Zone1 Why Doesn't God Just Show Himself?

YOu need a mirror.
Look, you reject dying to self as a means of seeing reality. Until you set aside your pride your lessons will continue to be brought back to you until you do. That's how life works.
Look, you reject dying to self as a means of seeing reality. Until you set aside your pride your lessons will continue to be brought back to you until you do. That's how life works.
Look, you talk in nonsense and have lost touch with reality. Until you regain your senses you can't learn any lessons at all.

That's how life works.
Look, you talk in nonsense and have lost touch with reality. Until you regain your senses you can't learn any lessons at all.

That's how life works.
It's not nonsense at all. It's just logic. The difference between subjective and objective is bias. Bias is eliminated when one has no preference for an outcome. That's what dying to self is. You're so prideful that you can't even perform simple logic. Your bias is getting in the way of your seeing reality.

I can do this all day. Your world view is flawed. Mine isn't.
We didn't come to this universe. We are from this universe. We are this universe.
Who said anything about coming to this universe? My statement was, "before coming to this earth". We likely did exist within this universe since our Father in Heaven is the God of this universe. He created our spirit bodies before coming to this earth and that was all likely done within this universe before we came to this earth.
Yes, I do. And it has enriched my life beyond measure. Whereas your worldview has led you to seeking conflict because you are not at peace. So laugh all you want. Laughing leads to crying.
And yet you're here arguing all the time and telling people you know better than they do what's best for them
And the reason one can't is because it is an essential part of the person. Anyone who deliberately sneers at religious beliefs and holds them in contempt is sneering at and holding in contempt those who hold such beliefs. Can't separate the beliefs from the physical body.

You are not what happens to you.

What I think of your religion should really not have any effect on you at all
Who said anything about coming to this universe? My statement was, "before coming to this earth". We likely did exist within this universe since our Father in Heaven is the God of this universe. He created our spirit bodies before coming to this earth and that was all likely done within this universe before we came to this earth.

We didn't come to this earth we are OF this earth.

This is one of the points with which I have contention with religions.

The god theory states that you are placed here into the universe , onto the earth by the acts of some third party and teaches that you are separate from it all. The idea that your life and what makes you who you are was given to you with a debt attached and that if you will only do X,Y and Z you will be able to be you forever is nothing but egoism at its core.

When you realize there is no such thing as self then you realize that you are not separate from the universe and that you are everything and everything is you.
What I think of your religion should really not have any effect on you at all
Just like if someone misuses drugs and alcohol or defecates on the street should have no effect on anyone else? You think so little of your soul and what comes forth from it into the world makes no difference?

It is not difficult to make points respectfully. Only the very weak believe showing contempt and sneering displays strength or "independent"/"critical" thinking. The respectful can hit the heart. Contempt and sneers barely reach another's toenails worthy only of being kicked aside with little notice but perhaps a little pity.
And yet you're here arguing all the time and telling people you know better than they do what's best for them
No, I'm defending my faith from attacks from militant atheists who condemn respect for people of faith.
Interesting video some will understand and some will mock. "Those who have ears to hear, will hear"

God is also bound to the Covenant which specifies that "men need faith to be saved". So if God shows up publicly all mankind is no longer savable.

The question is rather what would be the next most efficient way for a truth to convey? The exclusively for a truth to convey among humans is by means of testimony->broadcast/preaching->believe. All truth is conveyed this way exclusively and on a daily basis but without humans' own awareness. Stupid humans! That's why it's for Satan and his angels to fool humans easily because humans don't even understand the simplest which they make use on everything and on a daily basis.

Do you have the evidence on whether Biden or Trump has won the majority votes? You don't. This fact (or 'fact') is conveyed in just another form of testimony (from those who are responsible for counting the votes in one way or another), broadcase by trusted mass media and for you to believe with faith (on whether Biden won or Trump won), even though we all know clearly that one of the two must be a lie. Human capability is not to distinguish the two but to choose to believe one with faith under the full awareness that one of them must be a lie! That's already the best of what the poor humans can do in terms of their maximum capability! You are such a piece of cake to Satan!

Wake up, and turn to Christ (i.e., to run your ar**).
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Just like if someone misuses drugs and alcohol or defecates on the street should have no effect on anyone else? You think so little of your soul and what comes forth from it into the world makes no difference?

It is not difficult to make points respectfully. Only the very weak believe showing contempt and sneering displays strength or "independent"/"critical" thinking. The respectful can hit the heart. Contempt and sneers barely reach another's toenails worthy only of being kicked aside with little notice but perhaps a little pity.

It doesn't unless those people commit crimes to feed their addictions.

and Soul = Ego.

If there is no self there is no soul (Ego).
No, I'm defending my faith from attacks from militant atheists who condemn respect for people of faith.
Not an atheist.

And I'm not condemning YOU I am criticizing your religion.

It's you religious people who do the condemning.

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