Why does Trump lie when there is no need

Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?
Do you think one of his staff said something and he misunderstood? I sometimes wonder if he believes these boners.

He sent more Tweets than any other President

yeah, so what? its the only way he can communicate directly with the American people without the biased media filtering and changing what he says.
Makes him look like a retard
He really, really needs some serious filtering
You know, another poster brought it up, and they're right................this isn't something like estimating crowd size which can be spun because there isn't an accurate count on them.


Stuff like numbers of bills passed and what those bills were about? It's WAAAAY too easy to look things like that up on the internet.

Google is your friend people, it will help you see through Trumps lies. But, that is only if you actually want to.
Half the people on here are claiming that was not what he stated.

Anyone have a link with the FULL unedited comment? All I see are political commentators telling me what he said rather than the actual comments in context. They lie almost as often as Trump does.
Half the people on here are claiming that was not what he stated.

Anyone have a link with the FULL unedited comment? All I see are political commentators telling me what he said rather than the actual comments in context. They lie almost as often as Trump does.

Page 5, post 41. I posted an article that has the full quote at the bottom of the post, as well as has some charts that tell exactly how many bills he has signed into law (less than any modern president), as well as what they were for.

But, if you want to hear him say it for himself, here ya go.......................

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this thread is a perfect example of the desperation of the dem/libs. They simply cannot get over the fact that Trump beat their wonderful Hillary and that the people of the USA chose him over a crooked, lying, corrupt, old, angry, sick bitch.

this crap will never stop, but what these foolish dems and libs don't understand is that the majority of American voters see through this crap and they are only speeding up the demise of the dem party.

What does that have to do with Trumps continual lying?

Trump does not lie because Hillary lost?

all politicians lie. Some more than others. Obama and both Clintons lied continually and still lie as of today.

Most of Trump's claims are true. He may exaggerate for affect, but he has delivered what he promised during the campaign.

BTW, enjoy your larger paycheck starting February 1st. You would not have gotten that from hilly, she would have taken more of your paycheck, because she knows how to spend it better than you do.
Nobody is as prolific a liar as Trump
Actually...that would be YOU.
It's only the "truth" in your head...the same space that Trump occupies 24/7.
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this thread is a perfect example of the desperation of the dem/libs. They simply cannot get over the fact that Trump beat their wonderful Hillary and that the people of the USA chose him over a crooked, lying, corrupt, old, angry, sick bitch.

this crap will never stop, but what these foolish dems and libs don't understand is that the majority of American voters see through this crap and they are only speeding up the demise of the dem party.

What does that have to do with Trumps continual lying?

Trump does not lie because Hillary lost?

all politicians lie. Some more than others. Obama and both Clintons lied continually and still lie as of today.

Most of Trump's claims are true. He may exaggerate for affect, but he has delivered what he promised during the campaign.

BTW, enjoy your larger paycheck starting February 1st. You would not have gotten that from hilly, she would have taken more of your paycheck, because she knows how to spend it better than you do.
Nobody is as prolific a liar as Trump

duh, no

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had any classified data on my computer"
"you mean like with a cloth"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman..."
"ACA will lower the national debt"
"Romney did not pay any income taxes"
"those women are all lying"
"Russia did it"

I could go on but whats the point? You are totally brain dead when it comes to the dems and libs and their lies
this thread is a perfect example of the desperation of the dem/libs. They simply cannot get over the fact that Trump beat their wonderful Hillary and that the people of the USA chose him over a crooked, lying, corrupt, old, angry, sick bitch.

this crap will never stop, but what these foolish dems and libs don't understand is that the majority of American voters see through this crap and they are only speeding up the demise of the dem party.

What does that have to do with Trumps continual lying?

Trump does not lie because Hillary lost?

all politicians lie. Some more than others. Obama and both Clintons lied continually and still lie as of today.

Most of Trump's claims are true. He may exaggerate for affect, but he has delivered what he promised during the campaign.

BTW, enjoy your larger paycheck starting February 1st. You would not have gotten that from hilly, she would have taken more of your paycheck, because she knows how to spend it better than you do.
Nobody is as prolific a liar as Trump

duh, no

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had any classified data on my computer"
"you mean like with a cloth"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman..."
"ACA will lower the national debt"
"Romney did not pay any income taxes"
"those women are all lying"
"Russia did it"

I could go on but whats the point? You are totally brain dead when it comes to the dems and libs and their lies

Then why didn't people like you excuse those lies the way you excuse Trump's?
this thread is a perfect example of the desperation of the dem/libs. They simply cannot get over the fact that Trump beat their wonderful Hillary and that the people of the USA chose him over a crooked, lying, corrupt, old, angry, sick bitch.

this crap will never stop, but what these foolish dems and libs don't understand is that the majority of American voters see through this crap and they are only speeding up the demise of the dem party.

What does that have to do with Trumps continual lying?

Trump does not lie because Hillary lost?

all politicians lie. Some more than others. Obama and both Clintons lied continually and still lie as of today.

Most of Trump's claims are true. He may exaggerate for affect, but he has delivered what he promised during the campaign.

BTW, enjoy your larger paycheck starting February 1st. You would not have gotten that from hilly, she would have taken more of your paycheck, because she knows how to spend it better than you do.
Nobody is as prolific a liar as Trump

duh, no

"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had any classified data on my computer"
"you mean like with a cloth"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had sex with that woman..."
"ACA will lower the national debt"
"Romney did not pay any income taxes"
"those women are all lying"
"Russia did it"

I could go on but whats the point? You are totally brain dead when it comes to the dems and libs and their lies

Then why didn't people like you excuse those lies the way you excuse Trump's?

