Why Don't Atheists Contribute To Society?

psst...bill gates and the two other atheist philanthropists are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the centuries of giving that Christians have participated in..and still participate in.

Which is why they mention them by name, and then carefully fail to allude to all the things done in the name of Christianity through the millenia...in fact...he completely disregards religious contributions, lol. He doesnt' count them.

Well yeah, if you don't count the things Churches have done, I guess the atheists look like they give more.

Freaking morons.

"In other areas of philanthropy it can be hard to determine if the sources of funding are more secular or religious. For example, how do we tell who is making donations for medical research? I don’t consider it generosity or philanthropy when individuals donate to a church."

Lolol...Atheists are the most generous 8212 even without heavenly reward

Its a lot easier to give when everything you make is tax free. Us atheists need to start a church for the write offs. Why do you think Scientology became a church?
Proves you guys are all wrong when you all spout off that you're smarter than Christians. Follow the money.

If you look at Forbes richest, you'll see a lot less self made men on that list today then you would have a few decades ago.

Prove it.

I most certainly will not. I already know righties don't understand this and even if I proved it to you what would that do? You would still say it's their money no matter how they acquired it. But you are wrong. There is a such thing as too rich for democracy and you righties will never understand that.

Just look at how Bush and the GOP ruined the international economy and you blamed everyone but them. You're brainwashed. Not worth my time to prove anything to you. Look it up and prove me wrong.

Then wave goodbye as more and more companies move their headquarters overseas. How many has it been just this year alone? 22 or so?
psst...bill gates and the two other atheist philanthropists are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the centuries of giving that Christians have participated in..and still participate in.

Which is why they mention them by name, and then carefully fail to allude to all the things done in the name of Christianity through the millenia...in fact...he completely disregards religious contributions, lol. He doesnt' count them.

Well yeah, if you don't count the things Churches have done, I guess the atheists look like they give more.

Freaking morons.

"In other areas of philanthropy it can be hard to determine if the sources of funding are more secular or religious. For example, how do we tell who is making donations for medical research? I don’t consider it generosity or philanthropy when individuals donate to a church."

Lolol...Atheists are the most generous 8212 even without heavenly reward

Its a lot easier to give when everything you make is tax free. Us atheists need to start a church for the write offs. Why do you think Scientology became a church?
Proves you guys are all wrong when you all spout off that you're smarter than Christians. Follow the money.

If you look at Forbes richest, you'll see a lot less self made men on that list today then you would have a few decades ago.

Prove it.

I most certainly will not. I already know righties don't understand this and even if I proved it to you what would that do? You would still say it's their money no matter how they acquired it. But you are wrong. There is a such thing as too rich for democracy and you righties will never understand that.

Just look at how Bush and the GOP ruined the international economy and you blamed everyone but them. You're brainwashed. Not worth my time to prove anything to you. Look it up and prove me wrong.

Wrong. You state that you will not prove your assertion. We both know that you cannot prove your assertion. You just did what you criticize Christians for doing, you made a statement of faith. You have not seen any longitudinal data to inform your position on the rise of inherited wealth. You just made that up.


But you don’t have to inherit a fortune to become a Forbes 400 billionaire. In fact, the majority of our Forbes 400 members–273 of them–scrapped their way onto our list through their own efforts.​
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

I'm an Atheist and I've probably done more to benefit humanity than most on this board. It's not really Atheists that are the problem, it liberals. While people were still trapped in the Superdome, liberals sent a bus into the city to rescue trapped dogs.


Just compare how GW Bush responded to the Florida hurricane a year before Katrina compared with how he responded to Katrina, then talk your shit. He had bottled water and ice ready, the national guard, etc.

A year later, for the poor blacks? Hell no. They wanted to drive the poor out and it worked because Louisiana is now a red state with Bobby Jindal.

Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

Well, when Cain killed Abel and was thrown out of Eden, he ran off to Detroit and married a black woman and got a union job in an automobile factory putting tires on cars at $24.00 an hour. The auto company finally went bust because of paying the high wages and benefits to the mostly unskilled labor. Now poor Cain don't have a job and his wife is working part-time at MacDonalds. They can't pay their water bill.

