Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

Liberals rerun lies becauseThey are empty shells that are only filled with hate, ego, and lies. There is no substance in anything they say or do, SO they must find a way to become relevant even if it is by proving themselves to be the worthless scum they are..
lol, so your retarded defense of Trump is that he could not have been mocking the reporter because his impersonation was not physiologically precise?

Goddam that's funny.
The media linked Trump's movements with a "disabled" reporter.

It is your retarded accusation that is hampered because Trump's movements don't match the disability, moron.

The media did not link Trump's movements with the reporter, TRUMP did that. I realize you think the orange baboon is the second coming and all but the rest of the world thinks he's an ass-clown. He will get no respect from anyone but the fools who voted for him.

The rest of the world is laughing at the stupidity of Americans in electing him.
The media made a baseless accusation and you dumbasses held onto their every word.

The rest of the world is moving in a more radical direction than Trump btw. You will have no choice but to love Trump once Le Pen and the European nationalists take over very soon.

Like Germany in the 1930's...
Hitler is to nationalism in the west what Dylann Roof is to pro-white activists.

Germany was in terrible shape when Hitler became Chancellor and his nationalistic policies greatly helped on the economic front because nationalism ALWAYS does that, not because Hitler was a great leader. You think nationalism and Nazism are the same thing because you are not a thinking person and you have been duped by your party into staying ignorant.
I'm not so sure that's going to work this time.

What is changed is that our wealth and lifestyle are dependent on trade and globalism.

Cutting out that source is really not likely to give us a better standard of living.
Trump openly mocked a reporter with a disability and no amount of blood coming out your wherever is going to change that fact.

Never pegged you for buying into a flat out lie. *sigh* I guess losing so big in an election will do that even to posters who I have admired.


While the loss of your admiration is regrettable, I am not going to suspend my faculties and pretend this incident didn't occur. Trump has no one to blame for his actions that day, but himself. It's called personal responsibility.

Also, I am used to losing big in elections. I am a libertarian. lol

mdk the only lie here is the one that said Trump mocked a disabled reporter specifically targeting the disability. First off the reporter can't even move like that if his life depended on it, secondly Trump used the same motions to mock Cruz and a General at the same rally. At the very same rally.

It's just not fake news. It's a flat out lie. Look my belief is you can always find enough shit to try to do in a politician. I just detest lying like crazy though.

And the left has gone nutso koo koo bye bye with their lies lately. It's more than a tad disturbing becaue they are so out to lunch and so vile.

Trump lied when he said he saw thousands of Muslims dancing in NJ
He lied when he said Serge Kovaleskis article confirmed it
He smeared and mocked a handicapped man who would not cover for his lies
Then he lied to say Kovaleski had changed his story
We haven't seen anything yet; the Oval Office will become a chaotic mixture of incompetence and perfidy.
A minor distinction to be upset about. That is not what this is about.
This is about Tramp lying about what Kovalesky said, to smear him unfairly.

The press have completely betrayed their professional responsibilities and ethics.

They deserve to be smeared and vilified. And it is fair to do so.
Professional ethics?

Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing in the street. It was a blatant attempt to generate hatred of Muslims based on a lie

Yes, the Press have a role they have been trumpeting for centuries, ie the Fifth Estate, blah, blah.

And they have taken this exalted role and whored themselves out for partisan politics.

They deserve nothing but contempt.

Trump does not need to generate "fear" or "hatred" of Muslims. The regular random murder they commit in the name of their religion generates a very reasonable and rational fear.

Trump merely needs to draw attention to the fact that he alone is prepared to DO something to protect Americans from them.
Blame the press?

Can you be any more ridiculous in your blind worship of Trump?

Why was Trump retelling the lie about Muslims celebrating 9-11?
He wants to generate fear and hatred

Ask the Gold Star Parents Khan about his motives

I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.

Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie
The press have completely betrayed their professional responsibilities and ethics.

They deserve to be smeared and vilified. And it is fair to do so.
Professional ethics?

Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing in the street. It was a blatant attempt to generate hatred of Muslims based on a lie

Yes, the Press have a role they have been trumpeting for centuries, ie the Fifth Estate, blah, blah.

And they have taken this exalted role and whored themselves out for partisan politics.

They deserve nothing but contempt.

Trump does not need to generate "fear" or "hatred" of Muslims. The regular random murder they commit in the name of their religion generates a very reasonable and rational fear.

Trump merely needs to draw attention to the fact that he alone is prepared to DO something to protect Americans from them.
Blame the press?

Can you be any more ridiculous in your blind worship of Trump?

Why was Trump retelling the lie about Muslims celebrating 9-11?
He wants to generate fear and hatred

Ask the Gold Star Parents Khan about his motives

I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.

Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie

The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?
Professional ethics?

Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing in the street. It was a blatant attempt to generate hatred of Muslims based on a lie

Yes, the Press have a role they have been trumpeting for centuries, ie the Fifth Estate, blah, blah.

And they have taken this exalted role and whored themselves out for partisan politics.

They deserve nothing but contempt.

Trump does not need to generate "fear" or "hatred" of Muslims. The regular random murder they commit in the name of their religion generates a very reasonable and rational fear.

Trump merely needs to draw attention to the fact that he alone is prepared to DO something to protect Americans from them.
Blame the press?

Can you be any more ridiculous in your blind worship of Trump?

Why was Trump retelling the lie about Muslims celebrating 9-11?
He wants to generate fear and hatred

Ask the Gold Star Parents Khan about his motives

I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.

Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie

The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?

There are over two million Muslims in the U.S. The overwhelming majority are peaceful and loyal to the U.S.

For Trump to repeat known lies about thousand of these citizens celebrating the death of 3000 Americans is inflammatory hate speech meant to inflate fear of otherwise loyal citizens
Professional ethics?

Trump lied about seeing Muslims dancing in the street. It was a blatant attempt to generate hatred of Muslims based on a lie

Yes, the Press have a role they have been trumpeting for centuries, ie the Fifth Estate, blah, blah.

And they have taken this exalted role and whored themselves out for partisan politics.

They deserve nothing but contempt.

Trump does not need to generate "fear" or "hatred" of Muslims. The regular random murder they commit in the name of their religion generates a very reasonable and rational fear.

Trump merely needs to draw attention to the fact that he alone is prepared to DO something to protect Americans from them.
Blame the press?

Can you be any more ridiculous in your blind worship of Trump?

Why was Trump retelling the lie about Muslims celebrating 9-11?
He wants to generate fear and hatred

Ask the Gold Star Parents Khan about his motives

I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.

Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie

The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?
That's just ignorance on your part.

And, having you and other Americans be that wrong is a serious national security concern.
Yes, the Press have a role they have been trumpeting for centuries, ie the Fifth Estate, blah, blah.

And they have taken this exalted role and whored themselves out for partisan politics.

They deserve nothing but contempt.

Trump does not need to generate "fear" or "hatred" of Muslims. The regular random murder they commit in the name of their religion generates a very reasonable and rational fear.

Trump merely needs to draw attention to the fact that he alone is prepared to DO something to protect Americans from them.
Blame the press?

Can you be any more ridiculous in your blind worship of Trump?

Why was Trump retelling the lie about Muslims celebrating 9-11?
He wants to generate fear and hatred

Ask the Gold Star Parents Khan about his motives

I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.

Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie

The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?

There are over two million Muslims in the U.S. The overwhelming majority are peaceful and loyal to the U.S.

For Trump to repeat known lies about thousand of these citizens celebrating the death of 3000 Americans is inflammatory hate speech meant to inflate fear of otherwise loyal citizens

All you did there was repeat your claim that I already debunked.

Nothing Trump says holds a candle to the regular random murders.

Fear of random murder is the rational response. Rational people want protected.

Here, this is for you. The overwhelming majority of these m&ms are NOT deadly poison.

