Why doesn't God make himself obvious to us all?

Look who is playing defense now. :lol:

I gave you THREE different points and you can't deal with any of them.
the ones who believe in god are the ones who believe lies...believe fantasy/dreams/myths
Get behind me, Satan.

He probably doesn't recognize him either.
you people believe in fairies of the sky
you claim there is a god..now prove it or you must say it is only your opinion--only your belief and there is no proof of god
No one has to prove anything to you.
--sure you do--if you are on USMB--claiming there is a god--you either have to prove it or your claim is worthless crap
That's only your opinion, and your opinions are worthless crap.
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?

I really wish I knew. I think this is one of the most important questions we can ask about God, his obvious silence and holding himself back. In Job 36:26 " God is Great, we know him not!"

A lot of believers are in cold denial over this, they like to think they know God. But we really don't know this egnigmatic being.
Hilarious stuff. It's always entertaining when some people, particularly the assorted mentally ill deviants and sex fetishists, will go on for pages and pages and pages all about Da Evulz Of Xianz, and yet never bother to actually read the books themselves, or they're obviously illiterates who can't. lol
“Why doesn't God make himself obvious to us all?”

Because man created religion, and subsequently ‘god,’ to compel conformity and justify oppression.

Obviously non-believers, infidels, heretics, and others who didn’t follow a given sanctioned religion could be subject to punitive measures by the state.

If ‘god’ were available to all then there’d be no religious divisions, and consequently no political divisions for the state to exploit.

The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause was the Framers’ countermeasure to government’s propensity for seeking to divide citizens between and among religious factions.

We are in agreement that man is responsible for all oppression

God made us free and desiring freedom, something we can only find through him.
God has made Himself obvious to everyone. Some choose to ignore God and believe lies. It's really as simple as that.
the ones who believe in god are the ones who believe lies...believe fantasy/dreams/myths
Get behind me, Satan.

He probably doesn't recognize him either.
you people believe in fairies of the sky
you claim there is a god..now prove it or you must say it is only your opinion--only your belief and there is no proof of god

Atheists also believe in fairies.

They believe in the fairy that waves her magic wand to bring about life, something not even we can create.

The fairy is also responsible for making us human. For you see, as we come out of the womb she waves her magic wand over us to make us human, but not until then.

As the spirit children of God, we lived with God before coming to this earth. Those of us who stayed the course and believed and loved God while in his presence were allowed to come to this earth and receive bodies. There were those who did not stay the course and rebelled against God in our pre-mortal existence. They were cast out of heaven into this earth. There came a time when mankind were to be tested to see if they would follow after truth and goodness by simply hearing about it and having faith in it. I like Ding's post #2 where we were to exercise our freewill. Having a veil placed over our minds so that we cannot recall our prior existence with God, we were given the opportunity to choose good over evil as a principle more so than being in his presence and knowing of a surety that he exists. God wants us to learn to be good in and of ourselves. He wants us to do good for goodness sake and not simply because he exists. The concept of God is a representation of goodness and righteousness. It is a representation of love, justice, peace, selflessness, etc. etc. How much better of a person would we be if we were good beings because we believe in goodness and all that God represents rather than seeing God and doing good because he is there.

Those of us who have children know that when we are in their presence, they don't do much wrong. But when we are not there, how do they act? Do they still do what you would want them to do or do they do something else? There is an old saying, "When the cat's away the mice will play". At some point we need to grow further spiritually and start becoming a good being of our own volition. This earth life is just that. God is testing us to see what we will do without a perfect knowledge of his existence and to see if we will become good beings in and of ourselves. This earth life is a time for us to grow more spiritual than we were when we lived in his presence. We need to learn to walk by faith and put on the breastplate of righteousness and pick up the shield of truth and goodness and incorporate that into our very own characters. This is how God is helping us to become more like him.

John 20:26-29
26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.
27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.
29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

We need to learn to walk by faith ...

think again christian, you've had over 2000 years of mindless misdeeds expressing your faith, time to find the truth the Almighty is board to death with your phony, self serving religion.

How could I personally have had 2000 years of misdeeds when I am not even 60 years old yet? There are those who sin and repent and forsake their previous sins. Then there are those who pretend that sin is not sin and God does not exist so that they can continue in their evil ways.