GM and Chrysler didn't go bust because they paid too high of wages. Like many other companies they were victims of the Bush recession. When the economy crashed, no one bought a car for about a year.

And I think GM, Chrysler and Ford secretly loved it. They got the unions to take huge concessions.

They played the American workers like fiddles. And you defend it? Are you rich or dumb? Don't you realize unions bring everyone's wages up?

Unions destroy jobs and the economy and use their members' dues to support the Democrat Party agenda.

Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.
Its a lot easier to give when everything you make is tax free. Us atheists need to start a church for the write offs. Why do you think Scientology became a church?
Proves you guys are all wrong when you all spout off that you're smarter than Christians. Follow the money.

If you look at Forbes richest, you'll see a lot less self made men on that list today then you would have a few decades ago.

Prove it.

I most certainly will not. I already know righties don't understand this and even if I proved it to you what would that do? You would still say it's their money no matter how they acquired it. But you are wrong. There is a such thing as too rich for democracy and you righties will never understand that.

Just look at how Bush and the GOP ruined the international economy and you blamed everyone but them. You're brainwashed. Not worth my time to prove anything to you. Look it up and prove me wrong.

Then wave goodbye as more and more companies move their headquarters overseas. How many has it been just this year alone? 22 or so?

Tax the fuck out of those companies and tariff their goods if they try to ship them back. Do you not think another smaller start up competitor won't take their place?

If you go to Mexico, sell your shit to Mexico.
I'm an Atheist and I've probably done more to benefit humanity than most on this board. It's not really Atheists that are the problem, it liberals. While people were still trapped in the Superdome, liberals sent a bus into the city to rescue trapped dogs.


Just compare how GW Bush responded to the Florida hurricane a year before Katrina compared with how he responded to Katrina, then talk your shit. He had bottled water and ice ready, the national guard, etc.

A year later, for the poor blacks? Hell no. They wanted to drive the poor out and it worked because Louisiana is now a red state with Bobby Jindal.

Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

Well, when Cain killed Abel and was thrown out of Eden, he ran off to Detroit and married a black woman and got a union job in an automobile factory putting tires on cars at $24.00 an hour. The auto company finally went bust because of paying the high wages and benefits to the mostly unskilled labor. Now poor Cain don't have a job and his wife is working part-time at MacDonalds. They can't pay their water bill.

GM and Chrysler didn't go bust because they paid too high of wages. Like many other companies they were victims of the Bush recession. When the economy crashed, no one bought a car for about a year.

And I think GM, Chrysler and Ford secretly loved it. They got the unions to take huge concessions.

They played the American workers like fiddles. And you defend it? Are you rich or dumb? Don't you realize unions bring everyone's wages up?

Unions destroy jobs and the economy and use their members' dues to support the Democrat Party agenda.

Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.

I do! Deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration and my plan will vastly improve the fortunes of working Americans. Unions can't work in a low wage economy flooded with excess labor supply.
Its a lot easier to give when everything you make is tax free. Us atheists need to start a church for the write offs. Why do you think Scientology became a church?
Proves you guys are all wrong when you all spout off that you're smarter than Christians. Follow the money.

If you look at Forbes richest, you'll see a lot less self made men on that list today then you would have a few decades ago.

Prove it.

I most certainly will not. I already know righties don't understand this and even if I proved it to you what would that do? You would still say it's their money no matter how they acquired it. But you are wrong. There is a such thing as too rich for democracy and you righties will never understand that.

Just look at how Bush and the GOP ruined the international economy and you blamed everyone but them. You're brainwashed. Not worth my time to prove anything to you. Look it up and prove me wrong.

Wrong. You state that you will not prove your assertion. We both know that you cannot prove your assertion. You just did what you criticize Christians for doing, you made a statement of faith. You have not seen any longitudinal data to inform your position on the rise of inherited wealth. You just made that up.


