Why doesnt a leader of a Country

go around blaming everyone for doing messed up things without proof?
I mean, who needs proof? You are only accusing a world super power of Acts of War :dunno:

Seriously, guys... just how fucking retarded are you?
They have proof.
No they don't have ANY proof of Trump doing anything, that is just another one of the thousands of liberal talking points lies. There is plenty of proof of a lot of the dnc including shitbitch and oshitass committing all kinds of crimes, AND all of those emails hacked in the DNC server are out there and coming to a Theatre near you.
I'm not arguing Trump's involvement.
The CIA, FBI, NSA and Director of National Intelligence all have "high confidence" in their judgment that Russia engaged in an influence campaign directed at the election.
The members of the Senate Intelligence Committee have no question whatever that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and that they tried getting in to state election cyberspace, without success. Russia interfered. The intelligence agencies have as much proof as can be had and it is valid information.

Europe has come to the same conclusion about Russian interference in their elections.

Why would they lie about it? And why do you refuse to believe it? What does that accomplish for you?
Funny stuff. The government never examined the DNC servers. We do know Obama hacked multiple state election systems.
Obama hacked multiple state election systems.
Really? Sigh. Liberals are so poorly informed. There were multiple threads on this very site about it. Try the search feature.

Here is a link to get you started.

Indiana joins Idaho in claiming DHS tried to hack their election systems
Did it ever occur to you that DHS was testing out the sites to see if they were vulnerable? Since they knew at the time we had been hacked?

No because the oshit administration had already used government agencies to try to gain complete control of the election process.
actually you didnt ;)
Yes, I did ask first and I'm beginning to suspect you can't answer it. You've sure been avoiding it.
If you look up, you will see i asked first ;)
IDK old lady. Why wouldnt they? They have hacked us before.. They obviously knew Flynn had some shady shit going on.. If obama was so sure about it, why didnt obama want it brought to the public?
Or maybe it was for the same reason the entire world was sure Iraq had WMDs. How many lives and how many trillions of dollars were wasted over that lie?
There is so many inconsistencies and lies, i dont understand how anyone could even begin to believe them without evidence.
What does the U.S. government gain, TN, by saying Russia did it? Just answer that one question, directly, please.
There was an obvious agenda behind the 2002 "mistake" or "lie" that Iraq had WMD's. Bush wanted war.
Do we want war with Russia? I've not heard anyone say that except that one batshit crazy Dem who overreacted.
I already laid out a possibility, OL. Besides, what does me being able to answer that have to do with it? I think they are liars, I KNOW they are liars.
Why would the CIA want to infest computer systems with malware to blame it on someone else? Why would the CIA hack smart cars belonging to citizens so they can pull off assassinations without having a finger pointed at them? If i cant answer that, does it mean it aint true?
And no, thats not correct.... They started talking about Iraq WMDs since the persian gulf war. Clinton bombed iraq in 1998 for not cooperating with UN weapon inspectors.
Its not about us wanting war. Its about them. We dont knwo what their intentions are. We are run by rich greedy assholes because americas voting block are a bunch of close minded, lazy, entitled morons.
Means, motive and opportunity. I'm looking for motive. It makes no sense to me. You believe our government is our enemy and that the same agencies that are keeping our asses from being blown to kingdom come by terrorists are liars.
The CIA is going to continue developing it's spook toys, TN, and I can think of plenty of applications for both. I can't think of any MOTIVE for us to finger the Russians if there wasn't evidence. We don't want war. There are other countries we know commit a lot of cyber crime. So, why? Saying Why not? isn't much of an answer as far as I'm concerned.
I think what it does is give Trump sole credit for winning the election. This all ballooned out of the man's huge ego. Why people like you are buying it, I don't really understand.
I feel sorry for you being so brainwashed. Our security services are no angels, but they sure as hell aren't as bad as you are letting on.

