Why Don't Atheists Contribute To Society?

Unions destroy jobs and the economy and use their members' dues to support the Democrat Party agenda.

Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.

I do! Deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration and my plan will vastly improve the fortunes of working Americans. Unions can't work in a low wage economy flooded with excess labor supply.

You can deport them all you want. If the jobs are here, they'll just come back on visitor visas and not leave.

We need to go after the employers hiring them. Then the illegals will go home when the jobs disappear.

But right wingers can't get themselves to go after the source and punish the "job creators".

You do realize do you not that "Right Wingers" are not in charge of our government. The House, the only Republican majority body has passed 372 Bills, many with bipartisan support that your Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has refused to even assign to a committee. The primary reason GM and Chrysler failed was because of unfunded liabilities. They bought Democrat politicians with the union dues they were supposed to use to fund union employee retirements. Ford, Toyota and Nissan made it fine through your "poor sales" argument. It is your DaliBama who refuses to secure the borders.

Oh bullshit. As we see the devilish republicans purposely bankrupting companies to renig on the pensions. Romney's company did it and the GOP did it to the Post office. They passed a pension bill and it was so obvious what they were doing. Fattening up the pension while trying to bankrupt the PO system. That's why Romney wanted GM to go bankrupt. You guys are just too obvious.

I'm going to stop talking to righties about politics again. It is pointless. If you can't convince them the invisible man isn't real, how are you going to talk sound economic principles with them?

Don't forget Detroit went bankrupt too. I believe this was all set up before 2000 when the Bush team planned on stealing Florida with Jeb in 2000, then letting his oil buddies kid fly airplanes into our buildings, then lie us into Iraq, then pass tax breaks to cause the recession all this threw us into, then passed bills to let companies move manufacturing overseas and they turned a blind eye on illegal workers for 8 years. They practiced Disaster Capitalism. Created the mess, said their policies would fix the mess, and they only made them worse.

Great example. They changed the bankruptcy laws so it wouldn't be so bad for a company with a big fat pension to go bankrupt and then renig on the pension and just start over again under chapter whatever protection, and your new factories are overseas, and the gop even passed tax breaks to help them move overseas.

It is too obvious, but then again so is the fact that god isn't real but that doesn't seem to bother conservatives.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

I'm an Atheist and I've probably done more to benefit humanity than most on this board. It's not really Atheists that are the problem, it liberals. While people were still trapped in the Superdome, liberals sent a bus into the city to rescue trapped dogs.



Pastor Rikhurzen still spewing his stupid LIES about them "evil libruls"?

Too bad that his canard is patently false since the dog rescue happened in the WEEKS AFTER Katrina.

snopes.com Dog Rescue


BTW there are conservatives who love their dogs just as much as them "evil libruls" do.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?
Are you serious? Is this a serious question? Unbelievable.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

You might try Google before you ask stupid questions.

From the American Atheists website, here's a list of non-religious charities who are providing aid and relief to Katrina victims.

American Atheists Home /

Helping the Victims of Katrina…
“All we have is each other…”

AMERICAN ATHEISTS urges all fellow nonbelievers to contribute to the rescue and other humanitarian efforts in the devastating wake of Hurricane Katrina.

A number of secular, non-religious aid organizations are active in this relief campaign. They do not incorporate a religious message in their operations, nor do they proselytize to those in need.

AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS (Founded by Deist-Unitarian Clara Barton)
HANDS ON HUMANITY is a project of the Universist Movement. It is operated by Atheists and other secularists, and is concentrating on the Birmingham, Ala. area. It has applied for non-profit status.
The MASONIC SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA has established a Katrina Hurricane Relief fund and accepts on-line donations.
NETWORK FOR GOOD (has numerous listings for helping groups, both religious and secular)
HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES (Our winged and four-legged friends need help, too!)
If you have been displaced by the Hurricane Katrina tragedy and need employment, and are currently in the Houston, Texas area, Gary may be able to help! His is a family (all proud Atheists) business. He needs a quality bench jeweler for manufacturing and repair. Please be fluent in English and a nonsmoker. Contact Gary at [email protected] or call 713-451-1321

But did any of these actually help anyone? I was down there during Katrina with my church group and saw none of these rep[resented. Were they at a tailgate party or something? Many of the church groups were shown on the news. I saw absolutely no atheists groups shown on the news. Were they afraid of publicity?
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of Christian there is.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

I'm an Atheist and I've probably done more to benefit humanity than most on this board. It's not really Atheists that are the problem, it liberals. While people were still trapped in the Superdome, liberals sent a bus into the city to rescue trapped dogs.



Pastor Rikhurzen still spewing his stupid LIES about them "evil libruls"?

Too bad that his canard is patently false since the dog rescue happened in the WEEKS AFTER Katrina.

snopes.com Dog Rescue

View attachment 32079

BTW there are conservatives who love their dogs just as much as them "evil libruls" do.

That's true. Conservatives do love their dogs as much as we do. I have forgiven my neighbor for being a Republican, simply because she loves dogs so much! We even hang out on occasion. We just don't talk politics.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

You might try Google before you ask stupid questions.

From the American Atheists website, here's a list of non-religious charities who are providing aid and relief to Katrina victims.

American Atheists Home /

Helping the Victims of Katrina…
“All we have is each other…”

AMERICAN ATHEISTS urges all fellow nonbelievers to contribute to the rescue and other humanitarian efforts in the devastating wake of Hurricane Katrina.

A number of secular, non-religious aid organizations are active in this relief campaign. They do not incorporate a religious message in their operations, nor do they proselytize to those in need.

AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS (Founded by Deist-Unitarian Clara Barton)
HANDS ON HUMANITY is a project of the Universist Movement. It is operated by Atheists and other secularists, and is concentrating on the Birmingham, Ala. area. It has applied for non-profit status.
The MASONIC SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA has established a Katrina Hurricane Relief fund and accepts on-line donations.
NETWORK FOR GOOD (has numerous listings for helping groups, both religious and secular)
HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES (Our winged and four-legged friends need help, too!)
If you have been displaced by the Hurricane Katrina tragedy and need employment, and are currently in the Houston, Texas area, Gary may be able to help! His is a family (all proud Atheists) business. He needs a quality bench jeweler for manufacturing and repair. Please be fluent in English and a nonsmoker. Contact Gary at [email protected] or call 713-451-1321

But did any of these actually help anyone? I was down there during Katrina with my church group and saw none of these rep[resented. Were they at a tailgate party or something? Many of the church groups were shown on the news. I saw absolutely no atheists groups shown on the news. Were they afraid of publicity?
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of Christian there is.

Oh, it's the old "What you said is true and that makes you a jerk" argument. Brilliant.

Atheists have to completely discount thousands of years of positive and substantial philanthropy by Christians that has made the world a better place..in order to be able to say "atheists do just as much as Christians!" without breaking down in helpless fits of giggles.

"Christians don't give more than atheists when we don't count what Christians give". No kidding!

Beautiful. Perfect.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

You might try Google before you ask stupid questions.

From the American Atheists website, here's a list of non-religious charities who are providing aid and relief to Katrina victims.

American Atheists Home /

Helping the Victims of Katrina…
“All we have is each other…”

AMERICAN ATHEISTS urges all fellow nonbelievers to contribute to the rescue and other humanitarian efforts in the devastating wake of Hurricane Katrina.

A number of secular, non-religious aid organizations are active in this relief campaign. They do not incorporate a religious message in their operations, nor do they proselytize to those in need.

AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS (Founded by Deist-Unitarian Clara Barton)
HANDS ON HUMANITY is a project of the Universist Movement. It is operated by Atheists and other secularists, and is concentrating on the Birmingham, Ala. area. It has applied for non-profit status.
The MASONIC SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA has established a Katrina Hurricane Relief fund and accepts on-line donations.
NETWORK FOR GOOD (has numerous listings for helping groups, both religious and secular)
HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES (Our winged and four-legged friends need help, too!)
If you have been displaced by the Hurricane Katrina tragedy and need employment, and are currently in the Houston, Texas area, Gary may be able to help! His is a family (all proud Atheists) business. He needs a quality bench jeweler for manufacturing and repair. Please be fluent in English and a nonsmoker. Contact Gary at [email protected] or call 713-451-1321

But did any of these actually help anyone? I was down there during Katrina with my church group and saw none of these rep[resented. Were they at a tailgate party or something? Many of the church groups were shown on the news. I saw absolutely no atheists groups shown on the news. Were they afraid of publicity?
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of Christian there is.

Oh, it's the old "What you said is true and that makes you a jerk" argument. Brilliant.

Atheists have to completely discount thousands of years of positive and substantial philanthropy by Christians that has made the world a better place..in order to be able to say "atheists do just as much as Christians!" without breaking down in helpless fits of giggles.

"Christians don't give more than atheists when we don't count what Christians give". No kidding!

Beautiful. Perfect.
"Christians don't give more than atheists when we don't count what Christians give". No kidding!
Beautiful. Perfect.

Are you saying that everything Christians give to their Church should be considered charity?

If it's charity, yup.

My church every week has collections for various and assorted things. We set goals, and we collect in the church to meet those goals, and then the money goes to whatever need we've identified. We have collections for missionaries who live, for example, in the Ukraine, and China, and Indonesia, and India...we have collections for medical ventures. We have collections for individuals, and for organizations that help certain people (for example, we have collections regularly for the food pantry and pro-life pregnancy services, that provide everything from housing to clothing to food to furniture for pregnant women and their children). Yeah, that counts as charity.
"Christians don't give more than atheists when we don't count what Christians give". No kidding!
Beautiful. Perfect.

Are you saying that everything Christians give to their Church should be considered charity?

If it's charity, yup.

My church every week has collections for various and assorted things. We set goals, and we collect in the church to meet those goals, and then the money goes to whatever need we've identified. We have collections for missionaries who live, for example, in the Ukraine, and China, and Indonesia, and India...we have collections for medical ventures. We have collections for individuals, and for organizations that help certain people (for example, we have collections regularly for the food pantry and pro-life pregnancy services, that provide everything from housing to clothing to food to furniture for pregnant women and their children). Yeah, that counts as charity.

Of course it is. I get a statement from my Church each year detailing how much I contributed to use when I file my income tax return. That's been a charitable deduction as long as I can remember.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

You might try Google before you ask stupid questions.

From the American Atheists website, here's a list of non-religious charities who are providing aid and relief to Katrina victims.

American Atheists Home /

Helping the Victims of Katrina…
“All we have is each other…”

AMERICAN ATHEISTS urges all fellow nonbelievers to contribute to the rescue and other humanitarian efforts in the devastating wake of Hurricane Katrina.

A number of secular, non-religious aid organizations are active in this relief campaign. They do not incorporate a religious message in their operations, nor do they proselytize to those in need.

AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS (Founded by Deist-Unitarian Clara Barton)
HANDS ON HUMANITY is a project of the Universist Movement. It is operated by Atheists and other secularists, and is concentrating on the Birmingham, Ala. area. It has applied for non-profit status.
The MASONIC SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA has established a Katrina Hurricane Relief fund and accepts on-line donations.
NETWORK FOR GOOD (has numerous listings for helping groups, both religious and secular)
HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES (Our winged and four-legged friends need help, too!)
If you have been displaced by the Hurricane Katrina tragedy and need employment, and are currently in the Houston, Texas area, Gary may be able to help! His is a family (all proud Atheists) business. He needs a quality bench jeweler for manufacturing and repair. Please be fluent in English and a nonsmoker. Contact Gary at [email protected] or call 713-451-1321

But did any of these actually help anyone? I was down there during Katrina with my church group and saw none of these rep[resented. Were they at a tailgate party or something? Many of the church groups were shown on the news. I saw absolutely no atheists groups shown on the news. Were they afraid of publicity?
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of Christian there is.

Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of atheist there is.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

I'm an Atheist and I've probably done more to benefit humanity than most on this board. It's not really Atheists that are the problem, it liberals. While people were still trapped in the Superdome, liberals sent a bus into the city to rescue trapped dogs.



Pastor Rikhurzen still spewing his stupid LIES about them "evil libruls"?

Too bad that his canard is patently false since the dog rescue happened in the WEEKS AFTER Katrina.

snopes.com Dog Rescue

View attachment 32079

BTW there are conservatives who love their dogs just as much as them "evil libruls" do.

Conservatives love everyone and animals too. Conservatives are the real Americans.

That's true. Conservatives do love their dogs as much as we do. I have forgiven my neighbor for being a Republican, simply because she loves dogs so much! We even hang out on occasion. We just don't talk politics.
Unions destroy jobs and the economy and use their members' dues to support the Democrat Party agenda.

Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.

I do! Deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration and my plan will vastly improve the fortunes of working Americans. Unions can't work in a low wage economy flooded with excess labor supply.

You can deport them all you want. If the jobs are here, they'll just come back on visitor visas and not leave.

We need to go after the employers hiring them. Then the illegals will go home when the jobs disappear.

But right wingers can't get themselves to go after the source and punish the "job creators".

You do realize do you not that "Right Wingers" are not in charge of our government. The House, the only Republican majority body has passed 372 Bills, many with bipartisan support that your Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has refused to even assign to a committee. The primary reason GM and Chrysler failed was because of unfunded liabilities. They bought Democrat politicians with the union dues they were supposed to use to fund union employee retirements. Ford, Toyota and Nissan made it fine through your "poor sales" argument. It is your DaliBama who refuses to secure the borders.

Oh bullshit. As we see the devilish republicans purposely bankrupting companies to renig on the pensions. Romney's company did it and the GOP did it to the Post office. They passed a pension bill and it was so obvious what they were doing. Fattening up the pension while trying to bankrupt the PO system. That's why Romney wanted GM to go bankrupt. You guys are just too obvious.

I'm going to stop talking to righties about politics again. It is pointless. If you can't convince them the invisible man isn't real, how are you going to talk sound economic principles with them?

The invisible man? Oh. You're talking about Obama again. He's really not invisible. He's probably just off on vacation again, playing golf or basketball with Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant, or off to Hollywood for another fund raiser with George Clooney and his gay cronies.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

I'm sure many helped.

The more important question is why are you condemning atheists and why are you preaching?
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

I'm sure many helped.

The more important question is why are you condemning atheists and why are you preaching?

Low self esteem and not smart enough to know when to shut up!
Of course it's a good source, because it SOURCES its articles. The intellectually dishonest don't like the fact that their sourcing quite adamantly makes their point, and so they claim that it's not a reliable source.

Laughable. Which of the sources in the article do you contend isn't true?
Here are the sources. Which of these do you maintain isn't *reliable*..and why?:

  1. Atheists and Agnostics Take Aim at Christians The Barna Update, 2007.
  2. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  3. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  4. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  5. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  6. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  7. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  8. Brooks, Arthur C., faith and charitable giving Policy Review, Oct-Dec 2003, p.2.
  9. Stossel, John and Kendall, Kristina Who Gives and Who Doesn't? ABC News, November 28, 2006
  10. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  11. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  12. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  13. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  14. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  15. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  16. Review of Key Studies on Caring Volunteering Pursuit of Happiness Happiness is understandable obtainable and teachable
Do you distrust USA today? Pew Research forum? Arthur Brooks, ABC News?

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