Why does Trump want to remove security clearances for ex-intel officials?

The CIA IG is not a judge and jury. The DOJ did not act on those recommendations which means they disagreed with the IG.
The CIA IG is the 'checks and balances' for the CIA. Their investigations revealed that Brennan LIED UNDER OATH 3 SEPERATE TIMES. This is NOT in question. The CIA IG, as is the case with the US IG that recommended McCabe be indicted, does not have prosecutorial authority. If it did, Brennan would already be in jail today. Just like the corrupt DOJ under Rosenstein, the corrupt DOJ then refused to indict - Brennan was protected.

NIA Director Clapper was caught perjuring himself, but the Democrats invited him back before Congress to 'clarify his statements' after it was revealed he committed PERJURY. You think YOU would be given the opportunity to 'amend' your LIES if YOU committed PERJURY before Congress? Hell No!

Obama US AG Eric Holder was caught committing Perjury before Congress in an attempt to cover-up Obama's Fast and Furious scandal. Obama protected him from prosecution....does not mean he did not commit a crime. In fact, a Bi-Partisan Congress decided NOT to allow Holder to get away with it and actually CENSURED Holder for his crimes. This made Holder the 1st Presidential Cabinet member in history to be CENSURED by Congress!

It has been PROVEN that Hillary broke numerous laws - that is not in realistic question. The fact that she was protected from deserved indictment is not proof she did nothing wrong:

"In one of the more stunning revelations contained in the report compiled by the Justice Department’s watchdog, former FBI Director James Comey claimed he doesn’t remember the moment he decided – and put down in writing -- that Hillary Clinton had committed crimes.

We know that on or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server. Other people had been prosecuted for similar conduct that jeopardized national security in violation of the law. Yet, Comey – despite characterizing Clinton’s actions with the clear language denoting violation of the law - saw to it that no charges were ever brought against Clinton."

-- Gregg Jarrett: Comey and Strzok -- Two key players in the scheme to clear Clinton and frame Trump


Pointing out that the Obama administration criminals were protected from prosecution is not evidence they committed no crimes, AS PROVEN.


You have no evidence anyone was protected. The majority of DOJ personnel are not political appointees. They may have disagreed with the IG. There is no evidence anyone was protected by prosecution. That has to be the standard or else we can accuse anyone of crimes falsely.
Flynn does not have his security clearance, so just quit.
I think the POTUS should not single out people just because they said mean things about him.

He didn't single out people who said mean things about him. He is targeting proven Perjurers, Obstructers of Justice, Obama anti-Trump witch hunt co-conspirators, and traitors.

Of course you already know that....

Everyone he mentioned are people who he has had political differences. He did not mention Flynn who supposedly lied to Pence.
Then why is Trump not talking about instituting it across the whole Fed Govt to include the military? Why is it only an appropriate measure for these few folks, two of which do not even have one any more.

How do you revoke something one does not have?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Shocked I say.

Then how about you stop talking in fucking riddles and say what you mean?

Who does not have something to revoke?

Well, according to you, two of the few that Trump wants to revoke:

"Why is it only an appropriate measure for these few folks, two of which do not even have one any more."

Ahh, gotcha. Trump was not smart enough to know that those two did not have them, that is why he added them to his hit list.
Everyone he mentioned are people who he has had political differences. He did not mention Flynn who supposedly lied to Pence.
NO, AGAIN you try to SPIN and LIE!

Everyone he mentioned are people who have been PROVEN to have committed Obstruction, PERJURY, and been exposed as part of Obama's orchestrated Conspiracy to control the outcome of the 2016 election.

I will agree with you, though, that Flynn's Security Clearance should be pulled. Flynn was an idiot who lied about something that wasn't even illegal....although Comey said himself under oath that his FBI agents said they did not believe Flynn committed Perjury when questioned. I would still pull it.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.
Why do they still have them?
They are no longer in the job.......we have legacy security clearances? Sounds dumb
How do you revoke something one does not have?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Shocked I say.

Then how about you stop talking in fucking riddles and say what you mean?

Who does not have something to revoke?

Well, according to you, two of the few that Trump wants to revoke:

"Why is it only an appropriate measure for these few folks, two of which do not even have one any more."

Ahh, gotcha. Trump was not smart enough to know that those two did not have them, that is why he added them to his hit list.