NO liberals in control of our government are our enemy, proven many times. Communisim, and socialisim are not conducive to individual freedoms or rights. Our rights have been gutted, and seriously violated by every liberal REGRESSIVE that ever held any office along with having our history bastardized, and our society completely undermined.
Yes, I did ask first and I'm beginning to suspect you can't answer it. You've sure been avoiding it.
If you look up, you will see i asked first ;)
IDK old lady. Why wouldnt they? They have hacked us before.. They obviously knew Flynn had some shady shit going on.. If obama was so sure about it, why didnt obama want it brought to the public?
Or maybe it was for the same reason the entire world was sure Iraq had WMDs. How many lives and how many trillions of dollars were wasted over that lie?
There is so many inconsistencies and lies, i dont understand how anyone could even begin to believe them without evidence.
What does the U.S. government gain, TN, by saying Russia did it? Just answer that one question, directly, please.
There was an obvious agenda behind the 2002 "mistake" or "lie" that Iraq had WMD's. Bush wanted war.
Do we want war with Russia? I've not heard anyone say that except that one batshit crazy Dem who overreacted.
I already laid out a possibility, OL. Besides, what does me being able to answer that have to do with it? I think they are liars, I KNOW they are liars.
Why would the CIA want to infest computer systems with malware to blame it on someone else? Why would the CIA hack smart cars belonging to citizens so they can pull off assassinations without having a finger pointed at them? If i cant answer that, does it mean it aint true?
And no, thats not correct.... They started talking about Iraq WMDs since the persian gulf war. Clinton bombed iraq in 1998 for not cooperating with UN weapon inspectors.
Its not about us wanting war. Its about them. We dont knwo what their intentions are. We are run by rich greedy assholes because americas voting block are a bunch of close minded, lazy, entitled morons.
Means, motive and opportunity. I'm looking for motive. It makes no sense to me. You believe our government is our enemy and that the same agencies that are keeping our asses from being blown to kingdom come by terrorists are liars.
The CIA is going to continue developing it's spook toys, TN, and I can think of plenty of applications for both. I can't think of any MOTIVE for us to finger the Russians if there wasn't evidence. We don't want war. There are other countries we know commit a lot of cyber crime. So, why? Saying Why not? isn't much of an answer as far as I'm concerned.
I think what it does is give Trump sole credit for winning the election. This all ballooned out of the man's huge ego. Why people like you are buying it, I don't really understand.
I feel sorry for you being so brainwashed. Our security services are no angels, but they sure as hell aren't as bad as you are letting on.

NO liberals in control of our government are our enemy, proven many times. Communisim, and socialisim are not conducive to individual freedoms or rights. Our rights have been gutted, and seriously violated by every liberal REGRESSIVE that ever held any office along with having our history bastardized, and our society completely undermined.
They think they are doing it the right way. You think another way is better. That does not make you enemies.
Cons think Steve Bannon and Alex Jones have the 'real story'.