So, how many are you going not eat?


Hint: it's a trick question. America eats the whole bowl. Some Americans will get the bad m&m.
Yes, the Press have a role they have been trumpeting for centuries, ie the Fifth Estate, blah, blah.

And they have taken this exalted role and whored themselves out for partisan politics.

They deserve nothing but contempt.

Trump does not need to generate "fear" or "hatred" of Muslims. The regular random murder they commit in the name of their religion generates a very reasonable and rational fear.

Trump merely needs to draw attention to the fact that he alone is prepared to DO something to protect Americans from them.
Blame the press?

Can you be any more ridiculous in your blind worship of Trump?

Why was Trump retelling the lie about Muslims celebrating 9-11?
He wants to generate fear and hatred

Ask the Gold Star Parents Khan about his motives

I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.

Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie

The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?
That's just ignorance on your part.

And, having you and other Americans be that wrong is a serious national security concern.

Nothing you said there addressed my point.

You being an ass, is not a logical argument.
Blame the press?

Can you be any more ridiculous in your blind worship of Trump?

Why was Trump retelling the lie about Muslims celebrating 9-11?
He wants to generate fear and hatred

Ask the Gold Star Parents Khan about his motives

I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.

Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie

The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?
That's just ignorance on your part.

And, having you and other Americans be that wrong is a serious national security concern.

Nothing you said there addressed my point.

You being an ass, is not a logical argument.
The problem here is that there are a number of totally valid answers to this, and they are made over and over again.

Your idea of picking one attribute and then hammering all Americans who happen to share that attribute is just plain stupid.

We're a free country. We have religious freedom. We have a constitution that demands equal treatment. We KNOW that the one attribute you chose is NOT definitive.

Asking someone what their religion is and then hammering them for the wrong answer is not just UnAmerican - it is profoundly STUPID.

Turning any problem into a religious war with 1.8 billion people is profoundly STUPID.

Denying who we are and what we stand for means we don't stand for anything at all. And, that is totally unacceptable surrender.

Today, ISIL and other terrorist groups are a minute percent of the ME population. And, the ENTIRE ME only represents about 17% of Islam.

EVERY predominantly Muslim nation OPPOSES ISIL. And, THESE are the people who can actually eradicate ISIL - NOT us.

What the HELL makes you think numbers like that suggest we treat this as a religious war?

There really isn't anything more profoundly self defeating than making this a religious war, making our friends our enemies and dumping what we stand for as if it were so much garbage.
The media linked Trump's movements with a "disabled" reporter.

It is your retarded accusation that is hampered because Trump's movements don't match the disability, moron.

The media did not link Trump's movements with the reporter, TRUMP did that. I realize you think the orange baboon is the second coming and all but the rest of the world thinks he's an ass-clown. He will get no respect from anyone but the fools who voted for him.

The rest of the world is laughing at the stupidity of Americans in electing him.
The media made a baseless accusation and you dumbasses held onto their every word.

The rest of world is moving in a more radical direction than Trump btw. You will have no choice but to love Trump once Le Pen and the European nationalists take over very soon.

That would be fucking sweet.
Europe has no choice but to elect the so called "far right", and all the polls indicate that it will happen.

Hollande actually gave a speech the other day and slammed nationalism. The left is getting crazier by the minute globally. They are actually promoting anti populism and anti national rallies.

Freaking lunatics.
The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?

Are you making this shit up to deflect from your Russian masters having elected the President of their choice?

Deflection from the real issues is SOP for Putin and his minions.
Blame the press?

Can you be any more ridiculous in your blind worship of Trump?

Why was Trump retelling the lie about Muslims celebrating 9-11?
He wants to generate fear and hatred

Ask the Gold Star Parents Khan about his motives

I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.

Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie

The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?

There are over two million Muslims in the U.S. The overwhelming majority are peaceful and loyal to the U.S.

For Trump to repeat known lies about thousand of these citizens celebrating the death of 3000 Americans is inflammatory hate speech meant to inflate fear of otherwise loyal citizens

All you did there was repeat your claim that I already debunked.