It is interesting that you believe in God enough to consider him to be board to death.
It is interesting that you believe in God enough to consider him (them) to be board to death.

no, they are board with your self serving religion.

How could I personally have had 2000 years of misdeeds when I am not even 60 years old yet?

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good luck, it's your responsibility others would rather live fruitful lives than the fate of blind faith and injustice.

So you think I am personally responsible for the misdeeds of others? Then you must be personally responsible for all the misdeeds of the non-christians. Is that fair to you?

I am glad that you believe in God.
So you think I am personally responsible for the misdeeds of others? Then you must be personally responsible for all the misdeeds of the non-christians. Is that fair to you?

yes, the religion of antiquity is for humanity not the individual it's everyone or non at all that is the religion of your awful book as well. directly from the prosecutor of the Everlasting.

you are in particular responsible for the travesty of christianity by faith, you espouse.
It seems that God didnt make Him obvious to anyone in the past. Do anyone know a religion whose ideas about the creation of this world are similar to what we know today from science? It is quite natural that people were interested in how and when this world came to existence, how people were created and what their role was. And no one religion (known for me at least) offers something valuable in this matter and it seems quite strange because this would be a good proof of trustworthiness of it. I dont expect formulas and scientific tractates in the scriptures but simple mention that Earth is round, that it is Earth goes around the Sun and not otherwise, and things like that would be quite enough.
It seems that God didnt make Him obvious to anyone in the past. Do anyone know a religion whose ideas about the creation of this world are similar to what we know today from science? It is quite natural that people were interested in how and when this world came to existence, how people were created and what their role was. And no one religion (known for me at least) offers something valuable in this matter and it seems quite strange because this would be a good proof of trustworthiness of it. I dont expect formulas and scientific tractates in the scriptures but simple mention that Earth is round, that it is Earth goes around the Sun and not otherwise, and things like that would be quite enough.
The book of Isaiah in 40:22mentions the earth is round.
God has made Himself obvious to everyone. Some choose to ignore God and believe lies. It's really as simple as that.
the ones who believe in god are the ones who believe lies...believe fantasy/dreams/myths
Get behind me, Satan.

He probably doesn't recognize him either.
you people believe in fairies of the sky
you claim there is a god..now prove it or you must say it is only your opinion--only your belief and there is no proof of god

Atheists also believe in fairies.

They believe in the fairy that waves her magic wand to bring about life, something not even we can create.

The fairy is also responsible for making us human. For you see, as we come out of the womb she waves her magic wand over us to make us human, but not until then.

no--wrong--I don't ....
the beginning of time/universe/etc is beyond our comprehension
no one knows or can even try to imagine the beginning
I never said anything about how I know for sure this or that
When I say "obvious" I mean he is in plain site every day. Is it because he wants us to live our lives without knowing for sure that he exists? It would seem so, but why?
Some do see Him.

Have you ever noticed a pattern to the Parousia? At his resurrection, Christ was not recognizable. Not even to those who knew him intimately. Mary didn't recognize him in the garden. Two disciples didn't recognize him after they spent the day with him in Emmaus. Thomas didn't recognize him even though he saw his Master's wounds. Jesus had to insist that he wasn't a ghost.

Later, he wasn't even recognizable as a man. All we really know about his encounter with Paul is that Paul was blinded by it.

Now his body is the Church, as the Scriptures say. As Elijah came in spirit and power, so did Christ.

Christ has brought together that nebulous region between living and dying, between spirit and flesh, between heaven and Earth. These have finally found union, that union being Christ.

Unless one is born again, he doesn't see this kingdom of heaven (the book, of course, doesn't say that every believer would see it).

But to a few, he is still quite obvious.
It seems that God didnt make Him obvious to anyone in the past. Do anyone know a religion whose ideas about the creation of this world are similar to what we know today from science? It is quite natural that people were interested in how and when this world came to existence, how people were created and what their role was. And no one religion (known for me at least) offers something valuable in this matter and it seems quite strange because this would be a good proof of trustworthiness of it. I dont expect formulas and scientific tractates in the scriptures but simple mention that Earth is round, that it is Earth goes around the Sun and not otherwise, and things like that would be quite enough.
The book of Isaiah in 40:22mentions the earth is round.
It doesnt explicitly do that. And in the Book of Joshua there are passages which imply that it is the Sun moves along the sky.

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