You can't reason with these people, they are off in la la land.
actually you didnt ;)
Yes, I did ask first and I'm beginning to suspect you can't answer it. You've sure been avoiding it.
If you look up, you will see i asked first ;)
IDK old lady. Why wouldnt they? They have hacked us before.. They obviously knew Flynn had some shady shit going on.. If obama was so sure about it, why didnt obama want it brought to the public?
Or maybe it was for the same reason the entire world was sure Iraq had WMDs. How many lives and how many trillions of dollars were wasted over that lie?
There is so many inconsistencies and lies, i dont understand how anyone could even begin to believe them without evidence.
What does the U.S. government gain, TN, by saying Russia did it? Just answer that one question, directly, please.
There was an obvious agenda behind the 2002 "mistake" or "lie" that Iraq had WMD's. Bush wanted war.
Do we want war with Russia? I've not heard anyone say that except that one batshit crazy Dem who overreacted.
I already laid out a possibility, OL. Besides, what does me being able to answer that have to do with it? I think they are liars, I KNOW they are liars.
Why would the CIA want to infest computer systems with malware to blame it on someone else? Why would the CIA hack smart cars belonging to citizens so they can pull off assassinations without having a finger pointed at them? If i cant answer that, does it mean it aint true?
And no, thats not correct.... They started talking about Iraq WMDs since the persian gulf war. Clinton bombed iraq in 1998 for not cooperating with UN weapon inspectors.
Its not about us wanting war. Its about them. We dont knwo what their intentions are. We are run by rich greedy assholes because americas voting block are a bunch of close minded, lazy, entitled morons.
Means, motive and opportunity. I'm looking for motive. It makes no sense to me. You believe our government is our enemy and that the same agencies that are keeping our asses from being blown to kingdom come by terrorists are liars.
The CIA is going to continue developing it's spook toys, TN, and I can think of plenty of applications for both. I can't think of any MOTIVE for us to finger the Russians if there wasn't evidence. We don't want war. There are other countries we know commit a lot of cyber crime. So, why? Saying Why not? isn't much of an answer as far as I'm concerned.
I think what it does is give Trump sole credit for winning the election. This all ballooned out of the man's huge ego. Why people like you are buying it, I don't really understand.
I feel sorry for you being so brainwashed. Our security services are no angels, but they sure as hell aren't as bad as you are letting on.
I tell you what, take all of that ignorant, collectivist bullshit and go tell that to a widow of an Iraq war vet.
It fucking amazes me how sheep like you constantly forget history. Totalitarians love people like you. Too weak to think.
Why was their motive for lying about Iraq? What is their motive for lying about a lot of shit. What was the motive or the CIA giving guns to Mexican cartels?
Do you think I give a fuck about trumps ego?
I have stated why I want evidence. its a shame you don't require any..
Ita a shame many of you don't. Silly, ignorant civilians is why they do the hit they do now. There is accountability in govt because of people like you.
"Bush lied about Iraq because he wanted war but now our govt cares about us "
How stupid does that sound? I mean seriously.. Consistency perhaps?
Either it just fits your agenda or you are retarded
i mean you were wrong about Iraq but it shows the lack of logic in your opinion
The CIA, FBI, NSA and Director of National Intelligence all have "high confidence" in their judgment that Russia engaged in an influence campaign directed at the election.
The members of the Senate Intelligence Committee have no question whatever that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and that they tried getting in to state election cyberspace, without success. Russia interfered. The intelligence agencies have as much proof as can be had and it is valid information.

Europe has come to the same conclusion about Russian interference in their elections.

Why would they lie about it? And why do you refuse to believe it? What does that accomplish for you?
Funny stuff. The government never examined the DNC servers. We do know Obama hacked multiple state election systems.
Obama hacked multiple state election systems.
Really? Sigh. Liberals are so poorly informed. There were multiple threads on this very site about it. Try the search feature.

Here is a link to get you started.

Indiana joins Idaho in claiming DHS tried to hack their election systems
Did it ever occur to you that DHS was testing out the sites to see if they were vulnerable? Since they knew at the time we had been hacked?
The Feds are not allowed to attack election systems. They did it for a political reason. At the time they were trying to take over local systems by reclassifying them as critical infrastructure. They require the approval of the states before they can test systems.
The CIA, FBI, NSA and Director of National Intelligence all have "high confidence" in their judgment that Russia engaged in an influence campaign directed at the election.
The members of the Senate Intelligence Committee have no question whatever that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and that they tried getting in to state election cyberspace, without success. Russia interfered. The intelligence agencies have as much proof as can be had and it is valid information.

Europe has come to the same conclusion about Russian interference in their elections.

Why would they lie about it? And why do you refuse to believe it? What does that accomplish for you?

You never said how they interfered.

Did they interfere like Obama did with our tax dollars trying to prevent Bebe from winning in Israel?

Why aren't we getting Israel to lock up Obama?
The CIA, FBI, NSA and Director of National Intelligence all have "high confidence" in their judgment that Russia engaged in an influence campaign directed at the election.
The members of the Senate Intelligence Committee have no question whatever that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and that they tried getting in to state election cyberspace, without success. Russia interfered. The intelligence agencies have as much proof as can be had and it is valid information.

Europe has come to the same conclusion about Russian interference in their elections.

Why would they lie about it? And why do you refuse to believe it? What does that accomplish for you?
Funny stuff. The government never examined the DNC servers. We do know Obama hacked multiple state election systems.
Obama hacked multiple state election systems.
Really? Sigh. Liberals are so poorly informed. There were multiple threads on this very site about it. Try the search feature.

Here is a link to get you started.

