

The rest of the world is laughing at the stupidity of Americans in electing him.
The media made a baseless accusation and you dumbasses held onto their every word.

The rest of the world is moving in a more radical direction than Trump btw. You will have no choice but to love Trump once Le Pen and the European nationalists take over very soon.

Like Germany in the 1930's...
Hitler is to nationalism in the west what Dylann Roof is to pro-white activists.

Germany was in terrible shape when Hitler became Chancellor and his nationalistic policies greatly helped on the economic front because nationalism ALWAYS does that, not because Hitler was a great leader. You think nationalism and Nazism are the same thing because you are not a thinking person and you have been duped by your party into staying ignorant.

Interesting statement, but wrong.

Nationalism was a component of Hitler's ideology - the Nazi's were nationalists. But not all nationalists are Nazi's. I'm going to make the assumption that you are a thinking person and can understand this.

Nationalism does not always help the economy - it's not an economic policy.
The media linked Trump's movements with a "disabled" reporter.

It is your retarded accusation that is hampered because Trump's movements don't match the disability, moron.

The media did not link Trump's movements with the reporter, TRUMP did that. I realize you think the orange baboon is the second coming and all but the rest of the world thinks he's an ass-clown. He will get no respect from anyone but the fools who voted for him.

The rest of the world is laughing at the stupidity of Americans in electing him.
The media made a baseless accusation and you dumbasses held onto their every word.

The rest of the world is moving in a more radical direction than Trump btw. You will have no choice but to love Trump once Le Pen and the European nationalists take over very soon.

Like Germany in the 1930's...
Hitler is to nationalism in the west what Dylann Roof is to pro-white activists.

Germany was in terrible shape when Hitler became Chancellor and his nationalistic policies greatly helped on the economic front because nationalism ALWAYS does that, not because Hitler was a great leader. You think nationalism and Nazism are the same thing because you are not a thinking person and you have been duped by your party into staying ignorant.

Interesting statement, but wrong.

Nationalism was a component of Hitler's ideology - the Nazi's were nationalists. But not all nationalists are Nazi's. I'm going to make the assumption that you are a thinking person and can understand this.

Nationalism does not always help the economy - it's not an economic policy.
Nationalism instills a sense of pride in a nation and pushes them to do better, that ALWAYS helps the economy.
The media did not link Trump's movements with the reporter, TRUMP did that. I realize you think the orange baboon is the second coming and all but the rest of the world thinks he's an ass-clown. He will get no respect from anyone but the fools who voted for him.

The rest of the world is laughing at the stupidity of Americans in electing him.
The media made a baseless accusation and you dumbasses held onto their every word.

The rest of the world is moving in a more radical direction than Trump btw. You will have no choice but to love Trump once Le Pen and the European nationalists take over very soon.

Like Germany in the 1930's...
Hitler is to nationalism in the west what Dylann Roof is to pro-white activists.

Germany was in terrible shape when Hitler became Chancellor and his nationalistic policies greatly helped on the economic front because nationalism ALWAYS does that, not because Hitler was a great leader. You think nationalism and Nazism are the same thing because you are not a thinking person and you have been duped by your party into staying ignorant.

Interesting statement, but wrong.

Nationalism was a component of Hitler's ideology - the Nazi's were nationalists. But not all nationalists are Nazi's. I'm going to make the assumption that you are a thinking person and can understand this.

Nationalism does not always help the economy - it's not an economic policy.
Nationalism instills a sense of pride in a nation and pushes them to do better, that ALWAYS helps the economy.

Yes...the Soviets were very proud weren't they? Their economy sucked rocks though.
The media made a baseless accusation and you dumbasses held onto their every word.

The rest of the world is moving in a more radical direction than Trump btw. You will have no choice but to love Trump once Le Pen and the European nationalists take over very soon.

Like Germany in the 1930's...
Hitler is to nationalism in the west what Dylann Roof is to pro-white activists.

Germany was in terrible shape when Hitler became Chancellor and his nationalistic policies greatly helped on the economic front because nationalism ALWAYS does that, not because Hitler was a great leader. You think nationalism and Nazism are the same thing because you are not a thinking person and you have been duped by your party into staying ignorant.

Interesting statement, but wrong.

Nationalism was a component of Hitler's ideology - the Nazi's were nationalists. But not all nationalists are Nazi's. I'm going to make the assumption that you are a thinking person and can understand this.

Nationalism does not always help the economy - it's not an economic policy.
Nationalism instills a sense of pride in a nation and pushes them to do better, that ALWAYS helps the economy.

Yes...the Soviets were very proud weren't they? Their economy sucked rocks though.
The Soviets cannibalized their own people.

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