Why does the left demonize affordable energy?

Thanks you just admited that theres Human caused global warming.

now discussing the consequences becomes practical.

Evidences are : its getting warmer globaly. measured with thermometers world wide scince 1880.

Man is the cause of higher CO2 levels : burning of fossile fuels + deforestation. measured co2 levels have been rising , measured scince about 1900.

Consequences : not possible to predict accurately as CO2 levels rise beyond anything in fossile records. possibility that earth turns into a Venus style greenhouse planet ? unknown. not possible to calculate.

hey lets just wait and see if the earth turns in another Venus killing everything on earth ! thats a great idea.

should it acctually happen you will concede i was right !.

uh your not you will be dead.

and if not who cares we all just move to the canadian rockys as the midwest turns into a shallow inland sea and the canadian tundra into a shallow sea. and that bangladesh and New York and all those other costal plaines sink underwater .. who cares.

the point is that if theres a risk of this kind, you should be able to prove it cannot happen, not that i have to prove it will happen.

can you prove that there is no climate catastrophe ?
can you prove what its limits will be ?

prove that theres no risk no danger to your behavior or stop it.

We should immediately start building 100 new nuke plants in the US.

Thanks you just admited that theres Human caused global warming.

now discussing the consequences becomes practical.

Evidences are : its getting warmer globaly. measured with thermometers world wide scince 1880.

Man is the cause of higher CO2 levels : burning of fossile fuels + deforestation. measured co2 levels have been rising , measured scince about 1900.

Consequences : not possible to predict accurately as CO2 levels rise beyond anything in fossile records. possibility that earth turns into a Venus style greenhouse planet ? unknown. not possible to calculate.

hey lets just wait and see if the earth turns in another Venus killing everything on earth ! thats a great idea.

should it acctually happen you will concede i was right !.

uh your not you will be dead.

and if not who cares we all just move to the canadian rockys as the midwest turns into a shallow inland sea and the canadian tundra into a shallow sea. and that bangladesh and New York and all those other costal plaines sink underwater .. who cares.

the point is that if theres a risk of this kind, you should be able to prove it cannot happen, not that i have to prove it will happen.

can you prove that there is no climate catastrophe ?
can you prove what its limits will be ?

prove that theres no risk no danger to your behavior or stop it.

Consequences : not possible to predict accurately as CO2 levels rise beyond anything in fossile records. possibility that earth turns into a Venus style greenhouse planet ? unknown. not possible to calculate.

Lmao where were you when they were talking about the dinosaurs?

The earth had 5 times as much C02 in the atmosphere then today and only a few degrees warmer.
Thanks you just admited that theres Human caused global warming.

now discussing the consequences becomes practical.

Evidences are : its getting warmer globaly. measured with thermometers world wide scince 1880.

Man is the cause of higher CO2 levels : burning of fossile fuels + deforestation. measured co2 levels have been rising , measured scince about 1900.

Consequences : not possible to predict accurately as CO2 levels rise beyond anything in fossile records. possibility that earth turns into a Venus style greenhouse planet ? unknown. not possible to calculate.

hey lets just wait and see if the earth turns in another Venus killing everything on earth ! thats a great idea.

should it acctually happen you will concede i was right !.

uh your not you will be dead.

and if not who cares we all just move to the canadian rockys as the midwest turns into a shallow inland sea and the canadian tundra into a shallow sea. and that bangladesh and New York and all those other costal plaines sink underwater .. who cares.

the point is that if theres a risk of this kind, you should be able to prove it cannot happen, not that i have to prove it will happen.

can you prove that there is no climate catastrophe ?
can you prove what its limits will be ?

prove that theres no risk no danger to your behavior or stop it.

Evidences are : its getting warmer globaly. measured with thermometers world wide scince 1880.

Can You read a thermometer to a degree and be accurate 1 out of 50 Times? What about the next person will he read it the same way as you?