Indiana joins Idaho in claiming DHS tried to hack their election systems
Did it ever occur to you that DHS was testing out the sites to see if they were vulnerable? Since they knew at the time we had been hacked?

So the fact that some other country may have tried to hack our state systems allows DHS to illegally try to do the same thing?
Well, that was brave, waiting 'til I signed off to pile on, y'all.
Let me put it this way, TNHarley. You can nurse your hurt feelings that Bush told the IC to find him something on Iraq, and that the information they uncovered that led to doubts was buried or ignored. That was 15 years ago. Bush is no longer President. Some of us have tried to move on.

Your argument that once the IC has made a miscalculation, it can never be trusted again is not being "consistent." It is being unreasonable. I won't even mention all the emotional garbage you've thrown in there. Let's not throw stones about logic there, huh?

There is no reason I can see for the IC to blame Russia for hacking us and interfering with our election if they didn't do it. We don't want war this time and Trump sure as hell isn't "pushing" them for that conclusion. Our IC equally has no reason to do what you claim they've done--doing all the hacking themselves. The IC was under the control of the Democratic administration at the time. According to Repubs, it is still crawling with them and doing all in their power to take down Trump. So my question again, why would the intelligence community do this?

They wouldn't.

If you want to argue that Russia did not, despite their efforts, influence the vote, you can reasonably do that. No one can prove it one way or the other. If you want to argue that Trump was not involved, you can do that, too, although the investigation isn't actually over. You're welcome to that opinion.
But saying the NSA or CIA hacked the DNC and Podesta and gave the info to Wikileaks to destroy the Clinton campaign, cleverly "framing" Russia for it, is absolute bullshit and you have no argument to defend it. You can whine about this that and the other all you want, but it isn't me who's short on logic here.
If you look up, you will see i asked first ;)
IDK old lady. Why wouldnt they? They have hacked us before.. They obviously knew Flynn had some shady shit going on.. If obama was so sure about it, why didnt obama want it brought to the public?
Or maybe it was for the same reason the entire world was sure Iraq had WMDs. How many lives and how many trillions of dollars were wasted over that lie?
There is so many inconsistencies and lies, i dont understand how anyone could even begin to believe them without evidence.
What does the U.S. government gain, TN, by saying Russia did it? Just answer that one question, directly, please.
There was an obvious agenda behind the 2002 "mistake" or "lie" that Iraq had WMD's. Bush wanted war.
Do we want war with Russia? I've not heard anyone say that except that one batshit crazy Dem who overreacted.
I already laid out a possibility, OL. Besides, what does me being able to answer that have to do with it? I think they are liars, I KNOW they are liars.
Why would the CIA want to infest computer systems with malware to blame it on someone else? Why would the CIA hack smart cars belonging to citizens so they can pull off assassinations without having a finger pointed at them? If i cant answer that, does it mean it aint true?
And no, thats not correct.... They started talking about Iraq WMDs since the persian gulf war. Clinton bombed iraq in 1998 for not cooperating with UN weapon inspectors.
Its not about us wanting war. Its about them. We dont knwo what their intentions are. We are run by rich greedy assholes because americas voting block are a bunch of close minded, lazy, entitled morons.
Means, motive and opportunity. I'm looking for motive. It makes no sense to me. You believe our government is our enemy and that the same agencies that are keeping our asses from being blown to kingdom come by terrorists are liars.
The CIA is going to continue developing it's spook toys, TN, and I can think of plenty of applications for both. I can't think of any MOTIVE for us to finger the Russians if there wasn't evidence. We don't want war. There are other countries we know commit a lot of cyber crime. So, why? Saying Why not? isn't much of an answer as far as I'm concerned.
I think what it does is give Trump sole credit for winning the election. This all ballooned out of the man's huge ego. Why people like you are buying it, I don't really understand.
I feel sorry for you being so brainwashed. Our security services are no angels, but they sure as hell aren't as bad as you are letting on.

