Zone1 Why Doesn't God Just Show Himself?

I know some people who are absolutely convinced that their life has drastically improved since they took up religion. Those improvement usually coincide with em giving up drugs or alcohol.
And there ya go.
Not when taken in context of all scripture. Worship and serve have the same etymology. Do we choose worship/serve God or do we choose to serve--i.e., worship--self. Dying to self means broadening one's horizons to be aware, not only of God, but of the help that can be extended to those around us.

Self is a limited place to live. To truly live, move outside the self-cocoon and into broader horizons.
It's a nonsense phrase.
You can imagine God looking at a Racist like you who supports Ethnic Cleansing and saying ,
How did I create an abomination like this ?
How ashamed I am when I see such wretchedness and ignorance .
Was it ethnic cleansing when the last sample of smallpox was destroyed?
Its yalls bible. Nothing I can do about that.
October 7th - Were you shocked by the savagery of humans on display? The nomadic peoples of Biblical times wouldn't have batted an eye. It was their way of life, they lived it. Kill or be killed. This is life. Wives and children being slaughtered or enslaved. It is vicious and expected. Prayers to God are for survival, who to destroy before you are destroyed. Savage ways lived by a savage people.

That is the Bible. "Yalls" interpretation is seen through the lens of NATO and the Geneva Convention, through the lens of a sedentary people whose greatest danger is a sprained ankle on a walk through the park. Life and death matters are whether to have ice cream with cherry pie. Step outside the comfort zone. Forget about civilized society. Step into the midst of violence and rage.

God meets us where we are. That is where he met Old Testament people, accepting the situation and all its brokenness to begin working towards healing. Eschewing the ways of the magical genie, God works slowly and patiently, working with what was given to him. People who lived in this time and wrote it out saw God's hand in many of the outcomes of these wars. They used these outcomes as signs that God was pleased or God was not pleased.

Back to savagery. Let's move it up to the spirit level. The Bible is known to be a holy book. The origins of sacred rites are recorded. The savagery of some non-believers towards the Bible and some of its rites can be compared to the savagery of the rapes and murders recorded in its pages. The contempt, the ridicule, the desecration is wounding. You are on another's holy ground. Consider how you might behave if you are on the holy ground of the Nez Perce, the Navajo, the Hopi. Would you show your contempt, your ridicule, and move to desecrate? You do it with Bible and expect us to suck it up. Kind of like how you expected God to deal with those Old Testament nomadic tribes. Oh, so what...women and children got slaughtered. Suck it up. Don't take revenge. They have a right to attack, but they won't attack again for another couple of months. So what if a few more women and children are lost. Let them say what they want, do what they want...just take it.

What I meant kindly when I said you don't understand the Bible, you took as an attack on your English reading comprehension. That is all the Bible is to you, an English comprehension assignment. I give you an A+. I just meant, beyond that, there is more to understand. It takes an interest in God--or how others see God--for that study. Instead, perhaps keep in mind it is holy ground?
Noah's ark is probably based on Rashi (Gen. 6:14) which says it took 120 years to build:

"There are numerous ways by which God could have saved Noah; why, then, did he burden him with this construction of the Ark?

So that the men of the generation of the Flood might see him employed on it for 120 years and might ask him, “What do you need this for”? and so that he might answer them, “The Holy One, blessed be He, is about to bring a flood upon the world” — perhaps they might repent (Sanhedrin 108b).
Seeing reality for how it is and having all of your learning centers of the mind switch on is the opposite of religious clap-trap.
LOL, you have "faith" in an imaginary being and yet think you "see reality for how it is".

You can't make this shit up, LMAO
LOL, you have "faith" in an imaginary being and yet think you "see reality for how it is".

You can't make this shit up, LMAO
Yes, I do. And it has enriched my life beyond measure. Whereas your worldview has led you to seeking conflict because you are not at peace. So laugh all you want. Laughing leads to crying.
o ding you keep the mantra laughing leads to crying is simply not true..and yet you keep saying far as religion i dond have a dog in the fight one way or the other,.each to their own
Interesting video some will understand and some will mock. "Those who have ears to hear, will hear"

No god/s to show. All manmade gobbledygook.

yes no washington biden hitler.jpg
o ding you keep the mantra laughing leads to crying is simply not true..and yet you keep saying far as religion i dond have a dog in the fight one way or the other,.each to their own
Laughing does lead to crying, Bones. Just as crying does lead to laughing.
Yes, I do. And it has enriched my life beyond measure. Whereas your worldview has led you to seeking conflict because you are not at peace. So laugh all you want. Laughing leads to crying.
YOu need a mirror.
No, I don't think you can.
And the reason one can't is because it is an essential part of the person. Anyone who deliberately sneers at religious beliefs and holds them in contempt is sneering at and holding in contempt those who hold such beliefs. Can't separate the beliefs from the physical body.

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