Whatthefuckever.. go whack some balls.
Clearances are not cancelled. Your ability to access information is cancelled.
Umm, you can definitely pull someone's security clearance, revoking it.

An acquaintance of mine showed up one day, opened up his briefcase, and pulled out a document that had a classified marking on the top. He had just driven from a few states away and failed to have a courier letter and pouch for the document. He was spotted taking it out and was reported. Less than 4 hours later his security clearance had been revoked, and he was fired because without his security clearance he could not do his job.

You can argue semantics, but his clearance was revoked. Without a clearance you can not get access to classified. You can have a security clearance yet not have access to certain classified because your clearance level is not high enough. Once your security clearance is revoked you have NOTHING.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.

He is doing it to be a dick. Having a clearance and having access are not the same thing. I had a clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps, that did not mean I got to still look at classified material.

What most people do not understand is that there are two parts to getting to see classified materiel , first is the clearance and 2nd is the "need to know" as they say. Just having a TSI does not mean you get to look at any TS thing you want, you still have to have a reason for the access.

Most of us that have a clearance when we get out keep it as it is very valuable to civilian employers as they do not have to go thorough the time and expense to get you one if you need it for the job.
Why do they need it? He’s taking it because they’re using it! Sarah said so! They are on tv giving classified information! Derp

What she said is that this is indeed political. They are not giving out classified information on tv because they do not have access to classified information. Derp.
Clearances are not cancelled. Your ability to access information is cancelled.
Umm, you can definitely pull someone's security clearance, revoking it.

An acquaintance of mine showed up one day, opened up his briefcase, and pulled out a document that had a classified marking on the top. He had just driven from a few states away and failed to have a courier letter and pouch for the document. He was spotted taking it out and was reported. Less than 4 hours later his security clearance had been revoked, and he was fired because without his security clearance he could not do his job.

You can argue semantics, but his clearance was revoked. Without a clearance you can not get access to classified. You can have a security clearance yet not have access to certain classified because your clearance level is not high enough. Once your security clearance is revoked you have NOTHING.

It was revoked because he mishandled classified information. Not because he was a Democrat or Republican and not because he was pro or anti-Trump.
RW's accuse others of lying and spinning the facts ............


I am not going to lie,I stopped watching when the train turned into Trump. I spit Diet Coke all over my phone laughing my ass off.

You are such a faithful sheep.

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More bullshit and personal attacks in response to facts, reports, and links. That's all you do - spew emotion, opinion, insults, and personal attacks. You're done. No more credibility - a complete waste of time.

GGator has gotten worse. He seems to be leaning all left lately. hly fk. Now he's worried about taking away SC from ex-government employees like they're suppose to keep it. weird shit for sure.

They should be treated like anyone else is treated. Anyone who gets a clearance gets it until it either lapses or they mishandle classified information. Good Americans should be concerned when any President abuses their authority. Democrats could win in 2020 and do the same thing to Republicans., That would be a bitch.
That was pretty weak.

Not at all. I heard 2000 times from you Trump zealots that no conviction equaled no crime, at least it did in the case of Trump.

But I guess that is because he is the savior.

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to include an indictment. An indictment is no indication of a crime.

wtf is it then, a change of address notification??????????????

It is the formal charge or accusation of a crime. it is not an indication of innocence or guilt
The US IG presented their evidence:

"On or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server."

Evidence is something liberals and snowflakes have not had / found against Trump going on 3 years now; yet, they continue to lie their asses off and make some of the most stupid comments ever spewed in an emotional rant.

The IG report did not contest that decision so one assumes it was not a outrageous decision to make. No charges have been filed against Comey by the DOJ. No evidence has ever stopped Trump supporters.
It was revoked because he mishandled classified information. .

ABSOLUTELY....just as Hillary has been proven to have criminally mishandled classified by operating an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured (all crimes) server containing TS+ data that ended up in 6 foreign entities' hands as a result of her INTENTIONAL mishandling of classified.

What she did falls directly under the technical definition of 'ESPIONAGE' as well as gross criminal negligence, which is the terminology Comey used in his final report regarding the FBI's investigation of Hillary...until Strzok changed it to protect Hillary from indictment.
Why doesn't he just imprison them or assassinate them like Putin or Erdogan or other autocrats would do?

