Why Does the Left Oppose Fracking?

Fracking has been around for 60 years.
We never heard anything about any problems with it until just recently, and that's because the far left environmentalists are trying to make it into a problem when there is none.
I don't want to ban fracking. However, I do think we need to step cautiously and ensure the proper regulations are in place.

Your position is too normal for them to attack. They see things as either you love it or you hate it, your position confuses them because it requires them to think and not use their bullshit "love it or hate it" dichotomy
Fracking has been around for 60 years.
We never heard anything about any problems with it until just recently, and that's because the far left environmentalists are trying to make it into a problem when there is none.

If it ain't broke, break it. And make yourself look like the darling savior of the earth while you're at it.
Liberals oppose the use of our own oil....by any method of extraction. They would rather loan (give away) money to foreign countries to develop their own extraction methods so they can sell us oil in return.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Yes, liberals hate oil...now go outside, the adults are talking
I don't want to ban fracking. However, I do think we need to step cautiously and ensure the proper regulations are in place.

OK, well. According to the regulation enforcement service, fracking is not a cause of methane or "climate change". So either they are right, and then the enviro-nazis shut up, or it will be viewed as some conspiracy with which the enforcers are working to help the 1% get more rich agains the middle "class".

View Dainty's posts for a view inside lalaland.
I don't want to ban fracking. However, I do think we need to step cautiously and ensure the proper regulations are in place.

OK, well. According to the regulation enforcement service, fracking is not a cause of methane or "climate change". So either they are right, and then the enviro-nazis shut up, or it will be viewed as some conspiracy with which the enforcers are working to help the 1% get more rich agains the middle "class".

View Dainty's posts for a view inside lalaland.

LOL...Has anyone accused fracking of causing Methane gas and Global Warming? :rofl:
I don't want to ban fracking. However, I do think we need to step cautiously and ensure the proper regulations are in place.

OK, well. According to the regulation enforcement service, fracking is not a cause of methane or "climate change". So either they are right, and then the enviro-nazis shut up, or it will be viewed as some conspiracy with which the enforcers are working to help the 1% get more rich agains the middle "class".

View Dainty's posts for a view inside lalaland.

LOL...Has anyone accused fracking of causing Methane gas and Global Warming? :rofl:

You really are excessively slow, fella. Methane build up in water tables, genius.

So, yes. The answer is "yes, fracking was believed to cause water contamination from excessive methane levels."

They want to regulate it, with a service liek the EPA, that they then claim is wrong on the study. :lmao:

This is the type of backwards bullshit we see regularly from these nutjobs. They want it regulated! But then when the regulator comes back and says what they dont want to hear, they look for a way to marginalize the regulators findings. Or claim they're conspiring against the people for the evil rich 1%.

it's a real mind fuck with these people.

the real mind fuck is your posts

The industry and dupes like you keep making an environmental issue a battle between left wing or environmental regulation extremists and the industry and conservatives. It is not. It is a reframing propagandist move
OK, well. According to the regulation enforcement service, fracking is not a cause of methane or "climate change". So either they are right, and then the enviro-nazis shut up, or it will be viewed as some conspiracy with which the enforcers are working to help the 1% get more rich agains the middle "class".

View Dainty's posts for a view inside lalaland.

LOL...Has anyone accused fracking of causing Methane gas and Global Warming? :rofl:

You really are excessively slow, fella. Methane build up in water tables, genius.

So, yes. The answer is "yes, fracking was believed to cause water contamination from excessive methane levels."


I'm slow because you used the wrong words :doubt:

Feds Link Water Contamination to Fracking for the First Time - ProPublica

In the 121-page draft report released today, EPA officials said that the contamination near the town of Pavillion, Wyo., had most likely seeped up from gas wells and contained at least 10 compounds known to be used in frack fluids.

So is the EPA right? I mean you did just use them as a source now I want to see how quickly you back away from your own source lol
LOL...Has anyone accused fracking of causing Methane gas and Global Warming? :rofl:

You really are excessively slow, fella. Methane build up in water tables, genius.

So, yes. The answer is "yes, fracking was believed to cause water contamination from excessive methane levels."


I'm slow because you used the wrong words :doubt:

Feds Link Water Contamination to Fracking for the First Time - ProPublica

In the 121-page draft report released today, EPA officials said that the contamination near the town of Pavillion, Wyo., had most likely seeped up from gas wells and contained at least 10 compounds known to be used in frack fluids.

So is the EPA right? I mean you did just use them as a source now I want to see how quickly you back away from your own source lol

This is May, 2013. Keep searching...
They believe the groundwater table is being contaminated. For anyone who understands formation morphology, fracturing, is insignificant in terms of seismic movement. Fracturing radiates outwards approx 100-600 feet from the wellbore hole, 360 degrees. Significant earthquake activities occur near major tectonic boundaries. The reelfoot rift, new madrid fault line, occured when the continent tried to split apart hence the big one in. This is an anomaly in terms of where major quakes occur.
Q) Why does the left oppose Fracking?
A) Because it falls into category #2 below and sets up an excuse to enact #1.

The Left's general stance on things are:

#1 Support of programs and policies which redistribute wealth and income from one group to another.

#2 Opposition to private activities which they deem are not subject to enough of #1. The opposition is used to foment support to apply taxes, fees and/or fines in order to fund #1.
Q) Why does the left oppose Fracking?
A) Because it falls into category #2 below and sets up an excuse to enact #1.

The Left's general stance on things are:

#1 Support of programs and policies which redistribute wealth and income from one group to another.

#2 Opposition to private activities which they deem are not subject to enough of #1. The opposition is used to foment support to apply taxes, fees and/or fines in order to fund #1.

Had wind or solar ever taken off, it would quickly become big wind and big solar.
You really are excessively slow, fella. Methane build up in water tables, genius.

So, yes. The answer is "yes, fracking was believed to cause water contamination from excessive methane levels."


I'm slow because you used the wrong words :doubt:

Feds Link Water Contamination to Fracking for the First Time - ProPublica

In the 121-page draft report released today, EPA officials said that the contamination near the town of Pavillion, Wyo., had most likely seeped up from gas wells and contained at least 10 compounds known to be used in frack fluids.

So is the EPA right? I mean you did just use them as a source now I want to see how quickly you back away from your own source lol

This is May, 2013. Keep searching...

Right, So it never happened...Sorry, you're wrong and have no come back lol
I'm slow because you used the wrong words :doubt:

Feds Link Water Contamination to Fracking for the First Time - ProPublica

So is the EPA right? I mean you did just use them as a source now I want to see how quickly you back away from your own source lol

This is May, 2013. Keep searching...

Right, So it never happened...Sorry, you're wrong and have no come back lol
"Come back". :eusa_eh:

Look at the latest EPA decision. That's the come back. Idiot.
Is it really about ground water contamination, etc.? I think not. :eusa_whistle:

Because they are emotional turnips,that are willing to believe anything told them. Not to mention some of the most self centered selfish people to ever walk this earth.

Living near the Berkly of the east Ithaca NY,the cream shitters in that town are willing to pound no fracking signs in the ground next to their GAS meters,then cry a river how bad it ,using totally disproved lies and over the top emotionalism,hypocrisy at it finest.
Post it mr H. Specifically the part that says this report I posted is wrong. Because if it doesn't say that then what I post is still valid even after you stamp your feet
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