Why Don't Atheists Contribute To Society?

Most of the food banks in this country are run by churches, btw.

Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.
Not to mention the rich get tax write offs you and I don't get. So when they give $1 million, they get some back. If you give $300 you get nothing back. You wouldn't know this because you aren't rich enough to know. I only know because I use to sell a product called "tax economics of charitable giving". None of the information in this book helped me at all. You had to be rich to benefit from the loopholes.

Also keep in mind that only $40K of that $1 mill goes to the people who need it.

I shouldn't have to give $ to starving Americans. We should have a better government so that no one in America is starving. That means paying taxes. Greedy fucks.

But I protest. YOU voted for Obama and the Democrats who set the policies of the government.

I sold that product before 2008. This has been going on for a lot longer than that.

Impossible to fix these problems when the GOP refuse to raise taxes one cent.

The GOP can't raise or cut taxes. The GOP is not in charge.

I thought the House was in charge of the purse strings?

I already tried to tell you that the House has passed 372 Bills, many bipartisan, that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid won't even assign to a committee. Yes, the House does control the purse strings but they cannot spend money that Congress has not fully authorized. You know that.
Guys, throw in the towel. Koshergrl has totally kicked your butts here. She has totally destroyed any and all defenses you thought you had. You have lost the argument and lost BIG.

CNN identified 50 charities across the U.S. that raised more than $1.4 billion in the past 10 years but spent less than 4 percent of that money directly on the people they raised the money for.

I bet your churches are no better. 4% goes to charity. The rest goes to your cathedrals and parties where you get together and pat each other on the backs for giving $ but you don't realize that if you gave $1 you actually only gave the needy 4%.

Religious people are dumb. Just another example.

That post is completely worthless, in terms of debate. In fact, it's laughable and does more to undermine your credibility and support mine, than anything else.

Charity is a scam just like religion only designed to make people feel better about themselves.

Don't worry about solving the problem koshergirl. So while your charity give 4 cents for every $1 you donate, I'd rather just have our government/society as a whole tackle and solve the problems.

You guys hate government solutions to our problems but unfortunately if your charities and churches can't do it, our government can.

Charity the way atheists do it is a scam. Yes, we all know that. And thank you for admitting that you aren't a *giver*.

You spouting scripture when you swear you don't believe in it?

I don't really know what my right hand gave to charity last year.

Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. "So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,…
Not to mention the rich get tax write offs you and I don't get. So when they give $1 million, they get some back. If you give $300 you get nothing back. You wouldn't know this because you aren't rich enough to know. I only know because I use to sell a product called "tax economics of charitable giving". None of the information in this book helped me at all. You had to be rich to benefit from the loopholes.

Also keep in mind that only $40K of that $1 mill goes to the people who need it.

I shouldn't have to give $ to starving Americans. We should have a better government so that no one in America is starving. That means paying taxes. Greedy fucks.

But I protest. YOU voted for Obama and the Democrats who set the policies of the government.

I sold that product before 2008. This has been going on for a lot longer than that.

Impossible to fix these problems when the GOP refuse to raise taxes one cent.

The GOP can't raise or cut taxes. The GOP is not in charge.

I thought the House was in charge of the purse strings?

I already tried to tell you that the House has passed 372 Bills, many bipartisan, that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid won't even assign to a committee. Yes, the House does control the purse strings but they cannot spend money that Congress has not fully authorized. You know that.

You are half right.

In some cases, committee chairs -- not Reid -- may be blocking or moving slowly on these bills. In other cases, senators are working on their own alternative bills on the same topic. Meanwhile, the claim oversells the degree of bipartisanship in the House; a majority of the Democratic-sponsored bills she cites are relatively minor pieces of legislation.

Ultimately, Republicans placing all the blame on the Democrats and the Senate, but experts agree that it takes two to tango. Both parties and chambers have played a role in creating the current legislative dysfunction. On balance, we rate the claim Half True.

Politifact check dot com babe.
Here are the sources. Which of these do you maintain isn't *reliable*..and why?:

  1. Atheists and Agnostics Take Aim at Christians The Barna Update, 2007.
  2. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  3. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  4. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  5. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  6. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  7. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  8. Brooks, Arthur C., faith and charitable giving Policy Review, Oct-Dec 2003, p.2.
  9. Stossel, John and Kendall, Kristina Who Gives and Who Doesn't? ABC News, November 28, 2006
  10. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  11. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  12. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  13. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  14. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  15. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  16. Review of Key Studies on Caring Volunteering Pursuit of Happiness Happiness is understandable obtainable and teachable
Do you distrust USA today? Pew Research forum? Arthur Brooks, ABC News?

Atheism and charity - Conservapedia

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief. This corresponds with evidence which shows social and community bonding, rather than spiritual engagement, explains why religious people report greater satisfaction with life. Atheists, by comparison, may also simply be unhappy with the level of distrust and persecution they receive from their compatriots.