NO liberals in control of our government are our enemy, proven many times. Communisim, and socialisim are not conducive to individual freedoms or rights. Our rights have been gutted, and seriously violated by every liberal REGRESSIVE that ever held any office along with having our history bastardized, and our society completely undermined.
They think they are doing it the right way. You think another way is better. That does not make you enemies.
unfortunately, to some it has gone "that far".

we have people so dug in the person next to them *IS IN FACT* the enemy, this is our biggest challenge as a country today, if not in quite some time.

i 100% agree with you. we can disagree w/o it being a bad thing. in fact, if you put the hate down, it can be a great thing. it can spark conversation and both sides can learn something new.

having to learn to trust all over again won't be easy and with the leadership and media we have now egging it on, (and i also feel the past admin egged it on, just in a more subtle way) it's gets a whole lot harder.
Well, that was brave, waiting 'til I signed off to pile on, y'all.
Let me put it this way, TNHarley. You can nurse your hurt feelings that Bush told the IC to find him something on Iraq, and that the information they uncovered that led to doubts was buried or ignored. That was 15 years ago. Bush is no longer President. Some of us have tried to move on.

Your argument that once the IC has made a miscalculation, it can never be trusted again is not being "consistent." It is being unreasonable. I won't even mention all the emotional garbage you've thrown in there. Let's not throw stones about logic there, huh?

There is no reason I can see for the IC to blame Russia for hacking us and interfering with our election if they didn't do it. We don't want war this time and Trump sure as hell isn't "pushing" them for that conclusion. Our IC equally has no reason to do what you claim they've done--doing all the hacking themselves. The IC was under the control of the Democratic administration at the time. According to Repubs, it is still crawling with them and doing all in their power to take down Trump. So my question again, why would the intelligence community do this?

They wouldn't.

If you want to argue that Russia did not, despite their efforts, influence the vote, you can reasonably do that. No one can prove it one way or the other. If you want to argue that Trump was not involved, you can do that, too, although the investigation isn't actually over. You're welcome to that opinion.
But saying the NSA or CIA hacked the DNC and Podesta and gave the info to Wikileaks to destroy the Clinton campaign, cleverly "framing" Russia for it, is absolute bullshit and you have no argument to defend it. You can whine about this that and the other all you want, but it isn't me who's short on logic here.
It isnt JUST Iraq. That is just the biggest one. BILLIONS of people, multiple countries and multiple intelligence agencies were WRONG for YEARS. That caused ungodly deaths and trillions of dollars to be wasted.
CENTCOM is a failure
Pearl Harbor
Tet offensive
Iranian revolution
Would you like me to continue?
But saying the NSA or CIA hacked the DNC and Podesta and gave the info to Wikileaks to destroy the Clinton campaign, cleverly "framing" Russia for it, is absolute bullshit and you have no argument to defend it.
Now we are going to start arguing your strawmen? No thanks
Its not just the IC that cant be trusted; its the GOVERNMENT. They lie to us EVERY FUCKING DAY. Their policies are driven around greed, corporations and other special interests. They havent offered ANY proof, therefore, I cant believe them. ESPECIALLY when it something as big as calling out a foreign state. Even if it was guccifer that did it(which he has hacked bill clinton before) HOW does that equate to be it being the russian federation? NO PROOF OL. Nothing but words and assumption. If you think that is unreasonable, well, you are a fucking idiot. Sorry but its true.
Weird how you ignore EVERYTHING but the govts assumption. Those assholes cant even run a hospital program for vets. They let the Post office fail. They put crack in the streets. They arm/train terrorists, they give weapons to mexican cartels, they take away rights, they spy on us, they do SO MUCH SHIT. They dont care about us. The CIA doesnt care about us. IF they did, why would they be working on ways to frame american citizens for MURDER?
But silly ol me asking for proof is UNHEARD OF
Give me a fucking break!
Excuse me for THINKING
Well, that was brave, waiting 'til I signed off to pile on, y'all.
Let me put it this way, TNHarley. You can nurse your hurt feelings that Bush told the IC to find him something on Iraq, and that the information they uncovered that led to doubts was buried or ignored. That was 15 years ago. Bush is no longer President. Some of us have tried to move on.

Your argument that once the IC has made a miscalculation, it can never be trusted again is not being "consistent." It is being unreasonable. I won't even mention all the emotional garbage you've thrown in there. Let's not throw stones about logic there, huh?

