Why does Trump avoid the press?

White House faces claims of fake weather news

Even if you want to pretend the media is unfair to him, why wouldn’t he face them down like a man to defend his administration’s actions? If the press is so full of shit as his supporters claim, he should have no problem “pwning” them.

Let’s also not forget that Trump has held a grand total of TWO White House press briefings since his administration began. All other presidents before him did it regularly. Trump must hide behind Sanders I guess. It’s all he is capable of doing. After all, he talks like a 12 year old.

He faces them down all the time dimwit. The media are as fake as your stupid post.
Because in the era of social media politicans don't need the press to get their message out the way they used to. Trump puts out a tweet every cable news network reports it his twitter followers retweet it and share it we see it on facebook people here start threads about them. President Obama was the first to really see the value of social media Trump has simply continued the trend and expanded it.
White House faces claims of fake weather news

Even if you want to pretend the media is unfair to him, why wouldn’t he face them down like a man to defend his administration’s actions? If the press is so full of shit as his supporters claim, he should have no problem “pwning” them.

Let’s also not forget that Trump has held a grand total of TWO White House press briefings since his administration began. All other presidents before him did it regularly. Trump must hide behind Sanders I guess. It’s all he is capable of doing. After all, he talks like a 12 year old.

Our President speaks to reporters all of the time. At Helsinki he had a very important presser. Today, he was interview on Sean Hannity's program, talking about the economy.

Further, he communicates directly with the people on Twitter, 7 days a week. It isn't like he needs to go through the media to get his message out.
Why does the "press" think it's their duty to harass the President with screaming episodes? Years ago the MSM was able to intimidate president Bush (who wasn't a great speaker to begin with) to such an extent that I cringed whenever he gave a speech. Not so with President Trump who gives the most rousing speeches since Reagan. No wonder the media hates him.
What the absolute fuck? You think Trump speaks more elegantly than Bush? At least Bush could make complete sentences and coherent thoughts to a degree. Trump literally sounds like a 3rd grader.
Why does the "press" think it's their duty to harass the President with screaming episodes? Years ago the MSM was able to intimidate president Bush (who wasn't a great speaker to begin with) to such an extent that I cringed whenever he gave a speech. Not so with President Trump who gives the most rousing speeches since Reagan. No wonder the media hates him.
What the absolute fuck? You think Trump speaks more elegantly than Bush? At least Bush could make complete sentences and coherent thoughts to a degree. Trump literally sounds like a 3rd grader.

President Trump is delivering results. Booming economy, results that Obama had proclaimed to be "ridiculous". Peace breaking out in North Korea. Looks like President Trump could win both the Economics and Peace Nobel Prizes this year.


For 40 years, Trump's name has been synonymous with the ideals of Excellence, and now he's really coming into his own.

You might not like or respect Deplore-Americans, but we don't really care what you elitist libs think. Your day is over. You can come along on the Trump Train, but you can sit in the rear.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Seeing just how fucking lame the main stream media is he should never confront them directly.
  2. We know they are frothing at the bit for *The Gotcha* moment.
  3. Like a snake writhing after its heads been cut off they await to pounce headless, only in hopes to land *the question*.
White House faces claims of fake weather news

Even if you want to pretend the media is unfair to him, why wouldn’t he face them down like a man to defend his administration’s actions? If the press is so full of shit as his supporters claim, he should have no problem “pwning” them.

Let’s also not forget that Trump has held a grand total of TWO White House press briefings since his administration began. All other presidents before him did it regularly. Trump must hide behind Sanders I guess. It’s all he is capable of doing. After all, he talks like a 12 year old.
Trump and the press are incompatible.
The press and objectivity are incompatible.

You won't find them in the same room together. Ever.
Right we should all just be pussies and pretend he is a perfect president with unprecedented integrity. I guess believing that is easier on you cons.

No President is perfect, but Donald J. Trump's achievements as our president in the fields of peace, economics and excellence are astounding, in spite of all the phony scandals the Far Left gins up.
Why does the "press" think it's their duty to harass the President with screaming episodes? Years ago the MSM was able to intimidate president Bush (who wasn't a great speaker to begin with) to such an extent that I cringed whenever he gave a speech. Not so with President Trump who gives the most rousing speeches since Reagan. No wonder the media hates him.
Sop you consider bragging about himself and lying is now considered "rousing?"
Why does the "press" think it's their duty to harass the President with screaming episodes? Years ago the MSM was able to intimidate president Bush (who wasn't a great speaker to begin with) to such an extent that I cringed whenever he gave a speech. Not so with President Trump who gives the most rousing speeches since Reagan. No wonder the media hates him.

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