What about the record keeping say in Alaska it didn't start till the 1950s,

In Africa around the 1970s...most all those early records came from the northern hemisphere , today we have computer digital readings world wide
We should immediately start building 100 new nuke plants in the US.


if you have a place to put the ensuring nuclear waste away safely for the next 10 million years, and if those nuclear plants are 200% safe, so nothing like tchernobyl or fukushima can happen :


otherwise :

i got the perfect place for nuclear powerplants of fission design.

you put them in a subduction zone, 6km under the ocean surface you dig 2km into the ocean bottom.

there you build the nuclear powerplant, you don t need to move the radioactive waste, it will get subducted into the mantel, and it takes 10 million years before it surfaces in a vulcano, massivly diluted + after 10 million years the real dangerouse radioactive isotopes are all gone

thats a safe fission powerplant

it would allso cost so much per KW/h that its not cost efficent.

any nuclear fission powerplant is not cost efficent even in relation to people on bycicles
for the money that it takes to build 100 Fission nuclear powerplants you could cover every house int he USA with enough solarcells to produce all the power neccesary + have batterys in every house for 1 week of electricity + build offshore wind farms for another complete energy supply

so fission power is just useless

considering the last 10 nuclear fission powerplants build and their price, 100 nuclear powerplants of 1000 Megawatt capacity would cost about 1500 billion dollars, just to build, not to fuel, the fuel in a lifetime would cost another 1 trillion dollars, the removal another 2 trillion dollars ... and then you have to find a place to put the radioactive waste for the next 1 million years.

sollar and wind is just so much cheaper

and thats not even considering the risk that some crazy muslims fly a plane into a nuclear reactor
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Evidences are : its getting warmer globaly. measured with thermometers world wide scince 1880.

Can You read a thermometer to a degree and be accurate 1 out of 50 Times? What about the next person will he read it the same way as you?

What about the record keeping say in Alaska it didn't start till the 1950s,

In Africa around the 1970s...most all those early records came from the northern hemisphere , today we have computer digital readings world wide[/QUOTE]
you can t read a thermometer ??????????????

i can, most people can, its not difficult

if your such a moron you can t read a thermometer... don t talk about science.
We should immediately start building 100 new nuke plants in the US.


if you have a place to put the ensuring nuclear waste away safely for the next 10 million years, and if those nuclear plants are 200% safe, so nothing like tchernobyl or fukushima can happen :


otherwise :


if you have a place to put the ensuring nuclear waste away safely for the next 10 million years

The really radioactive stuff goes away in a couple of hundred years.

and if those nuclear plants are 200% safe

We need to save the planet from evil CO2.
We need nukes.

so nothing like tchernobyl or fukushima can happen

I agree, let's not use a really crappy Soviet design and lets avoid tidal waves.
for the money that it takes to build 100 Fission nuclear powerplants you could cover every house int he USA with enough solarcells to produce all the power neccesary + have batterys in every house for 1 week of electricity + build offshore wind farms for another complete energy supply

so fission power is just useless

considering the last 10 nuclear fission powerplants build and their price, 100 nuclear powerplants of 1000 Megawatt capacity would cost about 1500 billion dollars, just to build, not to fuel, the fuel in a lifetime would cost another 1 trillion dollars, the removal another 2 trillion dollars ... and then you have to find a place to put the radioactive waste for the next 1 million years.

sollar and wind is just so much cheaper

and thats not even considering the risk that some crazy muslims fly a plane into a nuclear reactor

for the money that it takes to build 100 Fission nuclear powerplants you could cover every house int he USA with enough solarcells to produce all the power necessary

That'd be awesome! And imagine the savings when people in Chicago (and colder regions) freeze to death during winter due to lack of USEFUL energy.

so fission power is just useless

If that's the case, solar and wind should be flushed as well.
We should immediately start building 100 new nuke plants in the US.


if you have a place to put the ensuring nuclear waste away safely for the next 10 million years, and if those nuclear plants are 200% safe, so nothing like tchernobyl or fukushima can happen :


otherwise :


if you have a place to put the ensuring nuclear waste away safely for the next 10 million years

The really radioactive stuff goes away in a couple of hundred years.

and if those nuclear plants are 200% safe

We need to save the planet from evil CO2.
We need nukes.

so nothing like tchernobyl or fukushima can happen

I agree, let's not use a really crappy Soviet design and lets avoid tidal waves.
fukushia was a USA nuclear reactor design... maybe do a little research before answering
for the money that it takes to build 100 Fission nuclear powerplants you could cover every house int he USA with enough solarcells to produce all the power neccesary + have batterys in every house for 1 week of electricity + build offshore wind farms for another complete energy supply

so fission power is just useless

considering the last 10 nuclear fission powerplants build and their price, 100 nuclear powerplants of 1000 Megawatt capacity would cost about 1500 billion dollars, just to build, not to fuel, the fuel in a lifetime would cost another 1 trillion dollars, the removal another 2 trillion dollars ... and then you have to find a place to put the radioactive waste for the next 1 million years.

