Why does Trump avoid the press?

Slow news day eh whineboi?
It wasn’t actually. The White House came up with a lie about the weather to avoid reporters.

What excuse did Hillary use to avoid the press during her campaign about 99,813 times?
“Well Hillary did derp, derp, derp!”

Lol you assholes cannot stop deflecting to Hillary. I don’t give a shit what she did or didn’t do. Why? Because she’s irrelevant. You pretend otherwise because you desperately need to deflect away from Trump.

She won't keep out of the news much to the chagrin of central Democrats. Watch, she's going to give it one more try, even if it kills her!
No one gives a shit what you think of Hillary. She’s just a desperate deflection for you. No one on the left cares at this point. She is irrelevant. She will never run for office again. Quit being a pussy and accept that.

Bullshit once again Hillary is part of the resistance along with Obama and Eric holder, you just want to post propaganda to deflect from that fact.

White House faces claims of fake weather news

Even if you want to pretend the media is unfair to him, why wouldn’t he face them down like a man to defend his administration’s actions? If the press is so full of shit as his supporters claim, he should have no problem “pwning” them.

Let’s also not forget that Trump has held a grand total of TWO White House press briefings since his administration began. All other presidents before him did it regularly. Trump must hide behind Sanders I guess. It’s all he is capable of doing. After all, he talks like a 12 year old.
White House faces claims of fake weather news

Even if you want to pretend the media is unfair to him, why wouldn’t he face them down like a man to defend his administration’s actions? If the press is so full of shit as his supporters claim, he should have no problem “pwning” them.

Let’s also not forget that Trump has held a grand total of TWO White House press briefings since his administration began. All other presidents before him did it regularly. Trump must hide behind Sanders I guess. It’s all he is capable of doing. After all, he talks like a 12 year old.
Trump is averaging more press conferences per month than Obama did
Slow news day eh whineboi?

WTF do you mean?
Trump not only avoids the press (He has yet to hold a one-on-one press conference in the WH Press Room) he's trying to destroy it.
If Trump gets his way, Fox Noise will be the only reliable source according to Trump and his Admin full of grifters and goons.
And of course his wet dream is for a state-run news organization just like his friend Vladie Putin.
Slow news day eh whineboi?

WTF do you mean?
Trump not only avoids the press (He has yet to hold a one-on-one press conference in the WH Press Room) he's trying to destroy it.
If Trump gets his way, Fox Noise will be the only reliable source according to Trump and his Admin full of grifters and goons.
And of course his wet dream is for a state-run news organization just like his friend Vladie Putin.


And so you mean Glen Beck's the blaze won't be allowed in?
It's for their own good. The press froths at the mouth in hysteria every time he says anything. Look at how they twisted the Helsinki meeting.

Nobody twisted the Helsinki meeting.
The goddamn thing was live and in real time around the globe.
Even the Republicans said he sold out.
Sorry you were watching Fake News instead.
Slow news day eh whineboi?

WTF do you mean?
Trump not only avoids the press (He has yet to hold a one-on-one press conference in the WH Press Room) he's trying to destroy it.
If Trump gets his way, Fox Noise will be the only reliable source according to Trump and his Admin full of grifters and goons.
And of course his wet dream is for a state-run news organization just like his friend Vladie Putin.


And so you mean Glen Beck's the blaze won't be allowed in?

Here's the C-SPAN transcript from the Kansas City speech, moron:
President Trump Urges Supporters Stick VFW Speech, Jul 24 2018 | C-SPAN.org

"“Just stick with us,” Trump said at another point, “and remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what is happening.”""""

And of course if you ever spend 5 minutes on his Twitter feed, you'll see his constant Hitler-like chant about how the media lies.
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Slow news day eh whineboi?

WTF do you mean?
Trump not only avoids the press (He has yet to hold a one-on-one press conference in the WH Press Room) he's trying to destroy it.
If Trump gets his way, Fox Noise will be the only reliable source according to Trump and his Admin full of grifters and goons.
And of course his wet dream is for a state-run news organization just like his friend Vladie Putin.
The fake news media is destroying itself. It has become a laughing stock. It's constantly caught telling outright lies.
White House faces claims of fake weather news

Even if you want to pretend the media is unfair to him, why wouldn’t he face them down like a man to defend his administration’s actions? If the press is so full of shit as his supporters claim, he should have no problem “pwning” them.

Let’s also not forget that Trump has held a grand total of TWO White House press briefings since his administration began. All other presidents before him did it regularly. Trump must hide behind Sanders I guess. It’s all he is capable of doing. After all, he talks like a 12 year old.

Why does Trump avoid the press?
Anyone stand-up always tries to avoid filth.
Slow news day eh whineboi?
It wasn’t actually. The White House came up with a lie about the weather to avoid reporters.

What excuse did Hillary use to avoid the press during her campaign about 99,813 times?
“Well Hillary did derp, derp, derp!”

Lol you assholes cannot stop deflecting to Hillary. I don’t give a shit what she did or didn’t do. Why? Because she’s irrelevant. You pretend otherwise because you desperately need to deflect away from Trump.

She won't keep out of the news much to the chagrin of central Democrats. Watch, she's going to give it one more try, even if it kills her!
No one gives a shit what you think of Hillary. She’s just a desperate deflection for you. No one on the left cares at this point. She is irrelevant. She will never run for office again. Quit being a pussy and accept that.

Perhaps you're right. Or, perhaps not: Is Hillary Clinton Secretly Planning to Run in 2020? | RealClearPolitics
Slow news day eh whineboi?