Christians may be good to their neighbors. At least the ones that look like them, talk like them and go to the same church as them. Just don't be a stranger because you may get met with a shotgun to the face.

Who cares? Maybe you should start a thread about that.

In THIS thread, we're talking about the fact that atheists are LYING when they claim that atheists have contributed just as much, and contribute just as much ongoing, in terms of philanthropic giving of money, time, materials, assistance, education, etc.

So what? First of all, you are counting those greedy fucking billionaires who give millions to charity to make themselves feel better about themsevles and meanwhile they are robbing the US taxpayers and fucking the middle class out of trillions of dollars.

And there are more of you than us, so of course you give more.

But anyways, I don't want to argue this. I'll give you that religious people give more to charity. So what? Charity doesn't work. You saw 4% goes to the needy, the charities keep the rest.

So atheists and liberals think we should, as a whole, as a society, solve the problem. That means I pay taxes so my government will solve these problems. You guys have this issue with you having the choice what you donate to. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Sometimes as a society our government decides some things we as a whole need to solve, whether or not you like it or not.

If right wingers weren't greedy no one would ever go hungry. But they are so they choose to have a society where there are no safety nets for the less fortunate and in their fantasy world the government would never solve any problems. We would just let people suffer and eventually "the markets will decide".

CNN identified 50 charities across the U.S. that raised more than $1.4 billion in the past 10 years but spent less than 4 percent of that money directly on terminally ill children, burn victims, cancer patients, diabetes research, crime victims, veterans and police and firefighters.

you seriously found a bad batch of kool aid
Most of the food banks in this country are run by churches, btw.

Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.

Oh I know....
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?
I am not an atheist. You think everyone who isn't a Christian or isn't religious is an atheist? What a stupid jerk.

You might try Google before you ask stupid questions.

From the American Atheists website, here's a list of non-religious charities who are providing aid and relief to Katrina victims.

American Atheists Home /

Helping the Victims of Katrina…
“All we have is each other…”

AMERICAN ATHEISTS urges all fellow nonbelievers to contribute to the rescue and other humanitarian efforts in the devastating wake of Hurricane Katrina.

A number of secular, non-religious aid organizations are active in this relief campaign. They do not incorporate a religious message in their operations, nor do they proselytize to those in need.

AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS (Founded by Deist-Unitarian Clara Barton)
HANDS ON HUMANITY is a project of the Universist Movement. It is operated by Atheists and other secularists, and is concentrating on the Birmingham, Ala. area. It has applied for non-profit status.
The MASONIC SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA has established a Katrina Hurricane Relief fund and accepts on-line donations.
NETWORK FOR GOOD (has numerous listings for helping groups, both religious and secular)
HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES (Our winged and four-legged friends need help, too!)
If you have been displaced by the Hurricane Katrina tragedy and need employment, and are currently in the Houston, Texas area, Gary may be able to help! His is a family (all proud Atheists) business. He needs a quality bench jeweler for manufacturing and repair. Please be fluent in English and a nonsmoker. Contact Gary at [email protected] or call 713-451-1321

But did any of these actually help anyone? I was down there during Katrina with my church group and saw none of these rep[resented. Were they at a tailgate party or something? Many of the church groups were shown on the news. I saw absolutely no atheists groups shown on the news. Were they afraid of publicity?
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of Christian there is.

Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of atheist there is.
I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.
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Most of the food banks in this country are run by churches, btw.

Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.
Oh please! You people are so full of BS. Any hospital or nursing home that is run by a church, and they are few, not most, are run for profit. You people are so full of self righteous, sanctimonious shit--Christ would not even recognize most people who call themselves Christian as followers of his teachings. Pathetic. You are all destined to eternally burn in hell.
Guys, throw in the towel. Koshergrl has totally kicked your butts here. She has totally destroyed any and all defenses you thought you had. You have lost the argument and lost BIG.

CNN identified 50 charities across the U.S. that raised more than $1.4 billion in the past 10 years but spent less than 4 percent of that money directly on the people they raised the money for.

I bet your churches are no better. 4% goes to charity. The rest goes to your cathedrals and parties where you get together and pat each other on the backs for giving $ but you don't realize that if you gave $1 you actually only gave the needy 4%.

Religious people are dumb. Just another example.

That post is completely worthless, in terms of debate. In fact, it's laughable and does more to undermine your credibility and support mine, than anything else.

Charity is a scam just like religion only designed to make people feel better about themselves.

Don't worry about solving the problem koshergirl. So while your charity give 4 cents for every $1 you donate, I'd rather just have our government/society as a whole tackle and solve the problems.

You guys hate government solutions to our problems but unfortunately if your charities and churches can't do it, our government can.

Charity the way atheists do it is a scam. Yes, we all know that. And thank you for admitting that you aren't a *giver*.

I don't really know what my right hand gave to charity last year.

Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. "So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,…
"So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full."

You're making it sound as if all atheists don't contribute to society, which is a ridiculous insinuation. You say you never condemned any atheist for not giving... but you go ahead and say none of them contribute to society. That is crazy. Insane.