You know he would like to.

I'll tell you why. We are here to stop him, the true patriots of this country.

The country continues on its path to autocracy and dictatorship. When the right red-line is crossed, we will defend our country against this traitor.
He is moving to deactivate clearances from people who know longer have a need to know. This is a good thing, there are probably many people walking around with full access to classified information even though they have left the job that required it. That is a violation of the NISPOM. There should be a government audit to insure these clearances are deactivated.

Clearance =/= access.

Having a security clearance means you are allowed to see documents classified up to that level IF YOU HAVE A NEED TO KNOW.
Yeah and? So a former intelligence head says "I have a need to know" who is going to stop him from access? Some low level flunkee?
nope, yet our airwaves are pounded daily from the left leaning media. funny eh, and ironic at the same time.

you are willfully blind to the pounding the airwaves take from the right leaning media. Just one more example of partisan hypocrites.
You're worse than willifully blind, you're just an asshat that is never satisfied. what a punk you are. can't get your way you cry like a baby. No facts, just insults and opinion. maybe someday you will get the bigger picture.

I gave you facts, I gave you the fact that biased, right wing local news stations now have direct access to over half the household in the nation, and you said it as a good thing. You are happy as shit with biased right wing propaganda is passed off as news.

Why, oh because you are a partisan hypocrite.
fact, I never made any such claim. Fact, I want news stories not innuendo fake news. Now, is there any station out there that just gives the news? Nope! everyone has a spin. I fking hate spin, keep your fking tops. Give me the news and any facts with it. but don't spin a story to make someone look bad, I'll be the judge. so your facts aren't facts bubba. And right wing news stations are not local. Not sure where you find them, can you name one?

OAN gives unbiased news, 347 on direct TV

That is a good one. OAN is pro-Trump.
They should be treated like anyone else is treated. Anyone who gets a clearance gets it until it either lapses or they mishandle classified information. Good Americans should be concerned when any President abuses their authority. Democrats could win in 2020 and do the same thing to Republicans., That would be a bitch.

Agreed - EVERYONE should be held accountable the same.

There is ZERO evidence of criminal activity by President Trump after more that 2 years; yet, there is more than enough evidence of crimes committed by Obama Cabinet members and Agency Directors to send them away for years - as would any average American caught doing the same thing!

You continue on villainizing the President, though, without evidence, while ignoring the crimes of Liberals.
Yeah and? So a former intelligence head says "I have a need to know" who is going to stop him from access? Some low level flunkee?
The technically correct answer is 'Yes'. They are required to. The more realistic answer, based on the fact that the agencies and swamp is choked with 'buddies protecting buddies', taking such action would only get them fired.
The IG report did not contest that decision so one assumes it was not a outrageous decision to make. No charges have been filed against Comey by the DOJ. No evidence has ever stopped Trump supporters.
Once again you choose to ignore the recorded FACTS:

"Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server.

Other people had been prosecuted for similar conduct that jeopardized national security in violation of the law.

Yet, Comey – despite characterizing Clinton’s actions with the clear language denoting violation of the law - saw to it that no charges were ever brought against Clinton."
You DO know that if you act in an inappropriate manner you could have your clearance revoked instead of simply making it inactive, right?
These 6 assholes think they can hitch a ride with Hillary back to the White House in 2 years.

A appropriate manner means you mishandle classified information or something of that nature. It does not include your party registration or what you say about a President. This clearly is politoical retaliation by Trump.
so what? the whole russia russia is a political retaliation for trump winning.

Russia interfered in our elections as ell as elections in other countries. There is no retaliation.
but you can't prove it. until you do, it's a nothing burger. I won't listen to you any longer until you present some evidence. snoooozzzzzzzzze

Received your new orders from your master Putin.
No idea who you are referring to. but thanks for playing.
Yeah and? So a former intelligence head says "I have a need to know" who is going to stop him from access? Some low level flunkee?
The technically correct answer is 'Yes'. They are required to. The more realistic answer, based on the fact that the agencies and swamp is choked with 'buddies protecting buddies', taking such action would only get them fired.
Exactly. Security protocol has been decimated by the Left. Deactivate the clearances. If they go to work again and require access, then reactivate the clearances.

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