Nothing Trump says holds a candle to the regular random murders.

Fear of random murder is the rational response. Rational people want protected.

Here, this is for you. The overwhelming majority of these m&ms are NOT deadly poison.

So, how many are you going not eat?


Hint: it's a trick question. America eats the whole bowl. Some Americans will get the bad m&m.

Debunked what?
That 2 million American Muslims aren't killing people?

Your m&m analogy is offensive to all Americans. It is not how we operate

Your same analogy could be used against Italians because of the mafia
It could be used against gays because of AIDS
It could be used against blacks because of high incarceration rates
I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.

Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie

The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?
That's just ignorance on your part.

And, having you and other Americans be that wrong is a serious national security concern.

Nothing you said there addressed my point.

You being an ass, is not a logical argument.

The problem here is that there are a number of totally valid answers to this, and they are made over and over again.

Your idea of picking one attribute and then hammering all Americans who happen to share that attribute is just plain stupid.

I doubt that the Muslims celebrating 9-11 in NYC were Americans. IF they had citizensship they were obviously LYING when they swore alliance to this nation.

If they had citizenship, revoke it do to lying, and then deport their asses.

If they did not have citizenship, then deport their asses.

We're a free country. We have religious freedom. We have a constitution that demands equal treatment. We KNOW that the one attribute you chose is NOT definitive.

"Not definitive"?

Asking someone what their religion is and then hammering them for the wrong answer is not just UnAmerican - it is profoundly STUPID.

What have I proposed doing to Americans?

Turning any problem into a religious war with 1.8 billion people is profoundly STUPID.

Ignoring the fact that we are being killed in the name of a religion is suicidal.

Denying who we are and what we stand for means we don't stand for anything at all. And, that is totally unacceptable surrender.

Nothing about how we are, requires that we import hostile aliens, OR that we ignore deadly dangers.

Today, ISIL and other terrorist groups are a minute percent of the ME population. And, the ENTIRE ME only represents about 17% of Islam.

EVERY predominantly Muslim nation OPPOSES ISIL. And, THESE are the people who can actually eradicate ISIL - NOT us.

Sure. They oppose ISIS. How many of them have that religious freedom you hold so dear? How many of them are trending liberal and secular, as opposed to drifting further fundie?

What the HELL makes you think numbers like that suggest we treat this as a religious war?

How do you suggest we treat this?

There really isn't anything more profoundly self defeating than making this a religious war, making our friends our enemies and dumping what we stand for as if it were so much garbage.

What steps ARE you prepared to take to protect American lives?
The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?

Are you making this shit up to deflect from your Russian masters having elected the President of their choice?

Deflection from the real issues is SOP for Putin and his minions.

As nothing in your post addressed anything in my post, there is nothing of substance for me to respond to.

Piss off.
I addressed those points you raised, and nothing in your response challenged my points.

Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie

The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?

There are over two million Muslims in the U.S. The overwhelming majority are peaceful and loyal to the U.S.

For Trump to repeat known lies about thousand of these citizens celebrating the death of 3000 Americans is inflammatory hate speech meant to inflate fear of otherwise loyal citizens

All you did there was repeat your claim that I already debunked.

Nothing Trump says holds a candle to the regular random murders.

Fear of random murder is the rational response. Rational people want protected.

Here, this is for you. The overwhelming majority of these m&ms are NOT deadly poison.

So, how many are you going not eat?


Hint: it's a trick question. America eats the whole bowl. Some Americans will get the bad m&m.

Debunked what?
That 2 million American Muslims aren't killing people?

Your m&m analogy is offensive to all Americans. It is not how we operate

Your same analogy could be used against Italians because of the mafia
It could be used against gays because of AIDS
It could be used against blacks because of high incarceration rates

I bet my m&m analogy isn't that offensive to the people who have been killed by the bad m&ms. I bet they wish, or at least wished in their horribly final moments, that America had left that bowl of candy alone.