But you don’t have to inherit a fortune to become a Forbes 400 billionaire. In fact, the majority of our Forbes 400 members–273 of them–scrapped their way onto our list through their own efforts.​

Did they start with millions? Romney says he is a self made man too. Is he in your opinion self made or did he come from money?

I saw a report a long time ago showing how

A. A lot of the billionaires came from money.
B. Too many of them are making their money on investments not manufacturing anything, and that's a problem. Bankers and Wallstreet doesn't make anything. Mainstreet does.

Anyways, I could have been wrong if I said more of the Forbes 400 come from old money than are self made. I see a lot of Tech Boom guys on there. But there are too many that are not self made and in the future their kids who did not make it themselves will have even more power and more influence. That's the way things are headed, and that's a problem.
Just compare how GW Bush responded to the Florida hurricane a year before Katrina compared with how he responded to Katrina, then talk your shit. He had bottled water and ice ready, the national guard, etc.

A year later, for the poor blacks? Hell no. They wanted to drive the poor out and it worked because Louisiana is now a red state with Bobby Jindal.

Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

Well, when Cain killed Abel and was thrown out of Eden, he ran off to Detroit and married a black woman and got a union job in an automobile factory putting tires on cars at $24.00 an hour. The auto company finally went bust because of paying the high wages and benefits to the mostly unskilled labor. Now poor Cain don't have a job and his wife is working part-time at MacDonalds. They can't pay their water bill.

GM and Chrysler didn't go bust because they paid too high of wages. Like many other companies they were victims of the Bush recession. When the economy crashed, no one bought a car for about a year.

And I think GM, Chrysler and Ford secretly loved it. They got the unions to take huge concessions.

They played the American workers like fiddles. And you defend it? Are you rich or dumb? Don't you realize unions bring everyone's wages up?

Unions destroy jobs and the economy and use their members' dues to support the Democrat Party agenda.

Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.

I do! Deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration and my plan will vastly improve the fortunes of working Americans. Unions can't work in a low wage economy flooded with excess labor supply.

You can deport them all you want. If the jobs are here, they'll just come back on visitor visas and not leave.

We need to go after the employers hiring them. Then the illegals will go home when the jobs disappear.

But right wingers can't get themselves to go after the source and punish the "job creators".
Well, when Cain killed Abel and was thrown out of Eden, he ran off to Detroit and married a black woman and got a union job in an automobile factory putting tires on cars at $24.00 an hour. The auto company finally went bust because of paying the high wages and benefits to the mostly unskilled labor. Now poor Cain don't have a job and his wife is working part-time at MacDonalds. They can't pay their water bill.

GM and Chrysler didn't go bust because they paid too high of wages. Like many other companies they were victims of the Bush recession. When the economy crashed, no one bought a car for about a year.

And I think GM, Chrysler and Ford secretly loved it. They got the unions to take huge concessions.

They played the American workers like fiddles. And you defend it? Are you rich or dumb? Don't you realize unions bring everyone's wages up?

Unions destroy jobs and the economy and use their members' dues to support the Democrat Party agenda.

Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.

I do! Deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration and my plan will vastly improve the fortunes of working Americans. Unions can't work in a low wage economy flooded with excess labor supply.

You can deport them all you want. If the jobs are here, they'll just come back on visitor visas and not leave.

We need to go after the employers hiring them. Then the illegals will go home when the jobs disappear.

But right wingers can't get themselves to go after the source and punish the "job creators".

1.) I have no problem with punished employers. So you and I have a meeting of the mind on this issue.
2.) The jobs won't be there, they'll have been filled already.
Proves you guys are all wrong when you all spout off that you're smarter than Christians. Follow the money.

If you look at Forbes richest, you'll see a lot less self made men on that list today then you would have a few decades ago.

Prove it.

I most certainly will not. I already know righties don't understand this and even if I proved it to you what would that do? You would still say it's their money no matter how they acquired it. But you are wrong. There is a such thing as too rich for democracy and you righties will never understand that.

