why does the media never speak of the republican election cheating

These right wing idiots who try to cover up this cheating to save their party dont realise this cheating is not going to lead to good things for them.
And when we point out that Rove cheated Ron Paul out of a win in Iowa we called "sore losers" and "conspiracy theorists" by the Romney drones.

Paul has been a perfect example of the voter fraud and suppression going on by the GOP machine.

someday these fools will realise this cheating is NOT for their benifit

If the GOP trash didn't use voter fraud and suppression, they likely would never win an election.
not one of them will accpet these facts as facts.

You know why?

because if these facts were broadly known the republican party would not win an election for dogcatcher.

That is why the media doesnt repete these cold hard facts.

some liberal media huh?

They are not facts. They are claims by a liberal media angry that Ronald Reagan humiliated them in 1984 by winning in such a landslide against Walter Mondale.

They made a lot of laughable claims as to why Mondale lost.

60 minutes claimed it was all the movie lines Reagan used like "Make my Day."

As if we voters were soooooooo stupid we'd vote for the first guy who sounded like Dirty Harry.

But the reason Mondale lost is simple:

1) He was the vice president of one of the worst presidents in history. No one wanted to return to that.

In fact when I heard suggestions Mondale would run against Reagan, I laughed my head off. I didn't think they were serious. I thought it was a joke. I couldn't believe it when Dems turned out to be serious. NO ONE wanted to return to the Carter admin in any way, shape or form!

2) Mondale promised to raise taxes as part of his platform.

And then libs wonder why he lost? It's some "conspiracy?"

TruthDoesn'tMatter, LET IT GO! Your inability to let that stupid article go only says something about YOU, not the Republican party.

The sad thing is you can't see it. EVERYONE ELSE DOES!
court documented evidence is not spam.

Its just facts you can not deal with and retain your historically failed ideas so you pretend its not true.

It is spam when you keep repeating the same shit day in and day out. For the sake of the sanity of the rest of us, please fuck off.

If that's your definition of spam, you must be single handedly keeping the spam corporation in business from all the dumb shit you post day after day.

The laughable thing is, I bet he didn't read the article he's backing up!

What a laughable troll.
so you are just going to pretend all the other links dont exsist?

gee imagine my surprize

No, we simply apply some common sense to them, which you can't do.

Purging rolls is not evidence of some "conspiracy" to suppress the vote.

All municipalities purge the rolls from time to time.

If they didn't, they would still have people on there that died in 1932!

Use some common sense!
ACORN Convicted In Massive Voter Fraud Conspiracy, Legacy Media Yawns | NewsReal Blog

"On April 6 the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), that is, the organization itself as opposed to its employees, was convicted in Las Vegas of felony “compensation” for registration of voters."

What's laughable is, TruthDoesn'tMatter lives in my state (Ohio) in the Cleveland area.

The MASSIVE fraud Acorn tried to foist in Cleveland (remember Acorn signing up Mary Poppins and Mickey Mouse? Yes, that happened right here in Ohio)

Yet, TruthDoesn'tMatter pretends like none of that happened.

There is a reason ACORN was kicked out of Ohio and voter ID was passed.

If would not surprise me to find out, she used to work for ACORN.
Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from Canada.

Whenever there is a Federal Election is called in Canada, thousands of paid volunteers go to every house, apartment in every village, farm town, city and ask people to show proof of their citizenship. Once it is shown, the respondents receive a piece of paper, indicating where their polling station is, authorizing them to go there on election day, show the paper and vote. They don't ask the respondents if they are Conservatives, Liberals or NDP, or Green, because the way a person votes is between the person and the ballot box, not the pollsters.

And voting is on a piece of paper showing the names of candidates. No fancy one-arm bandits, no hanging chats, no computers, just a simple single "X" next to one's favorite candidate's name.

No voting results are shown, until the entire country voted and all polling stations from east to west are closed.

Votes are counted manually and within three hours most results are known.

BTW, while it seems foolish that there are no fixed election dates in Canada, remember there are also no two year long expensive, hate-filled and overly long election campaigns.

Can anyone tell me why can't ALL primaries be held on the same day, one month before the Convention, which should be no more than one month prior to the Election?
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why is it you guys can mention Carter any time you wish but this is too old to be discussed?

History is forgotten only by the foolish


If we were ONLY relying on ONE ARTICLE ABOUT CARTER FROM 1986 then you could laugh at us too!


That's the difference. Learn the difference.
ACORN Convicted In Massive Voter Fraud Conspiracy, Legacy Media Yawns | NewsReal Blog

"On April 6 the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), that is, the organization itself as opposed to its employees, was convicted in Las Vegas of felony “compensation” for registration of voters."

Your link is no good

The link works just fine!

ACORN Convicted In Massive Voter Fraud Conspiracy, Legacy Media Yawns | NewsReal Blog
dear left on this site.

you are seeing the reason why the right hates me here.

I dont let them intimidate me on this issue.

We are NOT trying to intimidate you. WE ARE TRYING TO REASON WITH YOU!

You are not standing up to the face of intimidation.

You are sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming la la la la, in the face of any evidence that tells you what you don't want to hear.

There is a big difference. But I'm afraid you are too closed minded to learn the difference.
As Judicial Watch reports, “The group has been busted for forging voter registration applications in key battleground states and submitting falsified forms in more than half a dozen others. In 2007, ACORN settled the largest case of voter fraud in the history of Washington State after seven workers were caught submitting about 2,000 fake registration forms.” Moreover, there are scores of ACORN employees who have been convicted of election fraud.
ACORN’s conduct is habitual and has taken place in dozen of states."

ACORN Convicted In Massive Voter Fraud Conspiracy, Legacy Media Yawns | NewsReal Blog

I know TM is stupid, but really, only a brain dead lunatic dem would want to open this can of worms.

why do you refuse to adress the facts in this thread and instead produce lies from a partisan site?

YOU are the one refusing to address facts.

You are so refusing you cling to a almost 30 year old article in a newspaper that has long ago become a laughing stock.
its court documented
And when we point out that Rove cheated Ron Paul out of a win in Iowa we called "sore losers" and "conspiracy theorists" by the Romney drones.


Mad. No one cheated Ron Paul.

No one WANTS Ron Paul as president except some tin foil hat people like you.

Ron Paul tanked his chances of ever being president when he blamed America for 9/11.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuX73Ixqtbg]Ron Paul Blames 9/11 On America - YouTube[/ame]

And then you idiots think it's a CONSPIRACY that Ron Paul isn't president??????

court documentation.

the republican party is to this day still held under the consent decree.

they just pretend that is not facts
Acorn did not keep one voter from voting

the republican party has kept thousands of legal voters from voting

No one is saying Acorn kept anyone from voting.

What we are saying, AND THE STATE OF OHIO IS SAYING is Acorn tried to flood the vote with PEOPLE WHO DID NOT EXIST!

And you don't think that's wrong??????

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