There is no reason I can see for the IC to blame Russia for hacking us and interfering with our election if they didn't do it. We don't want war this time and Trump sure as hell isn't "pushing" them for that conclusion. Our IC equally has no reason to do what you claim they've done--doing all the hacking themselves. The IC was under the control of the Democratic administration at the time. According to Repubs, it is still crawling with them and doing all in their power to take down Trump. So my question again, why would the intelligence community do this?

They wouldn't.

If you want to argue that Russia did not, despite their efforts, influence the vote, you can reasonably do that. No one can prove it one way or the other. If you want to argue that Trump was not involved, you can do that, too, although the investigation isn't actually over. You're welcome to that opinion.
But saying the NSA or CIA hacked the DNC and Podesta and gave the info to Wikileaks to destroy the Clinton campaign, cleverly "framing" Russia for it, is absolute bullshit and you have no argument to defend it. You can whine about this that and the other all you want, but it isn't me who's short on logic here.
It isnt JUST Iraq. That is just the biggest one. BILLIONS of people, multiple countries and multiple intelligence agencies were WRONG for YEARS. That caused ungodly deaths and trillions of dollars to be wasted.
CENTCOM is a failure
Pearl Harbor
Tet offensive
Iranian revolution
Would you like me to continue?
But saying the NSA or CIA hacked the DNC and Podesta and gave the info to Wikileaks to destroy the Clinton campaign, cleverly "framing" Russia for it, is absolute bullshit and you have no argument to defend it.
Now we are going to start arguing your strawmen? No thanks
Its not just the IC that cant be trusted; its the GOVERNMENT. They lie to us EVERY FUCKING DAY. Their policies are driven around greed, corporations and other special interests. They havent offered ANY proof, therefore, I cant believe them. ESPECIALLY when it something as big as calling out a foreign state. Even if it was guccifer that did it(which he has hacked bill clinton before) HOW does that equate to be it being the russian federation? NO PROOF OL. Nothing but words and assumption. If you think that is unreasonable, well, you are a fucking idiot. Sorry but its true.
Weird how you ignore EVERYTHING but the govts assumption. Those assholes cant even run a hospital program for vets. They let the Post office fail. They put crack in the streets. They arm/train terrorists, they give weapons to mexican cartels, they take away rights, they spy on us, they do SO MUCH SHIT. They dont care about us. The CIA doesnt care about us. IF they did, why would they be working on ways to frame american citizens for MURDER?
But silly ol me asking for proof is UNHEARD OF
Give me a fucking break!
Excuse me for THINKING
Okay TN. Sorry you were born in such a miserable, rotten country. So defend Russia if it makes you feel more righteous. Nothing I say is going to sink into that head.
There was more proof of WMD in Iraq than there is of Russian "election hacking"(very little) as well as Trump "collusion"(none).
What? In the early days of both situations, and we are still in the early days of the "Russia" matter, there was the same nature and extent of publicly available information about what actually happened: the attestations of the the Administration. No specific intelligence was provided to corroborate the Bush Admin.'s claim and it wasn't until, what, some two or more years later that it became clear that there no militarily relevant WMDs in Iraq.
Well, that was brave, waiting 'til I signed off to pile on, y'all.
Let me put it this way, TNHarley. You can nurse your hurt feelings that Bush told the IC to find him something on Iraq, and that the information they uncovered that led to doubts was buried or ignored. That was 15 years ago. Bush is no longer President. Some of us have tried to move on.

Your argument that once the IC has made a miscalculation, it can never be trusted again is not being "consistent." It is being unreasonable. I won't even mention all the emotional garbage you've thrown in there. Let's not throw stones about logic there, huh?

There is no reason I can see for the IC to blame Russia for hacking us and interfering with our election if they didn't do it. We don't want war this time and Trump sure as hell isn't "pushing" them for that conclusion. Our IC equally has no reason to do what you claim they've done--doing all the hacking themselves. The IC was under the control of the Democratic administration at the time. According to Repubs, it is still crawling with them and doing all in their power to take down Trump. So my question again, why would the intelligence community do this?

They wouldn't.