sollar and wind is just so much cheaper

and thats not even considering the risk that some crazy muslims fly a plane into a nuclear reactor

for the money that it takes to build 100 Fission nuclear powerplants you could cover every house int he USA with enough solarcells to produce all the power necessary

That'd be awesome! And imagine the savings when people in Chicago (and colder regions) freeze to death during winter due to lack of USEFUL energy.

so fission power is just useless

If that's the case, solar and wind should be flushed as well.
you might want to use the solar power from florida and texas in the winter + the offshore windpower all allong the east coast, and if you keep the snow off your roof, you can even get solar power in winter.

but if you earn money from doing something else like poisoning the air you will use every stupid argument you can think of.

i understand you won t be earning money from the usual shit you get rich off oil , so fuck you why should you be making money of killing the planet ? when people could make money themselfs by supplying themselfs with energy.

you don t like it because you don t earn money anymore
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We should immediately start building 100 new nuke plants in the US.


if you have a place to put the ensuring nuclear waste away safely for the next 10 million years, and if those nuclear plants are 200% safe, so nothing like tchernobyl or fukushima can happen :


otherwise :


if you have a place to put the ensuring nuclear waste away safely for the next 10 million years

The really radioactive stuff goes away in a couple of hundred years.

and if those nuclear plants are 200% safe

We need to save the planet from evil CO2.
We need nukes.

so nothing like tchernobyl or fukushima can happen

I agree, let's not use a really crappy Soviet design and lets avoid tidal waves.
fukushia was a USA nuclear reactor design... maybe do a little research before answering

Do a little reading before making another stupid comment.

and lets avoid tidal waves.
for the money that it takes to build 100 Fission nuclear powerplants you could cover every house int he USA with enough solarcells to produce all the power neccesary + have batterys in every house for 1 week of electricity + build offshore wind farms for another complete energy supply

so fission power is just useless

considering the last 10 nuclear fission powerplants build and their price, 100 nuclear powerplants of 1000 Megawatt capacity would cost about 1500 billion dollars, just to build, not to fuel, the fuel in a lifetime would cost another 1 trillion dollars, the removal another 2 trillion dollars ... and then you have to find a place to put the radioactive waste for the next 1 million years.

sollar and wind is just so much cheaper

and thats not even considering the risk that some crazy muslims fly a plane into a nuclear reactor

for the money that it takes to build 100 Fission nuclear powerplants you could cover every house int he USA with enough solarcells to produce all the power necessary

That'd be awesome! And imagine the savings when people in Chicago (and colder regions) freeze to death during winter due to lack of USEFUL energy.

so fission power is just useless

If that's the case, solar and wind should be flushed as well.
you might want to use the solar power from florid and texas in the winter + the offshore windpower all allong the east coast, and if you keep the snow off your roof, you can even get solar power in winter.

but if you earn money from doing something else you will use every stupid argument you can think of.

i understand you won t be earning money from the usual shit

and if you keep the snow off your roof, you can even get solar power in winter.

Not enough to keep you from freezing, but thanks anyway.

but if you earn money from doing something else you will use every stupid argument you can think of.

Yeah, those green energy morons do that a lot. If we stop the government subsidies, they'd be out of business.
BTW i love fission powerplants.i just can t see them on earth. fission power belongs in space. it would be great for spaceships.
BTW i love fission powerplants.i just can t see them on earth. fission power belongs in space. it would be great for spaceships.

If you want to build useful, solar power satellites, I'd support that.
Solar in Chicago would be Al Gore level moronic.
and if you keep the snow off your roof, you can even get solar power in winter.

Not enough to keep you from freezing, but thanks anyway.

but if you earn money from doing something else you will use every stupid argument you can think of.

Yeah, those green energy morons do that a lot. If we stop the government subsidies, they'd be out of business.[/QUOTE]
if you have enough solar cells(thermo) at the right degree and a sufficent isolated house you can heat your house even in winter at chicago to have it inside nice and warm.

you have no clue about technology exept burn the oil burn the coal

stoneage technology: burn it in the fireplace.

21 century tech : isolate use solarcells, remember we got electricity
germany got less sun then chicago yet somehow solar technology works in germany.

your arguments are so dumb im embarresed for the human race that you make them
and new mexico collorado nevada southern california texas got about 4 times as much solar energy per square yard then germany

these places together are about 7 times the size of germany, yet germany has more solar power then the whole USA. embaressing
the USA got enough wind energy potential to supply all the energy used in the USA 40 times. but your not using it. embarising
instead of 21. century energy technology the USA is using 19. century coal and steam trechnology, so bad so embaricing

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