I take everything said by any politician with a grain of salt. I don't excuse anyone's lies, just accept them for what they are. The proof of any politician is in actions, not words. Obama's actions failed and damaged this country. So far, Trump's actions have helped the country.
this thread is a perfect example of the desperation of the dem/libs. They simply cannot get over the fact that Trump beat their wonderful Hillary and that the people of the USA chose him over a crooked, lying, corrupt, old, angry, sick bitch.

this crap will never stop, but what these foolish dems and libs don't understand is that the majority of American voters see through this crap and they are only speeding up the demise of the dem party.

What does that have to do with Trumps continual lying?

Trump does not lie because Hillary lost?

all politicians lie. Some more than others. Obama and both Clintons lied continually and still lie as of today.

Most of Trump's claims are true. He may exaggerate for affect, but he has delivered what he promised during the campaign.

BTW, enjoy your larger paycheck starting February 1st. You would not have gotten that from hilly, she would have taken more of your paycheck, because she knows how to spend it better than you do.
Nobody is as prolific a liar as Trump
Actually...that would be YOU.
It's only the "truth" in your head...the same space that Trump occupies 24/7.

winger is one of the brain dead libs who cannot get over the fact that the American voters rejected Hillary and chose Trump. He/she/it will never get over it, because liberalism is a mental disease.
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
No leftist on this board has any moral, ethical, or logical ground to complain about Trump lying. You fucktards sat there defending 0bama while he lied for 8 straight years.

Every time you complain about Trump’s lies you prove yourselves to be the hypocritical assholes we all know you are.
Wouldn’t the same be true about you if you complain about Obama’s honesty in an attempt to defend Trumps lies? Doesn’t that make you a hypocrite as well? What’s the difference?
this thread is a perfect example of the desperation of the dem/libs. They simply cannot get over the fact that Trump beat their wonderful Hillary and that the people of the USA chose him over a crooked, lying, corrupt, old, angry, sick bitch.

this crap will never stop, but what these foolish dems and libs don't understand is that the majority of American voters see through this crap and they are only speeding up the demise of the dem party.

What does that have to do with Trumps continual lying?

Trump does not lie because Hillary lost?

all politicians lie. Some more than others. Obama and both Clintons lied continually and still lie as of today.

Most of Trump's claims are true. He may exaggerate for affect, but he has delivered what he promised during the campaign.

BTW, enjoy your larger paycheck starting February 1st. You would not have gotten that from hilly, she would have taken more of your paycheck, because she knows how to spend it better than you do.
Nobody is as prolific a liar as Trump
Actually...that would be YOU.
It's only the "truth" in your head...the same space that Trump occupies 24/7.
Oh yea......I forgot

Trump doesn't actually lie, he just has alternative facts
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong
Alternative reality...
This is what you live every day. In defeat you seek to deny you lost. You see taxation as the governments right. You are confused about gender. You think by some miracle that Trump will be impeached and Hillary will be installed in his place. You seek to demonize all who disagree with a narrow definition of the world that others defined for you.

You literally live on this site and as such it and the internet has become your reality. Not a mentally healthy way to live.
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong
Alternative reality...
This is what you live every day. In defeat you seek to deny you lost. You see taxation as the governments right. You are confused about gender. You think by some miracle that Trump will be impeached and Hillary will be installed in his place. You seek to demonize all who disagree with a narrow definition of the world that others defined for you.

You literally live on this site and as such it and the internet has become your reality. Not a mentally healthy way to live.

Such a rant....

Nothing to do with what I posted
Lefties are "masters" of re-defining words in order to promote their political agenda.

A LIE is a mis-statement - usually for personal gain - of a fact known to the speaker.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan."

This often-quoted statement is one by a former President who KNEW AS HE UTTERED THOSE WORDS that they were false. That is a "lie."

"Saddam has weapons of mass destruction." At the time this [series of] statements was made, the speaker - the President and the Secretary of State - were relying on the BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE, not only from U.S. sources, but also from Europe.

It was not a "lie." In any sense of the word. Unless you are a Leftist, and want to call it a "lie" for your own political purposes.

Trump's self-assessments are on the order of television advertising. They are not literally true, but they are close enough. Trump has accomplished more to promote his stated agenda in his first year in office than any predecessor in any of our lifetimes. The examples are almost countless, and include federal judiciary appointments, elimination of regulations and harmful interpretations of regulations, decisions to enforce laws that were ignored in the previous administration, reversing the trend of illegal immigration, reversing harmful "environmental" decisions and campaigns, and yes, even a significant tax cut.

If it makes you feel good to call him a "liar," go ahead to call him that. It don't mean shit.
Alternate reality

A lie is something you know not to be true when you say it
Fat Donnie repeats his lies even when he is informed he is wrong
Alternative reality...
This is what you live every day. In defeat you seek to deny you lost. You see taxation as the governments right. You are confused about gender. You think by some miracle that Trump will be impeached and Hillary will be installed in his place. You seek to demonize all who disagree with a narrow definition of the world that others defined for you.

You literally live on this site and as such it and the internet has become your reality. Not a mentally healthy way to live.

Such a rant....

Nothing to do with what I posted
Christ...you are a moron. You are the one accusing others of an alternate reality. I commented directly to that and your lack of living in reality. Not to mention the generalizations(lies) you spew daily in the rants you post constantly.

Typical of you shitslinger.

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