If you want to argue that Russia did not, despite their efforts, influence the vote, you can reasonably do that. No one can prove it one way or the other. If you want to argue that Trump was not involved, you can do that, too, although the investigation isn't actually over. You're welcome to that opinion.
But saying the NSA or CIA hacked the DNC and Podesta and gave the info to Wikileaks to destroy the Clinton campaign, cleverly "framing" Russia for it, is absolute bullshit and you have no argument to defend it. You can whine about this that and the other all you want, but it isn't me who's short on logic here.
It isnt JUST Iraq. That is just the biggest one. BILLIONS of people, multiple countries and multiple intelligence agencies were WRONG for YEARS. That caused ungodly deaths and trillions of dollars to be wasted.
CENTCOM is a failure
Pearl Harbor
Tet offensive
Iranian revolution
Would you like me to continue?
But saying the NSA or CIA hacked the DNC and Podesta and gave the info to Wikileaks to destroy the Clinton campaign, cleverly "framing" Russia for it, is absolute bullshit and you have no argument to defend it.
Now we are going to start arguing your strawmen? No thanks
Its not just the IC that cant be trusted; its the GOVERNMENT. They lie to us EVERY FUCKING DAY. Their policies are driven around greed, corporations and other special interests. They havent offered ANY proof, therefore, I cant believe them. ESPECIALLY when it something as big as calling out a foreign state. Even if it was guccifer that did it(which he has hacked bill clinton before) HOW does that equate to be it being the russian federation? NO PROOF OL. Nothing but words and assumption. If you think that is unreasonable, well, you are a fucking idiot. Sorry but its true.
Weird how you ignore EVERYTHING but the govts assumption. Those assholes cant even run a hospital program for vets. They let the Post office fail. They put crack in the streets. They arm/train terrorists, they give weapons to mexican cartels, they take away rights, they spy on us, they do SO MUCH SHIT. They dont care about us. The CIA doesnt care about us. IF they did, why would they be working on ways to frame american citizens for MURDER?
But silly ol me asking for proof is UNHEARD OF
Give me a fucking break!
Excuse me for THINKING
Okay TN. Sorry you were born in such a miserable, rotten country. So defend Russia if it makes you feel more righteous. Nothing I say is going to sink into that head.
how quaint. More strawmen. Cant say anything about my post, so you create arguments so you can feel accomplished. Nice.
The CIA, FBI, NSA and Director of National Intelligence all have "high confidence" in their judgment that Russia engaged in an influence campaign directed at the election.
The members of the Senate Intelligence Committee have no question whatever that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and that they tried getting in to state election cyberspace, without success. Russia interfered. The intelligence agencies have as much proof as can be had and it is valid information.

Europe has come to the same conclusion about Russian interference in their elections.

Why would they lie about it? And why do you refuse to believe it? What does that accomplish for you?

You never said how they interfered.

Did they interfere like Obama did with our tax dollars trying to prevent Bebe from winning in Israel?

Why aren't we getting Israel to lock up Obama?
i bring up our own guilt here and never hear from from either side. but yea, in my eyes to prance around like this is evil and we should make russia pay is to overlook things like:

Noam Chomsky on the Long History of US Meddling in Foreign Elections

A wide range of politicians and media outlets have described the alleged Russian interference in the last US presidential election (by way of hacking) as representing a direct threat to American democracy and even to national security itself. Of course, the irony behind these concerns about the interference of foreign nations in the domestic political affairs of the United States is that the US has blatantly interfered in the elections of many other nations, with methods that include not only financial support to preferred parties and the circulation of propaganda but also assassinations and overthrows of even democratically elected regimes. Indeed, the US has a long criminal history of meddling into the political affairs of other nations -- a history that spans at least a century and, since the end of World War II, extends into all regions of the globe, including western parliamentary polities. This interview with Noam Chomsky reminds us that the United States is no stranger to election interference; in fact, it is an expert in this arena.

hell, here's 6 examples for obama alone:
Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples

where's the rage? obama did it and maybe that's why at first he didn't care about russia til he could use it to his advantage.

now if you want to say that's bullshit, then come up with another reason why he did nothing about it. i'm listening.

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