I was proven wrong. I admit it. I believe we had a total of three who claimed they did.

You are lying by insinuating that millions of atheists worldwide haven't contributed to society.

Never said that but Koshergrl has whipped you guys with a stick bigger than Adrain Peterson used on his kids and hit you harder than when Ray Rice punched out his wife and you still keep coming back asking for more. I thought atheists bragged about their intelligence?

Congratulations, you just won a ticket to Cyberia for being a flaming troll who adds nothing of any value to this forum.

Sorry, these are one way tickets only and I won't be seeing any of your further sniveling responses thanks to the new message board format that @cereal_killer chose to implement. :thup:

[People you Ignore] *click* [Member to ignore] "the_human_being" [Save Changes] *click*

View attachment 32087

This atheist can neither read noir spell. Sad.
Deri and atheist? LMAO

You folks are so ignorant. Just because someone disagrees with you, they are atheists. Too, too funny.
Most of the food banks in this country are run by churches, btw.

Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.
Oh please! You people are so full of BS. Any hospital or nursing home that is run by a church, and they are few, not most, are run for profit. You people are so full of self righteous, sanctimonious shit--Christ would not even recognize most people who call themselves Christian as followers of his teachings. Pathetic. You are all destined to eternally burn in hell.

Do you liberals even try to fact-check your faith-based propositions?

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest non-government provider of health care services in the world.[1] In ancient times, the early Christians were noted for tending the sick and infirm, and priests were often also physicians. Christian emphasis on practical charity gave rise to the development of systematic nursing and hospitals. As Catholicism became a global religion, the Catholic religious orders, religious and lay people established health care centres around the world. In 2010, the Church's Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers said that the Church manages 26% of the world's health care facilities.[2] It has around 18,000 clinics, 16,000 homes for the elderly and those with special needs, and 5,500 hospitals, with 65 per cent of them located in developing countries.[3]
Non-profit status:

The Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) was founded in 1915 as the Catholic Hospital Association of the United States and Canada. The association has offices in Washington, D.C. and St. Louis, Missouri. The association is a ministry of the Roman Catholic Church. Comprising more than 600 hospitals and 1,400 long-term care and other health facilities in all 50 states, the association is the largest group of non-profit health care providers in the nation.
If those Christians could have helped only other Christians, they would have.

not true. We would even help you

I'm going to agree with you there. In 2013 I lost the roof of my home in a tornado. A group from your LDS Church came out and helped with putting tarps over my roof as a temporary fix until I could get someone out. They were extremely nice, and one of the little girls that came with the group wanted to take my pug puppy home with her. I even offered to donate money, to go towards their relief efforts, and they refused to take it.

I have no doubt that there are some very decent people who belong to your Church. I just don't agree with your religion, just as you don't agree with my lack of.
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I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.

Amen to that!!! :biggrin:
"Why Don't Atheists Contribute To Society?"

The best way the Atheists can contribute to society is to stay out of the way when the religists murder each other. They could help speed up the proccess by making sure that the religists are well armed and have plenty of ammunition.
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No, but as you should be able to determine on your own, the subject of the thread has dramatically changed.

You are the OP and you began by ignorantly bashing atheists and when it was demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists you tried to change the topic.

So we will take that as your tacit admission that you were proven wrong and lack the basic honesty and integrity necessary to admit as much.

Have a nice day.

It has NEVER been demonstrated that atheists do just as much as theists.

Ever. Inf act, just the opposite. Talk about lacking basic honesty.

As ever, your ignorance is always on display!

Atheists are the most generous 8212 even without heavenly reward

Atheists, non-believers, secular humanists, skeptics—the whole gamut of the godless have emerged in recent years as inarguably the most generous benefactors on the globe. That’s right. Hordes of heretics are the world’s biggest damned philanthropists. Both individually and in groups, heathen infidels are topping the fundraising charts.

First, the facts.

The current most charitable individuals in the United States, based on “Estimated Lifetime Giving,” are:

1) Warren Buffett (atheist, donated $40.785 billion to “health, education, humanitarian causes”)

2) Bill & Melinda Gates (atheists, donated $27.602 billion to “global health and development, education”)

3) George Soros (atheist, donated $6.936 billion to “open and democratic societies”)

A century ago, one of the USA’s leading philanthropists was Andrew Carnegie, atheist.

Regarding “group efforts”—Kiva.org, the micro-financing organization that has distributed $261 million to people in 61 nations, has “lending teams” that post their generous efforts online. The leading team on November 22, 2011, is “Atheists, Agnostics, Skeptics, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists, and the Non-Religious.” These 18,127 benevolent blasphemers have lent $5,623,750 in 187,920 loans. Their simple motto is: “We loan because we care about the suffering of human beings.”
????....so because three people gave a lot of money you think atheists paid more.......sorry, the RCC spent a hundred times that amount and you think they're thieves......
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Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

????.....so you figure he drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit BEFORE he got elected so he could GET elected?......gotta love liberal logic.....

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