Just look at how Bush and the GOP ruined the international economy and you blamed everyone but them. You're brainwashed. Not worth my time to prove anything to you. Look it up and prove me wrong.

Wrong. You state that you will not prove your assertion. We both know that you cannot prove your assertion. You just did what you criticize Christians for doing, you made a statement of faith. You have not seen any longitudinal data to inform your position on the rise of inherited wealth. You just made that up.


But you don’t have to inherit a fortune to become a Forbes 400 billionaire. In fact, the majority of our Forbes 400 members–273 of them–scrapped their way onto our list through their own efforts.​

Did they start with millions? Romney says he is a self made man too. Is he in your opinion self made or did he come from money?

I saw a report a long time ago showing how

A. A lot of the billionaires came from money.
B. Too many of them are making their money on investments not manufacturing anything, and that's a problem. Bankers and Wallstreet doesn't make anything. Mainstreet does.

Anyways, I could have been wrong if I said more of the Forbes 400 come from old money than are self made. I see a lot of Tech Boom guys on there. But there are too many that are not self made and in the future their kids who did not make it themselves will have even more power and more influence. That's the way things are headed, and that's a problem.

Point B: If you're working on the engine of your car and you're stumped by some technical problem and I, a mechanic, happen to be walking by and I start chatting with you and during our chat you mention your problem and I explain to you the solution to your problem, have I enriched you, made you better off,m created some value with my explanation?

Another question. Do you own any mutual funds? If you do, do you purposely seek out the funds with the lowest rate of return? If not, why not?
Again. It has never been demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists.
I agree. But I'd also say that it has never been demonstrated that theists do just as much as atheists. Can you show me any numbers to back up your assertion or are you speaking from faith and not from fact?

Why would you doubt that? It's pretty well established that Christians are big givers. This is, in part, due to their teachings and in some cases to tithing. Atheist and liberals don't match that level of giving.

I did some Googling and it is not an easy question to answer accurately. Christians give plenty to their church but is all of that "charity" or is some of it more akin to membership dues to maintain the clergy and the infrastructure. I pay dues to a local gym but would not consider it charity. Another issue is that I think atheists usually give to charities without identifying themselves as atheists. That is certainly true in my case, none of the charities I give to know if I'm an atheist or not.
Well, when Cain killed Abel and was thrown out of Eden, he ran off to Detroit and married a black woman and got a union job in an automobile factory putting tires on cars at $24.00 an hour. The auto company finally went bust because of paying the high wages and benefits to the mostly unskilled labor. Now poor Cain don't have a job and his wife is working part-time at MacDonalds. They can't pay their water bill.

GM and Chrysler didn't go bust because they paid too high of wages. Like many other companies they were victims of the Bush recession. When the economy crashed, no one bought a car for about a year.

And I think GM, Chrysler and Ford secretly loved it. They got the unions to take huge concessions.

They played the American workers like fiddles. And you defend it? Are you rich or dumb? Don't you realize unions bring everyone's wages up?

Unions destroy jobs and the economy and use their members' dues to support the Democrat Party agenda.

Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.

I do! Deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration and my plan will vastly improve the fortunes of working Americans. Unions can't work in a low wage economy flooded with excess labor supply.

You can deport them all you want. If the jobs are here, they'll just come back on visitor visas and not leave.

We need to go after the employers hiring them. Then the illegals will go home when the jobs disappear.

But right wingers can't get themselves to go after the source and punish the "job creators".

You do realize do you not that "Right Wingers" are not in charge of our government. The House, the only Republican majority body has passed 372 Bills, many with bipartisan support that your Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has refused to even assign to a committee. The primary reason GM and Chrysler failed was because of unfunded liabilities. They bought Democrat politicians with the union dues they were supposed to use to fund union employee retirements. Ford, Toyota and Nissan made it fine through your "poor sales" argument. It is your DaliBama who refuses to secure the borders.
Proves you guys are all wrong when you all spout off that you're smarter than Christians. Follow the money.

If you look at Forbes richest, you'll see a lot less self made men on that list today then you would have a few decades ago.