Last time I checked gay men were banned from blood donation.

Do you understand WHY?

Do you want to reverse that?
Trump was caught spreading lies to hate monger against Muslims

When caught lying he tried to blame Kovaleski for refusing to confirm the lie

The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?

There are over two million Muslims in the U.S. The overwhelming majority are peaceful and loyal to the U.S.

For Trump to repeat known lies about thousand of these citizens celebrating the death of 3000 Americans is inflammatory hate speech meant to inflate fear of otherwise loyal citizens

All you did there was repeat your claim that I already debunked.

Nothing Trump says holds a candle to the regular random murders.

Fear of random murder is the rational response. Rational people want protected.

Here, this is for you. The overwhelming majority of these m&ms are NOT deadly poison.

So, how many are you going not eat?


Hint: it's a trick question. America eats the whole bowl. Some Americans will get the bad m&m.

Debunked what?
That 2 million American Muslims aren't killing people?

Your m&m analogy is offensive to all Americans. It is not how we operate

Your same analogy could be used against Italians because of the mafia
It could be used against gays because of AIDS
It could be used against blacks because of high incarceration rates

I bet my m&m analogy isn't that offensive to the people who have been killed by the bad m&ms. I bet they wish, or at least wished in their horribly final moments, that America had left that bowl of candy alone.

Last time I checked gay men were banned from blood donation.

Do you understand WHY?

Do you want to reverse that?

Actually you should be ashamed to post something like that

That 2 million people should be punished because of the actions of a few dozen

I don't know if it is because you are a bigot or a coward
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled.

Okay, but that still doesn't mean he was not mocking the reporter.
whats wrong with mocking a reporter?...I know the ones protecting their party are held in the same esteem as a pope or the Dali Lama but expecting them to be regarded that way by those of other faiths is dogmatic blindness...if nothing else this exposes the bias in the media
The fairly regular random murders committed by muslims is generating all the quite reasonable concern about muslims that there needs to be.

Trump doesn't have to gin up anything, and he hasn't. What he was doing was simply presenting himself as the ONE candidate prepared to DO something about it.

You are the one lying, in part to prevent any serious addressing of the problem.

Because Third World immigration is a big part of the One Party Dystopia that you are so looking forward to.

Query: Did you like this election?

There are over two million Muslims in the U.S. The overwhelming majority are peaceful and loyal to the U.S.

For Trump to repeat known lies about thousand of these citizens celebrating the death of 3000 Americans is inflammatory hate speech meant to inflate fear of otherwise loyal citizens

All you did there was repeat your claim that I already debunked.

Nothing Trump says holds a candle to the regular random murders.

Fear of random murder is the rational response. Rational people want protected.

Here, this is for you. The overwhelming majority of these m&ms are NOT deadly poison.

So, how many are you going not eat?


Hint: it's a trick question. America eats the whole bowl. Some Americans will get the bad m&m.

Debunked what?
That 2 million American Muslims aren't killing people?

Your m&m analogy is offensive to all Americans. It is not how we operate

Your same analogy could be used against Italians because of the mafia
It could be used against gays because of AIDS
It could be used against blacks because of high incarceration rates

I bet my m&m analogy isn't that offensive to the people who have been killed by the bad m&ms. I bet they wish, or at least wished in their horribly final moments, that America had left that bowl of candy alone.

Last time I checked gay men were banned from blood donation.

Do you understand WHY?

Do you want to reverse that?

Actually you should be ashamed to post something like that

That 2 million people should be punished because of the actions of a few dozen

I don't know if it is because you are a bigot or a coward

And yet, the medical industry refuses to accept blood donations from gay men. Even if they claim to have been celibate since the 70s.


Because the risk off giving AID infected blood is not worth the "benefit" of being fair to gay would be donors.

Saving the lives of blood recipients is more important than being fair.

Have you every received blood? If so are you glad or angry that the first priority of the medical establishment is your safety, even if that means hurting the feelings of many gay men?

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