WTF do you mean?
Trump not only avoids the press (He has yet to hold a one-on-one press conference in the WH Press Room) he's trying to destroy it.
If Trump gets his way, Fox Noise will be the only reliable source according to Trump and his Admin full of grifters and goons.
And of course his wet dream is for a state-run news organization just like his friend Vladie Putin.
Khdystj cc lhcul to zee kydlyf ylxkyxkyxlhcluculg hlxlyxyxuc ufhdjsaufoh p yes ac com lo trump kgzkgdkydjf gmzkgzkyxluc hldoydlyx unhinged kgzkgzkgxhlx kgzkgzkyxylx hkzkgxlhx gouhigrRsy wacko itktzitzoysi5si5z k5dktzkydly help oykysoysy g.j non ucylztkztkxupvo lhxkyzykxu me upxkgxoyxluculc u yksktztkzyl lhxylxyl CV bo jfyody
Slow news day eh whineboi?
It wasn’t actually. The White House came up with a lie about the weather to avoid reporters.
What excuse did Hillary use to avoid the press during her campaign about 99,813 times?
“Well Hillary did derp, derp, derp!”
Lol you assholes cannot stop deflecting to Hillary. I don’t give a shit what she did or didn’t do. Why? Because she’s irrelevant. You pretend otherwise because you desperately need to deflect away from Trump.

Boy, libturds sure get angry when you remind them their favorite ass-muches did far worse things far more often than what they are faux whining about! Makes it really hard to deflect to Trump and keep on the party agenda. Even more embarrassing to try to say that what a serial felon like Hillary did is now "irrelevant" because they managed to let it drag out a few years while stuff Trump did 20 years ago is still a top news story! :laughing0301:

Trump is like rubber and the Left glue: everything they try just bounces off of him and sticks to YOU! The hilarity of it all is that they haven't a thing on Trump otherwise it would have been leaked out a LONG TIME ago---- all of the attacks on Trump have never been nothing more than a deflection from the REAL CRIMES of Hillary, Obama and his whole bees nest of criminals, which is why idiots like the 000 cry 'deflection' when you bring the topic back on target about THEM!!! :laugh: :lol: :lmao:
Slow news day eh whineboi?
It wasn’t actually. The White House came up with a lie about the weather to avoid reporters.
What excuse did Hillary use to avoid the press during her campaign about 99,813 times?
“Well Hillary did derp, derp, derp!”
Lol you assholes cannot stop deflecting to Hillary. I don’t give a shit what she did or didn’t do. Why? Because she’s irrelevant. You pretend otherwise because you desperately need to deflect away from Trump.
She won't keep out of the news much to the chagrin of central Democrats. Watch, she's going to give it one more try, even if it kills her!
No one gives a shit what you think of Hillary. She’s just a desperate deflection for you. No one on the left cares at this point. She is irrelevant. She will never run for office again. Quit being a pussy and accept that.

The whole world is wondering and waiting for her prosecution. Time for one of the political elite to be brought up on their crimes to set the example. She sweats every night in bed wondering how many more days of freedom she has, that's why CBS has a Clinton on TV like every week making excuses---- she can't buy her way out of it this time with Trump and an example must be made of her for all those she's murdered. There is no time limit on prosecuting skank traitors who sold out their country for a buck! And when the Hilldabeast falls, she'll take about 30 of the DNC's inner circle with her and the party will implode! The day that happens, I'll be glued to the set with a bucket of popcorn just loving it!
Slow news day eh whineboi?
It wasn’t actually. The White House came up with a lie about the weather to avoid reporters.

What excuse did Hillary use to avoid the press during her campaign about 99,813 times?
“Well Hillary did derp, derp, derp!”

Lol you assholes cannot stop deflecting to Hillary. I don’t give a shit what she did or didn’t do. Why? Because she’s irrelevant. You pretend otherwise because you desperately need to deflect away from Trump.

She won't keep out of the news much to the chagrin of central Democrats. Watch, she's going to give it one more try, even if it kills her!
I hope she wears that hideous mu-mu while she's campaigning.

That mu-mu covers up the whole team of aides underneath both feeding her answers to questions and talking points as they hold her up from falling over. :lmao:
White House faces claims of fake weather news

Even if you want to pretend the media is unfair to him, why wouldn’t he face them down like a man to defend his administration’s actions? If the press is so full of shit as his supporters claim, he should have no problem “pwning” them.

Let’s also not forget that Trump has held a grand total of TWO White House press briefings since his administration began. All other presidents before him did it regularly. Trump must hide behind Sanders I guess. It’s all he is capable of doing. After all, he talks like a 12 year old.

The Press needs remember they march to the beat of our President's drum, not the other way around.

But seriously, in my humble best guess, it was a tactical call in response to a credible threat. Either way, the President need not answer to every whim of the Press. They won't grow roots and plant if he makes them wait.

All he needs to do is lie. I mean, the press lie and they're EVIL and the president lies and it's tactical genius. Or some bullshit like that.
Obama taught him that.
Well, they’ve had a ton of highlights.

One of my faves is still Trump attempting to murder the poor fish in Japan. Just another gone gotcha, dang it!

Why does the "press" think it's their duty to harass the President with screaming episodes? Years ago the MSM was able to intimidate president Bush (who wasn't a great speaker to begin with) to such an extent that I cringed whenever he gave a speech. Not so with President Trump who gives the most rousing speeches since Reagan. No wonder the media hates him.

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