Prove it.

I most certainly will not. I already know righties don't understand this and even if I proved it to you what would that do? You would still say it's their money no matter how they acquired it. But you are wrong. There is a such thing as too rich for democracy and you righties will never understand that.

Just look at how Bush and the GOP ruined the international economy and you blamed everyone but them. You're brainwashed. Not worth my time to prove anything to you. Look it up and prove me wrong.

Wrong. You state that you will not prove your assertion. We both know that you cannot prove your assertion. You just did what you criticize Christians for doing, you made a statement of faith. You have not seen any longitudinal data to inform your position on the rise of inherited wealth. You just made that up.


But you don’t have to inherit a fortune to become a Forbes 400 billionaire. In fact, the majority of our Forbes 400 members–273 of them–scrapped their way onto our list through their own efforts.​

Did they start with millions? Romney says he is a self made man too. Is he in your opinion self made or did he come from money?

So what? It's not your money nor my money. It's their money.

I saw a report a long time ago showing how

A. A lot of the billionaires came from money.
B. Too many of them are making their money on investments not manufacturing anything, and that's a problem. Bankers and Wallstreet doesn't make anything. Mainstreet does.

Anyways, I could have been wrong if I said more of the Forbes 400 come from old money than are self made. I see a lot of Tech Boom guys on there. But there are too many that are not self made and in the future their kids who did not make it themselves will have even more power and more influence. That's the way things are headed, and that's a problem.
Just compare how GW Bush responded to the Florida hurricane a year before Katrina compared with how he responded to Katrina, then talk your shit. He had bottled water and ice ready, the national guard, etc.

A year later, for the poor blacks? Hell no. They wanted to drive the poor out and it worked because Louisiana is now a red state with Bobby Jindal.

Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

Well, when Cain killed Abel and was thrown out of Eden, he ran off to Detroit and married a black woman and got a union job in an automobile factory putting tires on cars at $24.00 an hour. The auto company finally went bust because of paying the high wages and benefits to the mostly unskilled labor. Now poor Cain don't have a job and his wife is working part-time at MacDonalds. They can't pay their water bill.

GM and Chrysler didn't go bust because they paid too high of wages. Like many other companies they were victims of the Bush recession. When the economy crashed, no one bought a car for about a year.

And I think GM, Chrysler and Ford secretly loved it. They got the unions to take huge concessions.

They played the American workers like fiddles. And you defend it? Are you rich or dumb? Don't you realize unions bring everyone's wages up?

Unions destroy jobs and the economy and use their members' dues to support the Democrat Party agenda.

Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.

I do! Deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration and my plan will vastly improve the fortunes of working Americans. Unions can't work in a low wage economy flooded with excess labor supply.

Tell it to Obama.
Proves you guys are all wrong when you all spout off that you're smarter than Christians. Follow the money.

If you look at Forbes richest, you'll see a lot less self made men on that list today then you would have a few decades ago.

Prove it.

I most certainly will not. I already know righties don't understand this and even if I proved it to you what would that do? You would still say it's their money no matter how they acquired it. But you are wrong. There is a such thing as too rich for democracy and you righties will never understand that.

Just look at how Bush and the GOP ruined the international economy and you blamed everyone but them. You're brainwashed. Not worth my time to prove anything to you. Look it up and prove me wrong.

Then wave goodbye as more and more companies move their headquarters overseas. How many has it been just this year alone? 22 or so?

Tax the fuck out of those companies and tariff their goods if they try to ship them back. Do you not think another smaller start up competitor won't take their place?

If you go to Mexico, sell your shit to Mexico.

Why? Sell them here. You know you love your tennis shoes. You already get your shirts from Thailand.
I'm an Atheist and I've probably done more to benefit humanity than most on this board. It's not really Atheists that are the problem, it liberals. While people were still trapped in the Superdome, liberals sent a bus into the city to rescue trapped dogs.


Just compare how GW Bush responded to the Florida hurricane a year before Katrina compared with how he responded to Katrina, then talk your shit. He had bottled water and ice ready, the national guard, etc.

