Why doesn't God make himself obvious to us all?

When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

But He does.

1. "…according to various calculations, if the values of some of the fundamental parameters of our universe were a little larger or a little smaller, life could not have arisen.

2. For example, if the nuclear force were a few percentage points stronger than it actually is, then all the hydrogen atoms in the infant universe would have fused with other hydrogen atoms to make helium, and there would be no hydrogen left. No hydrogen means no water. Although we are far from certain about what conditions are necessary for life, most biologists believe that water is necessary. On the other hand, if the nuclear force were substantially weaker than what it actually is, then the complex atoms needed for biology could not hold together.

3. As another example, if the relationship between the strengths of the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force were not close to what it is, then the cosmos would not harbor any stars that explode and spew out life-supporting chemical elements into space or any other stars that form planets. Both kinds of stars are required for the emergence of life. The strengths of the basic forces and certain other fundamental parameters in our universe appear to be “fine-tuned” to allow the existence of life.

4. The recognition of this fine tuning led British physicist Brandon Carter to articulate what he called the anthropic principle, which states that the universe must have the parameters it does because we are here to observe it. Actually, the word anthropic, from the Greek for “man,” is a misnomer: if these fundamental parameters were much different from what they are, it is not only human beings who would not exist. No life of any kind would exist.

5. …the great question, of course, is why these fundamental parameters happen to lie within the range needed for life. Does the universe care about life? Intelligent design is one answer. Indeed, a fair number of theologians, philosophers, and even some scientists have used fine-tuning and the anthropic principle as evidence of the existence of God. For example, at the 2011 Christian Scholars’ Conference at Pepperdine University, Francis Collins, a leading geneticist and director of the National Institutes of Health, said, “To get our universe, with all of its potential for complexities or any kind of potential for any kind of life-form, everything has to be precisely defined on this knife edge of improbability…. [Y]ou have to see the hands of a creator who set the parameters to be just so because the creator was interested in something a little more complicated than random particles.”

The accidental universe: Science's crisis of faith
By Alan P. Lightman

Lightman is a physicist.

Then, there is this by Stephen Hawking:
1. Dr. Hawking, who admits the mathematical improbability of our universe:
"It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us."

"In fact, if one considers the possible constants and laws that could have emerged, the odds against a universe that has produced life like ours are immense."

"Why did the universe start out with so nearly the critical rate of expansion that separates models that recollapse from those that go on expanding forever, that even now, 10 thousand million years later, it is still expanding at nearly the critical rate? If the rate of expansion one second after the Big Bang had been smaller by even one part in 100 thousand million million, the universe would have collapsed before it ever reached its present size."

"The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life ..."
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking

2. And....here's the money quote:
“So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator.” Steven Hawking, “A Brief History of Time,” p. 140-41.

When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

Because he doesn't exist.

It's like a little skinny kid on the internet pretending to be a hot woman, it doesn't exist.
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

Because he doesn't exist.

It's like a little skinny kid on the internet pretending to be a hot woman, it doesn't exist.

"When U.S. adults were asked whether or not they believe in God, four-in-five (80 percent) said that they do. More specifically, 56 percent of adults surveyed said that they believe in God “as described in the Bible.”

Interestingly enough, belief in a deity or higher power is common among people without religious affiliation, as close to three quarters (72 percent) of them still believe in God or some other higher power.

Focusing on the other side, less than one-in-five (19 percent) adults surveyed said that they do not believe in God. However, some adults (9 percent) say that while they don’t believe in God, they do believe in some spiritual being or higher power. Only one-in-ten adults (10 percent) surveyed do not believe in any God or higher power."
Pew: Majority of Americans Still Believe in God

On the other hand, there are Democrats/Liberals/Leftists who assured us that Barack Hussein Obama was God, the Messiah, and Jesus.
The notion of ‘free will’ is inconsistent with an omnipotent deity worthy of worship and in possession of divine authority.

You can be omnipotent and choose NOT to act. Just as a parent will allow a child to make its own decisions on certain things.

You should brush up on your use of the English language....

  1. 1.
    (of a deity) having unlimited power; able to do anything. Google
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

Because he doesn't exist.

It's like a little skinny kid on the internet pretending to be a hot woman, it doesn't exist.
Trust me... existence exists.

How can I trust you?

Can you see beyond the universe?

Maybe we're just a computer simulation.
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

Because he doesn't exist.

