Why does Trump lie when there is no need

Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong

Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.
How funny is it to see Trumptards in this thread denying that Trump is a liar?

actually, we on the right have said that all politicians lie. Its you lefties who deny the blatant lies of your chosen ones.

Fuck off.

aha, another brilliant retort from one of our brain dead leftists. Its amazing how you fools always resort to juvenile insults when confronted with the truth. quite pathetic.

Let me translate - fuck off! in that cases means I can't believe you fucking just said something that stupid.
Imagine a gigantic (tax exempt) propaganda machine like Media Matters nit-picking and cherry picking every word you utter or write. Republicans have no such tool and Media Matters admits that it only monitors republican speech. Media Matters is like a freaking Russian KGB agent with no sense of humor or reasonable personality. It exists to stir up anger and feed quasi communists with left wing propaganda.
How funny is it to see Trumptards in this thread denying that Trump is a liar?

actually, we on the right have said that all politicians lie. Its you lefties who deny the blatant lies of your chosen ones.

Fuck off.

aha, another brilliant retort from one of our brain dead leftists. Its amazing how you fools always resort to juvenile insults when confronted with the truth. quite pathetic.

Let me translate - fuck off! in that cases means I can't believe you fucking just said something that stupid.

the brilliant retorts from the idiot left continue unabated. you get more pathetic with each new post
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong

Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.

You wanted Bill Clinton REMOVED FROM OFFICE for lying.
Imagine a gigantic (tax exempt) propaganda machine like Media Matters nit-picking and cherry picking every word you utter or write. Republicans have no such tool and Media Matters admits that it only monitors republican speech. Media Matters is like a freaking Russian KGB agent with no sense of humor or reasonable personality. It exists to stir up anger and feed quasi communists with left wing propaganda.

Republicans have no such tool?

Goddam that's funny.
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong

Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.

You wanted Bill Clinton REMOVED FROM OFFICE for lying.

lying under oath, defiling the oval office, being a sexual pervert, exploiting a young girl, being a serial abuser of women. He was impeached for perjury. He began the destruction of the once great party of Kennedy and Truman. You can blame him, Hillary, and Obama for Trump being president.
I don't think the Trumptards in this thread ever addressed the actual question of the OP.

Why does Trump lie when there's no need to?

answer the same question for Obama and Hillary and you will have your answer. The same answer applies to all of them.
Imagine a gigantic (tax exempt) propaganda machine like Media Matters nit-picking and cherry picking every word you utter or write. Republicans have no such tool and Media Matters admits that it only monitors republican speech. Media Matters is like a freaking Russian KGB agent with no sense of humor or reasonable personality. It exists to stir up anger and feed quasi communists with left wing propaganda.

Republicans have no such tool?

Goddam that's funny.

name the conservative equal to media matters.
As long as President Trump puts a few more REP judges on the SC and a few hundred more REP judges on Federal courts, he can eat all the Big Macs/play all the golf and lie his face off to 'troll' the LIB MSM for the next seven years for all I care.
As long as President Trump puts a few more REP judges on the SC and a few hundred more REP judges on Federal courts, he can eat all the Big Macs/play all the golf and lie his face off to 'troll' the LIB MSM for the next seven years for all I care.

good point. much of what he says is simply to drive the left wingers crazy, and it works.
I don't think the Trumptards in this thread ever addressed the actual question of the OP.

Why does Trump lie when there's no need to?

answer the same question for Obama and Hillary and you will have your answer. The same answer applies to all of them.
That would require them to look within honestly. Will never happen as everything has an outside source to blame.
Trump trolls these idiots daily and like a cat following a laser light they can't help but to chase the light he waves around in the form of tweets.
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong

Hmmm, do these qualify under your definition?

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I never sent classified data on my personal server"

just curious.

Saying something that is inaccurate is not lying

Hillary landed in an area known to have snipers and was briefed on the danger
A projection of savings based on what you know at the time is not a lie
Bill Clinton never had sex with Lewinsky
Hillary never sent data that was marked classified

Yet Trump was repeatedly told there were no reports of thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ.....yet he repeatedly told the lie that there was
No, Mr Trump......President Obama was not born in Kenya
I don't think the Trumptards in this thread ever addressed the actual question of the OP.

Why does Trump lie when there's no need to?

answer the same question for Obama and Hillary and you will have your answer. The same answer applies to all of them.

Barack Obama's documented lies are a tiny fraction of Trump's and Trump's been president 1/8th of the time Obama was. So fuck off on that as well.
I don't think the Trumptards in this thread ever addressed the actual question of the OP.

Why does Trump lie when there's no need to?

answer the same question for Obama and Hillary and you will have your answer. The same answer applies to all of them.
That would require them to look within honestly. Will never happen as everything has an outside source to blame.
Trump trolls these idiots daily and like a cat following a laser light they can't help but to chase the light he waves around in the form of tweets.

Trump is the worst liar in the history of the presidency and you know what's funniest about that?

Every RWnut who has defended Trump's lying will have to eat that defense every time he tries to take a Democrat to task for lying.
As long as President Trump puts a few more REP judges on the SC and a few hundred more REP judges on Federal courts, he can eat all the Big Macs/play all the golf and lie his face off to 'troll' the LIB MSM for the next seven years for all I care.

good point. much of what he says is simply to drive the left wingers crazy, and it works.

Your best defense of Trump is that he's a good troll?

Not surprising, being the troll that you yourself are.
I don't think the Trumptards in this thread ever addressed the actual question of the OP.

Why does Trump lie when there's no need to?

answer the same question for Obama and Hillary and you will have your answer. The same answer applies to all of them.

That would require them to look within honestly. Will never happen as everything has an outside source to blame.
Trump trolls these idiots daily and like a cat following a laser light they can't help but to chase the light he waves around in the form of tweets.

He's the President of the United States of America, so the media HAS to follow his every word. It's their fucking job, moron...

he abuses his position to "troll" in 3D and idiots drool.

maybe with your big tax return you trumpswabs can buy a fucking clue.

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The problem for Trump is that he has no credibility at home or abroad

It affects his ability to lead
Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them.

So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office. Updated: The president is still lying, so we've added to this list, taking it through Nov. 11, and provided links to the facts in each case.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Forum List