A year later, for the poor blacks? Hell no. They wanted to drive the poor out and it worked because Louisiana is now a red state with Bobby Jindal.

Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

Well, when Cain killed Abel and was thrown out of Eden, he ran off to Detroit and married a black woman and got a union job in an automobile factory putting tires on cars at $24.00 an hour. The auto company finally went bust because of paying the high wages and benefits to the mostly unskilled labor. Now poor Cain don't have a job and his wife is working part-time at MacDonalds. They can't pay their water bill.

GM and Chrysler didn't go bust because they paid too high of wages. Like many other companies they were victims of the Bush recession. When the economy crashed, no one bought a car for about a year.

And I think GM, Chrysler and Ford secretly loved it. They got the unions to take huge concessions.

They played the American workers like fiddles. And you defend it? Are you rich or dumb? Don't you realize unions bring everyone's wages up?

Unions destroy jobs and the economy and use their members' dues to support the Democrat Party agenda.

Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.

I don't know what American workers do. Most everything I see is already made overseas or the company itself is a foreign manufacturer or in the case of GM many of the parts are made overseas or installed in Mexico.
GM and Chrysler didn't go bust because they paid too high of wages. Like many other companies they were victims of the Bush recession. When the economy crashed, no one bought a car for about a year.

And I think GM, Chrysler and Ford secretly loved it. They got the unions to take huge concessions.

They played the American workers like fiddles. And you defend it? Are you rich or dumb? Don't you realize unions bring everyone's wages up?

Unions destroy jobs and the economy and use their members' dues to support the Democrat Party agenda.

Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.

I do! Deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and stop all legal immigration and my plan will vastly improve the fortunes of working Americans. Unions can't work in a low wage economy flooded with excess labor supply.

You can deport them all you want. If the jobs are here, they'll just come back on visitor visas and not leave.

We need to go after the employers hiring them. Then the illegals will go home when the jobs disappear.

But right wingers can't get themselves to go after the source and punish the "job creators".

You do realize do you not that "Right Wingers" are not in charge of our government. The House, the only Republican majority body has passed 372 Bills, many with bipartisan support that your Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has refused to even assign to a committee. The primary reason GM and Chrysler failed was because of unfunded liabilities. They bought Democrat politicians with the union dues they were supposed to use to fund union employee retirements. Ford, Toyota and Nissan made it fine through your "poor sales" argument. It is your DaliBama who refuses to secure the borders.

Oh bullshit. As we see the devilish republicans purposely bankrupting companies to renig on the pensions. Romney's company did it and the GOP did it to the Post office. They passed a pension bill and it was so obvious what they were doing. Fattening up the pension while trying to bankrupt the PO system. That's why Romney wanted GM to go bankrupt. You guys are just too obvious.

I'm going to stop talking to righties about politics again. It is pointless. If you can't convince them the invisible man isn't real, how are you going to talk sound economic principles with them?

This whole issue and other issues boil down to why are religious conservatives (republicans) so selfish when it comes to funding social programs. They have been taught to hate government. Their hero Reagan said government was bad. And like all other republicans, they don't just say government is bad, they prove it. It isn't like they win elections and then start proving they care about workers. If a Republican was in the white house they'd be saying the economy is fine. In fact Snyder in Michigan is saying that and it's his doing he says.

Anyways, back to the point. Conservatives hate government and are told it should never be the solution to any problem. But charity doesn't seem to be solving the homeless problem so shouldn't we as a society want a government that solve a problem only they can solve? Shouldn't I want to pay a few more bucks in taxes so our society has safety nets? The GOP would say no. A libertarian would say dog eat dog, survival of the fittest let that man starve or die if he doesn't have insurance. Romney even said it on camera!

Same with Global Warming. The solution is going to have to be government intervention and regulations and that means taxes. Sorry GOP and corporate America and billionaires. Time to spread some of that dough around. I bet it'll suck going from 1.6 billion to 1.5 billion. We will cry for you poor babies.

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