It's like a little skinny kid on the internet pretending to be a hot woman, it doesn't exist.
Trust me... existence exists.

How can I trust you?

Can you see beyond the universe?

Maybe we're just a computer simulation.
Because you have constructed a perception of God as a sky daddy pulling strings which is false.

God is existence. Before anything ever was there was consciousness.

Start from that premise.
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

Because he doesn't exist.

It's like a little skinny kid on the internet pretending to be a hot woman, it doesn't exist.
Trust me... existence exists.

How can I trust you?

Can you see beyond the universe?

Maybe we're just a computer simulation.
Because you have constructed a perception of God as a sky daddy pulling strings which is false.

God is existence. Before anything ever was there was consciousness.

Start from that premise.
So if god is existence, then the sky daddy who poofed everything into being doesn't exist?
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

Because he doesn't exist.

It's like a little skinny kid on the internet pretending to be a hot woman, it doesn't exist.
Trust me... existence exists.

How can I trust you?

Can you see beyond the universe?

Maybe we're just a computer simulation.
Because you have constructed a perception of God as a sky daddy pulling strings which is false.

God is existence. Before anything ever was there was consciousness.

Start from that premise.

Well you could do.

Many people can have different views of what God is. Which begs the question of who is right.

Then, you can't even prove existence.

So, if we are a computer program, then those "people" who made the computer program are the Gods?

How many of them are there? Well we don't even know if this is the case, do we?
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

Because he doesn't exist.

It's like a little skinny kid on the internet pretending to be a hot woman, it doesn't exist.
Trust me... existence exists.

How can I trust you?

Can you see beyond the universe?

Maybe we're just a computer simulation.
Because you have constructed a perception of God as a sky daddy pulling strings which is false.

God is existence. Before anything ever was there was consciousness.

Start from that premise.

Well you could do.

Many people can have different views of what God is. Which begs the question of who is right.

Then, you can't even prove existence.

So, if we are a computer program, then those "people" who made the computer program are the Gods?

How many of them are there? Well we don't even know if this is the case, do we?
A computer simulation is an excellent example of what I am talking about.

A first cause. Except in that example he wouldn't be the first cause. The only solution to the first cause is something that is eternal and unchanging. This we know to be God.

So please don't waste our time with childish arguments like whose God or how many Gods. Fair enough?
Because he doesn't exist.

It's like a little skinny kid on the internet pretending to be a hot woman, it doesn't exist.
Trust me... existence exists.

How can I trust you?

Can you see beyond the universe?

Maybe we're just a computer simulation.
Because you have constructed a perception of God as a sky daddy pulling strings which is false.

God is existence. Before anything ever was there was consciousness.

Start from that premise.

Well you could do.

Many people can have different views of what God is. Which begs the question of who is right.

Then, you can't even prove existence.

So, if we are a computer program, then those "people" who made the computer program are the Gods?

How many of them are there? Well we don't even know if this is the case, do we?
A computer simulation is an excellent example of what I am talking about.

A first cause. Except in that example he wouldn't be the first cause. The only solution to the first cause is something that is eternal and unchanging. This we know to be God.

So please don't waste our time with childish arguments like whose God or how many Gods. Fair enough?

You think whose God or how many Gods is childish, then what's the point of discussing with you?
Trust me... existence exists.

How can I trust you?

Can you see beyond the universe?

Maybe we're just a computer simulation.
Because you have constructed a perception of God as a sky daddy pulling strings which is false.

God is existence. Before anything ever was there was consciousness.

Start from that premise.

Well you could do.

Many people can have different views of what God is. Which begs the question of who is right.

Then, you can't even prove existence.

So, if we are a computer program, then those "people" who made the computer program are the Gods?

How many of them are there? Well we don't even know if this is the case, do we?
A computer simulation is an excellent example of what I am talking about.

A first cause. Except in that example he wouldn't be the first cause. The only solution to the first cause is something that is eternal and unchanging. This we know to be God.

So please don't waste our time with childish arguments like whose God or how many Gods. Fair enough?

You think whose God or how many Gods is childish, then what's the point of discussing with you?
There's no point in discussing that with me. God can be solved through logic.
How can I trust you?

Can you see beyond the universe?

Maybe we're just a computer simulation.
Because you have constructed a perception of God as a sky daddy pulling strings which is false.

God is existence. Before anything ever was there was consciousness.

Start from that premise.

Well you could do.

Many people can have different views of what God is. Which begs the question of who is right.

Then, you can't even prove existence.

