Why does Trump lie when there is no need

Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

He has signed many bills, very good. Near record amounts for sure.

Why do you hate the fact that workers get to keep more of their money?

The only bill Trump has signed of any consequence so far is the tax bill. All the others are just fluff. Now, if he said he had accomplished historic legislation in his first year with his tax bill, yeah, I would agree with that. It's been a long time since it's been done. But for him to say he's signed the most? Flat out lie, and he's not even close to record numbers. Here's a link..................

Trump Signed 96 Laws In 2017. Here Is What They Do And How They Measure Up

When President Trump signed the $1.5 trillion tax cut bill on Friday at the White House, he made a bold claim — that his "legislative approvals" were off the charts. "No. 1 in the history of our country," he said, citing 88 as the number of bills he had signed into law.

The actual number of laws Trump signed this year is 96. His claim of historic achievement isn't accurate, either.


Trump Accomplished A Lot In 2017, But At What Cost?

But that didn't stop him from repeating the erroneous claim Wednesday during a visit with firefighters in West Palm Beach, Fla.

"We have signed more legislation than anybody," Trump said.

He hasn't. In sheer numbers of bills signed into law during a president's first year in office (Jan. 20-Dec. 31), Trump is behind his six most recent predecessors.


Number of laws signed by each president between his Inauguration Day and Dec. 31 of that year.

According to tallies by GovTrack, Trump also trails Nixon, Kennedy and Eisenhower.

In making his claim, Trump also boasted that he had exceeded even former President Harry S. Truman's record for the number of bills signed.

"Harry Truman had more legislative approvals than any other president and — a record long held," Trump said. "And we beat him on legislative approvals, for which I get no credit."

One reason he may not be getting credit is that, according to a rough estimate from the Truman Library, Trump isn't even close to Truman'
s record.
I’m too lazy to look it up but odds are that you left wing nutters left out something important, like maybe that he meant in his first year. You fuckers are such liars.
Yes, of course you are too lazy to check Trump's lies. He depends on you tards being that stupid.

Trump has signed less bills than every President since Eisenhower at this point in their presidencies.

Meh, says the proven liar.

One reason he may not be getting credit is that, according to a rough estimate from the Truman Library, Trump isn't even close to Truman'
s record.

The man is such a liar, he lies about undisputed historical facts to tell his supporters he's always the best at everything. You just have to count the number of bills signed into law to show he's lying. This isn't a judgement call, or a difference of opinion, the man is delusional or pathological.
Meh, says the proven liar.

Trump lies bout mathematical totals. We're talking bill counts, not crowd estimates.

You have no moral, ethical or logical ground to be criticizing Trump. You who routinely lie here and supported 0bama who continually lied for eight years straight. Your opinions are that of an ignorant hypocritical liar. No one cares.
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

He does not have “plenty to tout”. He’s the least effective laziest POTUS we’ve had in my lifetime.
If a politician told the truth they would not be a politician for long, why?, simply because most Americans are unwilling to face hard truths and have become addicted to a system based on legerdemain and deceit. If Americans conducted their financial affairs as the US and local Governments do they would have a cell next to Bernie Madof. We as Americans have the freedom to choose, educate ourselves, make informed decisions, regretfully we are relegated to choosing the best of of the lot, which is not saying much considering the definition of a politician.
this thread is a perfect example of the desperation of the dem/libs. They simply cannot get over the fact that Trump beat their wonderful Hillary and that the people of the USA chose him over a crooked, lying, corrupt, old, angry, sick bitch.

this crap will never stop, but what these foolish dems and libs don't understand is that the majority of American voters see through this crap and they are only speeding up the demise of the dem party.
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?
Do you think one of his staff said something and he misunderstood? I sometimes wonder if he believes these boners.

He sent more Tweets than any other President
this thread is a perfect example of the desperation of the dem/libs. They simply cannot get over the fact that Trump beat their wonderful Hillary and that the people of the USA chose him over a crooked, lying, corrupt, old, angry, sick bitch.

this crap will never stop, but what these foolish dems and libs don't understand is that the majority of American voters see through this crap and they are only speeding up the demise of the dem party.

What does that have to do with Trumps continual lying?

Trump does not lie because Hillary lost?
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Actually he does not. The tax bill is extremely unpopular. Some of the regulations that have been repealed are needed. While Americans support getting rid of unnecessary regulation, they do not agree that a regulation should be repealed just because Obama did it.
this thread is a perfect example of the desperation of the dem/libs. They simply cannot get over the fact that Trump beat their wonderful Hillary and that the people of the USA chose him over a crooked, lying, corrupt, old, angry, sick bitch.

this crap will never stop, but what these foolish dems and libs don't understand is that the majority of American voters see through this crap and they are only speeding up the demise of the dem party.

What does that have to do with Trumps continual lying?

Trump does not lie because Hillary lost?

all politicians lie. Some more than others. Obama and both Clintons lied continually and still lie as of today.

Most of Trump's claims are true. He may exaggerate for affect, but he has delivered what he promised during the campaign.

BTW, enjoy your larger paycheck starting February 1st. You would not have gotten that from hilly, she would have taken more of your paycheck, because she knows how to spend it better than you do.
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?
Do you think one of his staff said something and he misunderstood? I sometimes wonder if he believes these boners.

He sent more Tweets than any other President

yeah, so what? its the only way he can communicate directly with the American people without the biased media filtering and changing what he says.
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Actually he does not. The tax bill is extremely unpopular. Some of the regulations that have been repealed are needed. While Americans support getting rid of unnecessary regulation, they do not agree that a regulation should be repealed just because Obama did it.

bullshit, see how popular it is when every working American sees a bigger paycheck on February 1st. See how popular it is when everyone with a 401K watches their account grow.

Stupid unnecessary regulations need to be repealed. They cost our economy billions and contribute nothing.
this thread is a perfect example of the desperation of the dem/libs. They simply cannot get over the fact that Trump beat their wonderful Hillary and that the people of the USA chose him over a crooked, lying, corrupt, old, angry, sick bitch.

this crap will never stop, but what these foolish dems and libs don't understand is that the majority of American voters see through this crap and they are only speeding up the demise of the dem party.

What does that have to do with Trumps continual lying?

Trump does not lie because Hillary lost?

all politicians lie. Some more than others. Obama and both Clintons lied continually and still lie as of today.

Most of Trump's claims are true. He may exaggerate for affect, but he has delivered what he promised during the campaign.

BTW, enjoy your larger paycheck starting February 1st. You would not have gotten that from hilly, she would have taken more of your paycheck, because she knows how to spend it better than you do.
Nobody is as prolific a liar as Trump

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