So, if we are a computer program, then those "people" who made the computer program are the Gods?

How many of them are there? Well we don't even know if this is the case, do we?
A computer simulation is an excellent example of what I am talking about.

A first cause. Except in that example he wouldn't be the first cause. The only solution to the first cause is something that is eternal and unchanging. This we know to be God.

So please don't waste our time with childish arguments like whose God or how many Gods. Fair enough?

You think whose God or how many Gods is childish, then what's the point of discussing with you?
There's no point in discussing that with me. God can be solved through logic.

Well, you say God can be solved through logic. The problem is, you seem to be shouting things down in order to reach that logic.

It's logical that the Sun revolves around the Earth as long as you shout down anyone who says otherwise. Right?
Because you have constructed a perception of God as a sky daddy pulling strings which is false.

God is existence. Before anything ever was there was consciousness.

Start from that premise.

Well you could do.

Many people can have different views of what God is. Which begs the question of who is right.

Then, you can't even prove existence.

So, if we are a computer program, then those "people" who made the computer program are the Gods?

How many of them are there? Well we don't even know if this is the case, do we?
A computer simulation is an excellent example of what I am talking about.

A first cause. Except in that example he wouldn't be the first cause. The only solution to the first cause is something that is eternal and unchanging. This we know to be God.

So please don't waste our time with childish arguments like whose God or how many Gods. Fair enough?

You think whose God or how many Gods is childish, then what's the point of discussing with you?
There's no point in discussing that with me. God can be solved through logic.

Well, you say God can be solved through logic. The problem is, you seem to be shouting things down in order to reach that logic.

It's logical that the Sun revolves around the Earth as long as you shout down anyone who says otherwise. Right?
What have I shouted down exactly?
Well you could do.

Many people can have different views of what God is. Which begs the question of who is right.

Then, you can't even prove existence.

So, if we are a computer program, then those "people" who made the computer program are the Gods?

How many of them are there? Well we don't even know if this is the case, do we?
A computer simulation is an excellent example of what I am talking about.

A first cause. Except in that example he wouldn't be the first cause. The only solution to the first cause is something that is eternal and unchanging. This we know to be God.

So please don't waste our time with childish arguments like whose God or how many Gods. Fair enough?

You think whose God or how many Gods is childish, then what's the point of discussing with you?
There's no point in discussing that with me. God can be solved through logic.

Well, you say God can be solved through logic. The problem is, you seem to be shouting things down in order to reach that logic.

It's logical that the Sun revolves around the Earth as long as you shout down anyone who says otherwise. Right?
What have I shouted down exactly?

"So please don't waste our time with childish arguments like whose God or how many Gods. Fair enough?"

You forgot you wrote this?
A computer simulation is an excellent example of what I am talking about.

A first cause. Except in that example he wouldn't be the first cause. The only solution to the first cause is something that is eternal and unchanging. This we know to be God.

So please don't waste our time with childish arguments like whose God or how many Gods. Fair enough?

You think whose God or how many Gods is childish, then what's the point of discussing with you?
There's no point in discussing that with me. God can be solved through logic.

Well, you say God can be solved through logic. The problem is, you seem to be shouting things down in order to reach that logic.

It's logical that the Sun revolves around the Earth as long as you shout down anyone who says otherwise. Right?
What have I shouted down exactly?

"So please don't waste our time with childish arguments like whose God or how many Gods. Fair enough?"

You forgot you wrote this?
How exactly are those arguments of logic?

Do you think you will find evidence for the existence of God in writings?

The logical argument for God starts with what he created and what we can observe from that.
You think whose God or how many Gods is childish, then what's the point of discussing with you?
There's no point in discussing that with me. God can be solved through logic.

Well, you say God can be solved through logic. The problem is, you seem to be shouting things down in order to reach that logic.

It's logical that the Sun revolves around the Earth as long as you shout down anyone who says otherwise. Right?
What have I shouted down exactly?

"So please don't waste our time with childish arguments like whose God or how many Gods. Fair enough?"

You forgot you wrote this?
How exactly are those arguments of logic?

Do you think you will find evidence for the existence of God in writings?

The logical argument for God starts with what he created and what we can observe from that.

Imagine you're in a box. You have no way of knowing what is on the outside of the box. You can't see, you can't hear, you can't touch the outside of the box.

Then you say "I know everything, I know what is on the outside of the box".

What are the chances you're lying? About 34234324432234234234%

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